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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • We accept the submission of previously deposited manuscripts on a preprint server. The author must inform the condition of the manuscript and purchase the deposit on the preprint server.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word file format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The formatting style of citations and references follows Vancouver with the addition of the DOI (when applicable) in each.
  • The use of Artificial Intelligence tools in the text (when applicable) follows COPE recommendations.

Author Guidelines

Headache Medicine is the official journal of the Brazilian Headache Society (SBCe). It is published quarterly with the purpose of recording and disseminating the scientific production and contributions of the scientific community in the area of ​​headache and orofacial pain. Submitted articles considered by the appropriate editors for publication in the journal will be evaluated by at least two reviewers (single-blind) and then accepted or rejected according to the peer review system and editor's opinion.

General observations
- Manuscripts written in English are preferred, but those written in Portuguese and Spanish are also accepted.
- The full title and abstract must be written in English and Portuguese, and the title is limited to a maximum of 50 characters.
- It is mandatory to list the institution in which the work was performed, as well as the full name of the authors, without abbreviations. In addition, declare about any potential conflict of interest and funding should be disclosed.
- The author's contributions should be declared following concerning the 4 points of authorship attribution contained in topic 2 of the Credit (
- The e-mail of the corresponding author must included.
- The manuscript must be submitted in a Word file (double-spaced, Arial or Times New Roman, font 12) and should include abstracts in English and Portuguese, up to 250 words, and three to five descriptors (keywords or descriptors).

Headache Medicine respects the Ethical Conduct and Good Publication Practices (Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing) published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association ( OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), the Singapore and Hong Kong Declaration on Research Integrity.

The use of Artificial Intelligence tools in the text must be declared in the cover letter and submission process (when applicable) following COPE recommendations.

Bibliographic references
References should be Vancouver style with adding DOI number at the end. The citations should be numbered as they appear in the text (download of style available). We encourage the author to utilize a references manager (Mendeley or Endnote).

Illustrations and images
The CMYK standard should be used for illustrations and images and the minimum resolution is 300 dpi. Only TIFF, JPG or CDR formats will be accepted. Figures should not be included in the text but sent as individual files.

Tables: Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and cited in the text in numerical order. Tables should be as DOC files instead of image files.

Original article
4000 words maximum, including references. Title in English and Portuguese and title up to 50 characters. Summary in English and Portuguese or English and Spanish (up to 250 words each). Tables, illustrations and photographs: up to 7. References: up to 30. The text should be divided into sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.

Views and Reviews
Maximum of 5,000 words, including references. Summary in English and Portuguese (up to 250 words each). Tables, illustrations and photographs: up to 7. References: up to 100. Title in English and Portuguese and title up to 50 characters. A Review Article should include a synthesis and critical analysis of a relevant area, not just a chronological description of the publications. It should be written by a researcher who has significant contributions in the specific area of ​​headache or related areas.

Case Report
1800 words maximum (including references). Number of authors: up to five. Summary in English and Portuguese or English and Spanish: maximum 250 words each. Tables, illustrations and photographs: up to 2. References: up to 20. Title in English and Portuguese. In addition to the general observations, it must have at least one of the following characteristics: (a) be of particular interest to the scientific community; (b) be a rare case, particularly useful for demonstrating disease mechanisms or diagnostic problems; (c) presents a new diagnostic method or treatment modality. The text should be divided into Introduction, Case Report and Discussion and should describe only well-defined, unambiguous and relevant conclusions.

Letter to the Editor
1000 words maximum (including references). Number of authors: up to four. References: up to seven. Title in English and Portuguese and title up to 50 characters. The format is free and, in addition to the general remarks, may include a maximum of two illustrations (photographs, tables, figures). 

Image Section
300 words maximum (no summary). Title in English and Portuguese. One or two images and up to three authors. Maximum of 3 references.

Letter to the Editor

Maximum 1000 words (including references). Number of authors: up to four. References: up to seven. Title in English and Portuguese and title with up to 50 characters. The format is free and, in addition to general observations, it can include a maximum of two illustrations (photographs, tables, figures).

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.