About the Journal

Headache Medicine is the official scientific publication of the Brazilian Headache Society (SBCe), p-ISSN 2178-7468 and e-ISSN 2763-6178. The periodicity is quarterly; we accept original articles written in the English language, being published after the approval of the editors, peer review (single-blind), and final proofreading by authors. The papers authorized for publication are first published online, receiving the DOI number registration in the current edition (continuous flow). 

The responsibility for the concepts emitted in the articles is exclusive to the authors. All articles are peer-reviewed (single-blind) and evaluated by the editor. Therefore, the Brazilian Headache Society isn't responsible for or certifies the data and opinions published in Headache Medicine. The journal adopts a system for identifying plagiarism. The journal follows the criteria and recommendations of the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE).

Headache Medicine is an Open Access journal and does not charge any fee for submission, review, and publication. All processes are electronic. Headache Medicine content is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY) Attribution 4.0 International.


Headache Medicine e-ISSN 2763-6178 and p-ISSN 2178-7468 is an official publication of scientific dissemination by the Brazilian Headache Society (SBCe). The objective of Headache Medicine is to publish articles on headaches and orofacial pain. Our scope includes clinical and experimental, qualitative, and quantitative research.

Editorial Policy

The journal Headache Medicine is clearly positioned regarding its editorial policy, describing below the responsibilities owed to editors, reviewers and authors. We also gather here information about the manuscript review process; about ethics, plagiarism and misconduct; in addition to guidelines and recommendations to ensure the quality of publications.

The editors' responsibilities are: to provide all the conditions and guarantee the transparency of the magazine's entire editorial process; adopt clear processes and procedures regarding ethical aspects, conflicts of interest and be in accordance with the compliance policies of the institution to which the journal is affiliated; Investigate all complaints and/or claims arising from submissions, whether approved or not, and offer authors the opportunity to respond whenever questioned; take an impartial stance, without discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, ethnic or geographic origin of the authors; be impartial and clear when publishing sponsored supplements and/or any other sponsorship, so that articles are considered for evaluation and accepted solely on their academic and scientific merit and without any commercial influence; ensure open access and inform all articles of the Creative Commons license adopted by the magazine; maintain all documentation related to submissions to the journal.

The reviewer's responsibilities are: Helping in the decision-making process and supporting the improvement of the quality of the article, reviewing, criticizing and making new suggestions to the manuscript objectively and in a timely manner; maintaining the confidentiality of any information provided by the publisher; vigilance regarding similarity and alerting the editor whenever it detects any similarity to published content or ongoing studies, which may constitute plagiarism; ensure that any potential conflicts of interest (financial, institutional, collaborative or other relationships between the reviewer and the author) are declared.

The authors' responsibilities are: to guarantee and declare that the manuscript sent is original and that it has not been submitted and/or accepted for publication in another journal; ensure compliance of studies involving humans or animals, in accordance with national, local and institutional laws and requirements (Declaration of Helsinki (2013), Declaration of Animal Rights (UNESCO, 1978). Submit to the Ethics and Research Committee of the Institution of origin of the study, as well as on Plataforma Brasil (national and unified database for recording research involving human beings); declare conflicts of interest through a written document signed by all collaborators; declare the participation of each author in conducting and writing the article in the file to be submitted; inform the journal's editors-in-chief when a significant error is identified in its publication and provide all necessary information for publication of errata, retraction and/or correction; make data records associated with the manuscript available, whenever requested by the publisher; The journal allows the author(s) to retain the copyright and publication rights of their articles without restriction. It is mandatory for the author to maintain registration on the Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) platform, at https://orcid.org/signin.

Authorship Criteria: All designated authors must qualify for authorship by sufficiently participating in the work in order to be responsible for its content. Authorship includes substantial contributions to: (a) conception and design, analysis and interpretation of data; (b) writing or critical review of intellectual content; (c) approval of the final version. Additional information about authorship credit criteria can be found at www.icmje.org/ethical_1author.html. Participation in resource acquisition, data compilation, and general supervision of the research team does not justify authorship. The number of authors must follow NML/NIH/Index Medicus guidelines which, depending on the type of contribution, may be increased at the editors' discretion.


Headache Medicine reserves a special page for the electronic submission system to manage the editorial process of manuscripts. The system allows complete management of processes, from submission, through the peer review process, single-blind, proof reading, layout and publication.

Manuscripts are initially received by the editorial office, which certifies that all documents are in agreement; the quality of images, tables and graphs; ORCID and authors' email, authors' contribution information, Conflict of interest and funding, submitted in the electronic system. If the documentation does not comply with the journal's policies, the manuscripts are returned to the corresponding author, with a date established for their return.

Manuscripts are reviewed by the editors-in-chief and the scientific editor. After initial approval, they are sent to the associate editors, in the respective areas of the manuscripts, who analyze their importance, originality and clarity, as well as the relevance of the study to knowledge. The associate editors reject or recommend continuing the process, appointing at least two reviewers. After single-blind peer review, the editor-in-chief forwards the manuscripts to the corresponding author for corrections requested in the review process (major revisions, minor revisions or accepted without modifications), if not rejected. After corrections made by the authors after peer review, the manuscripts are forwarded to the reviewer for analysis of the requested changes.

The editors-in-chief make the editorial decision, based on the recommendations, and send the manuscripts for technical review. Depending on the technical opinion, the final decision on new technical corrections, acceptance or rejection, is made, which is communicated to the corresponding author.


Ethics, Plagiarism and Misconduct

Headache Medicine adopts specific procedures to respect intellectual property protection and combat the practice of plagiarism in publications. All manuscripts submitted for publication, after final approval, are analyzed using Similarity Check. When plagiarism is detected in the technical review process of the manuscript, the author is notified so that the plagiarized citations are reviewed and the sources are correctly cited. When, in the final plagiarism analysis, the rate is greater than 25%, the article is rejected, and the author and their respective institution are notified.

Other decisions regarding the ethical relationship, misconduct and integrity of scientific research are based on the guidelines of the Code of Conduct for Journal Editors (COPE), available at http://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journal_editors_Mar11.pdf, and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), available at http://www.wame.org.

In experimental work involving animals, the standards established by the 1996 Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, United States) and the Ethical Principles in Animal Experimentation (Brazilian College of Animal Experimentation – COBEA, available at www.cobea.org.br), 1991.

The concepts expressed in the submitted manuscripts are the sole responsibility of the authors, and do not reflect the opinion of the journal's editors or the Brazilian Headache Society.

Guidelines for manuscript quality

 Headache Medicine recommends that manuscripts must comply with the guidelines below prior to manuscript submission:

  • CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials)
  • STARD (Standards for Reporting Diagnostic Accuracy Studies)
  • PRISMA (Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses)
  • STROBE (Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology)


History and Vision

Headache Medicine has existed since 2010, having previously been published under the title Migraines and Headaches since 1994.

The previous editors were: Edgard Raffaelli Júnior (1994-1995), José Geraldo Speciali (1996-2002), Carlos Alberto Bordini (1996-1997), Abouch Valenty Krymchantowsky (2002-2004) Pedro André Kowacs and Paulo H. Monzillo (2004 -2007), Fernando Kowacs (2008-2013), Marcelo Valença (2014-current).

In 2019, editors-in-chief Dr Marcelo de Moraes Valença and Dr Mario Fernando Prieto Peres restructured the magazine's editorial board (national and international), with new associate editors appointed. Its formatting was also renewed, following modern editorial trends, with the continuous online publication of approved articles, allowing the submission of images, videos, and specific sections, which are in line with the committees of the Brazilian Headache Society.

We therefore understand that with this new orientation of the journal we will be able to adapt towards indexing in the main databases. With the work focused on ensuring technical standards consistent with indexing requirements, with international repercussion, with classic and alternative scientometrics among the main journals in the area, contributing to the advancement of the science of headaches and orofacial pain. Also positioning Brazil and Latin America as an important hub for knowledge production.