Executive and attentional functions in patients with migraine
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Headache, Migraine, Executive Functions, AttentionAbstract
Introduction: Migraine is a disease that affects the overall performance of the patient (especially Executive and attention functions) with a direct impact on the person's functionality, highlighting the importance of studies in order to minimize its damage. Objective: This study aimed to relate Executive and Attentional Functions with migraine, through neuropsychological tests. Methodology: Cross-sectional study (44 subjects; 29 migraineurs and 15 non-migraineurs) on attentional and executive changes in migraine. Subjects over 18 years of age were included in the study, regardless of gender, recruited for convenience at CAM FAME, FAME and Centro AMA, following the criteria of the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-3). The subjects underwent neuropsychological tests that estimated executive and attentional functioning. For attention, the Psychological Attention Assessment Battery (BPA) was used, and for Executive functions, the Five-Digit Test (FDT) was used. Student's T test, ANOVA, Mann-Whitney and/or Kruskal-Wallis U test were used, whose analyzes fixed the type I error at 0.05. Results: All BPA subtests pointed to a reduction in the attentional potential in migraine patients when compared to the control group. The FDT showed lowering in the group of subjects with migraine, when compared with the non-migraine group (inhibition = 0.3092; flexibility = 0.2323). Multivariate analysis identified a relationship between EF, Attention and migraine (p<0.05). Conclusion: Individuals with migraine present a decrease in EF and Attentional Skills and an increase in execution time when compared to non-migraine individuals.
Keywords: Headache, Migraine, Executive Functions, Attention.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Valeska Magierek, Letícia Silva Gomes de Carvalho, Camila Gualberto Bernardes de Assis, Mauro Eduardo Jurno (Author)

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