Primary headache in academics: a cross-sectional study

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Migraine, Tension-type headache, Self-medication, Dipyrone, Stress


Headache is a frequent, long-standing and universal neurological disorder with high prevalence worldwide.

To verify the prevalence of headache and self-medication among healthcare academics.

This was a cross-sectional, descriptive and quantitative study, carried out with 165 healthcare academics. A questionnaire was used as a methodological instrument to collect data.

The academics were mostly female, aged between 18 and 54 years, from the State of Paraiba and single. The lifetime prevalence of headaches was 98.2%. Most volunteers (62.4%) have a probable diagnosis of primary headache. Of these, the most prevalent was migraine, especially with aura, and tension-type headache (TTH). Of the group under analysis, the majority have not had consultations because of the pain and therefore have no medical diagnosis and no treatment. Some treated the pain only in a crisis. Of these, most practiced self-medication, mainly with dipyrone and paracetamol.
Stress, worry and sleep deprivation were the most cited factors among those that usually cause pain.

Clarifications, preventive measures, correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment can reduce the emotional, socioeconomic and academic losses of this frequent neurological complaint among students.


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Author Biographies

Lindair Alves da Silva, Senador Humberto Lucena Emergency and Trauma Hospital, Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil

Lindair Alves da Silva has a degree in Medicine from Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA) and undergraduated in History from Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM). He is a specialist in Family Health and Neurology, besides being a Physician at Hospital de Trauma e Emergência Senador Humberto Lucena, João Pessoa-PB, Brazil. He is part of the research group “NeuroConexõesUFPB” and contributor of the teaching, extension and research project “NeuroConexões: Health, well-being and integrative and complementary practices”. He is also interested in Neuroepidemiology, headache and neuropsychiatric disorders.

Ana Lúcia Basilio Carneiro, Federal University of Paraiba, Health Sciences Centre, Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil

Ana Lúcia Basilio Carneiro has a degree in Dentistry, besides being a specialist in Psychobiology, Pathological Anatomy and Acupuncture, a Master in Psychobiology and a Ph.D in Biotechnology. Currrenty, she teaches Neuroanatomy at the Health Sciences Center (CCS) in Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB). She is the head of the research group “NeuroConexõesUFPB” (UFPB/CNPq) and coordinator of the teaching, research and extension project “NeuroConexões: health, well-being and integrative and complementary practices”.

Lincoln Basilio Alves, State University of Amazonas, Manaus, Brazil

Lincoln Basilio Alves undergraduated from Medical School. He is a researcher oriented to innovation, with an administrative and health care perspective and a bias in marketing and entrepreneurship. He is a member of the research group “NeuroConexõesUFPB” (UFPB/CNPq).

Semírames Cartonilho de Souza Ramos, Federal University of Paraiba, Health Sciences Centre, Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil

Semirames Cartonilho de Souza Ramos has a degree in Nursing and is a specialist in Obstetric Nursing, Neonatal ICU and Urgency and Emergency. She is also a Master in Public Health, a Ph.D in Gynecology, Mastology and Obstetrics. Trained in Integrative Community Therapy, she is currently a professor of Women's Health and Methodology of Scientific Work at Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB). Furthermore, she is a researcher with the “NeuroConexõesUFPB” group (UFPB/CNPq) and assistant coordinator of the project “NeuroConexões: health, well-being and integrative and complementary practices”.

Flávio Augusto Sekeff Sallem, Sírio Libanês Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil

Department of Neurology of Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo SP, Brazil


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How to Cite

Silva LA da, Carneiro ALB, Alves LB, Ramos SC de S, Silva IJL da, Brasil AW de L, Sallem FAS. Primary headache in academics: a cross-sectional study. Headache Med [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];13(4):249-56. Available from:




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