Pulsed Radiofrequency for Post-Covid Occipital Neuralgia: An Effective Therapeutic Proposal - Case Report

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Post-COVID-19 syndrome, Chronic pain, Occipital neuralgia, Pulsed radiofrequency


With the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the increased number of cases reported in the literature of post-Covid syndromes, and clinical conditions of rheumatic and cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders have also been reported, with the description of cases of reduced memory and cerebrovascular complications post-Covid-19 virus infection. Thus, in addition to these conditions, neuropathic pain secondary to cases of novel coronavirus infection have been seen in the literature and have raised questions about the pathophysiology arising from this situation, prognostic factors, and best indications for treatment. Among the neuropathic pain reported, occipital neuralgia is one of the complications faced, characterized by a burning and paroxysmal pain of variable duration. One of the possible treatments for this condition is the use of pulsed radiofrequency on the affected nerves in cases refractory to optimized clinical treatment, being an effective measure for reducing symptoms and improving quality of life.


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Author Biographies

Caroline Calheiros do Vale, University of Pernambuco

Medice Department

João Victor Cinicio Cavalcanti, University of Pernambuco

Medice Department

Brunna Gerlany Freire Guimarães, Olinda Medical School - FMO

Medice Department

Maria Eduarda Pinto Caetano, University of Pernambuco

Medice Department

Guilherme de Vasconcellos Piscoya, University of Pernambuco

Medice Department

Júlia Lins Gemir, University of Pernambuco

Medice Department

Gisele Carvalho Silva, University of Pernambuco

Medice Department

Joaquim Fechine de Alencar Neto, Unifacisa University Center

Medice Department

Otávio da Cunha Ferreira Neto, Catholic University of Pernambuco

Medice Department

Luís Felipe Ferreira Marques, University of State of Mato Grosso

Medice Department

Victor Egypto Pereira, University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto

Department of Orthopedics and Anesthesiology

Anderson Albert Primo Lopes, Hospital da Restauração

Department of Neurosurgery

Victor Ribeiro Xavier Costa, Hospital da Restauração

Department of Neurosurgery 

Júlio Augusto Lustosa Nogueira, Hospital da Restauração

Department of Neurosurgery 

Hildo Rocha Cirne de Azevedo Filho, Federal University of Pernambuco

Neuroscience Post-Graduate Program

Luiz Severo Bem Junior, Hospital da Restauração

Department of Neurosurgery


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How to Cite

Vale CC do, Cavalcanti JVC, Guimarães BGF, Caetano MEP, Piscoya G de V, Gemir JL, Silva GC, Alencar Neto JF de, Ferreira Neto O da C, Marques LFF, Pereira VE, Lopes AAP, Costa VRX, Nogueira JAL, Azevedo Filho HRC de, Bem Junior LS. Pulsed Radiofrequency for Post-Covid Occipital Neuralgia: An Effective Therapeutic Proposal - Case Report . Headache Med [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 14];13(2):137-41. Available from: https://headachemedicine.com.br/index.php/hm/article/view/643



Case Report

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