Histomorphometric analysis of mast cells in different regions of human intracranial dura mater

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  • Emanuela Paz Rosas
  • Silvania Tavares Paz
  • Ana Clara de Souza Neta
  • Raisa Ferreira Costa
  • Ana Paula Fernandes da Silva
  • Manuela Figueiroa Lyra de Freitas
  • Marcelo Moraes Valença




Mast cell, Dura mater, Human, Meningeal artery, Migraine


Objective: To analyze mast cell histomorphometry in three different regions of the human intracranial dura mater. Method: Three specimens of dura mater were collected after approval by the Ethics Committee (CAAE No. 57692216.5.0000.5208). Each dura mater was obtained from human cadavers between 7 and 24 hours after death. After collection, the samples were fixed, cut into two fragments and longitudinally placed in the following way: external (periosteum) and internal (meningeal) sides. The fragments (1.5 cm2) were taken from three different regions: proximity of the right middle meningeal artery, the proximity of the left middle meningeal artery and superior sagittal sinus. These fragments were submitted to microtomy (10 μm), stained with 0.1% toluidine
blue and analyzed by optical microscopy. The histomorphometric parameters adopted were: the distance from the mast cells to the vessels, the number and if the mast cells were degranulated. Five fields from each case were analyzed. For this analysis, the Image J 1.52a 2019 software was used. Results: A higher number of mast cells was observed in the periosteal layer when compared with
the meningeal layer (p=0.026). When the distribution of the mast cells was evaluated, we observed that the cells were localized in the proximity of the middle meningeal artery (p<0.05). Conclusion: In human dura mater, the mast cells are localized in the proximity of dural arteries.


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Author Biographies

Emanuela Paz Rosas

Programa de Pós-graduação em Biologia Aplicada à Saúde-LIKA/UFPE

Silvania Tavares Paz

Programa de Pós-graduação em Saúde Translacional – CCS/UFPE

Ana Clara de Souza Neta

Departamento de Nutrição – CCS/UFPE

Raisa Ferreira Costa

Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas – CB/UFPE

Ana Paula Fernandes da Silva

Programa de Pós-graduação em Biologia Aplicada à Saúde-LIKA/UFPE

Manuela Figueiroa Lyra de Freitas

Departamento de Anatomia – CB/UFPE, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

Marcelo Moraes Valença

Programa de Pós-graduação em Biologia Aplicada à Saúde-LIKA/UFPE

Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas – CB/UFPE




How to Cite

Rosas EP, Paz ST, Souza Neta AC de, Costa RF, Silva APF da, Freitas MFL de, Valença MM. Histomorphometric analysis of mast cells in different regions of human intracranial dura mater. Headache Med [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 30];10(2):60-2. Available from: https://headachemedicine.com.br/index.php/hm/article/view/55



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