eadache Medicine
é a publicação oficial da Sociedade Brasileira
de Cefaléia (SBCe) da Associação Latino-Americana de Cefaleia
(ASOLAC). É publicada trimestralmente com o objetivo de registrar e
divulgar a produção científica e contribuições da comunidade científica
na área de Cefaleia. São aceitos trabalhos originais, em português,
em espanhol e/ou inglês. Todos os trabalhos, após a aprovação dos
Editores, serão encaminhados para análise e avaliação dos Revisores,
sendo o anonimato garantido em todo o processo de julgamento. Os
comentários serão devolvidos aos autores para modificações no texto
ou justificativas de sua conservação. Somente após aprovações finais
dos Revisores e Editores os trabalhos serão encaminhados para
publicação. Serão considerados para publicação na M&C as seguintes
categorias de artigos:
eneral Remarks:eneral Remarks:
eneral Remarks:eneral Remarks:
eneral Remarks: The manuscript must be written in two versions:
English and in Portuguese. It should contain: full title in English and in
Portuguese; running title with a maximum of 50 characters; institution
in which the work was carried out; the full names of the authors without
abbreviations with their institutions and title (profission) or actual position.
Additionally, information about any possible conflict of interest must be
disclosed. The full address of the designated corresponding author must
include the telephone and fax numbers and e-mail. The manuscript
should include an abstract in English and Portuguese, both of up to 250
words and three to five descriptors (Key words and Palavras-chave)
obtained in helath descriptors of Bireme and in Medical Subjects
Headings (http.//www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshome.html) of the
National Library of Medicine - USA.
References: should preferably be available in Medline®, PubMed®
or Coleção Scielo Brasil. The style of RBHH follows the Vancouver
Guidelines: http.//www.iemje.org/index.html#reference. The references
must be ordered according their position in the text and not in
alphabetical order. The following information should be cited: 1)
surname and initials of the first six authors without punctuation (if there
are more than six authors, et al. should be inserted after the sixth name;
2) title of the article; 3) abbreviated name of the journal; 4) year,
volume, number and pages of the publication. If the reference is a book,
include the names and initials of the authors, the editor and the city of
publication. Oral presentations at symposia or unpublished work (personal
communications, papers in preparation) and information acquired by
the Internet
should be included in the text and not in the listshould be included in the text and not in the list
should be included in the text and not in the listshould be included in the text and not in the list
should be included in the text and not in the list
of references.of references.
of references.of references.
of references.
lustrations and Photographs:lustrations and Photographs:
lustrations and Photographs:lustrations and Photographs:
lustrations and Photographs: should have a resolution of at least
300 dpi. Figures should be in CMYK and use TIFF, JPG or CDR format
and will be published only when considered necessary. Do not insert the
figures within the text - send separately.
ables: ables:
ables: ables:
ables: should be consecutively
numbered using Arabic numerals and cited in the text in numerical
order. The tables should be sent in the
ord Pord P
ord Pord P
ord P
not in Image.not in Image.
not in Image.not in Image.
not in Image.
All designated authors should qualify for authorship by sufficiently
participating in the work in order to accept responsible for its contents.
Authorship includes substantial contributions in:
(a) (a)
(a) (a)
(a) conception and
design, analysis and interpretation of data;
(b) drafting or critical review
of the intellectual content;
(c) approval of the final version. Further
information on the criteria of authorship credits can be obtained at
http.//www.iemje.org/index.hml #authorship.
Participation in the acquisition of funds, compilation of data and gene-
ral supervision of the research team does not justify authorship. The
number of authors should follow the guidelines of the NML - NIH -
Index Medicus which, depending on the type of contribution, may be
increased at the discretion of the editors. The participation of authors
in the preparation of the manuscript must be reported.
Original Article:Original Article:
Original Article:Original Article:
Original Article: Maximum of 4000 words (including references).
Nº of authors: up to 24. Abstract in English and Portuguese: maximum
of 250 words each. Tables Illustrations and Photographs: up to 7.
References: up to 30. Title in English and in Portuguese and running
title (maximum of 50 characters). The text should be divided in sections:
Introduction: This section ideally has three paragraphs. 1
paragraph -
a concise general view of the theme (a disease, biological issue, general
problem, etc.). 2
paragraph - to describe aspects of the theme of the 1
paragraph. 3
paragraph - to describe the aim of the study and how the
authors expect to achieve this; Patients/Materials and Methods - should
supply sufficient details to allow reproduction of the work or its comparison
with similar works; Results - organize this section using subtitles, e.g.
population, clinical characteristics, etc.; Discussion - this section should
be concise ad objective. The first paragraph should be a continuation of
the last paragraph of the introduction. The subsequent paragraphs should
explain the results and respect the objectives of the authors. The final
paragraph should include the authors' conclusions.
Special ArticleSpecial Article
Special ArticleSpecial Article
Special Article: At the request of the editors with criteria similar to
the Original Article
Review Article:Review Article:
Review Article:Review Article:
Review Article: Maximum of 5000 words (including references).
Nº of authors: up to 24. Abstract in English and Portuguese: maximum
of 250 words each. Tables Illustrations and Photographs: up to 7.
References: maximum of 200. Title in English and in Portuguese and
running title (maximum of 50 characters). A review Article should
include a synthesis and critical analysis of a relevant area and not only
a chronological description of publications.
It should be written by a researcher who has significant contributions
in the specific area of medical sciences or biology.
Update: Criteria similar to Review Article.
Case Report:Case Report:
Case Report:Case Report:
Case Report: Maximum of 1800 words (including references). Nº of
authors: up to 5. Abstract in English and Portuguese: maximum of 250
words each. Tables, Illustrations and Photographs: up to 2. References:
up to 20. Title in English and in Portuguese. Apart from the general
remarks, it must have at least one of the following characteristics: -
special interest to the scientific community; - be a rare case which is
particularly useful to demonstrate the mechanism or diagnostic
difficulty; - a new diagnostic method; - a new or modified treatment;
- a text that demonstrates well-defined, relevant findings without
ambiguities. The text should be divided in introduction, case report
and discussion.
Letter to the Editor: Letter to the Editor:
Letter to the Editor: Letter to the Editor:
Letter to the Editor: Maximum of 1000 words (including references).
Nº of authors: up to 4. Abstract in English or in Portuguese: maximum
of 250 words each. References: up to 7. Title in English and in
Portuguese and running title (maximum of 50 characters). The format
is free and apart from the General Remarks, it may include a maximum
of two illustrations (photographs, tables, figures).
Summary of Thesis: Summary of Thesis:
Summary of Thesis: Summary of Thesis:
Summary of Thesis: Title in English and in Portuguese and running
title (maximum of 50 characters). Maximum of 300 words (including
key words). One author and one mentor
Image Section: Image Section:
Image Section: Image Section:
Image Section: Maximum of 300 words. Title in English and
Portuguese. Maximum of one or two images and title, up to three
authors and a maximum of three references. The Image Section doesn´t
accept Abstract.
Corresponding AddressCorresponding Address
Corresponding AddressCorresponding Address
Corresponding Address
Marcelo M. Valença
A/C Trasso Comunicação Ltda.
Av. N. Sra. de Copacabana, 1059, sala 1201– Copacabana
22060-001– Rio de Janeiro-RJ – Brazil
Headache Medicine, v.1, n.2, p. 53, apr./may./jun 201053