Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, 2019
Do we know all the triggers of migraine?
Conhecemos todos os gatilhos da enxaqueca?
Raimundo Pereira Silva-Néto ............................................................................................................................................................ 173
The impact of anxiety and depression on migraine patients’ journey to a tertiary headache center
Impacto da ansiedade e depressão na jornada dos pacientes com enxaqueca a um centro de cefaleia terciário
Érica C Santos; Juliane P P Mercante; André M S Silva; Rosana T Miyazaki; Pamella F Daud; Arao B Oliveira;
Mario F P Peres...................................................................................................................................................................................174-181
Application of thermal microcautery in migraine management
Aplicação da microcauterização térmica no manejo da migrânea
Eleni Papageorgiou; Konstantine Kovas; Camillus Power; Nikolaos Kostopoulos.......................................... 182-185
Cefaleia Dialítica Associada à Cefaleia por Privação de Cafeína em Pacientes Submetidos à Hemodiálise
Dialysis Headache Associated with Caffeine-Withdrawal Headache in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis
Edarlan Barbosa dos-Santos; Kattiucy Gabrielle da Silva Brito; Bernardo Afonso Ribeiro Pinto; Tatiane
Fernandes da Fonseca Gaban; Antonio Marcos da Silva Catharino.......................................................................186-188
Prevalence of thunderclap headache in patients with ruptured intracranial aneurysms: series of 60 cases
Prevalência de cefaleia thunderclap em pacientes com aneurimas intracraniano roto: série de 60
Bruno Bertoli Esmanhotto;
Elcio Juliato Piovesan;
Marcos Christiano Lange.....................................................189-192
Clinical characteristics of headaches attributed to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
Características clínicas das cefaleias atribuídas a procedimentos diagnósticos e terapëuticos
Raimundo Pereira Silva-Néto.....................................................................................................................................................193-197
Telemedicine in the Management of Primary Headaches: A Critical Review
Telemedicina no manejo das cefaleias primárias: uma revisão crítica
Renan Barros Domingues; Cassio Batista Lacerda; Paulo Diego Santos Silva.................................................198-202
Intracranial lipoma manifesting with change in preexisting headache characteristics
Lipoma intracraniano que se manifesta com mudança das características de cefaleia preexistente
Patrick Emanuell Mesquita Sousa Santos; Ivan Rodrigues Silva; Mário Fernando Prieto Peres; Raimundo
Pereira Silva-Néto.........................................................................................................................................................................203-204
The neurologist’s hammer
O martelo do neurologista
Eduardo Nogueira; Yara Dadalti Fragoso.........................................................................................................................205-207
Headache Medicine
Scientic Publication of the Brazilian Headache Society
ISSN 2178-7468
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, 2019
Headache Medicine
Scientic Publication of the Brazilian Headache Society
Marcelo de Moraes Valença
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brasil.
Mario Fernando Prieto Peres
Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, IPq – HCFMUSP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
Editor Cientíco
Raimundo Pereira Silva-Néto
Universidade Federal do Delta do Parnaíba, Parnaíba, PI, Brasil.
Editor Emeritus
Wilson Luiz Sanvito
FCM Santa Casa de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
Pesquisa Básica e Procedimentos
Élcio Juliato Piovesan
Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brasil.
Ensino, alunos e residentes
Yara Dadalti Fragoso – Santos, SP, Brasil.
Cefaleia na Mulher
Eliane Meire Melhado
Universidade de Catanduva, Catanduva, SP, Brasil.
Juliane Prieto Peres Mercante
IPq – HCFMUSP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
Arão Belitardo de Oliveira
ABRACES – Associação Brasileira cefaleia em Salvas e
Enxaqueca, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
Debora Bevilacqua Grossi
FMUSP – Rebeirão Preto, SP, Brasil.
Cefaleias Secundárias
Pedro Augusto Sampaio Rocha
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brasil.
Hipertensão e Hipotensão Liquórica
Ida Fortini HC FMUSP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
Sandro Matas
UNIFESP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil
Cefaleias Trigêmino-Autonômicas
Maria Eduarda Nobre
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
Cefaleia na Infância
Marco Antônio Arruda
Universidade Federal de São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
Dor orofacial
Eduardo Grossmann – Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.
Controvérsias e Expert Opinion
Joao José Freitas de Carvalho – Fortaleza, CE, Brasil.
Clinical Trials
Fabiola Dach
FMUSP, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil.
Fernando Kowacs, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.
Imagens e Vídeos
Paulo Sergio Faro Santos
INC, Curitiba, PR, Brasil.
Elena Ruiz de La Torre
WHAM (World Headache Association for Migraine)
Madri, Espanha.
A revista Headache Medicine é uma publicação de propriedade da Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleia, indexada no Latindex e no Index Scholar, publicada
pela Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleia, www.sbcefaleia.com.br. Os manuscritos aceitos para publicação passam a pertencer à Sociedade Brasileira de
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associados, bibliotecas regionais de Medicina e faculdades de Medicina do Brasil, e sociedades congêneres
Editores Associados
ISSN 2178-7468
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, 2019
Headache Medicine
Scientic Publication of the Brazilian Headache Society
Rodrigo Noseda
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, EUA
Marlind Alan Stiles
Jefferson Universtty, Philadelphia, PA, EUA
Charles Siow, Singapore
Maurice Borges Vincent, Indianapolis, IN, EUA
Michele Viana, Novara, Itália
Margarita Sanchez Del Rio, Madri, Espanha
Sait Ashina,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, EUA
Todd D Rozen,
Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, EUA
Elena Ruiz de la Torre, Espanha
Marco Lisicky, Cordoba, Argentina
Maria Teresa Goycochea, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Alex Espinoza Giacomozzi, Santiago, Chile
Joe Munoz Ceron, Bogotá, Colômbia
Faisal Amin, Copenhague, Dinamarca
Uwe Reuter, Berlim, Alemanha
Abouch Valenty Krymchantowski, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Alan Chester Feitosa Jesus, Aracaju, SE
Ana Luisa Antonniazzi, Ribeirão Preto, SP
Carla da Cunha Jevoux, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Carlos Alberto Bordini, Batatais, SP
Daniella de Araújo Oliveira, Recife, PE
Djacir D. P. Macedo, Natal, RN
Elder Machado Sarmento, Barra Mansa, RJ
Eliana Meire Melhado, Catanduva, SP
Fabíola Dach, Ribeirão Preto, SP
Fernando Kowacs, Porto Alegre, RS
Henrique Carneiro de Campos, Belo Horizonte, MG
Jano Alves de Sousa, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
João José de Freitas Carvalho, Fortaleza, CE
Luis Paulo Queiróz, Florianópolis, SC
Marcelo C. Ciciarelli, Ribeirão Preto, SP
José Geraldo Speziali, Ribeirão Preto, SP
Marcelo Rodrigues Masruha, Vitória, ES
Pedro Ferreira Moreira Filho, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Pedro André Kowacs, Curitiba, PR
Mauro Eduardo Jurno, Barbacena, MG
Paulo Sergio Faro Santos, Curitiba, PR
Pedro Augusto Sampaio Rocha Filho, Recife, PE
Renata Silva Melo Fernandes, Recife, PE
Thais Rodrigues Villa, São Paulo, SP
Renan Domingues, Vitória, ES
Conselho Editorial Internacional
Conselho Editorial Nacional
A revista Headache Medicine é uma publicação de propriedade da Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleia, indexada no Latindex e no Index Scholar, publicada
pela Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleia, www.sbcefaleia.com.br. Os manuscritos aceitos para publicação passam a pertencer à Sociedade Brasileira de
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associados, bibliotecas regionais de Medicina e faculdades de Medicina do Brasil, e sociedades congêneres
ISSN 2178-7468
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, 2019
Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleia – SBCe
liada à International Headache Society – IHS
Av. Tenente José Eduardo n° 453, sala 203
27323-240 Barra Mansa - RJ - Brasil
Fone:+55 (24) 9 8847-9980 www.sbcefaleia.com.br
Josiane Moreira da Silva - Secretária Executiva SBCe
DIRETORIA 2018/2021
Academia Brasileira de Neurologia (ABN)
Fernando Kowacs
José Geraldo Speziali
American Headache Society (AHS)
Marcelo Cedrinho Ciciarelli
Associación Latinoamericana de Cefaleias (ASOLAC)
Carlos Alberto Bordini
European Headache Federation (EHF)
Marco Antônio Arruda
International Headache Society (IHS)
Pedro André Kowacs
Sociedade Brasileira para o Estudo da Dor (SBED)
Eduardo Grossman - José G Speziali
Responsável pelo Site
Paulo Sérgio Faro Santos
Responsável pelas Mídias Sociais
Arão Belitardo Oliveira
Comissão de Ética
Elcio Juliato Piovesan - Jano Alves de Souza
José Geraldo Speziali - Mauro Eduardo Jurno
Registro de Cefaleia no Brasil
Fernando Kowacs - Mauro Eduardo Jurno
Vanise Grassi - Élder Machado Sarmento
Liselotte Menke Barea - Luis Paulo Queiroz
Marcelo Cedrinho Ciciarelli - Mario FP Peres
Pedro Augusto Sampaio Rocha-Filho
Políticas Públicas, Institucionais e Advocacy
Patricia Machado Peixoto
Carlos A Bordini - Djacir Dantas de Macedo
Jano Alves de Souza - Mauro Eduardo Jurno
Pedro F Moreira Filho - Raimundo P Silva-Néto
Atividades Físicas e Fisioterapia
Cláudia Baptista Tavares - Daniela A Oliveira
Debora Bevilaqua-Grossi
Cefaleia na Infância
Marco Antonio Arruda - Thais Rodrigues Villa
Cefaleia na mulher
Eliana Meire Melhado
Dor Orofacial
Ricardo Tanus Valle
Celia A P Roesler - Henrique Carneiro de
Campos - João José Freitas de Carvalho
Paulo Sérgio Faro Santos
Alunos Residentes
Yara Dadalti Fragoso - Diego Belandrino Swerts
Izadora Karina da Silva - Marcos Ravi Cerqueira
Ferreira Figueiredo - Caroline Folchini
Saulo Emanuel Gomes Silva - Walkyria Will-
Patrick Emanuell - Eduardo Nogueira
Juliane Prieto Peres Mercante - Rebeca V. A.
Vieira - Rosemeire Rocha Fukue
Procedimentos Invasivos
Cláudio Manoel Brito
Élcio Juliato Piovesan
Presidente Elder Machado Sarmento
Secretário Mario Fernando Prieto Peres
Tesoureiro Pedro Augusto Sampaio Rocha Filho
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.173, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
Do we know all the triggers of migraine?
Conhecemos todos os gatilhos da enxaqueca?
Raimundo Pereira Silva-Néto
Scientic Editor, Headache Medicine
Raimundo Pereira Silva-Néto
Universidade Federal do Delta do
Parnaíba, Avenida São Sebastião, 2819,
Fátima, Parnaíba, PI, 64001-020, Brasil.
Tel. + 55 3237-2104.
E-mail: neurocefaleia@terra.com.br
Migraine trigger is understood as any factor that is temporally
associated with the development of migraine attacks. These triggers can
be single or multiple for the same patient. In order to study these triggers,
a recent meta-analysis analyzed 85 published articles and found 420
unique triggers that triggered headache attacks in only 86% of migraine
Some of these triggers are noteworthy, such as odors. In an
experimental study, Silva-Néto et al
exposed two groups of patients,
one with migraine; and another with other primary headaches.
Headache attacks were triggered by odor only in patients with migraine,
corresponding to 34.7% of the sample, but in none with other primary
When studying the triggers, we must look at some of their
particularities. First, the frequency with which they are found, for
example, stress, odor, prolonged fasting or sleep deprivation are cited
by most migraine patients. Second, the potency of causing pain, that is,
the likelihood of the patient having a headache attack after exposure.
Investigating triggers and clarifying the patient is critical. When he/she
identies any trigger of his pain, there will be a change in behavior in
response to that factor
What is the percentage of migraine attacks that occur without any
triggers? This is a frequent question from neurologists and patients.
According to the meta-analysis shown, 14% of patients did not identify
any triggers
. We do not yet know if there are migraine attacks in the
absence of any triggering factors or if these factors are unknown.
Is the patient able to identify all triggering factors of their migraine
attacks? Would neuronal hyperexcitability make the patient more
vulnerable to external and internal factors? There are many unanswered
questions. Therefore, future studies need to be conducted to clarify these
1. Pellegrino ABW, Davis-Martin RE, Houle TT, Turner DP, Smitherman TA (2018).
Perceived triggers of primary headache disorders: A meta-analysis. Cephalalgia,
2. Silva-Néto RP, Rodrigues ÂB, Cavalcante DC, Ferreira PH, Nasi EP, Sousa KM, et al
(2017). May headache triggered by odors be regarded as a differentiating factor
between migraine and other primary headaches? Cephalalgia, 37(1):20-28.
3. Turner DP, Jchtay I, Lebowitz AD, Leffert LR, Houle TT (2018). Perceived migraine
triggers: Understanding trigger perception can improve management. Practical
Neurology, 37-41.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.174-181, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
The impact of anxiety and depression on migraine patients’
journey to a tertiary headache center
Impacto da ansiedade e depressão na jornada dos pacientes
com enxaqueca a um centro de cefaleia terciário
Érica C Santos
Juliane P P Mercante, PhD
André M S Silva, MD
Rosana T Miyazaki
Pamella F Daud
Arao B Oliveira, PhD
Mario F P Peres, PhD
Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de
Medicina, Instituto de Psiquiatria, São Paulo,
Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de
Neurociência e Comportamento, Instituto de
Psicologia, São Paulo, Brazil.
Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo,
Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de
Medicina, Departamento de Neurologia São
Paulo, Brazil.
Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de
Medicina, Instituto de Psiquiatria, São Paulo,
Mario Fernando Prieto Peres
E-mail: marioperes@usp.br
Received: November 5, 2019.
Accepted: November 12, 2019.
Objective: To evaluate the role of psychiatric comorbidity in the number of
diagnostic procedures, acute and preventive pharmacological treatments,
and non-pharmacological interventions in migraine patients experienced
before visiting a tertiary headache center in São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: We
conducted a retrospective, observational study of 465 consecutive patients
diagnosed with migraines and evaluated in a specialized tertiary headache
center in São Paulo, Brazil. We collected the data based on medical chart
reviews and a self-administered questionnaire routinely performed during the
rst medical visit. Two standardized instruments were used for the diagnosis
of depression and anxiety, respectively: the Patient Health Questionnaire-9
(PHQ-9) and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7). Results: We studied
465 patients diagnosed with migraines. The patients’ mean age was 37.3 years
(±13.1), and 72.7% of patients were women. The average age of headache onset
was 17.1 years (±11.4) before the rst appointment at our tertiary headache
center, and 51.7% of patients had chronic migraines. Most patients (65.8%)
had a PHQ-9 5, indicating at least some depressive symptoms, whereas 152
patients (34.2%) were considered depressed (PHQ-9 9). Anxiety symptoms
were observed in 68.2% of patients based on the GAD-7 instrument, and 209
patients (47.0%) were diagnosed with anxiety (GAD-7 8). Chronic migraines
were more common than episodic migraines among patients with psychiatric
comorbidity: 63.2% of depressive patients, 61.2% of anxious patients, and
43.5% of patients without any psychiatric disorder. Most patients underwent
laboratory tests and brain imaging (62.4% and 70.5%, respectively) in a similar
proportion among subgroups with and without anxiety or depression. Non-
pharmacological treatment was frequent in all subgroups, and 342 patients
(73.5%) performed at least one modality. Overall, acupuncture was the most
common non-pharmacological treatment (55.2% of patients), and we found
no difference between the subgroups. Depressive and anxious patients more
frequently underwent psychotherapy (54.2% and 50.8%, respectively) when
compared to patients with neither depression nor anxiety (34.7%). Depression
was associated with a reduced likelihood of previous physiotherapy (OR 0.39,
CI 0.16 – 0.99). Patients with severe anxiety used 10.7 times more medicines
than non-severe patients. Conclusion: Depressed patients underwent more
psychotherapy than non-depressed patients, although they had a reduced
chance of previous physiotherapy. Anxiety was also associated with previous
psychotherapy and a risk of 10.7 times of using acute pharmacological
treatment, which may lead to issues related to analgesic abuse. Anxiety and
depression affect the journey of patients with migraines before arriving at a
tertiary headache center.
Keywords: Migraine; Headache; Anxiety; Depression; Psychiatric Comorbidity.
The impact of anxiety and depression on migraine patients
Santos ÉC, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.174-181, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
Objetivo: Avaliar o papel da comorbidade psiquiátrica no número de procedimentos
diagnósticos, tratamentos farmacológicos agudos e preventivos e intervenções não
farmacológicas em pacientes com enxaqueca experimentados antes de visitar um
Centro Terciário de Cefaleia em São Paulo, Brasil. Métodos: Realizamos um estudo
retrospectivo observacional de 465 pacientes consecutivos diagnosticados com
enxaqueca e avaliados em um centro especializado em cefaleia terciária em São Paulo,
Brasil. Coletamos os dados com base em revisões de prontuários médicos e em um
questionário autoaplicado rotineiramente realizado durante a primeira consulta médica.
Dois instrumentos padronizados foram utilizados para o diagnóstico de depressão
e ansiedade, respectivamente: o Questionário de Saúde do Paciente-9 (PHQ-9) e o
Transtorno de Ansiedade Generalizada (GAD-7). Resultados: Foram estudados 465
pacientes com diagnóstico de enxaqueca. A idade média dos pacientes foi de 37,3
anos (± 13,1) e 72,7% dos pacientes eram mulheres. A idade média do início da dor de
cabeça foi de 17,1 anos (± 11,4) antes da primeira consulta em nosso Centro Terciário
de Cefaleia, e 51,7% dos pacientes apresentavam enxaqueca crônica. A maioria dos
pacientes (65,8%) apresentou um PHQ-9 5, indicando pelo menos alguns sintomas
depressivos, enquanto 152 pacientes (34,2%) foram considerados deprimidos (PHQ-9
9). Os sintomas de ansiedade foram observados em 68,2% dos pacientes com base
no instrumento GAD-7, e 209 pacientes (47,0%) foram diagnosticados com ansiedade
(GAD-7 8). As enxaquecas crônicas foram mais comuns que as enxaquecas episódicas
em pacientes com comorbidade psiquiátrica: 63,2% dos pacientes depressivos, 61,2%
dos ansiosos e 43,5% dos pacientes sem nenhum transtorno psiquiátrico. A maioria
dos pacientes foi submetida a exames laboratoriais e imagens cerebrais (62,4% e
70,5%, respectivamente) em proporção semelhante entre os subgrupos com e sem
ansiedade ou depressão. O tratamento não farmacológico foi frequente em todos
os subgrupos e 342 pacientes (73,5%) realizaram pelo menos uma modalidade. No
geral, a acupuntura foi o tratamento não farmacológico mais comum (55,2% dos
pacientes), e não encontramos diferença entre os subgrupos. Pacientes depressivos
e ansiosos foram submetidos a psicoterapia com mais frequência (54,2% e 50,8%,
respectivamente) quando comparados aos pacientes sem depressão nem ansiedade
(34,7%). A depressão foi associada a uma probabilidade reduzida de sioterapia prévia
(OR 0,39, IC 0,16 - 0,99). Pacientes com ansiedade grave usavam 10,7 vezes mais
medicamentos do que pacientes não graves. Conclusão: Pacientes deprimidos foram
submetidos a mais psicoterapia do que pacientes não deprimidos, embora tivessem
uma chance reduzida de sioterapia anterior. A ansiedade também foi associada à
psicoterapia anterior e a um risco de 10,7 vezes do uso de tratamento farmacológico
agudo, o que pode levar a questões relacionadas ao abuso de analgésicos. Ansiedade
e depressão afetam a jornada de pacientes com enxaqueca antes de chegarem a um
Centro Terciário de Cefaleia.
Descritores: Enxaqueca, Dor de Cabeça, Ansiedade, Depressão, Comorbidade
Migraine is a common chronic neurological disease
and a leading cause of disability worldwide, affecting
daily and social activities (1). In a study on the global
burden of disease, migraine had an average prevalence
of 14% and was the second highest contributor of
DALYs (disability-adjusted life-years) (2). In Brazil, the
population-based prevalence of migraine varies from
10.7% to 22.1% (3), and in tertiary care centers, migraines
represent 38% of all headaches (4).
Anxiety and mood disorders are the psychiatric
comorbidities most often associated with migraines. These
conditions are 2 to 10 times more common in patients
with migraines than in the general population, which
increases the complexity of their medical management
(5, 6). Patients with migraines and comorbid anxiety
and/or depression experience higher medical costs when
compared to patients with no comorbidities (7) due to
resource utilization, including medical visits, diagnostic
tests, and therapeutic interventions (8, 9). Additionally,
migraineurs are less optimistic and more pessimistic than
non-migraneurs, which may also inuence their medical
care seeking (10).
Patients with anxiety use health care services
for medical consultations, emergencies, and
examinations more often than individuals without
mental disorders (12.5 ± 8.1 vs. 2.4 ± 2.6 visits/year)
(11). In earlier surveys, anxiety and mood disorders
were consistently associated with substantial
impairments in both productive roles (e.g., work
absenteeism, work performance, unemployment, and
underemployment), social roles (e.g., social isolation,
interpersonal tensions, and marital disruption) (12, 13),
and greater stigma (14). Stigma is a signicant aspect
of mental and neurological conditions (15). It is a
process involving labeling, separation, knowledge and
emphasis of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination
in the context in which power is exercised over
disadvantaged members of a social group (16).
Tertiary headache centers usually manage more
difcult patients, including those with medical and
psychiatric comorbidities (5). Information regarding the
patient journey to a specialty headache care center is
The impact of anxiety and depression on migraine patients
Santos ÉC, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.174-181, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
limited, and the inuence of psychiatric comorbidity on
the migraine patient journey is unknown.
In this study, we aimed to assess the role of psychiatric
comorbidity on the number of diagnostic procedures,
preventive and acute pharmacological treatments, and
non-pharmacological interventions migraine patients
experienced before visiting a tertiary headache center,
in São Paulo, Brazil. We hypothesized that anxiety and
depression increase the number of previous diagnostic
tests and treatment experiences.
Study design
We conducted a retrospective, observational study of
465 consecutive patients with migraine diagnoses based
on the International Classication of Headache Disorders
edition (ICHD-3). The patients were evaluated in
a specialized tertiary headache center from March to
July 2017, in São Paulo, Brazil. We collected the data
through medical chart reviews and a self-administered
questionnaire routinely used during initial medical visits.
The study was conducted in accordance with local laws
and was approved by the local ethics committee.
Eligibility criteria
Inclusion criteria were adult patients of both sexes over
18 years of age who were undergoing initial consultations
at a tertiary headache center in São Paulo. Exclusion
criteria included patients under 18 years, patients unable to
provide reliable information, and patients with signicant
cognitive decits or associated dementia.
Patient characteristics
We collected the following patient characteristics:
sociodemographic variables, headache characteristics,
previous diagnostic methods, clinical history, and
treatments previously used. Additionally, we used two
standardized instruments to diagnose depression and
anxiety, respectively: the Patient Health Questionnaire-9
(PHQ-9) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7).
Instruments and variable denitions
We dened patients with chronic migraines as
having headaches more than 15 days per month for at
least 3 months; patients with episodic migraines had
headaches fewer than 15 days per month.
To evaluate previous diagnostic methods
qualitatively, we asked patients if they had undergone
at least one of the following: laboratory test, cranial
computed tomography, cranial magnetic resonance,
electroencephalogram, and polysomnography.
Regarding previous treatments, we asked patients
if they had undergone at least one of the following:
acupuncture, psychotherapy, physiotherapy, botulinum
toxin, meditation, preventive medicines, and acute
We dened depression based on the Patient Health
Questionnaire–9 (PHQ-9), which is designed for use with
adults to assess and monitor the severity of depression
according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (17) and International Classication of
Diseases, 10th Edition, diagnostic criteria (ICD-10) (18, 19).
The PHQ-9 includes nine items that evaluate symptoms
related to depressed mood, anhedonia (loss of interest or
pleasure in doing things), problems with sleep, tiredness
or lack of energy, change in appetite or weight, feelings
of guilt or uselessness, concentration problems, feeling
slow or restless, and suicidal thoughts. Final scores are
calculated by adding each response (“not all,” “several
days,” “more than half the days,” and “almost every day”)
and are classied into ve depression severity groups:
0-4: none; 5-9: mild; 10-14: moderate; 15-19: moderately
severe; 20-27: severe. However, based on a previous
Brazilian study that dened a score of 9 as the best point
of accuracy, and to assess depression as a dichotomized
variable, we divided the patients into two groups: with
depression if their PHQ-9 scores were greater than or
equal to 9, and without depression if their scores were
less than 9 (20).
Anxiety was dened based on the Generalized
Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) scale, which consists of seven
items arranged on a 4-point Likert scale (0: not at all; 1:
several days; 2: more than half the days; 3: nearly every
day). Final scores are divided into four groups: 0-4:
minimal or no anxiety; 5-9: mild; 10-14: moderate; 15-21:
severe. (21). In our study, we consider a GAD-7 score
greater than or equal to 8 an anxiety diagnosis.
Statistical analysis
For subgroup comparison in a univariate analysis, we
used the qui-square test or Fisher’s exact test. To identify
variables independently related to depression and
anxiety symptoms, we categorized patients in four steps.
Initially, we dened two groups: patients with depression
and patients without depression. Next, we performed a
logistic regression to identify association of previously
performed exams and previously used treatments with
both groups. We then categorized patients as having
anxiety or not, and performed a new logistic regression
to study the same variable’s association with anxiety.
Finally, we performed a third logistic analysis to consider
the severe anxiety and severe depression subgroups.
We used IBM SPSS Statistics version 25 software (IBM,
Armonk, New York, USA) and considered a two-sided P
< 0.05 statistically signicant.
Sample characteristics
We studied 465 patients with migraine diagnosis;
their characteristics are summarized in Table 1. Their
mean age was 37.3 years (±13.1), and 72.7% of patients
were women. The patients’ average age at headache
onset was 17.1 years (±11.4) before the rst appointment
The impact of anxiety and depression on migraine patients
Santos ÉC, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.174-181, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
at our tertiary headache center, and 51.7% of patients had
chronic migraines.
Most patients (65.8%) had a PHQ-9 5, indicating at
least some depressive symptoms, whereas 152 patients
(34.2%) were considered depressed (PHQ-9 9) (Table 1).
Symptoms of anxiety were observed in 68.2% of patients,
based on their GAD-7 scores, and 209 patients (47.0%)
were diagnosed with anxiety (GAD-7 8). Depression and
anxiety were simultaneously diagnosed in 131 patients
(28.2%), and 237 patients (50.9%) had neither anxiety
nor depression. Other self-reported medical conditions
were common: 76.3% of patients had comorbidities,
such as gastritis, sinusitis, hypertension, kidney stones,
bromyalgia, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (Table 1).
We divided the patients into 4 subgroups:
depression, anxiety, depression and anxiety, and neither
depression nor anxiety. The characteristics evaluated
in comparison were migraine type, previous diagnoses
methods, and previous non-pharmacological and
pharmacological treatments.
Chronic migraines were more common than
episodic migraines among patients with psychiatric
comorbidities: 63.2% of depressive patients, 61.2% of
anxious patients, and 43.5% of patients without any
mood disorder experienced chronic migraines (Table 2).
Most patients underwent laboratory tests and
brain imaging (62.4 and 70.5%, respectively) in a similar
proportion among subgroups with or without anxiety or
depression (Table 2). One-third of patients underwent an
electroencephalogram before rst evaluation (Table 2).
Non-pharmacological treatment was frequent in all
subgroups, and 342 patients (73.5%) performed at least one
modality. Overall, acupuncture was the non-pharmacological
treatment most commonly done (55.2% of patients) without
difference between all subgroups. Depressive and anxious
patients (54.2% and 50.8%, respectively) more frequently
underwent psychotherapy compared to patients with
neither depression nor anxiety (34.7%) (Table 2). We found
no differences among the subgroups for other treatment
modalities, such as physiotherapy, botulinum toxin, nerve
blocks, and meditation.
Regarding pharmacological treatments, most patients
in all subgroups used preventive and acute treatments
(Table 2), although the proportion of acute medicine usage
was slightly higher than that of preventive medicine, even
in subgroups with mood disorders. Depressed patients
took preventive medications more often compared to non-
depressed patients (67.1% vs. 59.8%).
Multivariate analysis
Logistic regression was performed to identify factors
associated with depression and anxiety. Depressed
patients were more likely to be female (OR 8.18, CI 2.82 –
23.75), had more chronic migraines (OR 4.25, 1.90-9.50),
and had undergone more psychotherapy (OR 2.56, CI 1.15
5.66) than non-depressed patients (Table 3). In addition,
depression was associated with a reduced likelihood of
having previously undergone physiotherapy (OR 0.39,
CI 0.16 – 0.99). Anxiety was also associated with female
gender (OR 3.07, CI 1.36 – 6.95), chronic migraines (OR
3.91, CI 1.90 – 8.04), and previous psychotherapy (OR 2.18,
Sociodemographic and clinical
N or
% or
Age (Mean ± SD, n=462) 37.3 13.1
Duration of migraine in years (Mean ± SD,
17.2 11.4
Gender (n=462)
Men 126 27.3
Women 336 72.7
Religion (n=239)
Yes 204 85.4
Without religion 35 14.6
Migraine type
Chronic 240 51.7
Episodic 224 48.3
Patient Health Questionnaire - 9 (PHQ-9)
Minimal or none (score 0-4) 152 34.2
Mild (score 5-9) 152 34.2
Moderate (score 10-15) 75 16.9
Moderately severe (score 15-19) 35 7.9
Severe (score 20-27) 31 7.0
General Anxiety Disorder - 7 (GAD-7)
None (score 0-4) 139 31.2
Mild (score 5-9) 144 32.4
Moderate (score 10) 93 20.9
Severe (score 15-21) 69 15.5
Final mood diagnosis (n=445)
Depression (PHQ-99) 152 34,2
Anxiety (GAD-78) 209 47.0
Depression and anxiety (PHQ-99 and
131 28.2
No depression or anxiety (PHQ-9<9 and
237 50.9
Medical comorbidities (n=465)
Rhinitis 180 50.7
Sinusitis 175 49.3
Gastritis 173 48.7
Kidney stone 66 18.6
Polycystic ovary 58 16.3
Hypertension 39 11.0
Endometriosis 22 6.2
Fibromyalgia 21 5.9
Any medical comorbities (n=465) 355 76.3
Tabacco use (n=435) 30 6.5
Alcohol use (n=465) 214 46.0
Table 1. Patients characteristics with migraine.
SD: Standard deviation.
The impact of anxiety and depression on migraine patients
Santos ÉC, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.174-181, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
Table 2. Comparison based in the presence of anxiety and depression
Patients (n=465)
Depression (D) Anxiety (A) D + A Without D or A All patients
N= 152 N=209 N=131 N=237 N=465
N % N % N % N % N %
Migraine Type*
Chronic 96/152 63.2 128/209 61.2 84/131 64.1 103/237 43.5 240 51.7
Episodic 56/152 36.8 81/209 38.8 47/131 35.9 134/237 56.5 224 48.3
Previous test
Laboratory tests 100/152 65.7 134/209 64.1 86/131 65.6 156/237 65.8 290 62.4
Cranial CT 92/152 60.5 130/209 62.2 85/131 64.9 130/237 54.9 260 55.9
Cranial MRI 94/152 61.8 126/209 60.3 84/131 64.1 133/237 56.1 259 55.7
Cranial CT or MRI 112/152 73.7 154/209 73.7 98/131 74.8 168/237 70.9 328 70.5
EEG 57/ 1 5 2 37.5 80/209 38.3 49/131 37.4 83/237 35.0 163 35.1
Non-pharmacological treatments
Any non-
119/152 78.3 164/209 78.5 105/131 80.2 178/237 75.1 342 73.5
Acupuncture 81/141 57.4 117/196 59.7 73/122 59.8 116/226 51.3 233 55.2
Psychotherapy* 77/142 54.2 100/197 50.8 70/123 56.9 78/225 34.7 178 42.2
Physiotherapy 39/141 27.7 60/196 30.6 32/122 26.2 69/223 30.9 129 30.8
Botulinum Toxin 22/141 15.6 31/196 15.8 21/122 17.2 36/225 16.0 67 15.9
Nerve Blockade 35/141 24.8 44/196 22.4 28/122 23.0 47/2 24 21.0 91 21.7
Meditation 19/141 13.5 34/196 17.3 16/122 13.1 41/225 18.2 75 17.8
Pharmacological treatments
102/152 67.1 132/209 63.2 84/122 64.1 144/235 61.3 276 59.6
Acute medicines 103/152 67.8 139/209 66.5 88/131 67.2 150/235 63.8 289 62.4
* numbers in bold present results with difference statistically signicant (p<0.05). D: Depression; A: Anxiety.
Table 3. Multivariate analysis for presence of depression
Variables B Wald OR 95% Condence interval p-value
Age (years) -0.05 5.34 0.95 0.92 – 0.99 0.021
Female 2.10 14.95 8.18 2.82 – 23.75 0.000
Having religion 0.60 1.41 1.82 0.68 – 4.88 0.235
Disease duration (years) 0.03 2.05 1.03 0.99 – 1.08 0.152
Chronic migraine 1.45 12.48 4.25 1.90 – 9.50 0.000
Alcohol use 0.49 1.62 1.63 0.77 – 3.46 0.202
Tobacco use 0.40 0.35 1.48 0.40 – 5.47 0.552
Presence of any comorbidity 0.35 0.46 1.42 0.51 – 3.92 0.499
Cranial MRI 0.44 1.04 1.55 0.67 – 3.60 0.308
Cranial CT -0.13 0.09 0.88 0.39 – 1.99 0.759
Laboratory tests -0.06 0.02 0.94 0.42 – 2.10 0.877
EEG ,0.14 0.11 1.16 0.50 – 2.69 0.737
Acupuncture 0.06 0.03 1.07 0.49 – 2.31 0.869
Psychotherapy 0.94 5.34 2.56 1.15 – 5.66 0.021
Physiotherapy -0.92 3.97 0.40 0.16 – 0.99 0.046
Botulinum toxin 0.29 0.30 1.34 0.47 – 3.78 0.582
Nerve Blockade -0.39 0.66 0.67 0.26 – 1.74 0.417
Meditation -0.82 2.77 0.44 0.17 – 1.16 0.096
Preventive medicines -0.71 2.16 0.49 0.19 – 1.27 0.141
Acute medicines 0.41 0.83 1.51 0.62 – 3.67 0.362
* numbers in bold present results with difference statistically signicant (p<0.05)
The impact of anxiety and depression on migraine patients
Santos ÉC, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.174-181, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
CI 1.07 – 4.47). In addition, anxious patients were less likely
to undergo laboratory tests (OR 0.40, CI 0.19 – 0.85).
Furthermore, we performed a logistic regression
to determine whether severe depression (65 patients)
and severe anxiety (69 patients) were associated with
the same variables. We found that severe depression
was also associated with chronic migraines (OR 4.72, CI
1.53 – 14.56) and female gender (OR 4.62, CI 13-18) and
tended to be associated with previous psychotherapy
(OR 2.72, CI 0.96-7.69). The inverse relationship between
depression and previous physiotherapy was not found
in the severe group. Severe anxiety was also associated
with fewer laboratory tests (OR 0.23, CI 0.09 – 0.60) and
chronic migraines (OR 3.15, CI 1.20 – 8.23). In addition, we
found that severe anxiety patients used 10.7 times more
acute medication than non-severe anxiety patients (OR
10.71, CI 2.60 – 44.08).
In our study of migraine patients at a tertiary
headache center, we found depressive symptoms in
65.8% of patients and a depression prevalence of 34.2%.
The prevalence of anxiety was 47.0%, whereas 68.2%
of patients had some anxiety symptoms. Anxiety and
depression were present simultaneously in 28.2% of
patients, (Table 1) and these conditions were strongly
associated with chronic migraines and female gender.
These results align with recent studies that reported
high prevalence of the same psychiatric comorbidities
in patients with chronic migraines (1, 5, 6, 22, 23). The
analysis of previous patient journeys showed that
depressive patients underwent more psychotherapy
and less physiotherapy than non-depressed patients,
whereas anxiety was associated with a higher probability
of undergoing psychotherapy, but a lower probability of
undergoing laboratory tests. Additionally, severe anxiety
increased the risk of using acute medication by 10.7 times.
Patients with migraines frequently have multiple medical
visits before arriving at a tertiary center. Reported on
primary care provided by non-specialists and found
that headache patients had an average of 3 health care
providers prior to consultation with a specialist, with an
average of 11 years of pain duration (24). In our tertiary
headache center, the mean headache duration was 17.1
years (±11.4) before the rst appointment, and most
patients had already performed non-pharmacological
treatments and used preventive medicine. Therefore,
considering the high prevalence of mood symptoms
in migraineurs, non-specialists should be trained in the
management of psychiatric comorbidities in headache
disorders to improve the patient journey.
Regarding ancillary tests performed during
headache diagnosis, cranial computed tomography and
magnetic resonance imaging permit the exclusion of
certain secondary causes of headaches, such as brain
masses and vascular diseases, but their usefulness is
signicantly reduced in patients with chronic headaches.
We consider the previous cranial imaging undergone
by 70% of our patients to be quite unwarranted, as is
the high frequency of previous Electroencephalogram
(EEG) (one-third of our patients had undergone at least
one), which is usually unnecessary for migraine patients.
A detailed evaluation of other symptoms indicative of
secondary headaches should always be considered, so
excessive and costly tests may be precluded in patients
with evident migraine criteria unless other warning signs
are present (25).
We expected more migraine patients with
psychiatric comorbidities to have undergone diagnostic
tests than those without comorbidities, as observed in
previous reports (5, 26), but our study did not conrm
these ndings. This could be due to a trend among
primary physicians of asking tests for most headache
patients, regardless of psychiatric comorbidities.
Another explanation is the fact that we did not quantify
the number of tests performed, but asked the patients if
they underwent a specic test at least once in the past.
In addition, stigma may be an issue, as patients with
anxiety or depression may not be evaluated adequately
and may give up seeking a correct diagnosis. A nding
that supports this hypothesis is that anxious patients
in our study were less likely to undergo laboratory
tests, although one would predict the opposite due to
increased somatization and physical symptoms.
Non-pharmacological treatment was frequent;
patients in all subgroups performed at least one
modality. Interestingly, previous experience with
psychotherapy was frequently a predictor of anxiety and
depression in migraine patients. This could be explained
by previous referrals from physicians or self-referrals
to psychotherapy. More severe patients should have
greater need for medication and non-pharmacological
approaches, but in this case, we found only psychotherapy
and, interestingly, reduced odds of undergoing physical
therapy. The low probability of undergoing physical
therapy could be due to kinesiophobia, a phenomenon
related to the avoidance of physical therapy in the
treatment of chronic pain, in patients with depression
and anxiety (26, 27). Besides the overuse of health care
services, anxiety and depression are both associated
with signicant psychological distress and poor health
perception, whereas physical disability is only associated
with depression and may corroborate the kinesiophobia
We found no independent association
between depression and a higher likelihood of using
pharmacological treatment. One explanation for this
lack of correlation may be the way we veried the use of
medication. In our study, we did not quantify the number
or duration of drugs previously tried, but evaluated
these factors qualitatively (used or not used). However,
we found a strong association between severe anxiety
and acute medicine consumption. Higher anxiety levels
could cause patients to seek more care and receive
more preventive treatments, but patients may also
use analgesics excessively due to cephalalgiaphobia,
anticipatory anxiety, or compulsion (29). Severe anxiety
patients used 10.7 times more acute medicines than
non-severe anxiety patients. This is also in accordance
with other studies’ ndings. Showed that analgesic
consumption was greater in GAD patients with primary
The impact of anxiety and depression on migraine patients
Santos ÉC, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.174-181, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
headaches than in controls with primary headaches
without GAD (11). Analgesics ingestion can occur prior
to the onset of a headache due to anxiety, and evaluated
the reasons for this behavior: 67% of patients reported
difculty coping with pain, 62% feared its emergence,
and 45% consumed analgesics to reduce anxiety (30).
Our study has some limitations. First, it was an
observational cross-sectional study based on medical
charts and a retrospective self-reported questionnaire,
so associations found may be not due to a cause–effect
relationship. Second, patients were asked to remember all
previously performed procedures, which can be inuenced
by reminder bias. Finally, we performed a single-center
study. Thus, our study reected a specic population, and
selection bias may be have inuenced our results.
Anxiety and depression were common in migraine
patients seen at a tertiary headache center, mostly in
patients with chronic migraines. Depressed patients
were often female, had more chronic migraines,
and had undergone more psychotherapy than non-
depressed patients, although they had a reduced
chance of having previously undergone physiotherapy.
Anxiety was also associated with female gender,
chronic migraines, previous psychotherapy, and a risk
of using acute pharmacological treatment that was 10.7
times higher than in other patient groups, which may
lead to issues related to analgesic abuse. Anxiety and
depression affect the journey of patients with migraines,
probably beginning with primary care, and physicians,
who routinely offer rst-aid interventions, should be
concerned with recognizing these mental disorders.
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Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.182-185, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
Descritores: Microcauterização térmica, enxaqueca, neuromodulação.
Application of thermal microcautery in migraine
Aplicação da microcauterização térmica no manejo da
Eleni Papageorgiou
Konstantine Kovas
Camillus Power
Nikolaos Kostopoulos
Dept. of Neurology, General Hospital of
Athens, G. Gennimatas, Greece.
Dept. of Pain Medicine, Tallaght University
Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.
Holistic Health Centre, Athens, Greece
Eleni Papageorgiou
E-mail: helenmorou@yahoo.gr
Received: December 5, 2019.
Accepted: December 26, 2019.
Thermal microcautery is a novel minimally invasive intervention for migraine.
We present a case series of twenty-one patients who underwent this technique.
Nineteen patients reported improvement in migraine management. Of these
four patients went on to complete remission and a further eleven patients
reported over 50% improvement. In addition, the majority of patients noted
reductions in intensity and duration of headache with a better response to
medication. The efcacy of thermal microcautery generates a new hypothesis
that attempts to explain how a neuromodulation technique may be helpful in
the management of migraine.
Keywords: Thermal microcautery; Migraine; Neuromodulation.
A microcauterização térmica é uma nova intervenção minimamente invasiva
para enxaqueca. Apresentamos uma série de casos de vinte e um pacientes
submetidos a essa técnica. Dezenove pacientes relataram melhora no
tratamento da enxaqueca. Desses quatro pacientes, a remissão foi concluída
e outros onze relataram mais de 50% de melhora. Além disso, a maioria dos
pacientes observou reduções na intensidade e duração da dor de cabeça com
uma melhor resposta à medicação aguda. A ecácia da microcauterização
térmica gera uma nova hipótese que tenta explicar como uma técnica de
neuromodulação pode ser útil no tratamento da enxaqueca.
Application of thermal microcautery in migraine management
Papageorgiou E, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.182-185, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
Migraine is a highly disabling disease, with high
nancial and social impact (1). Migraine treatment can
be both acute and preventive, several pharmacological
classes can be effective, as also may non-pharmacological
therapies (2,3). Nerve blocks, botulinum toxin type A,
and neuromodulation may play an important role in the
management of migraine (4)
A number of studies have come to light, showing
that external stimulation of certain parts of the head,
may contribute to the management of pain (5,6,7,8)
Thermal microcautery have been used for the treatment
of pain disorders, but limited information is available
about its role in migraine treatment (9). We aimed in
this study to present our experience in a case series of
patients treated with thermal microcautery.
Patients were selected from the Neurological
Headache outpatient clinic of G.N.A. ‘’G. Gennimatas’’,
from November 2017 up to March 2019.
Inclusion / exclusion criteria
The inclusion criteria were as follows –
1. Diagnosis of chronic migraine with or without
aura and/or Medication Overuse Headache
2. The failure of at least one preventive treatment.
3. Patients were not allowed to undergo
Botox injections (10,11) Acupuncture and
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation for
at least 3 months.
Technique description
In this technique we applied instantly intense heat
(600° C) to an area of localized pain (2) identied by
clinical examination before the procedure. The heat
was applied by a low temperature cautery disposable
ne tip pen, Fiab Disposable electrocautery pensF7255
(28 mm) which is routinely used in dermatology for
Thermal microcautery was performed on bilateral
cervical, occipital, supraorbital and temporal areas, (12)
depending on what patients referred to as the most
painful points during the attack of migraine and also
between acute attacks.
Post procedure a cooling cream was applied (1gr.,
Pistacia Lentiscus, Shorea robusta)
It was planned that each patient would undergo 4
sessions, every 7-10 days. Each patient had a recording
of the frequency, duration, intensity of episodes of
headache, medication use and response. We recorded
the VAS pain score in each session.
The protocol of the study had been submitted
to the Hospital’s Ethical Committee and had been
approved. All patients were fully informed about the
aim of the study, the procedure and the complications
and had lled out a consent form.
Twenty-one patients have completed the study over
a two-month period with follow-up on all patients for six
months (twenty female patients – one male). The age
ranged from 37 to 68 years old (average 51.1 years old).
All of them had received at least one preventive therapy:
six patients used propranolol, twelve topiramate, three
valproic acid, ve unarizine, four amitriptyline, thirteen
SSRIs-SNRIs, ve botulinum-A. Additional, ve patients
had undergone Acupuncture and two used cannabis
oil on a daily basis. None of them had undergone any
invasive therapy or used anti-CGRP antibodies.
Fourteen patients used triptans at the acute phase
of the episode, all of them paracetamol and/or NSAIDs
and two Cephaly.
Fifteen of twenty-one patients had a combined
diagnosis of migraine and MOH.
Nineteen of twenty-one patients reported overall
improvement of their symptoms.
Four patients reported complete remission of their
migraine which has persisted for six months.
Eleven patients reported over 50% improvement
(reduction in the frequency, intensity and/or duration
of headaches) and four patients reported a 30%
15 patients out 19 who reported improvement,
recorded a reduction in the frequency of episodes, 16 a
reduction in the intensity of the pain, 9 a reduction in the
duration of each episode.
15 patients noted a better response to the drugs
administered at the acute phase of pain,
Five patients were able to stop their preventive
treatment in six months.
Patients tolerated the procedure well including
application of the cooling cream. Five patients
Figure 1. Pie graph of evaluation of Migraine symptoms at the
end of the study (21 patients)
Application of thermal microcautery in migraine management
Papageorgiou E, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.182-185, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
experienced relief of migraine immediately following the
The mild burn after the application of cauterization
was healed in 2-3 days, leaving no aesthetic marks. No
skin reactions appeared.
The present study shows promising results with
thermal microcautery in migraine preventive treatment,
due to its efcacy and tolerability (13).
Explanations for our ndings may include the
theory of the distorted communication within the
trigeminocervical complex. A possible pathophysiological
mechanism of action is the modication of the perception
of pain through peripheral stimulation (1,14) in the regions
of distribution of trigeminal and occipital nerves (12,15)
Through the anatomical and functional convergence of
these nerve endings, a wider distribution of the stimulus
is supposed to trigger centrifugal pathways that regulate
pain (16). It is known that stimulation of the occipital
nerves regulates the activity of sensory neurons in
the trigeminocervical complex; so, stimulation of the
trigeminal nerve as well, is supposed to have the same
effect. Its branches in the trigeminal divisions and C1 and
C2 dermatomes (9) converge with sensory bers of the
dura mater and share the same receptive eld. Thus, it is
possible that an extracranial stimulation such as thermal
microcautery can also modify the activity of the sensory
bers of the dura.
Migraine originates in a distorted communication
within a complex neural network which leads to the well
described neuro-vascular cascade of events (17). We
hypothesize that a thermal microcautery stimulus resets
this network restoring its natural homeostasis.
The study has several limitations, rst it is not
controlled by a sham procedure or other treatment as
a comparator. A baseline phase before the treatment
performed has not been performed, so a possible recall
bias may affect our results.
Thermal microcautery is a promising therapy
for migraine, further randomized clinical studies are
necessary to conrm its efcacy
1. 1. Ellens, D. J., & Levy, R. M. (2011). Peripheral neuromodulation
for migraine headache. In Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (Vol.
24, pp. 109-117). Karger Publishers. DOI: 10.1159/isbn.978-3-
2. Melzack, R., & Wall, P. D. (1965). Pain mechanisms: a
new theory. Science, 150(3699), 971-979. DOI: 10.1126/
3. Lovati, C., D’Amico, D., & Bertora, P. (2009). Allodynia in
migraine: frequent random association or unavoidable
consequence?. Expert review of neurotherapeutics, 9(3),
395-408. https://doi.org/10.1586/14737175.9.3.395
4. Goadsby, P. J., Holland, P. R., Martins-Oliveira, M., Hoffmann,
J., Schankin, C., & Akerman, S. (2017). Pathophysiology of
migraine: a disorder of sensory processing. Physiological
reviews, 97(2), 553-622. DOI: 10.1152/physrev.00034.2015
5. Lipton R, Goadsby PJ, Cady R, Aurora SK, Grosberg BM,
F., & F G, et al. (2009). PO47 PRISM study: occipital nerve
stimulation for treatment-refractory migraine. Cephalalgia,
29(Suppl 1), 30. Retrieved from http://journals.sagepub.
6. Nayak, R., & Banik, R. K. (2018). Current Innovations in
Peripheral Nerve Stimulation. Pain Research and Treatment.
Hindawi Limited. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/9091216
7. Lauritsen, C. G., & Silberstein, S. D. (2019, May 1). Rationale
for electrical parameter determination in external trigeminal
nerve stimulation (eTNS) for migraine: A narrative
review. Cephalalgia. SAGE Publications Ltd. https://doi.
8. Rapoport, A. M., Lin, T., & Tepper, S. J. (2020). Remote
Electrical Neuromodulation (REN) for the Acute
Treatment of Migraine. Headache: The Journal of Head
and Face Pain.
9. Ishiyama, S., Shibata, Y., Ayuzawa, S., Matsushita, A., &
Matsumura, A. (2018). Clinical Effect of C2 Peripheral Nerve
Field Stimulation Using Electroacupuncture for Primary
Headache. Neuromodulation, 21(8), 793–796. https://doi.
10. Loeb, L. M., Amorim, R. P., Mazzacoratti, M. da G. N.,
Scorza, F. A., & Peres, M. F. P. (2018). Botulinum toxin a
(BT-A) versus low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in chronic
migraine treatment: A comparison. Arquivos de Neuro-
Psiquiatria, 76(10), 663–667. https://doi.org/10.1590/0004-
11. Zidan, A., Roe, C., Burke, D., & Mejico, L. (2019).
OnabotulinumtoxinA wear-off in chronic migraine,
observational cohort study. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience,
69, 237-240. DOI: 10.1016/j.jocn.2019.07.043
12. Popeney, C. A., & Aló, K. M. (2003). Peripheral
neurostimulation for the treatment of chronic, disabling
transformed migraine. Headache, 43(4), 369–375. https://
13. Fishman, M. A., Antony, A., Esposito, M., Deer, T., & Levy,
R. (2019). The Evolution of Neuromodulation in the
Treatment of Chronic Pain: Forward-Looking Perspectives.
Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.), 20(1), S58–S68. https://doi.
14. Popeney, C. A., & Aló, K. M. (2003). Peripheral
neurostimulation for the treatment of chronic, disabling
transformed migraine. Headache: The Journal of Head and
Face Pain, 43(4), 369-375. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1526-
15. Slavin, K. V., Nersesyan, H., & Wess, C. (2006). Peripheral
neurostimulation for treatment of intractable occipital
neuralgia. Neurosurgery, 58(1), 112–118. https://doi.
Figure 2. Bar graph of the clinical benets of treatment.
Application of thermal microcautery in migraine management
Papageorgiou E, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.182-185, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
16. Landy, S., Rice, K., & Lobo, B. (2004). Central sensitisation
and cutaneous allodynia in migraine. CNS drugs, 18(6),
337-342. https://doi.org/10.2165/00023210-200418060-
17. D’Andrea, G., D’Arrigo, A., Dalle Carbonare, M., & Leon, A.
(2012). Pathogenesis of migraine: role of neuromodulators.
Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain, 52(7), 1155-
1163. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1526-4610.2012.02168.x
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.186-188, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
Cefaleia Dialítica Associada à Cefaleia por Privação de
Cafeína em Pacientes Submetidos à Hemodiálise
Dialysis Headache Associated with Caffeine-Withdrawal
Headache in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis
Edarlan Barbosa dos-Santos
Kattiucy Gabrielle da Silva Brito
Bernardo Afonso Ribeiro Pinto
Tatiane Fernandes da Fonseca Gaban
Antonio Marcos da Silva Catharino
Universidade Iguaçu, Programa de iniciação
cientíca - Nova Iguaçu - Rio de Janeiro -
Hospital Geral de Nova Iguaçu, Nefrologia -
Nova Iguaçu - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Hospital Geral de Nova Iguaçu, Neurologia -
Nova Iguaçu - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Universidade Iguaçu, Semiologia Médica \
Neurologia - Nova Iguaçu - Rio de Janeiro -
Antonio Marcos da Silva Catharino
E-mail: neurocurso@globo.com
Received: November 20, 2019.
Accepted: December 19, 2019.
Descritores: Cefaleia; Diálise Renal; Transtornos da Cefaleia.
Headaches are particularly relevant as a complication of hemodialysis, given
that this condition increases the discomfort felt by patients undergoing this
therapy. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence
of headache in patients undergoing hemodialysis sessions, particularly
considering dialysis headaches due to caffeine-withdrawal. This was a cross-
sectional, observational, quantitative and qualitative study with questionnaires
and interviews. The questionnaire addressed biopsychosocial aspects, clinical
aspects and criteria for the classication of headaches according to the
International Headache Society. A hundred and sixty patients with stage-V
chronic kidney disease responded to the questionnaire during hemodialysis
sessions. Headache prevalence was 90% and over the period studied 53.1% of
patients presented the symptom. Among these patients with headaches, over
half (55.3%) presented criteria for concomitant caffeine-withdrawal headaches
and dialysis headaches. The beginning of headaches varied between one
month and more than ve years, with most occurring for more than ve years.
Frequency varied from sporadic crises to more than one crisis a day, though
more than one crisis a day predominated. The interval between crises was of
a few days, with mean duration of less than one hour, which ceased with the
use of self-medicated analgesics, with no worsening factor. This condition is
a challenge for neurologists and headache experts. More studies are needed
to decrease this prevalence, to decrease the abusive use of analgesics and
improve the quality of life of these patients.
Keywords: Headache; Renal Dialysis; Headache Disorders.
A cefaleia como complicação da hemodiálise merece um lugar de destaque,
uma vez que aumenta ainda mais o incômodo sofrido pelo paciente submetido
a essa terapia. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a prevalência de cefaleia
em pacientes submetidos a sessões de hemodiálise, com ênfase na cefaleia
dialítica e na cefaleia por privação de cafeína. Este foi um estudo transversal,
observacional, quantitativo e qualitativo utilizando questionários e entrevistas.
O questionário abordou aspectos biopsicossociais, aspectos clínicos e critérios
para classicação da cefaleia de acordo com a Sociedade Internacional de
Cefaleia. Cento e sessenta pacientes com IRC em estágio V responderam ao
questionário durante as sessões de hemodiálise. A prevalência da cefaleia foi
de 90% e no período da pesquisa 53,1% dos pacientes apresentavam o sintoma.
Dentre os pacientes com cefaleia, mais da metade (55,3%) apresentavam critérios
para cefaleia por privação de cafeína e cefaleia dialítica concomitantemente. O
início da cefaleia variou de um mês a mais de cinco anos, sendo a maioria há
mais de cinco anos. A frequência variou de crises esporádicas a mais de uma
crise por dia, predominando mais de uma crise por semana. O intervalo entre
as crises foi de dias, com duração média de menos de uma hora, sendo cessada
com uso de analgésicos, automedicados, sem fator agravante. Essa condição é
considerada um desao entre os neurologistas e especialistas em cefaleia. São
necessários mais estudos para diminuir essa prevalência, diminuir o uso abusivo
de analgésicos e melhorar a qualidade de vida desses pacientes.
Dialysis Headache Associated with Caffeine-Withdrawal
Santos EB, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.186-188, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
Headaches are classied as either primary or
secondary, based on the absence or not of underlying
structural or metabolic disruptions causing the condition.
This is a very frequent symptom in patients with renal
failure undergoing hemodialysis.
Headaches are triggered by several factors, which
are either intrinsic or extrinsic, since individuals with
migraines have lower thresholds to certain exposures,
leading to a series of events and culminating in pain.
Headaches are particularly relevant as a
complication of hemodialysis, given that this condition
increases the discomfort felt by patients undergoing
this therapy. Moreover, there is an increasing number
of patients that rely on this procedure. The relationship
between hemodialysis and headaches can be observed
at the beginning of the dialysis treatment, which can
be followed by nausea, vomiting, muscle spasms,
disorientation, systemic hypertension and convulsions.
The most frequent triggering factors for dialysis
headache, either mentioned by patients or by the medical
team, were arterial hypertension (38%), followed by no
identied factor (26%), arterial hypotension (12%) and
changes to body weight (6%). Another factor mentioned
as a trigger for headaches during hemodialysis were
electrolyte disorders.
Dialysis headache frequency was rst described in
1972, with 70% of hemodialysis patients suffering from
headaches. Over the years, this frequency decreased, as
shown in a recent study where this proportion was of 48%.
During hemodialysis, several substances are
depurated. The International Headache Society (IHS)
emphasizes the decrease of serum caffeine as being
responsible for headache crises during dialysis sessions.
The main symptom of cessation of caffeine is headache.
The study of Maia and cols. reports the benets of using
caffeine before hemodialysis sessions as a prophylactic
measure for headaches.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate
the prevalence of headache in patients undergoing
hemodialysis sessions, particularly considering dialysis
headaches due to caffeine-withdrawal.
This was a cross-sectional, observational, quantitative
and qualitative study conducted at a treatment center
for patients with renal failure who were undergoing
hemodialysis. The study comprised questionnaires and
interviews with these patients.
The questionnaire was developed by the authors
and addressed biopsychosocial aspects (age, gender,
housing, life habits, previous pathological history,
professional activities, among others), in addition to
clinical aspects regarding the presence of headaches
(family history, time of disease, frequency, duration,
location, intensity, quality of pain, associated symptoms,
triggering factors, worsening factors and relief factors
during a crisis) and criteria for the classication of
headaches according to the IHS.
The Google Docs software was used to manage the
database of this research. All patients were consulted in
advance and manifested their interest in taking part of
this investigation by signing a free and informed consent
statement. Thus, patients answered the questionnaire
voluntarily after agreeing to participate in the research.
This project was approved by the ethics in research
committee of the educational institution - UNIG, CAAE:
68978517.4.0000.8044, registry number: 2.416.322.
Questionnaires were applied to 160 patients, with
stage-V chronic kidney disease, during hemodialysis
sessions. Most patients were in their 70s (25%), followed
by patients in their 50s (21.2%). Moreover, most patients
were male (61.9%). Regarding marital status, most
patients were married, and more than half lived with
their spouse and/or children. Over 60% considered
themselves stressed and mentioned hemodialysis and
one of the causes. Only 9% were smokers and 10%
reported drinking alcoholic beverages for more than 10
years. Only 18% carried out physical or cultural activities
regularly. All patients reported not having a professional
occupation because of the disease and 70% reported
feeling difculty in their everyday life. Nearly 87% of
patients presented associated arterial hypertension.
Headache prevalence was 90% and over the period
studied 53.1% of patients presented the symptom. Among
these patients with headaches, over half (55.3%) presented
criteria for concomitant caffeine-withdrawal headaches
and dialysis headaches. In turn, 14.1% only presented criteria
for dialysis headaches, according to the IHS.
The beginning of headaches varied between one
month and more than ve years, with most occurring for
more than ve years. Frequency varied from sporadic
crises to more than one crisis a day, though more than
one crisis a day predominated, which was compatible
with hemodialysis sessions three times a week. The
interval between crises was of a few days, with mean
duration of less than one hour, which ceased with the use
of self-medicated analgesics, with no worsening factor.
The prevailing location of the pain was the front bilateral
region, followed by the occipital and temporal regions,
characterized as pulsating, with no aura, frequently
associated with other symptoms such as scintillating
scotomas, nausea, vomiting and photophobia. When
asked about colors, most patients associated intensity of
pain with the color red, followed by black.
A high prevalence of dialysis headache was
observed, a frequent complication of hemodialysis
that worsens the quality of life of patients that already
present a debilitating disease. This condition is a
challenge for neurologists and headache experts. The
association between dialysis headache and headache
by caffeine-withdrawal was observed in more than half
of the patients with any kind of headache. More studies
are needed to decrease this prevalence, to decrease the
Dialysis Headache Associated with Caffeine-Withdrawal
Santos EB, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.186-188, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
abusive use of analgesics and improve the quality of life
of these patients.
All patients reported that their headaches only
improved with the use of analgesics. However, there
are no controlled studies on prophylactic treatment or
abortive treatment of dialysis headache.
Frontal bilateral pain, characterized as pulsatile, with
no aura, frequently associated with other symptoms
such as scintillating scotomas, nausea, vomiting and
photophobia is compatible with the literature found.
Despite their high prevalence, dialysis headaches
remain scarcely studied.
1. Headache Classication Committee of the International
Headache Society (IHS). The International Classication
of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition (beta version)”.
Cephalalgia. 2013; 33: 629-808.
2. PahimLS,Menezes AMB, Rosângela Lima R.Prevalência e
fatores associados à enxaqueca na população adulta de
Pelotas, RS. Rev Saúde Pública. 2006; 40 (4): 692-698.
3. Santos KALM, Martins HAL, Ribas VR, Costa-Neto
J, Silva WF, Valença MM. Cefaleiarelacionada à
hemodiálise: históriaprévia de cefaleia é um fator de risco.
Migrâneascefaleias. 2009; 12(3): 112-14.
4. Moraes AP, Salomão CEM, Soares FHC, Sousa KS, Moraes
TC, Silva MHS, Pimentel AL, Jurno ME. Prevalência de
cefaleiaemumaunidade de diálise. Rev Interdisciplinar de
EstudosExperimentais. 2016; 8: 23-30.
5. Antoniazzi AL, Bigal ME, Bordini CA, Tepper SJ, Speciali
JG. Headacheandhemodialysis: a Prospectivestudy.
6. Bana DS, Yap AU, Graham JR. Headache duringhemo dialysis
Headache 1972;12:1-14.
7. Shapiro RE. Caffeineandheadaches. NeurolSci. 2007; 28:
8. Maia AV, Catharino AMS, et al. Cefaleia por privação de
cafeína em paciente submetida à hemodiálise: relato de
caso. Rev. Neurociências. 2010; 18(3): 324-327.
9. Sousa Melo E, Carrilho Aguiar F, Sampaio Rocha-Filho
PA.Dialysis Headache: A Narrative Review.Headache. 2017;
57(1): 161-164. doi: 10.1111/head.12875.
10. Sav MY, Sav T, Senocak E, Sav NM. “Hemodialysis-related
headache”. Hemodial Int. 2014; 18: 725-729.doi: 10.1111/
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.189-192, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
Descritores: Aneurisma Roto. Cefaleias Vasculares. Hemorragia Subaracnóidea.
Prevalence of thunderclap headache in patients with
ruptured intracranial aneurysms: series of 60 cases
Prevalência de cefaleia thunderclap em pacientes
com aneurisma intracraniano roto: série de 60
Bruno Bertoli Esmanhotto
Elcio Juliato Piovesan
Marcos Christiano Lange
Faculdades Pequeno Príncipe, Curso de
Medicina - Curitiba - PARANA - Brasil.
Hospital de Clínicas - Universidade Federal
do Paraná, Departamento de Neurologia -
Bruno Bertoli Esmanhotto
E-mail: bbesmanhotto@hotmail.com
Received: December 19, 2019.
Accepted: December 30, 2019.
Thunderclap headache (TCH) is a head pain that begins suddenly and is severe
at onset. TCH might be the rst sign of subarachnoid hemorrhage. This study
was conducted to evaluate the presence of thunderclap headache (TCH) in
patients with ruptured intracranial aneurysm (RIA) and endovascular treatment
(EVT). We evaluated the pattern of headache in 60 patients who suffered a RIA
and EVT at time of admission and prospectively evaluated the characteristics
of previous headache within one year before the rupture. Thirty-one patients
(51,7 %) had TCH related to the rupture. Aneurysm size does not affect the
occurrence of thunderclap headache (p=0,08). The vascular aneurysm territory
is not related to presence of TCH (p=0,527). The prevalence of TCH in this cohort
was similar to previous studies. All patients with acute thunderclap headache
should be evaluated for subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Keywords: Ruptured Aneurysm; Subarachnoid Hemorrhage; Vascular Headache.
Cefaleia thunderclap (CT) é uma dor de cabeça de início súbito e muito intensa.
Pode ser o primeiro sinal de uma hemorragia subaracnoídea (HAS). Este estudo
foi realizado para avaliar a prevalência de cefaleia thunderclap em pacientes que
sofreram ruptura de aneurisma intracraniano (RIA) e submetidos a tratamento
endovascular.(TEV) Foram avaliados 60 participantes com quadro de RIA e TEV
no momento da admissão hospitalar, e foi questionado sobre as características
da dor de cabeça prévia por um ano antes da ruptura. Trinta e um (51,7%) dos
participantes relataram CT no momento da ruptura. O tamanho do aneurisma
não teve relação com a ocorrência da CT (p=0.08). O território vascular também
não teve relação com a presença de CT (p=0,527). A prevalência de CT neste
estudo foi semelhante ao relatado em estudos prévios. Todos os pacientes com
CT devem ser investigados para hemorragia subaracnoídea.
Thunderclap Headache In Ruptured Aneurysm
Esmanhotto BB, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.189-192, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
One of the main symptoms in patients with an
intracranial aneurysm is headache, which is observed
in all stages of the disease, i.e., prior to, during and
after rupture of the aneurysm. Headache may be the
only presenting symptom in up to 40% of patients
Multicenter studies have shown that in the period before
rupture headache is present in up to 36% of cases
The character of the headache is not very specic,
and there is no single pain characteristic that allows a
diagnosis of aneurysm
to be suspected other than the
presence of thunderclap headache (TCH), which requires
investigation for subarachnoid hemorrhage
Subarachnoid hemorrhage is most commonly
due to rupture of an intracranial aneurysm. Ruptured
aneurysms account for 85% of cases, non-aneurysmal peri
mesencephalic hemorrhage (with excellent prognosis)
account for 10%, and various rare disorders (transmural
arterial dissection, cerebral arteriovenous malformation,
dural arteriovenous stula, mycotic aneurysm, and
cocaine abuse) account for the rest
‘‘Thunderclap headache’’ refers to a headache that
is very severe and has abrupt onset, reaching maximum
intensity in less than 1 minute. A thunderclap headache
is typically described by patients as an apoplectic event,
one that clearly stands out from other types of headaches
they may have previously experienced. Patients with
thunderclap headache often liken the sensation to an
explosion in their head or being struck in the head
Primary TCH is diagnosed when all other potential
underlying causes have been eliminated by diagnostic.
Secondary TCH have multiple causes (Table 1)
, and
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage is the most common cause.
It is important to recall that the headache, although
almost always present, is sometimes overshadowed by
other symptoms and this results in misdiagnosis. Prior
migraine, may lead to migraine as an incorrect diagnosis
and not working up patients because their headache has
responded to various analgesics, including triptans, is
another reason for misdiagnosis.
We performed a prospective cohort study of
consecutive patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage
secondary to rupture of an aneurysm who had received
EVT. The study was approved by the Hospital de
Clínicas Committee for Ethics in Human Research, and
all participants signed a voluntary informed-consent
form. The exclusion criteria were patients over 18 years
of age with the signs and symptoms of subarachnoid
hemorrhage secondary to rupture of an aneurysm who
had received EVT between June 1st, 2013, and June
1st 2014. The exclusion criteria were patients in coma,
confused or unable to complete the questionnaire
properly because of neurological disabilities, submitted
to neurosurgery, presence of non-saccular aneurysms
and loss of follow-up.
After embolization, these patients were interviewed
about a history of headache using a purpose-built
Table 1. Causes of Thunderclap Headache *
Most Common Causes of Thunderclap Headache
Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Less Common Causes of Thunderclap Headache
Cerebral infection
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
Cervical artery dissection
Complicated sinusitis
Hypertensive crisis
Intracerebral hemorrhage
Ischemic stroke
Spontaneous intracranial hypotension
Subdural hematoma
Uncommon Causes of Thunderclap Headache
Aqueductal stenosis
Brain tumor
Cardiac cephalgia
Giant cell arteritis
Pituitary apoplexy
Retroclival hematoma
Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma
Third ventricle colloid cyst
*Although the exact incidence of each cause of thunderclap
headache is not well-dened, certain causes of thunderclap
headache are more common than others based upon how often
they present with thunderclap headache and the incidence of
the condition itself. For example, although pituitary apoplexy
might commonly present with thunderclap headache, as
pituitary apoplexy is an uncommon condition, it is an unlikely
cause of a patient’s thunderclap headache.
questionnaire by a neurologist. A questionnaire about the
presence of headache based on the ICHD (International
Classication of Headache Disorder) 3
in the 12 months prior to rupture was applied after EVT.
Depending on the characteristics of their headache at
the rst assessment, patients were classied as having
migraine with aura, migraine without aura or tension-type
The diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage was
based on computed axial tomography (CAT), when this
failed to conrm the diagnosis, an analysis of cerebrospinal
uid following lumbar puncture was done to conrm the
hemorrhage. After the diagnosis, patients underwent
digital subtraction angiography (DSA) to conrm the
presence of and the site of the aneurysm, allowing the
EVT. Two experienced Interventional Neuroradiologists,
using remodeling technique, performed the coiling.
Patients were treated with Gugliemli Detachable Coils
(GDC, Stryker Neurovascular, Freemont, California, USA)
and Hyperform Occlusion Balloon System (Covidien,
Irvine, California, USA).
Thunderclap Headache In Ruptured Aneurysm
Esmanhotto BB, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.189-192, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
Statistical Analysis
The non-parametric Mann-Whitney test was used
to correlate the aneurysm size with its localization. The
Fisher exact test was used to investigate the association
between qualitative variables, and the Jarque-Bera test
was used to test the variables for normality. P values of
less than 0.05 were considered signicant.
In total, we recruited 60 patients with RIA, 48 (80%)
were women and 12 men (20%), with a mean age of 49.5
± 12.9 years. Thirty-seven (61.7%) had a history of headache
in the 12 months prior to rupture of the aneurysm and
were distributed as follows: 16 (43.2%) with tension-type
headache; 11 (29.7%) with migraine without aura; nine (24.3%)
with migraine with aura; and one (2.7%) with non-specic
characteristics. (Table 2). From 60 cases, 31 (51.7%) had TCH
as clinical presentation of SAH. Arterial Hypertension and
tabagism were present in 18 (58%) patients and 10 (32%)
participants with TCH, respectively. In 23 (74%) participants
with TCH the aneurysm size were less than 10 mm, and in
8 (26%) were larger than 10 mm. The aneurysm size was
not statistically signicant in occurrence of TCH (p=0.08) In
48 patients (80%) the aneurysms were localized in anterior
circulation and 12 (20%) in posterior circulation, but no
difference in prevalence of TCH in this 2 subsets was shown.
(p=0.527)(Table 3).
Epidemiological studies in the Brazilian population
have shown the prevalence of migraine and tension-type
headache to be 15.2% and 13%, respectively
. In the
present study, the prevalence of both types of headache
in patients with an intracranial aneurysm was twice
as high: 33.4% for migraine (15% with aura and 18.4%
without aura) and 26.7% for tension-type headache.
Subarachnoid haemorrhage is the most common
cause of secondary TCH and should be the focus of
the initial assessment given the signicant associated
morbidity and mortality. Initial misdiagnosis and
subsequent rebleeding corresponds with a worsening
prognosis. Historically, the diagnosis of SAH was missed
on initial presentation in 11% to 25%25% of patients
presenting with TCH.
A study performed in 364 patients, with intracranial
aneurysms conrmed by angiography, evaluated
presence of warning signs (moderate or severe headache,
dizziness, nausea/vomiting, transitory sensitivity and/or
motor decit, loss of consciousness, visual or oculomotor
disturbances) preceding major hemorrhage.
Two specic groups are considered: 1) 78 patients
with SAH at admission (Group A). This group of
patients with referral and correct diagnosis at the
rst episode of non-catastrophic SAH is considered
a “recognized” minor leak; 2) 74 patients with SAH
and history of premonitory warning signs (Group B).
These patients had not identied minor leak and were
referred and diagnosed only at a second episode of
SAH. Headache described by the patients as sudden,
severe and unusual was the main symptom in Groups A
and B; in 82.5% of cases it was localized. Thunderclap
headache was an isolated symptom in 14.1 % of patients
in Group A and in 32.4% in Group B and in respectively
37.2% and 28.4% of cases it was associated with
nausea or vomiting.
The present study has shown the
prevalence of TCH was 51,7 %. And TCH associated with
nausea and vomiting was 75 %.
Table 2. Clinical characteristics of patients with primary headache and intracranial aneurysms before their rupture
Migraine with aura Migraine without aura TTH All types*
(n = 9) (n = 11) (n = 16) (n = 37)
Mean Age (years) 47 42,4 48,3 46,3
Thunderclap headache 6 (16,2%) 4 (10,8%) 10 (27%) 21 (56,8%)
Female 9 (24,3%) 8 (21,6%) 12 (32,4%) 30 (81%)
Male 0 3 (8,1%) 4 (10,9%) 7 (19%)
Arterial Hypertension 5 (13,5%) 5 (13,5%) 7 (19%) 18 (48,7%)
Smoker 5 (13,5%) 3 (8,1%) 4 (10,9%) 13 (35,1%)
Aneurysm size
<10 mm 5 (13,5%) 7 (19%) 14 (37,8%) 27 (73%)
10 - 24 mm 3 (8,1%) 1 (2,7%) 2 (5,4%) 8 (21,6%)
>24 mm 0 2 (5,4%) 0 2 (5,4%)
*Including nonspecic headache
Table 3. Presence of TCH according vascular territory
Aneurysm Localization
Anterior Circulation Posterior Circulation
n % n %
No 22 45,8% 7 58,3%
Yes 26 54,2% 5 41,7%
Total 48 100,0% 12 100,0%
p= 0,527
Thunderclap Headache In Ruptured Aneurysm
Esmanhotto BB, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.189-192, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
In addition, a recent study identied the presence
of migraine as independent risk factor for rupture of an
intracranial aneurysm
The present study has limitations. Firstly, the patients
may have overlooked episodes of mild headache or
forgotten details of the pain in the 12 months prior to
treatment. Secondly, the number of participants was
In summary, we conclude that nearly half of
patients with ruptured intracranial aneurysms presented
thunderclap headache and there is no relation with size
aneurysm and vascular territory.
1. Suarez JI, Tarr RW, Selman WR. Cerebral aneurysms. N Engl
J Med 2006; 354: 387–96.
2. Wiebers DO, Whisnant JP, Forbes. Unruptured Intracranial
Aneurysms - Risk of Rupture and Risks of Surgical
Intervention. N Engl J Med 1998; 339: 1725–33.
3. Baron EP. Headache, Cerebral Aneurysms, and the Use of
Triptans and Ergot Derivatives. Headache 2015; 55: 739–47.
4. Headache Classication Committee of the International
Headache Society (IHS) The International Classication of
Headache Disorders, 3rd edition. (2018). Cephalalgia 2018;
38: 1–211.
5. Vlak MHM, Rinkel GJE, Greebe P, et al. Risk of rupture of an
intracranial aneurysm based on patient characteristics: A
case-control study. Stroke 2013; 44: 1256–1259.
6. Schwedt TJ. Thunderclap Headache. Headache 2015; 21:
7. Schwedt TJ, Matharu MS, Dodick DW. Thunderclap
headache. Lancet Neurol 2006; 5: 621–31.
8. Abraham MK, Chang W-TW. Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.
Emerg Med Clin N Am 2016; 34: 901–916.
9. Queiroz LP, Peres MFP, Piovesan EJ, et al. A nationwide
population-based study of migraine in Brazil. Cephalalgia
2009; 29: 642–649.
10. Queiroz LP, Peres MFP, Piovesan EJ, et al. A nationwide
population-based study of tension-type headache in Brazil.
Headache 2009; 49: 71–78.
11. Landtblom AM, Fridriksson S, Boivie J, et al. Sudden onset
headache: A prospective study of features, incidence and
causes. Cephalalgia 2002; 22: 354–60.
12. Linn FHH, Wijdicks EFM, Van Der Graaf Y, et al. Prospective
study of sentinel headache in aneurysmal subarachnoid
haemorrhage. Lancet 1994; 344: 590–593.
13. Bassi P, Bandera R, Loiero M, et al. Warning signs in
subarachnoid hemorrhage: a cooperative study. Acta
Neurol Scand 1991; 84: 277–281.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.193-197, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
Descritores: Cefaleias secundárias; Procedimentos diagnósticos; Procedimentos
Clinical characteristics of headaches attributed to
diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
Características clínicas das cefaleias atribuídas a
procedimentos diagnósticos e terapëuticos
Raimundo Pereira Silva-Néto
Federal University of the Parnaíba Delta,
Raimundo Pereira Silva-Néto
Universidade Federal do Delta do
Parnaíba, Avenida São Sebastião, 2819,
Fátima, Parnaíba, PI
64001-020, Brasil. Tel. + 55 3237-2104.
E-mail: neurocefaleia@terra.com.br
Received: December 5, 2019.
Accepted: December 12, 2019.
Headaches may appear after performing diagnostic and / or therapeutic
procedures with close temporal relationship to these events. The objective of
this research was to know the clinical characteristics of headache secondary to
diagnostic and / or therapeutic procedures. We reviewed secondary headaches
according to ICHD-3, and searched for those that arose after performing a
diagnostic and / or therapeutic procedure. A total of 11 different diagnoses
of headache attributed to diagnostic and / or therapeutic procedures were
found. Some secondary headaches are due to diagnostic and / or therapeutic
Keywords: Secondary headaches; Diagnostic procedures; Therapeutic
Cefaleias podem surgir após realização de procedimentos diagnósticos e/ou
terapêuticos com estreita relação temporal com esses eventos. O objetivo
desta pesquisa foi conhecer as características clínicas das cefaleias secundárias
a procedimentos diagnósticos e/ou terapêuticos. Nós revisamos as cefaleias
secundárias, de acordo com a ICHD-3, e buscamos aquelas que surgiram
após a realização de um procedimento diagnóstico e / ou terapêutico. Foram
encontrados 11 diagnósticos diferentes de cefaleias atribuídas a procedimentos
diagnósticos e / ou terapêuticos. Algumas cefaleias secundárias são decorrentes
de procedimentos diagnósticos e/ou terapêuticos.
Secondary headache is dened
when a new headache occurs for
the rst time in close temporal
relationship to an intracranial
. The clinical presentation
of all these disorders can be diverse
and often mimics the characteristics
of primary headaches, which may
delay the diagnosis
Headache may appear as a side
effect due to the performance of
some diagnostic and / or therapeutic
procedures, such as neurosurgery,
endovascular treatments, puncture
of the dura mater for cerebrospinal
uid (CSF) removal or injection of
some substance, among others
Knowledge of the clinical char-
acteristics of these headaches is
important to improve diagnostic
accuracy and therapeutic manage-
ment, as well as the development of
prophylactic measures.
In this review, we examined the
diagnosis of all secondary head-
aches, according to International
Classication of Headache Disor-
ders, Third Edition (ICHD-3)
. The
headaches that appeared after per-
forming a diagnostic and / or thera-
peutic procedure were selected. In
addition, we seek articles related to
these headaches in the main data-
bases to better characterize them.
A total of 11 different diagnoses
of headache attributed to diagnostic
and / or therapeutic procedures
were found (Table 1).
Clinical characteristics of headaches
Silva-Néto RP.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.193-197, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
According to ICHD-3
, some diagnostic and /
or therapeutic procedures may cause headache. In
the following, these headaches that are considered
secondary will be described.
Acute or persistent headache attributed to
A craniotomy is a neurosurgical technique, whereby
part of the skull is opened or removed for access to
treat conditions such as brain tumors, aneurysms, and
arteriovenous malformations
Retrospective studies have shown that more than
30% of the patients submitted to this surgical procedure
had headache attributed to craniotomy as an adverse
However, when headache occurs after head injury
surgery, it will be coded as acute headache attributed to
moderate or severe traumatic head injury.
According to ICHD-3, this headache must have
occurred within seven days after craniotomy, after
the patient has regained consciousness or after
discontinuation of medications that impair the ability to
feel or report headache. In addition, headache should be
resolved within three months of its initiation
Headache attributed to craniotomy is more common
after surgery of the skull base compared to other
locations. Usually, it is felt at the site of the craniotomy,
but may be more diffuse and resemble tension-type
headache or migraine
If headache resolved within three months after its
onset, it will be classied as acute, but if it persists for
more than three months, it will be called chronic. When
headache following craniotomy becomes persistent, the
possibility of medication-overuse headache needs to be
In the abortive treatment of this headache, several
drugs have been tried, such as inltration of the scar
with local anesthesia
, opioids, especially codeine
and morphine, acetaminophen, non-hormonal anti-
, and sumatriptan
. There are few studies
on prophylactic treatment of headache attributed to
. The best therapeutic responses were with
and divalproex sodium
Post-endarterectomy headache
This headache is caused by the surgical procedure
of carotid endarterectomy. It develops within one week
after of the carotid endarterectomy, but it is resolved
within the rst 30 days. Headache can occur without any
other associated symptom or be a warning symptom
preceding the focal decits of (mostly hemorrhagic)
Headache is unilateral, on the side of carotid
endarterectomy, and may involve the neck and face. The
headache has a pulsating character and a mild intensity.
It manifests as cluster headache-like pain occurring once
or twice a day in attacks lasting two to three hours
There are three subforms of post-endarterectomy
headache, but they are not coded separately. The rst is
the most frequent (up to 60% of cases), a diffuse, mild
and isolated headache, which occurs in the rst days
after surgery and is a benign, self-limiting condition;
the second (up to 38% of cases), a unilateral cluster
headache-like pain with attacks, lasting two to three
hours, occurring once or twice a day and resolves in
about two weeks; and the third, unilateral pulsating and
severe pain occurring three days after surgery. This latter
subform is part of the rare hyperperfusion syndrome,
often preceding a rise in blood pressure and the onset of
seizures or neurological decits on or about the seventh
day. Urgent treatment is required, since these symptoms
can herald cerebral haemorrhage
Some studies have shown that headache occurs
in 38% to 62% of patients undergoing endarterectomy.
Usually, the location of the pain is on the same side of
the surgical procedure. It has a dull or pressure character
and a moderate to severe intensity. In more than 50%
of patients there is no need for treatment
, but when
it is part of the hyperfusion syndrome, treatment is an
emergency as these symptoms may indicate a brain
Headache attributed to carotid or vertebral
angioplasty or stenting
Carotid and vertebral angioplasty and/or stenting are
performed to treat patients with cervical artery stenosis,
but one-third of these patients develops headache. This
headache is caused by the endovascular procedures of
carotid or cervical angioplasty and / or stenting without
arterial dissection. It develops within a week but resolves
within a one month after angioplasty and / or stenting
Headache attacks usually occur within 10 minutes
in which these procedures are performed. They are
localized to the frontotemporal region, ipsilateral to
the procedure, in pressure, mild intensity, and lasting a
maximum of 10 minutes.
Studies show that carotid percutaneous transluminal
angioplasty may cause arterial dissection, often resulting
Acute or persistent headache attributed to craniotomy
Post-endarterectomy headache
Headache attributed to carotid or vertebral angioplasty or
Headache attributed to cranial venous sinus stenting
Headache attributed to an intracranial endarterial procedure
Angiography headache
Post-dural puncture headache
Headache attributed to intrathecal injection
Dialysis headache
Headache attributed to radiosurgery of the brain
Post-electroconvulsive therapy headache
Table 1. Headaches attributed to diagnostic and / or
therapeutic procedures, according to ICHD-3
Clinical characteristics of headaches
Silva-Néto RP.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.193-197, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
in cervical, facial or cranial pain. However, the relative
risk of painful dilation depends on individual risk factors,
such as a history of myocardial infarction. In addition,
the radiation pattern of pain depends on which carotid
segment is dilated
Data on carotid angioplasty headache and
diagnostic criteria are based on few studies. Despite the
scarcity of data, this headache seems to be relatively
frequent. In two studies, its occurrence ranged from 39%
to 51%
Headache attributed to cranial venous sinus
In recent years, lateral sinus stenosis stenting has
been used in the treatment of idiopathic intracranial
hypertension. Suppression of stenosis may reduce
intracranial pressure by decreasing the pressure in the
upper longitudinal sinus. However, unilateral headache
may be caused by the stent and on the same side of the
cranial venous sinus stent
This headache devolops within one week after the
jugular or cranial venous stent has been performed.
Headache is ipsilateral to the stenting and it resolves
within three months
In one series of 21patients stented for idiopathic
intracranial hypertension, 10 patients exhibited ‘stent-
headaches’ differing from those experienced before
treatment, located at the site of the stent, in the mastoid
region, and lasting about three weeks. These “stent-
headaches” disappeared after 3 months of stenting
Headache attributed to an intracranial
endarterial procedure
Some studies have shown that balloon ination in the
intracranial arteries during therapeutic embolization of
intracerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) cause
pain by distension of these vessels
. Probably, mechanical
vessel distension activates the trigeminovascular
nociceptive system in susceptible individuals
It is a unilateral headache directly caused by
intracranial endarterial procedure, ipsilateral to the
procedure and lasting less than 24 hours. Pain was
described as brief, sharp or localized pressure of mild to
moderate intensity, felt ipsilaterally to the manipulated
vessel. This headache develops within one week and
resolves within one month after the procedure
The occurrence of this headache during
endovascular procedures is not yet well-dened.
There is limited information to dene its frequency,
risk factors, pathogenesis and implications for future
pain management
. In some evaluated procedures,
the headache occurrence attributed to an intracranial
endoarterial procedure ranged from 10.6% to 68.0%
Angiography headache
This headache is caused by intra-arterial carotid
or vertebral angiography. It develops during contrast
injection or within 24 hours after angiography, lasting
less than one hour. It disappears within 72 hours after
The frequency of post angiography headache
ranges from 30.2% to 39.1%
. Possibly a headache
is due to irritation of the trigeminovascular system by
contrast agents or mechanical stimuli, resulting in the
release of vasoactive peptides
Post-dural puncture headache
Headache occurring within ve days of a lumbar
puncture, caused by CSF leakage through the dural
puncture. It is usually accompanied by neck stiffness
and / or subjective hearing symptoms and it gets worse
when the individual takes the upright position. It remits
spontaneously within two weeks, or after healing from
the leak with autologous epidural lumbar patch
Puncture of the dura-mater occurs during diagnostic
or therapeutic procedures, spinal anesthesia or
inadvertently during epidural anesthesia. After puncture,
post-dural puncture headache may appear as a common
complication in approximately 7.5% of the patients
Headache attributed to intrathecal injection
Some drugs that act on the central nervous system
such as analgesics, anesthetics, and antineoplastics
are injected directly into the subarachnoid space,
thus avoiding the blood-brain barrier. This route
of administration is known as the subarachnoid or
intrathecal route.
After intrathecal injection, the most common adverse
effects are headache and low back pain
. Headache
develops within four days of intrathecal injection and
signicantly improves within 14 days after intrathecal
injection. Signs of meningeal irritation are present. In
addition, headache experienced in both upright and
recumbent postures
Dialysis headache
Dialysis is a therapeutic procedure used by
patients with kidney failure, where a machine replaces
the diseased kidney and lters the blood, eliminating
toxic substances such as sodium, potassium, urea and
creatinine. Frequently, patients with chronic kidney
disease experience headache during dialysis
, whose
pathophysiology is still unknown.
The prevalence of dialysis headache varies between
27% and 73%
. This headache is characterized by
developing during a hemodialysis session and resolving
within 72 hours after the end of the dialysis session.
Headache episodes cease altogether after successful
kidney transplantation and termination of haemodialysis
Dialysis headache was described for the rst time
by Bana and Yap in 1972
, but its clinical characterization
has been detailed improvement in recent years. In
most patients, headache is pulsatile, located in the
frontal region, moderate to severe intensity, and may
be accompanied by nausea and vomiting
. There are
Clinical characteristics of headaches
Silva-Néto RP.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.193-197, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
no controlled studies on the prophylactic or abortive
treatment of dialysis headache.
Headache attributed to radiosurgery of the
Brain radiosurgery is used in the treatment of brain
injuries, such as arteriovenous malformations
intracranial tumors
. In some primary headaches, such
as refractory cluster headache, brain radiosurgery may
also be useful
. Cerebral edema is the most frequent
complication of this procedure
More rarely, headache may appear in a patient in
whom radiosurgery of the brain has been performed. It
develops within seven days, but it is resolved within three
months after radiosurgery. There have been no validation
studies of its diagnostic criteria. Currently, it is in the
appendix of ICHD-3 (A5.7), but it is not better accounted
for by another ICHD-3 diagnosis
Studies on this new headache do not provided
detailed descriptions of its clinical features. In some
cases, the headache syndrome was short-lived, occurred
more than a year after the procedure and resembled
migraine or thunderclap headache
Post-electroconvulsive therapy headache
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is commonly used
in the treatment of various psychiatric disorders, such as
severe depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorders.
Headache is the main adverse effect resulting from this
therapeutic procedure. Its incidence varies from 26% to
85% and makes it difcult for the patient to continue with
this treatment
This headache occurs when a course of
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been given in a
headache-free patient to treat an epileptic seizure. It is
necessary that headache has developed after 50% of
ECT sessions; each headache has developed within four
hours after ECT; and each headache has resolved within
72 hours after ECT. There have been no validation studies
of its diagnostic criteria. Currently, it is in the appendix
of ICHD-3 (A7.6.3), but it is not better accounted for by
another ICHD-3 diagnosis
Usually, post-ECT headache is treated with
analgesics and / or non-steroidal anti-inammatory
drugs, but other optional treatments are being described.
In some case reports, mirtazapine
and topiramate
were effective.
Some secondary headaches are due to
diagnostic and / or therapeutic procedures.
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35. Liu Y, Xiao S, Liu M, Li G, Wang D, He J, et al (2000)
Analysis of related factors in complications of stereotactic
radiosurgery in intracranial tumors. Stereotact Funct
Neurosurg, 75(2-3):129-132.
36. McClelland S, Tendulkar RD, Barnett GH, Neyman G,
Suh JH (2006) Long-term results of radiosurgery for
refractory cluster headache. Neurosurgery, 59(6):1258-
37. Kim JW, Chung HT, Han MH, Kim DG, Paek SH (2016) Brain
edema after repeat gamma knife radiosurgery for a large
arteriovenous malformation: A case report. Exp Neurobiol,
38. Singh VP, Kansai S, Vaishya S, Julka PK, Mehta VS
(2000) Early complications following gamma knife
radiosurgery for intracranial meningiomas. J Neurosurg,
39. Logan CJ, Stewart JT (2012) Treatment of post-
electroconvulsive therapy headache with topical methyl
salicylate. J ECT, 28(2):17-18.
40. Li TC, Shiah IS, Sun CJ, Tzang RF, Huang KC, Lee WK
(2011) Mirtazapine relieves post-electroconvulsive therapy
headaches and nausea: a case series and review of the
literature. J ECT, 27(2):165-167.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.198-202, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
Descritores: Telemedicina; Cefaleias Primárias; Enxaqueca; Vídeoconsultas;
Aplicativos de Saúde.
Telemedicine in the Management of Primary Headaches:
A Critical Review
Telemedicina no manejo das cefaleias primárias:
uma revisão crítica
Renan Barros Domingues
Cassio Batista Lacerda
Paulo Diego Santos Silva, MD
Serviço de Cefaleia, Departamento de
Neurologia, Irmandade da Santa Casa de
Misericórdia de São Paulo.
Renan Barros Domingues
Rua Vergueiro, 1421 cj 603 Torre Sul, Vila
Mariana, São Paulo, SP, CEP 01504-000
E-mail: contato@renandomingues.med.br
Received: 19 November, 2019.
Accepted: December 5, 2019.
Telemedicine is a modality of health care services delivery with the use of
communication technologies. Its use has grown in several medicine areas. Several
studies evaluated the feasibility, acceptance, efcacy, cost-effectiveness, and
safety of telemedicine in the diagnosis and management of primary headache
disorders. Videoconsultations were shown to be effective, convenient, and safe
for primary headache disorders and migraine follow up. Some mobile health
devices were show to improve adherence favoring better outcomes. Handling
health data is a major concern so that international compliance standards must
be adopted in all telemedicine procedures. The impact in the health system and
increased access to appropriate primary headache treatments with the use of
these technologies has yet to be elucidated.
Keywords: Telemedicine, Primary Headache; Migraine; Videoconsultation;
Mobile Health
A telemedicina é uma modalidade de disponibilização de serviços médicos
com o uso da tecnologia da informação. Seu uso tem crescido enormemente
em várias áreas da medicina. Vários estudos avaliaram a viabilidade, aceitação,
ecácia, custo-efetividade e segurança da telemedicina no diagnóstico e
tratamento das cefaleias primárias. A vídeoconsulta mostrou-se uma forma
ecaz, conveniente e segura no seguimento terapêutico das cefaleias primárias
e da enxaqueca. Alguns aplicativos para dispositivos móveis mostraram
aumento da aderência, favorecendo melhores resultados. A segurança de dados
de saúde é uma preocupação, sendo imprescindível seguir rigorosamente os
protocolos internacionais de conformidade. O impacto no sistema de saúde
e o aumento do acesso a tratamentos adequados proporcionados por estas
tecnologias ainda precisa ser melhor elucidado.
The denition of telemedicine
according to the World Health
Organization is “The delivery of
health care services, where distance
is a critical factor, by all health care
professionals using information and
communication technologies for the
exchange of valid information for
diagnosis, treatment and prevention
of disease and injuries, research and
evaluation, and for the continuing
education of health care providers,
all in the interests of advancing
the health of individuals and their
The history of
telemedicine begins in the early 20th
century with the transmission of
eletrocardiographic using telephone
Other technologies, such
as closed circuit television, began
to be used in the 1950s and 1960s.
In 1967, the Massachusetts
General Hospital starts to provide
remote health healthcare services
to Boston Logan Airport, being
the rst structured telemedicine
With the introduction of
World Wide Web (www) in 1990,
the possibility of health information
exchange is greatly expanded, by
replacing analogue processes with
digital ones, increasing enormously
the capacity to store and transmit
Telemedicine in the Management of Primary Headaches
Domingues RB, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.198-202, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
The delivery of telemedicine services can be made
by four different ways: 1) synchronous with live video
between patient and provider or non-specialist with
specialist, 2) store and forward - by acquiring medical data
and further transmitting it to a provider or a specialist,
3) remote monitoring - with the use of wearables and
biosensors, and 4) mobile health (mHealth) - which is
the health practice supported by mobile devices.
The use of telemedicine in Neurology is growing due to
the fact that neurological care is still poor around the
world. Telestroke accounts for 65% stroke treatments “in
the USA - A determiner is probably missing here and
Canada. Several studies have showed potential benets of
telemedicine in the management of Parkinson’s Disease,
Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Brain and Spinal injury, and
Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
Primary headaches are associated with a signicant
However, the availability of headache medical
services is poor worldwide and even higher in developing
countries such as Brazil.
Considering the need to
expand access to headache treatment and the high
prevalence of these disorders, telemedicine seems to be
an attractive alternative to provide care for these patients.
In the present review we will critically discuss the current
evidence about this topic.
By searching with the words “Telemedicine” and
“Headache” in the PubMed database 53 articles are
found, including several article types, such as clinical
trials, case reports, reviews, and opinion articles. Among
them, twenty are clinical studies or case presentations
evaluating specic telemedicine procedures in the
treatment of headache or specic headache disorders.
The rst scientic paper about the use of communication
technologies in headache care was published in 2004.
Several studies about behavioral interventions on
adherence and outcomes in headache treatment with the
use of mHealth were published between 2004 and 2016,
when the rst well designed, prospective telemedicine
and headache clinical trial article was published.
this critical review we took into consideration the most
important articles evaluating synchronous telemedicine
and mobile health (mHealth).
Synchronous telemedine (videoconsultations)
Müller et al. evaluated synchronous telemedicine
and showed high levels of acceptability, feasibility,
as well as cost effectiveness with videoconsutations
when compared to conventional consultations. The
study was carried out in Northern Norway and included
adult patients referred to a neurologist for non-acute
headache treatment by primary care physician. The
patients were randomized for telemedicine consultations
or conventional face-to-face appointments.
Videoconsultations were performed using appropriate
equipment in a telemedicine hospital room, with audio
and video communication between the neurologist
and the patient in the videoconference room. The
same physician carried out the consultations of the
telemedicine group and the conventional consultation
group. Nearly 400 hundred subjects were randomized
for telemedicine or conventional consultations and
were followed for one year and telemedicine was shown
to be feasible.
In another publication originated from
the same clinical trial the authors compared efcacy of
telemedicine and conventional treatment with visual
analogue scale (VAS) and headache impact test (HIT-
6), showing non-inferiority of telemedicine approach.
The satisfaction of patients with telemedicine was
also evaluated by the same study group. Telemedicine
patients did not express less satisfaction than those
with traditional consultation.
The safety of using
telemedicine was also assessed. The ability to identify
secondary headaches over one year of follow up
was not signicantly different between telemedicine
and conventional consultations. The percentage
of neuroimaging exams indication, neuroimaging
abnormalities, as well as the proportions of hospitalized
patients during the follow up period was not signicantly
different between the two groups. It was estimated that
over 20,000 telemedicine consultations are necessary
to miss one secondary headache.
The feasibility of telemedicine consultations was
also evaluated in children with headache. Vierhile and
cols. conducted a small open study in which children
were evaluated in a spoke site with the presence of a
nurse practitioner. The connection was established
with a hub center with a specialist. Overall, the
headache outcomes were comparable to outcomes
with conventional in ofce consultations. Most of the
parents liked not having to drive to the medical center
and not having to cancel the activities of the children
due to medical consultation.
Qubty et al. carried out
a prospective pediatric headache telemedicine study
and showed that telemedicine was convenient, cost-
effective, and patient-centered for routine pediatric
headache follow-up visits. Overall patients and family
were satised with telemedicine.
The efcacy of telemedicine has also been tested
for the management of specic headache types.
Bekkelung and Müller compared video consultations
and traditional consultations in patients with Medication
Overuse Headache (MOH). The group treated with
telemedicine had non-inferior outcomes, including
reduction in the number of headache days and reduction
of analgesic consumption.
Friedman et al. conducted
a prospective, randomized trial of telemedicine for
migraine management. Patients were evaluated in an
initial in-ofce visit and then randomized for follow-
up with telemedicine consultations or in-ofce visits.
Telemedicine consultations were conducted with specic
software installed on a patient choice computer and
were carried out by the same physician of the traditional
consultations group. The follow-up time was one year. All
the measured outcomes, including efcacy of treatment,
headache impact, and safety, were similar between the
two groups. Physician productivity was higher with
Telemedicine in the Management of Primary Headaches
Domingues RB, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.198-202, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
telemedicine group. The perception of convenience by the
patients was higher in the telemedicine group.
Mobile health (mHealth)
The use of mHealth has potential advantages as
an auxiliary tool in the management of headaches,
particularly in patient education and life style modication
that are important in the effective treatment of people
with headache disorders. The mHealth devices may be
a good way to record headache-related symptoms and
information such as possible triggers.
Despite the availability of a growing number of
smartphone apps, in particular electronic headache diaries,
there is still little evidence about its efcacy and safety in
handling patient data. Mosadeghi-Nik and cols. carried out
a systematic review with smartphone headache diaries,
which are presumably easier and more practical to use
than paper-based diaries. One reported advantage is
that electronic diaries can be lled in real time. Another
advantage is that assistant physician can have access
patient data through a web portal, also facilitating the
database generation. However, the authors point that the
evidence of effectiveness and safety of these mobile apps
for headache disorders treatment is still limited.
In a recent
narrative review, Stubberud and Linde sought for clinical
evidence on mHealth based classical behavioral therapies,
such as cognitive behavioral therapy, biofeedback, and
relaxation in patients with migraine; however, evidence is
still missing in this eld.
In a systematic review, Hundert
et all. also evaluated clinical evidence with the use of
some available headache diary apps. The authors found
38 headache diary apps but only 18% were developed
with headache expertise. Little evidence regarding its
effectiveness was found.
Concern about privacy with
headache diary smartphone apps was also reported by
Minem et al. that examined 29 apps (14 diary apps and
15 relaxation apps). Only 11/14 headache diaries disclosed
privacy policy and 6 stated that user data were used for
targeted advertisements. Only 11/15 relaxation apps had
disclosed privacy policies.
One large and controlled study evaluated the efcacy
of a mHealth device in headache management. The value
of electronic monitoring and alerting system was assessed
in the management of MOH in a controlled multicenter
study. In this study, Tassorelli et cols. evaluated the
Comoestas tool which is a diary with an alerting system
that allows remote monitoring of key clinical data. The
system has a headache diary allowing data collection to
a web platform, generating high and low priority alerts.
The system also facilitates electronic communication with
smartphone, e-diary, and E-mail text messages as well
as smartphone calls. A signicantly higher percentage
of patients were overuse-free, there was a lower rate of
subjects lost to follow-up, and higher level of patients
satisfaction were registered in the group treated with the
aid of Comoestas.
One study compared the use of paper-based diaries
and electronic diaries. Bandarian-Babooch et al. compared
two paper diaries (short and long) and four types of
electronic diaries. The authors found more missing date
and more errors in data lling in the long paper use than
with short paper diary and electronic diaries. Long paper
diaries were found more burdensome and signicantly
less easy to use than electronic diaries and short paper
diaries. The authors concluded that electronic diary is
a potentially useful tool in clinical trials as well as in the
behavioral treatment of headaches.
The available evidence shows that telemedicine is
effective, convenient, and cost-effective in the treatment
of primary headaches. Concern about safety still exists
but available published data shows that using appropriate
screening tools or a rst face-to-face consultation, the
safety level is in identifying secondary headaches is similar
between telemedicine and conventional consultations.
Therefore, there is scientic evidence that telemedicine is
viable for primary headache disorders follow-up, allowing
higher physician productivity, and it is associated with high
level of satisfaction by the patients or caregivers. There
is also some evidence that the use of mHealth devices
may contribute in monitoring headache, potentially
contributing to better outcomes and easier interaction
between patient and assistant physician.
The health system impact of using telemedicine in
headache care still needs to be measured. Considering
that telemedicine is a potentially useful tool in primary
care, it can be used in this setting in the management
of patients with primary headache disorders.
Potential advantages would be an earlier introduction of
preventive treatments, better orientation for patients in
the management of headache attacks, lifestyle change
orientation, and analgesics overuse prevention. This
would also facilitate the identication of patients requiring
treatment at a specialized tertiary center. Despite these
potential advantages, there is still need for studies
evaluating the clinical and economic impact in health
system and how it can facilitate the access of patients to
adequate treatments.
The use of telemedicine brings concerns about data
security and compliance with local legislations. Most of
the available synchronous telemedicine studies cited in
this review employed validated and safe telemedicine
platforms that allow the storage and inviolability of data,
as well as making it available to the patient or guardian
upon request. There is still concern about some mHealth
devices, particularly electronic diaries, since many of
them do not disclose data security policy. Creating and
maintaining large headache databases has potential
enormous benets, for example, in generating local
and national headache registries that can help to guide
public health policies.
Handling these databanks
should be done according to all compliance rules to avoid
targeted advertisements. Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) established security standards
for protecting health information in its electronic form.
The procedures established by HIPAA must be adopted
by every app or system dedicated to telemedicine.
Regulatory and legal issues regarding telemedicine have
specicities around world.
In Brazil, some general
Telemedicine in the Management of Primary Headaches
Domingues RB, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.198-202, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
rules were published in 2002; however, they do not
address technological developments and telemedicine
advances over the last 17 years. There is a new and more
detailed regulation under discussion and it is expected
that this regulation with more specic rules, detailing
of technological requirements, and better specication
procedures will be available until 2020.
In conclusion, the existing evidence favors
telemedicine as an alternative in the treatment of primary
headache disorders. This modality of delivering medical
care may be an option for patients with difculty in
accessing in-ofce consultations. It is possible that, as in
other areas of medicine, telemedicine may increase the
access to available headache treatments. The current
available treatments are not yet widely available because,
among other factors, there are no headache experts in
many regions. The use of telemedicine within ethical and
compliance parameters by qualied professionals may
be incorporated into the treatment of primary headache
disorders. Not as a new treatment, but as an agile and
scalable way to deliver currently available headache
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Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.203-204, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
Descritores: Migrânea; Epilepsia; Lipoma intracraniano.
Intracranial lipoma manifesting with change in preexisting
headache characteristics
Lipoma intracraniano que se manifesta com mudança das
características de cefaleia preexistente
Patrick Emanuell Mesquita Sousa Santos
Ivan Rodrigues Silva
Mário Fernando Prieto Peres
Raimundo Pereira Silva-Néto
Federal University of Delta of Parnaíba, Brazil.
Dirceu Arcoverde State Hospital, Parnaíba,
Education and Research Israelite Institute
Albert Einstein, Brazil; Institute of Psychiatry,
HCFMUSP, Brazil.
R. P. Silva-Néto
Federal University of Delta of Parnaíba,
Avenida São Sebastião, 2819, Fátima,
Parnaíba, PI 64001-020, Brazil. E-mail:
Received: December 15, 2019.
Accepted: December 22, 2019.
Intracranial lipomas represent 0.1% to 0.5% of all intracranial tumors.
Approximately half of the patients are asymptomatic. In symptomatic patients,
headache is the most common symptom. We describe the case of a 71-year-old
woman with history of generalized seizures and episodic migraine for about
30 years. In recent months, there has been a change in the characteristics of
headache. She was admitted to the emergency room with muscle weakness
in left hemibody and intense headache onset approximately four hours ago.
Neuroimaging exams revealed a median frontal expansive lesion suggestive of
intracranial lipoma.
Keywords: Migraine; Epilepsy; Intracranial lipoma.
Lipomas intracranianos representam 0,1% a 0,5% de todos os tumores
intracranianos. Cerca de metade dos pacientes portadores dessa rara formação
são assintomáticos. Naqueles sintomáticos, a cefaleia é o principal sintoma. Nós
descrevemos o caso de uma mulher de 71 anos com história de convulsões e
migrânea episódica há cerca de 30 anos. Nos últimos meses, houve mudanças
nas características da dor. Ela foi admitida na emergência com fraqueza
muscular no hemicorpo esquerdo e intensa cefaleia, com início há cerca de
quatro horas. Os exames de imagem revelaram uma lesão expansiva frontal
mediana sugestiva de lipoma intracraniano.
Intracranial lipoma
Santos PEMS, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.203-204, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
We describe the case of a 71-year-old woman with
history of generalized seizures and episodic migraine
for about 30 years. Headache presented pressure
characteristics, worsening in the last two months. Before,
she had three headache attacks a week, but in recent
months, headache occurs daily. Headache attacks don’t
remit with simple analgesics. Recently, she was admitted
to the emergency room with muscle weakness in left
hemibody and intense headache onset approximately
four hours ago. Her neurologic examination was normal.
Diagnostic hypothesis of stroke was considered.
She underwent a CT scan of the skull that showed an
interhemispheric hypodense mass. MRI revealed a
median frontal expansive lesion suggestive of intracranial
lipoma (Figure 1).
Intracranial lipomas (IL) represent 0.1% to 0.5% of all
intracranial tumors and are located mainly in the area of
corpus callosum
. A retrospective study with 17 patients
diagnosed with IL was conducted at a tertiary center.
He showed that 47% of these patients complained of
. There is another study stating that half of the
cases of IL was asymptomatic. In the other half, the main
symptoms were seizures, headache and muscle weakness
Surgical intervention is rarely required, because
there may be vascular structures near or within the
lipomas and complications may develop due to surgical
. Thus, the best therapeutic option for IL
symptoms remains unclear.
1. Ben Elhend S, Belfquih H, Hammoune N, Athmane EM,
Mouhsine A (2019) Lipoma withagenesis of corpus
callosum: 2 case reports and literature review. World
Neurosurg, 125:123–125.
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Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 58(3B):947–951.
Figure 1. (A) CT. (B) Axial RNM T1W. (C) Coronal RNM T2W. (D) Axial RNM T2W. (E) Sagittal RNM T1W.Frontal median lesion of fat
content measuring about 6.6 x 4.5 x 3.5 cm associated with signs of corpus callosum dysgenesis and colpocephalic aspect of the
lateral ventricles.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.205-207, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
Descritores: Martelo; Neurologia; História; Reexos.
The neurologist’s hammer
O martelo do neurologista
duardo Nogueira
Yara Dadalti Fragoso
Neurologist’s hammer
Yara Dadalti Fragoso
E-mail: yara@bsnet.com.br
Received: December 12, 2019.
Accepted: December 20, 2019.
From the obscurity of 18
century wineries to the hands of the greatest
neurologists in history, the percussion hammer has a fascinating history. The
rst famous percussion hammer was created in 1841 by the German physician
Max Wintrich and was initially used for thoracic percussion. In 1875, Erb and
Westphal both published simultaneous articles with the results from research
that they had conducted separately, from which they conrmed that percussive
objects were useful for stimulating deep tendon reexes, especially patellar
reexes. The percussion hammer, however, was not yet ideal. It was designed to
strike the thorax rather than the tendons, so it did not have the right weight or
ideal length, and even its shape was not practical. New modied versions of the
instrument subsequently emerged, and the hammer became the characteristic
symbol of the neurologist.
Keywords: Hammer; Neurology; History; Reexes.
Da obscuridade das adegas do século XVIII às mãos dos maiores neurologistas
da história, o martelo de percussão tem uma história fascinante. O primeiro
martelo de percussão a ganhar notoriedade foi criado em 1841 pelo médico
alemão Max Wintrich, sendo inicialmente usado para percussão torácica. Em
1875 Erb e Westphal publicaram em conjunto um artigo com os resultados de
suas pesquisas, que foram realizadas separadamente, conrmando o uso dos
objetos de percussão para o estímulo dos reexos tendíneos profundos, em
especial o patelar. O martelo de percussão, contudo, ainda não era o ideal.
Por ter sido desenvolvido para percutir o tórax e não os tendões, ele não tinha
o peso certo, o comprimento ideal e nem mesmo um formato prático. Novas
versões modicadas do instrumento foram surgindo até que o martelo se
tornasse o símbolo característico do médico neurologista.
Headache is one of the
neurological complaints that leads
a patient to seek urgent care more
often. Although it seems a common
issue the patient should be submitted
through a very careful and detailed
physical examination (including
neurological examination) so redag
symptoms and secondary causes of
headache can be excluded.
For that matter the percussion
hammer is an indispensable tool
for the neurologist and general
Percussion is an aid to medical
diagnosis. The delicate percussion
hammer neurologists use daily has
its origins in the dark wine cellars
of 18
century Austria, where young
Leopold Auenbrugger routinely
struck casks of wine in order to
check the level of uid
. As a music
admirer, he had sensitive ears and
wrote the axiom “the thorax of
a healthy person sounds, when
struck”. Auenbrugger favored
thumping his patients’ chest directly
with his own ngers, as most doctors
still do today
The rst percussion hammer
for medical use was created by
Max Wintrich, in 1841. This German
doctor presented the scientic
world with his gadget made of
steel and rubber, for use in thoracic
percussion (Fig 1)
. However, it was
only in 1875, when Carl Westphal was
the Editor of Archiv für Psychiatrie
The neurologist’s hammer
Nogueira, E, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.205-207, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
und Nervenkrankheiten (“Archive for Psychiatry and
Nerve Sickness”), that the hammer for eliciting reexes
was created. While reviewing a paper by his colleague
Wilhelm Erb, Westphal was astonished to see that
Erb had reached conclusions that were rather like his
own. Separate articles from Erb and Westphal were
published in the same issue of Archiv für Psychiatrie und
3, 4
Erb wrote: “If one rmly holds and supports the
leg to be examined, slightly bent at the hip and knee
joint with all the muscles relaxed, and then lightly and
elastically taps the region of the ligamentum patellae
with the nger or with the percussion hammer […] each
tap is immediately followed by a slight but signicant and
evidently reex contraction of the quadriceps; […] and it
is extremely difcult to suppress this reex voluntarily”.
Westphal wrote that the idea of tendon percussion was
given to him by one of his patients who said that when
he sat on a chair and lightly tapped the area below
the kneecap of the affected leg, it moved forwards
with a sudden jerk. While Erb described in detail how
to elicit the patellar reex with a percussion hammer,
Westphal described nger percussion, but mentioned
that a precision hammer would be more effective in this
Thus, Westphal and Erb started the history of the
neurological percussion hammer. This history continued
with the arrival of different models of this tool for
neurological examinations. New modied versions of the
instrument emerged over the course of the nal years of
the 19
. Schematic images of some percussion
hammers are shown in 1.
Some of these hammers gained small gadgets like
a needle with sharp and blunt points inserted into the
handle, a small brush, or even a ruler or Wartenberg
wheel. In 1888, John Taylor introduced the rst reex
hammer with a triangular shaped head made of rubber
circled by a metal band. It had a metal handle nishing in
a loop and was manufactured to order by the Snowdon
Brothers Instruments Company
. Around 1920, the
loop was replaced by solid metal, giving this percussion
hammer the shape that we all know so well.
In 1894, William Christopher Krauss devised a model
that had two rounded pieces attached to a metal. The
large piece was designed to be used for the knee jerk
and the small one for the biceps jerk. The warm rubber
handle, the cold metal head, the sharp and blunt pin
heads and the brush would help in testing sensitivity
Ernst LO Trömner introduced the metal handle tapering
to a thin end, in order to test cutaneous reexes as well.
The Vernon hammer consisted of a rubber disk around a
metal sphere.
The Queen Square Hospital and Babinski hammers
followed, comprising a rubber disk around a at metal
. The main difference between these lies in their
ease of carrying, since Queen Square is rigid, while
Babinski is smaller and telescopic, with a shorter handle.
Even if some consider these to be similar, Queen Square
is almost 150 grams heavier than Babinski
. The Queen
Square Hospital hammer was developed by Miss Wintle,
a nurse at the hospital.
The Rabiner hammer has a rubber disk that can be
used in parallel with or perpendicular to the handle, as well
as an inserted brush and needle for supercial reexes
Figure 1. Drawings from different neurologist’s hammers
The neurologist’s hammer
Nogueira, E, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.205-207, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
and sensitivity assessment. The history of the Rabiner
hammer is quite peculiar. Babinski and Rabiner had an
argument about the physiology behind the Babinski
reex. The argument occurred during a black-tie dinner
in Vienna and the two neurologists became physical,
pushing and shoving each other to the amazement of the
dinner guests. The dispute was settled and, as a token of
respect and apology, Babinski gave his own percussion
hammer to Rabiner who returned to New York and
modied its shape and appearance
2, 7
With the rubber disk attached to the handle at 90
degrees, the Berliner hammer looks like a throwing axe.
The Stookey hammer is collapsible and is accompanied
by a camel hairbrush and two sharp pins for testing
supercial sensitivity, including two-point discrimination.
In addition, the Stookey hammer has a rough structure
to test the plantar response
6, 8
. The ve-in-one hammer
includes a tuning fork and a Waterberg wheel. The
Dejerine hammer features a hollow metal handle with
inserted hick brush and needle, and a double rubber
head. Imaginative improvements to this tool continue to
be made. Neuropediatric wards nowadays have a variety
of animal-shaped and colorful percussion hammers.
Although the hammer was initially developed for
percussion of the thorax and abdomen in medical practice,
it has now become the hallmark of the neurologist.
Purists among the practitioners of the art of neurological
examination will favor one hammer or another. The
present authors have their favorite ones as well, but we
do not feel like arguing about this. Use of a percussion
hammer is a matter of personal taste and experience: one
of these situations in which there is no right or wrong.
1. Schiller F. The reex hammer. In memoriam Robert
Watenberg (1887-1956). Med Hist. 1967;11:75–85.
2. Lanska, DJ. The history of reex hammers. Neurology
3. Westphal CO. Über einige Bewegungs-Erscheinungen an
gelähmten Gliedern. Arch für Psych und Nervenkrankh
4. Erb WH. Über Sehnenreexe bei Gesunden und
Rückenmarkskranken. Archiv für Psychiat und Nervenkrankh
5. Louis. ED. Erb and Westphal: Simultaneous discovery of the
deep tendon reexes. Seminars in neurology 2002;22:385-
6. Bhattacharyya KB. Deep tendon reex: The background
story of a simple technique. Neurol India 2017;65:245-249
7. Pinto F. A short history of the reex hammer. Pract Neurol
8. Schiller F. The reex hammer. Med Hist 1967;11:75-85.
9. Bynum B, Bynum H. Reex hammer. The Lancet