Oliveira AB et al.
Plasma ACE activity after aerobic exercise training is related to sleep in migraine patients: A secondary, per protocol analysis
in this population
, and voluntarily sought for exercise as a
therapeutic option for migraine may constitute selection biases.
In conclusion, this study found a stimulatory effect of regular
aerobic exercise on plasma ACE activity in migraine patients,
which was inversely correlate with improved insomnia scores.
Further studies should explore the participation of the RAS, and
the relation of other ACE-derived peptides following exercise in
migraine patients in a larger cohort. Clinical aspects of migraine
such as trigger prole and its relationship with these molecules
could also provide insights for the participation of RAS in multiple
behavioral and homeostatic features of migraine.
The authors appreciate the whole staff of the
Center for Studies in Psychobiology and Exercise for their support
in scheduling and conducting the exercise sessions and testing
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