Freire Barros AOF, Barbosa Barros MMMB, Santana RR, Wanderley D, Tenório AS, Oliveira DA
Main symptoms associated to the catastrophizing in women with fibromyalgia and migraine
ibromyalgia is a a broad-spectrum disease that has an average
worldwide prevalence of 4.1% in women.
Over the years, the
classication of bromyalgia by the American College of Rheuma-
tology has undergone improvements, ceasing to be characterized
only by chronic widespread pain and the presence of tender points
in anatomically specic regions, known as tender points.
the classication takes into account the symptoms associated with
this disease.
The etiology of bromyalgia is not yet fully understood, but several The etiology of bromyalgia is not yet fully understood, but several
factors contribute to its development, including dysfunctions of the factors contribute to its development, including dysfunctions of the
central and autonomic nervous system, neuroendocrine disorders, central and autonomic nervous system, neuroendocrine disorders,
regulation of neurotransmitters, changes in the hypothalamic-pitui-regulation of neurotransmitters, changes in the hypothalamic-pitui-
tary axis, and exposure to stressors.tary axis, and exposure to stressors.
Sensory stimuli transmitted Sensory stimuli transmitted
to the central nervous system are processed in an altered manner, to the central nervous system are processed in an altered manner,
resulting in generalized pain and changes in the painful threshold.resulting in generalized pain and changes in the painful threshold.
Fibromyalgia presents a complex picture that includes numerous Fibromyalgia presents a complex picture that includes numerous
symptoms such as depression, anxiety, headache, cognitive, and symptoms such as depression, anxiety, headache, cognitive, and
sleep disorders and negative impacts on quality of life.sleep disorders and negative impacts on quality of life.
In this In this
context, migraine is a relevant symptom and represents the type of context, migraine is a relevant symptom and represents the type of
headache most found in patients with bromyalgia, whose preva-headache most found in patients with bromyalgia, whose preva-
lence varies between 45% and 80%.lence varies between 45% and 80%.
In addition, the cognitive and emotional aspects related to the pain In addition, the cognitive and emotional aspects related to the pain
experienced by bromyalgia patients involve a catastrophizing experienced by bromyalgia patients involve a catastrophizing
thought, recognized as a negative state in the face of a painful thought, recognized as a negative state in the face of a painful
Depression is part of the factors that interfere with the Depression is part of the factors that interfere with the
painful perception of bromyalgia, but unlike catastrophization, it painful perception of bromyalgia, but unlike catastrophization, it
refers to sadness, discouragement, lack of interest, and unwilling-refers to sadness, discouragement, lack of interest, and unwilling-
ness to perform activities that previously gave you pleasure. In ness to perform activities that previously gave you pleasure. In
turn, catastrophizing is specically related to thoughts and feelings turn, catastrophizing is specically related to thoughts and feelings
linked to the painful situation, such as fear, worry, inability to divert linked to the painful situation, such as fear, worry, inability to divert
attention, and deal with pain.attention, and deal with pain.
There is still a lack of studies in the literatureThere is still a lack of studies in the literature
evaluating the pre- evaluating the pre-
sence of catastrophization however, it is known that this symptom sence of catastrophization however, it is known that this symptom
is related to chronic pain, feelings of incapacity,is related to chronic pain, feelings of incapacity,
more severe de- more severe de-
grees of depression and anxiety, more migraine attacks,grees of depression and anxiety, more migraine attacks,
exercise exercise
and sleep disorders and sleep disorders
. Also, catastrophization can . Also, catastrophization can
worsen the perception of these symptoms, which are also present worsen the perception of these symptoms, which are also present
in bromyalgia and migraine, making it necessary to evaluate them in bromyalgia and migraine, making it necessary to evaluate them
to guide the treatment of patients.to guide the treatment of patients.
Despite the above, the catastrophization of pain has not yet been Despite the above, the catastrophization of pain has not yet been
analyzed in women with associated bromyalgia and migraine. analyzed in women with associated bromyalgia and migraine.
Thus, the present study aimed to assess the main symptoms as-Thus, the present study aimed to assess the main symptoms as-
sociated with catastrophization in women with bromyalgia and sociated with catastrophization in women with bromyalgia and
This is an observational, cross-sectional study. The research was This is an observational, cross-sectional study. The research was
carried out from March to November 2015, at the school clinic of the carried out from March to November 2015, at the school clinic of the
Physiotherapy Department of the Federal University of Pernambuco Physiotherapy Department of the Federal University of Pernambuco
(UFPE), Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. The research was approved by (UFPE), Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. The research was approved by
the Human Research Ethics Committee of the Health Sciences Center the Human Research Ethics Committee of the Health Sciences Center
of UFPE (CAAE 37052114.3.0000.5208). All participants signed of UFPE (CAAE 37052114.3.0000.5208). All participants signed
an informed consent form. an informed consent form.
The participants were recruited from the list of patients seen at the The participants were recruited from the list of patients seen at the
bromyalgia outpatient clinic of the rheumatology sector at Hospital bromyalgia outpatient clinic of the rheumatology sector at Hospital
das Clínicas, UFPE. Patients who met the following inclusion criteria das Clínicas, UFPE. Patients who met the following inclusion criteria
were selected: 1. having a diagnosis of bromyalgia and migraine, were selected: 1. having a diagnosis of bromyalgia and migraine,
simultaneously; and 2. age between 30 and 60 years. Pregnant wo-simultaneously; and 2. age between 30 and 60 years. Pregnant wo-
men were excluded due to hormonal changes and their relationship men were excluded due to hormonal changes and their relationship
with the presence of migraine, and obese participants.with the presence of migraine, and obese participants.
Procedures for data collection
By phone, the participants were invited to participate in the survey By phone, the participants were invited to participate in the survey
and asked about the eligibility criteria. In the initial evaluation, a and asked about the eligibility criteria. In the initial evaluation, a
semi-structured questionnaire was applied to obtain sociodemogra-semi-structured questionnaire was applied to obtain sociodemogra-
phic and clinical data. Then, they went through the evaluation of phic and clinical data. Then, they went through the evaluation of
a neurologist who diagnosed the type of headache, based on the a neurologist who diagnosed the type of headache, based on the
criteria of the International Classication of Headache Disorders, criteria of the International Classication of Headache Disorders,
edition - beta version. edition - beta version.
The presence of catastrophizing was assessed using the pain catas-The presence of catastrophizing was assessed using the pain catas-
trophizing scale. This instrument, validated and adapted to Portugue-trophizing scale. This instrument, validated and adapted to Portugue-
se (Cronbach alpha= 0.91), assesses the thoughts and feelings of the se (Cronbach alpha= 0.91), assesses the thoughts and feelings of the
volunteers in the face of pain experience and consists of 13 items, volunteers in the face of pain experience and consists of 13 items,
whose score ranges from 0-4, with 52 being the maximum score.whose score ranges from 0-4, with 52 being the maximum score.
The global score of 30 indicates that the individual has clinically The global score of 30 indicates that the individual has clinically
relevant levels of catastrophization.relevant levels of catastrophization.
The sample was then divided The sample was then divided
into two groups, one with catastrophization and one without.into two groups, one with catastrophization and one without.
Outcome Assessment
The sleep quality outcome was assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep The sleep quality outcome was assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep
Quality Index (PSQI), validated and adapted for the Brazilian po-Quality Index (PSQI), validated and adapted for the Brazilian po-
pulation, with high reliability (Cronbach α= 0.82). The PSQI has 19 pulation, with high reliability (Cronbach α= 0.82). The PSQI has 19
questions ranging from 0-3 and is divided into seven components questions ranging from 0-3 and is divided into seven components
related to sleep: subjective quality, latency, duration, habitual ef-related to sleep: subjective quality, latency, duration, habitual ef-
ciency, changes and the use of sleep medications, and daytime ciency, changes and the use of sleep medications, and daytime
dysfunction. The total score was given by the sum of all components, dysfunction. The total score was given by the sum of all components,
reaching a maximum of 21 points.reaching a maximum of 21 points.
The depression outcome was assessed by Beck Depression Inventory The depression outcome was assessed by Beck Depression Inventory
(BDI), an instrument consisting of 21 multiple-choice questions ran-(BDI), an instrument consisting of 21 multiple-choice questions ran-
ging from 0-3 points, reaching a maximum total score of 63. From ging from 0-3 points, reaching a maximum total score of 63. From
the score obtained, the participants were classied as absence (0-9 the score obtained, the participants were classied as absence (0-9