Headache Medicine Volume 10 Número 2 - 2019
Migraine, Dizziness and Motion Sickness: Are we going in
straight lines?
Original Article
Full Head Block for headache treatment: technical
description, indications and mechanisms
Case Report
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
Original Article
“No Pain, More Gain”? Affect and Adherence to Exercise
in Migraine Patients: A Prospective Cohort Study
Accompanying Symptoms in Vestibular Migraine
Motion Sickness in Headache Patients
Short communication
Histomorphometric analysis of mast cells in different
regions of human intracranial dura mater
Migraine with aura: MRI with perfusion aspects in the
ictal and interictal phases
Capav10n2.indd 1 22/10/19 18:16
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, 2019
Migraine, Dizziness and Motion Sickness: Are we going in straight lines?
Marcelo M Valença; Mario F P Peres ................................................................................................................................................ 36
Full Head Block for headache treatment: technical description, indications and mechanisms
Bloqueio completo da cabeça no tratamento das cefaleias: Descrição técnica, indicações e mecanismos
Bruna de Freitas Dias; Thiago Nouer Frederico; Iron Dangoni Filho; Mario Fernando Prieto Peres ...... 37-40
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
Síndrome de Alice no País das Maravilhas
Wilson Luiz Sanvito ......................................................................................................................................................................... 41-42
“No Pain, More Gain”? Affect and Adherence to Exercise in Migraine Patients: A Prospective Cohort Study
“No Pain, More Gain”? Resposta Afetiva e Aderência ao Exercício em Pacientes com Migrânea: Um Estudo
Arão Belitardo Oliveira; Dhiego Luigi Gringõn; Mario Fernando Prieto Peres .................................................... 43-50
Accompanying Symptoms in Vestibular Migraine
Sintomas Acompanhantes na Enxaqueca Vestibular
Aline Turbino Neves Martins da Costa; Daniel Guedes Tomedi; Camila Naegeli Caverni; Larissa Mendonça
Agessi; Rosemeire Rocha Fukue; Henrique Ballalai Ferraz; Thais Rodrigues Villa ........................................... 51-55
Motion Sickness in Headache Patients
Cinetose em pacientes com cefaleias
Marina Olivier; Sol Cavanagh; Lucas Bonamico; Francisco Gualtieri; María Teresa Goicochea ................... 56-59
Histomorphometric analysis of mast cells in different regions of human intracranial dura mater
Análise histomorfométrica de mastócitos em diferentes regiões da dura-máter intracraniana humana
Emanuela Paz Rosas; Silvania Tavares Paz; Ana Clara de Souza Neta; Raisa Ferreira Costa; Ana Paula
Fernandes da Silva; Manuela Figueiroa Lyra de Freitas; Marcelo Moraes Valença .......................................... 60-62
Migraine with aura: MRI with perfusion aspects in the ictal and interictal phases
Enxaqueca com aura: aspectos da ressonância magnética com perfusão nas fases ictal e interictal
Paulo Sergio Faro Santos; Bruno Augusto Telles ............................................................................................................... 63-64
Headache Medicine
Scientific Publication of the Brazilian Headache Societ
ISSN 2178-7468
10(2).indb 1 21/10/2019 18:25:21
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, 2019
Headache Medicine
Scientific Publication of the Brazilian Headache Societ
Marcelo Moraes Valença
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brasil.
Mario Fernando Prieto Peres
Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, IPq – HCFMUSP. São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
Editor Científic
Raimundo Pereira Silva-Néto
Universidade Federal do Piauí, Teresina, PI, Brasil.
Editor Emeritus
Wilson Luiz Sanvito
FCM Santa Casa de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
Pesquisa Básica e Procedimentos
Élcio Juliato Piovesan
Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brasil
Ensino, alunos e residentes
Yara Dadalti Fragoso – Santos, SP, Brasil.
Cefaleia na Mulher
Eliane Meire Melhado
Universidade de Catanduva, Catanduva, SP, Brasil.
Juliane Prieto Peres Mercante
IPq – HCFMUSP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
Arão Belitardo de Oliveira
ABRACES Associação Brasileira cefaleia em Salvas e
Enxaqueca, São Paulo, SP, Brasil
Debora Bevilaqu
beirao Preto
Cefaleias Secundárias
Pedro Augusto Sampaio Rocha
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brasil.
Hipertensão e Hipotensão Liquórica
Ida Fortini
HC FMUSP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
Sandro Luís de Andrade Matas
UNIFESP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil
Cefaleias Trigêmino-Autonômicas
Maria Eduarda Nobre
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
Cefaleia na Infância
Marco Antônio Arruda
Universidade Federal de São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
Dor orofacial
duardo Grossmann – Porto Alegre,
RS, Brasil.
Controvérsias e Expert Opinion
João José Freitas de Carvalho – Fortaleza, CE, Brasil.
Clinical Trials
Fabiola Dach
FMUSP, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil
Fernando Kowacs, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil
Imagens e Vídeos
Paulo Sérgio Faro Santos
INC, Curitiba, PR, Brasil
Elena Ruiz de La Torre
WHAM (World Headache Association for Migraine)
Madrid, Espanha
A revista Headache Medicine é uma publicação de propriedade da Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleia, indexada no Latindex e no Index Scholar, publicada
pela Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleia, www.sbcefaleia.com.br. Os manuscritos aceitos para publicação passam a pertencer à Sociedade Brasileira de
Cefaleia e não podem ser reproduzidos ou publicados, mesmo em parte, sem autorização da HM & SBCe. Os artigos e correspondências deverão ser
encaminhados para a HM através de submissão on-line, acesso pela página www.headachemedicine.com.br - Distribuição gratuita para os membros
associados, bibliotecas regionais de Medicina e faculdades de Medicina do Brasil, e sociedades congêneres
Editores Associados
ISSN 2178-7468
10(1).indb 2 21/10/2019 19:33:56
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, 2019
Headache Medicine
Scientific Publication of the Brazilian Headache Societ
Rodrigo Noseda
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, EUA
Marlind Alan Stiles –
Jefferson Universtty, Philadelphia, PA, EUA
Charles Siow, Singapore
Maurice Borges Vincent, Indianapolis, IN, EUA
Michele Viana, Novara, Italia
Margarita Sanchez Del Rio, Madrid, Espanha
Sait Ashina,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, EUA
Todd D Rozen,
Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, EUA
Elena Ruiz de la Torre, Espanha
Marco Lisicky, Cordoba, Argentina
Maria Teresa Goycochea, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Alex Espinoza Giacomozzi, Santiago, Chile
Joe Munoz Ceron, Bogota, Colombia
Faisal Amin, Copenhague, Dinamarca
Uwe Reuter, Berlin, Alemanha
Abouch Valenty Krymchantowski, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Alan Chester Feitosa Jesus, Aracaju, SE
Ana Luisa Antonniazzi, Ribeirão Preto, SP
Carla da Cunha Jevoux, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Carlos Alberto Bordini, Batatais, SP
Daniella de Araújo Oliveira, Recife, PE
Djacir D. P. Macedo, Natal, RN
Elder Machado Sarmento, Barra Mansa, RJ
Eliana Meire Melhado, Catanduva, SP
Fabíola Dach, Ribeirão Preto, SP
Fernando Kowacs, Porto Alegre, RS
Henrique Carneiro de Campos, Belo Horizonte, MG
Jano Alves de Sousa, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
João José de Freitas Carvalho, Fortaleza, CE
Luis Paulo Queiróz, Florianópolis, SC
Marcelo C. Ciciarelli, Ribeirão Preto, SP
José Geraldo Speziali, Ribeirão Preto, SP
Marcelo Rodrigues Masruha, Vitória, ES
Pedro Ferreira Moreira Filho, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Pedro André Kowacs, Curitiba, PR
Mauro Eduardo Jurno, Barbacena, MG
Paulo Sergio Faro Santos, Curitiba, PR
Pedro Augusto Sampaio Rocha Filho, Recife, PE
Renata Silva Melo Fernandes, Recife, PE
Thais Rodrigues Villa, São Paulo, SP
Renan Domingues, Vitória, ES
Conselho Editorial Internacional
Conselho Editorial Nacional
A revista Headache Medicine é uma publicação de propriedade da Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleia, indexada no Latindex e no Index Scholar, publicada
pela Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleia, www.sbcefaleia.com.br. Os manuscritos aceitos para publicação passam a pertencer à Sociedade Brasileira de
Cefaleia e não podem ser reproduzidos ou publicados, mesmo em parte, sem autorização da HM & SBCe. Os artigos e correspondências deverão ser
encaminhados para a HM através de submissão on-line, acesso pela página www.headachemedicine.com.br - Distribuição gratuita para os membros
associados, bibliotecas regionais de Medicina e faculdades de Medicina do Brasil, e sociedades congêneres
ISSN 2178-7468
10(2).indb 3 21/10/2019 18:25:21
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, 2019
Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaleia – SBCe
filiada à International Headache Society – IH
Av. Tenente José Eduardo n° 453, sala 203
27323-240 Barra Mansa - RJ - Brasil
Fone:+55 (24) 9 8847-9980 www.sbcefaleia.com.br
Josiane Moreira da Silva - Secretária Executiva SBCe
DIRETORIA 2018/2021
Academia Brasileira de Neurologia (ABN)
Fernando Kowacs
José Geraldo Speziali
American Headache Society (AHS)
Marcelo Cedrinho Ciciarelli
Associación Latinoamericana de Cefaleias (ASOLAC)
Carlos Alberto Bordini
European Headache Federation (EHF)
Marco Antônio Arruda
International Headache Society (IHS)
Pedro André Kowacs
Sociedade Brasileira para o Estudo da Dor (SBED)
Eduardo Grossman - José G Speziali
Responsável pelo Site
Paulo Sérgio Faro Santos
Responsável pelas Mídias Sociais
Arão Belitardo Oliveira
Comissão de Ética
Elcio Juliato Piovesan - Jano Alves de Souza
José Geraldo Speziali - Mauro Eduardo Jurno
Registro de Cefaleia no Brasil
Fernando Kowacs - Mauro Eduardo Jurno
Vanise Grassi - Élder Machado Sarmento
Liselotte Menke Barea - Luis Paulo Queiroz
Marcelo Cedrinho Ciciarelli - Mario FP Peres
Pedro Augusto Sampaio Rocha-Filho
Políticas Públicas, Institucionais e Advocacy
Patricia Machado Peixoto
Carlos A Bordini - Djacir Dantas de Macedo
Jano Alves de Souza - Mauro Eduardo Jurno
Pedro F Moreira Filho - Raimundo P Silva-Néto
Atividades Físicas e Fisioterapia
Cláudia Baptista Tavares - Daniela A Oliveira
Debora Bevilaqua-Grossi
Cefaleia na Infância
Marco Antonio Arruda - Thais Rodrigues Villa
Cefaleia na mulher
Eliana Meire Melhado
Dor Orofacial
Ricardo Tanus Valle
Celia A P Roesler - Henrique Carneiro de
Campos - João José Freitas de Carvalho
Paulo Sérgio Faro Santos
Alunos Residentes
Yara Dadalti Fragoso - Diego Belandrino Swerts
Izadora Karina da Silva - Marcos Ravi Cerqueira
Ferreira Figueiredo - Caroline Folchini
Saulo Emanuel Gomes Silva - Walkyria Will-
Patrick Emanuell - Eduardo Nogueira
Juliane Prieto Peres Mercante - Rebeca V. A.
Vieira - Rosemeire Rocha Fukue
Procedimentos Invasivos
Cláudio Manoel Brito
Élcio Juliato Piovesan
Presidente Elder Machado Sarmento
Secretário Mario Fernando Prieto Peres
Tesoureiro Pedro Augusto Sampaio Rocha Filho
10(2).indb 4 21/10/2019 18:25:21
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.36, 2019
Migraine, Dizziness and Motion Sickness:
Are we going in straight lines?
Creative Commons (CC BY) Attribution 4.0
In these edition, Headache Medicine brings two articles about the relation of migraine with common symptoms
reported by patients, dizziness and motion sickness, leading to important management dilemmas. A nice report from
Argentina (1), researchers from Fleni Hospital in Buenos Aires showed motion sickness not only occurring unrelated to
migraine but also as a trigger of headache attacks.
Another study done by Turbino et al (2) in 143 patients diagnosed with vestibular migraine in a tertiary headache
center observed associated symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, osmophobia, tinnitus, motion sickness higher in
migraine with aura patients.
What are the lines between those symptoms? Do we have same genetic backgrounds, same underlying
mechanisms? Which brain structures are involved? Is the cerebellum, the vestibular system, thalamus, hypothalamus,
or cerebral cortex affected? Can we classify those patients in a different way? How are we going to treat headaches
with dizziness and or motion sickness?
We still have more questions than answers in this topic, hopefully more studies will come so we better understand it.
Marcelo M Valença
Mario F P Peres
Olivier, M et al. Motion Sickness in Headache Patients. Headache Medicine, 2019 10(2): 56-59
Turbino, A et al. Accompanying symptoms in vestibular migraine. Headache Medicine, 2019 10(2): 51-55
10(2).indb 36 21/10/2019 18:25:21
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.37-40, 2019
Descritores: Bloqueios nervosos; Nervo occipital; Nervo auriculotemporal;
Nervo supraorbital; Nervo supratroclear; Nervo zigomático; Cefaleias
Full Head Block for headache treatment:
technical description, indications and mechanisms
Bloqueio completo da cabeça no tratamento das cefaleias:
Descrição técnica, indicações e mecanismos
Bruna de Freitas Dias
Thiago Nouer Frederico
Iron Dangoni Filho
Mario Fernando Prieto Peres
HIAE - Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein¹
FICSAE – Faculdade Israelita de Ciências e
Saúde Albert Einstein
Mario F P Peres
E-mail: mariop3r3s@gmail.com
Received: June 2, 2019. Accepted:
June 8, 2019.
Creative Commons (CC BY) Attribution 4.0
Headache is a most prevalent neurological condition in the world and has a
major impact on quality of life. The causes are usually multifactorial and may
have a chronic character. Headache management involves pharmacological
and non-pharmacological approach; invasive and noninvasive. Peripheral
nerve block is already a viable, safe, and effective treatment option, such as
major occipital nerve block. Full head block is a minimally invasive proposal
of peripheral pain neuromodulation for the treatment of refractory or severe
headache, mainly. The aim of this paper is to describe a technique and discuss
the role of full head block in the headache management. The proposal is
bilaterally anesthetizing the following nerves: major and minor occipital,
supraorbital, supratrochlear, zygomatic-temporal and auriculo-temporal with
local anesthetic and a corticosteroid. Many aspects should be studied: efcacy
and safety of the technique, clinical indications, professional training, need
for USG guidance, adequate dose of anesthetic and corticosteroids. In order
to further evaluate the role of peripheral blocks in headaches randomized
controlled trials are required.
Keywords: Nerve blocks; Occipital nerve; Auriculotemporal nerve; Supraorbital
nerve; Supratrochlear nerve; Zygomatic nerve; Primary headache
Cefaleias primárias são condições neurológicas prevalentes no mundo com
grande impacto na qualidade de vida. As causas são geralmente multifatoriais
e podem ter caráter crônico. O gerenciamento da dor de cabeça envolve
abordagem farmacológica e não farmacológica; invasivo e não invasivo.
O bloqueio do nervo periférico é uma opção viável, segura e ecaz de
tratamento, como o bloqueio do nervo occipital maior. O bloqueio cefálico
completo é uma proposta minimamente invasiva da neuromodulação da
dor periférica, principalmente para o tratamento de cefaleias refratárias
ou intensas. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever uma técnica e discutir o
papel do bloqueio cefálico completo no manejo das cefaleias. A proposta é
uma anestesia local bilateraldos seguintes nervos: occipital maior e menor,
supraorbital, supratroclear, zigomático-temporal e aurículo-temporal com
anestésico local associado a corticoide. Muitos aspectos devem ser estudados:
ecácia e segurança da técnica, indicações clínicas, treinamento prossional,
necessidade de orientação por ultrassonograa, dose adequada de anestésico e
corticosteróide. Para melhor avaliação do papel dos procedimentos periféricos
nas cefaleias, ensaios clínicos randomizados e robustos são necessários.
10(2).indb 37 21/10/2019 18:25:21
Full Head Block for headache treatmen
Dias BF, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.37-40, 2019
Headache is the most prevalent neurologic condition
in the world
. It most affects patient in productive age
and is associated with a substantial personal and societal
burden. Migraine represents the rst highest cause
of disability under 50 years of age and the second
. Migraine, the most common primary
headache, has been found in 15,2% in Brazil
, followed
by tension-type headache (13%)
and chronic headaches
. They are frequently multifactorial and have a
chronic character. Its treatment can be challenging and
involves pharmacological and non-pharmacological,
invasive and non-invasive approaches, as well as acute
and prophylactic therapy
There are now several non-invasive and invasive
options to manage headache. Peripheral nerve block
is a minimally invasive therapy and represents an
excellent alternative to conventional drugs (responsible
for a wide range of side effects due to its action on
several neurotransmitters) and to non-pharmalogical
neuromodulation, like Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
(TMS) and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
. The nerve block can be used in primary
(migraine, cluster headache, and nummular headache)
and secondary headaches (cervicogenic headache and
headache attributed to craniotomy), as well in cranial
neuralgias (trigeminal neuropathies, glossopharyngeal
and occipital neuralgias)
. Nerve block provides rapid
pain relief to patients and its analgesic effect often
long-lasting (sometimes for weeks to months). The
mechanism includes an interruption of neural conduction
in peripheral nerves and nerve trunks by the injection of
a local anesthetic agent (e.g., lidocaine, bupivacaine).
However, it is still incomplete understood, but is likely
secondary to effects on central pain modulation via
second order neurons in the trigeminocervical complex
Several peripheral cranial nerve targets have been
aimed in this approach. Greater occipital nerve is the
most studied peripheral nerve block, but there are
some others sites already tested, such as lesser occipital
nerve, supratrochlear nerve, supraorbital nerve and
. The procedure is fast, easy, generally
safe and well tolerated, becoming attractive for clinicians
and patients, especially for resistant headaches.
A similar procedure has been done in neurosurgical
anesthesia where all peripheral nerves are blocked
to anesthetize the scalp, the so-called scalp block
Scalp block involves regional anesthesia to the nerves
that innervate the scalp, providing analgesia for tumor
excision, epilepsy surgery and deep brain stimulation
. Full head block is different from scalp block
because of its therapeutic target and technique.
Our study aimed to describe the technique and
discuss the role of a full head block in headache
management treatment.
The proposal of full head nerve block is to
anesthetize bilaterally greater lesser and third occipital,
supraorbital, supratrochlear, zygomatic-temporal and
auriculotemporal nerves. The techniques of each nerve
block are detailed below.
Greater occipital nerve (GON) block.
GON is located approximately two thirds of the
distance on a line drawn from the center of the mastoid
to the external occipital protuberance. GON can also
be located palpating occipital artery; because of that,
care needs to be taken to avoid intra-arterial injection.
Another option is to inject approximately 2 cm lateral to
the external occipital protuberance
Lesser occipital nerve (LON) block.
LON is located approximately one third of the way
on a line drawn from the center of the mastoid to the
greater occipital protuberance
Third occipital nerve (TON) block.
TON is located deep to the semispinalis capitis
muscle and two anatomic landmarks are used: the tip of
the mastoid process and the C3 spinous process
. The
Figure 1. Topography of the nerve’s blockage in full head block propose
10(2).indb 38 21/10/2019 18:25:22
Full Head Block for headache treatmen
Dias BF, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.37-40, 2019
third occipital nerve lies medial to great occipital nerve
and have bers communication between both, and is
blocked in the same injection of GON by the intimacy
Auriculotemporal nerve (ATN) block
ATN is located at superior to the posterior portion
of the zygomatic bone just anterior to the ear. It follows
supercial temporal artery that can be palpated and
used as a reference for the block
Supraorbital nerve (SON) block
SON, which runs approximately 2 cm lateral to the
supratrochlear nerve, the injection can be done in this
point, or the needle can be advanced laterally through
the same puncture that was used for the STN
Supratrochlear nerve (STN) block
STN is blocked by inserting the needle just above
the eyebrow over its medial border
Zygomatic nerve (ZN) block
ZN is blocked by placing the index nger on ventral
rim of the orbit at the lateral canthus of the eye, and rmly
press against the supraorbital portion of the zygomatic
Full head block can be performed together with
botulinum toxin, as a bridge therapy, while waiting to
the toxin starting to work
. Refractory headache,
primary headache in pregnancy and the presence of
contraindications for other treatments options.
Peripheral nerve block has already been tested for
primary headache disorders like migraine prevention,
migraine acute treatment, cluster, neuralgia and tension-
type, as well as to secondary headache disorders such
posttraumatic headache, post-surgical headache
and scar related pain. It can also be considered as a
transitional treatment in chronic headaches.
The major side effects occur due to local injection.
There are related cases of local infection, nerve damage
with later neuroma formation, hematoma, local injury to
adjacent structures and, rarely, systemic manifestations
due to absorption of local anesthetics (seizure, alteration
in consciousness and cardiac conduction effects when
high doses are used). Using small needles and aiming for
perineural sites are helpful in avoiding these side effects.
When patient has anatomic abnormalities, such as skull
defects, local infection or previous surgical scars, the
procedure is not indicated.
Assistant’s training about the location of structures,
technique and aseptic environment is necessary for
a great performance of the procedure. Studies must
be designed to identify the efcient amount of local
anesthetic, necessity of ultrasound guided
addition of corticosteroid (methylprednisolone or
Thereby, clinical trials are important to assess the
role of the full head block for headache treatment. It
represents the combination of several well tolerated and
effective therapy, with a lack of side effects.
There are many examples of peripheral targeted
treatments, such as low-level laser therapy, topical
lidocaine, dry needling, electrical stimulation and
. There are other forms of inducing anesthesia
with nerve blocks, e.g., lidocaine transdermal patch
It has already been discussed through literature
about the role of peripheral nerve block on headache
. Peripheral nerve block can result in
rapid relief of pain and allodynia, reduce the number of
headache days and medication consumption
and its
effects may last for several weeks. Thereby, nerve block
is a viable and safe treatment option for selected groups
of headache patients, particularly those with intractable
Although there are many studies about effectiveness
of a specic nerve block
, especially greater occipital
nerve block
, there is no case report that apply full
head block for treatment of primary headache. Why
should we do a full head block? Due to: (1) distribution
nerve pain - headaches are not limited to one nerve; (2)
necessity of a complete peripheral detachment to arouse
neuromodulation; (3) acute response in headache attack;
and (4) refractory headaches to others procedures.
Considering this rational, structured scientic
evidence with blinded and sham-controlled studies is
needed to understand the action mechanism, validate
doses of the anesthetics, train professionals and establish
the efcacy of full nerve block in headache disorders.
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Technique: A Novel Paradigm for Migraines and
Chronic Headaches. Plast Reconstr surgery Glob open,
17. Taylor M, Silva S, Cottrell C (2008) Botulinum toxin type-A
(BOTOX) in the treatment of occipital neuralgia: a pilot
study. Headache, 48(10):1476-1481.
18. Flamer D, Alakkad H, Soneji N, et al (2019) Comparison
of two ultrasound-guided techniques for greater occipital
nerve injections in chronic migraine: a double-blind,
randomized, controlled trial. Reg Anesth Pain Med,
19. Piovesan EJ, Di Stani F, Kowacs PA, et al (2007) Massaging
over the greater occipital nerve reduces the intensity
of migraine attacks: evidence for inhibitory trigemino-
cervical convergence mechanisms. Arq Neuropsiquiatr,
20. Knezevic NN, Tverdohleb T, Nikibin F, Knezevic I, Candido
KD (2017) Management of chronic neuropathic pain with
single and compounded topical a nalgesics. Pain Manag,
21. Giamberardino MA, Martelletti P (2015) Emerging drugs
for migraine treatment. Expert Opin Emerg Drugs,
22. Sun-Edelstein C, Rapoport AM (2016) Update on the
Pharmacological Treatment of Chronic Migraine. Curr Pain
Headache Rep, 20(1):6.
23. Tang Y, Kang J, Zhang Y, Zhang X (2017) Inuence of greater
occipital nerve block on pain severity in migraine patients:
A systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Emerg Med,
24. Zhang H, Yang X, Lin Y, Chen L, Ye H (2018) The efcacy of
greater occipital nerve block for the treatment of migraine:
A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Neurol
Neurosurg, 165:129-133.
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Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.41-42, 2019
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
Síndrome de Alice no País das Maravilhas
Wilson Luiz Sanvito
Associate Professor and Emeritus Professor
of Neurology at the Medical Sciences School
of Santa Casa in São Paulo. Assistant Étranger
of the Paris Medical School.
Wilson Luiz Sanvito
E-mail: wsanvito@uol.com.br
Received: June 12, 2019. Accepted:
June 20, 2019.
Creative Commons (CC BY) Attribution 4.0
At the end of my ofce
hours, I saw to a distressed
mother. Her 9-year-old daughter
presented that day during recess a
condition characterized by strange
perceptions. She reported seeing
huge and deformed people (big
noses, crooked mouths, exceedingly
long arms...). The manifestation
lasted approximately 15 minutes and
was followed by facial paleness and
an episode of mental confusion, with
verbalization of disconnected words
and incoherent phrases. Some
minutes later, the child became
drowsy and fell asleep. When her
mother arrived at the school, she
was still sleeping. When she woke
up, two hours later, she was lucid and
reported only feeling a heaviness in
her head.
During questioning, the mother
informed that since the age of
8 years, her daughter presented
headache episodes preceded
sometimes by blurry vision. The
mother is a migraineur and her
own mother, already deceased, was
also one. Nothing abnormal was
found when examining the minor
and I stated to the mother that the
episode was probably a migraine,
which during childhood can present
this kind of manifestation. In face
of the unbelief of the mother, I
requested a computed tomography
of the head and an EEG – both of
which did not show abnormalities.
I had the opportunity to follow-
up on this patient over the course
of three years. During this time,
she presented headache episodes,
not all of which were preceded
by visual manifestations. In this
case, the diagnosis was settled as
migraine with aura, consisting of a
variant called Alice in Wonderland
Visual auras are the most
common and originate from the
posterior portion of the brain
(occipital lobe). The description
of a visual aura is not always easy
for the patient. The most detailed
and precise descriptions are
done through own experience, by
either doctors or other healthcare
professionals that suffer from this
sort of migraine. Data are frequently
collected from patients through the
anamnesis, in complaints during the
crises at emergency services, using
questionnaires during interviews,
and by analyzing drawings made
during the postcritical period.
All methods present limitations.
Loss of vision in half the visual
eld (hemianopsia) or in certain
points of the visual eld (negative
scotoma) are common complaints.
Scotoma can also be positive and
manifest in several ways: focused
ashes, colorful circles, the illusion
of blinking lights, eye oaters,
zigzagging lines, mosaic vision (like
a kaleidoscope)... Scotoma can have
various colors (gray, red, golden,
blue or purple), though the color
may not be specic and be more
like a very bright white. There is
also a form of negative scotoma in
which the migraineur sees objects
split in half. This condition can either
increase in size as the crises evolve
or become fragmented into smaller
Auras can be more elaborate
and present themselves as
distortions of visual gures. These
phenomena are more frequent in
children and are externalized as
perception disorders, which can
include various types of body image
distortions (macropsias, micropsias,
metamorphopsias), feelings of
derealization and depersonalization,
and changes to their perception of
time. This is the Alice in Wonderland
syndrome. In this curious syndrome,
the patient has the feeling that
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Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
Sanvito WL, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.41-42, 2019
people are either exceedingly large (macropsias) or
disproportionally small (micropsias). This inadequacy in
size can also be perceived regarding one’s own body,
such that an individual may feel for example that one
of their limbs is gigantic. Other manifestations may
occur: distortion of their own body segments (as if
looking into a distorting mirror) or of others, feeling
of levitation or of a double personality, loss of spatial
recognition, etc. Transitory alterations in certain areas
of the brain (particularly in parietal lobe areas) seem
to be responsible for these described psychosensory
abnormalities. Auras are believed to be determined
through spreading depression, though it is not clear why
extremely elaborate auras – with important perception
disorders – are more frequent during childhood. Perhaps
the immature brain (not entirely myelinated) can be
more vulnerable to a spreading depression event.
This type of migraine is more common in children and
usually begins around the age of 8 years. The associated
manifestations, translated into elaborate auras, usually
give way during adolescence.
The Alice in Wonderland syndrome was reported
for the rst time in 1955 by the English psychiatrist
John Todd, who believed the syndrome was related to
defects in parts that form the eyes. However, it is known
now that the condition occurs due to a neural change
in perception that affects vision, feelings, touch and
even body image. The condition was initially described
as Todd’s syndrome, but as a reader and admirer of
Lewis Carroll, the psychiatrist proposed the name that
established Carroll as an author.
Though this is a polemic discussion, it seems like
migraines inuenced Lewis Carroll’s description of
some characters in the book Alice in Wonderland. The
Englishman Charles Lutwitge Dodgson (1832-1898)
adopted the name Lewis Carroll as a pseudonym to sign
his works of ction (4). This is the explanation. Lewis
Carroll was a professor, mathematician, poet, painter,
amateur photographer and deacon of the Anglican
Church. He would sign his academic publications (math
and logic) with his real name. Carroll was a curious
person that did not get along with adults and adored
young girls. He dedicated his most successful books to
a girl named Alice, daughter of dean Liddell. It seems
that Carroll loved Alice deeply, a 10-year-old girl, while
he was 32 years old. The author was also an excellent
photographer (photography was considered at the time
avant-garde art) and enjoyed photographing girls in
either revealing clothes or naked (2,3).
Regardless of Carroll’s “bilious headaches”, detailed
records from his diary (collected 20 years after they were
reported) demonstrated that he suffered from migraines
with aura. However, the book Alice in Wonderland
appeared in 1865, which according to scholars
researching his biography was before the beginning
of his migraines. Nevertheless, the subject is still under
discussion, with some believing the author had already
experienced previous migraine events.
In conclusion, I must emphasize that the Alice in
Wonderland syndrome is not a prerogative to migraine
and should be considered as a differential diagnosis
for epilepsy, use of hallucinogenic drugs (such as
LSD), consumption of hallucinogenic mushrooms,
schizophrenia, and brain tumors. The syndrome can
also occur during the initial phases of infection by the
Epstein-Barr virus in children (1).
1. Bolis, V., Karadedos, Ch. et al. – Atypical manifestations
of Epstein-Barr virus in children: a diagnostic challenge. J
Pediatr (Rio J). 2016; 113-21.
2. Sanvito, W. L. - Alice no país das maravilhas. In O Mau Gênio
do Cérebro: O impacto da doença neurológica. A Girafa,
São Paulo, 2006, p. 65.
3. Sanvito, W. L. - Síndrome de Alice no país das maravilhas.
In Síndromes Neurológicas, Atheneu (4ª edição), Rio de
Janeiro, 2019, p. 15.
4. Stoffel, S. L. Lewis Carroll and Alice - New Horizons.
Thames and Hudson, London, 1997.
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Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.43-50, 2019
Descritores: Psicologia; Distúrbios da dor de cabeça; Estilo de vida saudável;
Comportamento Sedentário; Exercício.
“No Pain, More Gain”? Affect and Adherence to Exercise
in Migraine Patients: A Prospective Cohort Study
“No Pain, More Gain”? Resposta Afetiva e Aderência ao
Exercício em Pacientes com Migrânea: Um Estudo Prospectivo
Arão Belitardo Oliveira
Dhiego Luigi Gringõn
Mario Fernando Prieto Peres
Universidade Federal de São Paulo,
Departamento de Neurologia e Neurocirurgia,
Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de
Medicina, Instituto de Psiquiatria, Brazil.
Hospital Israelita Albert, Instituto do Cérebro,
Arão Belitardo Oliveira
E-mail: araoliva@gmail.com
Received: May 15, 2019. Accepted:
May 27, 2019.
Creative Commons (CC BY) Attribution 4.0
Objectives: To compare the affective and perceptual responses to a
standardized exercise session between episodic migraine patients and non-
headache persons, and its inuence on adherence to an 12-week exercise
training program. Methods: In a secondary analyses of a prospective cohort
enrolled in a clinical trial, we assessed the affective response at rest, at 15th min
of exercise, and immediately after an acute 40-min exercise session previously
the training program. All measurements were undertaken in headache-free
days. Participants were subsequently randomly assigned to a 12-week aerobic
exercise-training program, or to a waitlist. In a multiple linear regression
model, variables tested as possible predictors of adherence were body mass
index, cardiorespiratory tness, and the perceived exertion and affect scores
elicited in the previous exercise session. Results: Fifty-four participants were
analyzed for acute exercise session data (mean±SD age: 37.37±11.5; mean±SD
BMI: 26.7±4.5). Patients (N=28) and controls (N=26) showed no differences
in anthropometric characteristics and cardiorespiratory tness. Compared
to controls, migraine patients showed reduced affective response during
and after exercise, but showed no differences in perceived exertion. Twenty-
ve participants (patients: N=13; controls: N=13) concluded the 12-week
exercise-training program. Adherence was lower in migraine group (p = 0.1, d
= 0.641). Multiple linear regression analysis showed post-exercise affect score
as the only predictor variable of adherence to the exercise-training program
(β =0.405, p = 0.040). Conclusions: This study indicates that migraine patients
have lower affective response to exercise, which was associated with adherence
to the training program.
Keywords: Psychology; Headache Disorders; Healthy Lifestyle; Sedentary
Behavior; Exercise.
Objetivos: Comparar as respostas de valência afetiva e percepção do esforço
entre pessoas com migrânea e sem cefaleias durante uma sessão de exercício
padronizada e sua inuência na aderência a um programa de 12 semanas de
treinamento aeróbio. Métodos: Em análise secundária de uma coorte prospectiva
de um estudo clínico, controlado e randomizado, avaliamos a resposta afetiva
basal, no 15º minuto de exercício e imediatamente após uma sessão aguda de
exercício aeróbio previamente ao programa de treinamento aeróbio. Todas
as mensurações foram conduzidas interictalmente. Um modelo de regressão
linear múltipla testou as variáveis basais de IMC, aptidão cardiorrespiratória
e percepção do esforço e escores afetivos da sessão aguda de exercício
como preditoras de aderência ao programa. Resultados: Cinquenta e quatro
participantes foram avaliados (média±DP idade: 37,37±11,5; média±DP IMC:
26,7±4,5). Pacientes (N=28) e controles (N=26) não apresentaram diferenças
nas características antropométricas e aptidão cardiorrespiratória. Comparado
aos controles, pacientes com migrânea exibiram uma resposta afetiva reduzida
durante e após a sessão de exercício aguda, mas sem diferenças signicativa na
percepção do esforço. Vinte e cinco participantes (pacientes: N=13; controles:
N=12) concluíram o protocolo de treinamento aeróbio. Aderência foi menor no
grupo de pacientes (p = 0,1, d = 0,641). A análise de regressão mostrou a resposta
afetiva após a sessão aguda de exercício como única variável preditora de
aderência (β = 0,405, p = 0,040). Conclusão: Esse estudo sugere que pacientes
com migrânea apresentam uma resposta afetiva reduzida ao exercício, a qual
está associada a menor aderências ao programa de treinamento aeróbio.
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Affect and Adherence to Exercise in Migraine Patients
Oliveira AB, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.43-50, 2019
Even though regular aerobic exercise has been shown
effective for migraine prevention (1–4), as a chronic pain
condition, migraine may represent an obstacle to physical
activity participation. Epidemiological data have shown
increased risk for having migraine among individuals in
the lowest quintile of cardiorespiratory tness level (5)
and a negative association between migraine prevalence
and physical activity levels (6–10). Migraine attacks per
se can hinder physical activity participation, and physical
activity is considered a trigger factor for around 50-
60 % of patients, while 75.6 % and 84.2 % of patients
believe that moderate and vigorous exercise can
worsen attacks, respectively (11,12). Thus, the prevailing
argument to explain this negative relationship between
physical activity and migraine has been ascribed to fear-
avoidance behavior or kinesiophobia (6–12).
Alternatively, another explanation for this negative
association between physical activity and migraine
might lie in the affective response to exercise. Affective
response to exercise refers to a basic affect domain, or
the pleasure/displeasure one may feel when exercising,
and it has been established as a determinant factor of
future adherence to physical activity participation (13,14).
Its theoretical framework encompasses the rewarding,
self-reinforcing (hedonic) component of the physical
activity behavior (15–17). Exercise performed in the
positive valence is associated with higher adherence,
whereas exercise eliciting negative responses are more
likely to be discontinued (15–17). The affective response
to exercise is believed to be operationalized under the
so-called dual-mode theory (16-18). This theory proposes
a dimensional, rather than categorical, measure of affect,
which in its turn depends on whether the exercise is
performed below, at, or above the ventilatory threshold
(16-18). The ventilatory threshold represents a ventilatory
parameter that indicates the cardiometabolic turning
point marking the transition from aerobic to anaerobic
energy metabolism, above which by-products from
anaerobic metabolism (e.g., CO
, protons, etc.) build-up
in the working skeletal muscles, contributing to metabolic
acidosis, hyperventilation, limb pain, and early fatigue (16-
18). Overall, the affective response is stable and kept on
positive valence when the exercise is performed slightly
below the ventilatory threshold (or mild to moderate
exercise), it largely varies among individuals at the
ventilatory threshold (moderate exercise), and decreases
to negative valence as exercise intensity surpasses the
ventilatory threshold (e.g., vigorous exercise) (18).
Affective response to exercise has never been
assessed in migraine patients. Understanding
psychological factors related to physical activity
behavior in people with migraine has become
particularly relevant, since accumulating evidence points
to increased risk for mental and cardiovascular diseases
in this population (19–22), which in turn can be reduced
by regular physical activity (23). Thus, we wondered
whether migraine patients would exhibit altered affective
response to a single bout of exercise (i.e., acute session)
performed at the ventilatory threshold (moderate
intensity) compared to non-headache individuals, and
whether this previous measure of affect would predict
adherence to a subsequent aerobic exercise-training
program performed at the same exercise intensity. We
hypothesized that individuals with migraine would rate
lower affective scores in the exercise session compared
to non-headache individuals, and the affective response
to exercise would be positively associated with future
adherence to the exercise-training program.
This is a prospective cohort study using secondary,
post hoc analyses of affect and perceptual measures
during an exercise session, and their inuence in
adherence to future exercise participation in a supervised
exercise training program. Data were retrieved from
patients enrolled in a clinical trial registered in the
National Institute of Health (www.ClinicalTrials.gov)
under #NCT01972607, and part of the clinical trial results
has been published elsewhere (2). The study protocol
complied with the Good Clinical Practice Principles
and the Helsinki Declaration, and was approved by the
Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of
São Paulo/Brazil, registered under #08152011.
Participants were recruited from São Paulo
Hospital´s Headache Unit and a tertiary clinic, The
inclusion criteria were: individuals aged 20 to 60 years, of
both sexes, physically inactive (dened as 1 day/week
of leisure-time physical activity the previous 12 months),
non-headache individuals and patients with episodic
migraine (having 1-14 attacks per month), including
migraine without aura, migraine with aura, or presenting
both migraine subtypes, according to the 2nd edition of
the International Classication of Headache Disorders
(24). Exclusion criteria were: taking any prescribed
preventive medication, except abortive medication during
migraine attacks, taking dietary supplements, pregnancy,
clinical history of cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic,
rheumatic, musculoskeletal, and others neurological
diseases, including other headaches. All participants
had a neurological and cardiac (electrocardiographic)
examination before inclusion in study and gave signed
informed consent.
After being screened for inclusion in the study by
two headache-trained neurologists (authors RTR and
MFPP), all participants were given a headache diary and
were examined every 4 weeks (clinical visits) until the
end of the study for checking headache status (paper-
based headache diaries). Participants who self-reported
never having migraine, without any headache in the past
3 months, and did not present any headache in their
diaries, were considered as controls.
Procedures and Measures
The cardiopulmonary exercise tests, affect measures,
and the aerobic exercise-training program were
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Affect and Adherence to Exercise in Migraine Patients
Oliveira AB, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.43-50, 2019
conducted at the Center for Studies in Psychobiology
and Exercise, a University-based center, on two
separated experimental visits. About 1-2 weeks after
the screening visit, participants were scheduled for the
cardiorespiratory tness assessment. Around a week later,
participants performed an acute, 40-min aerobic exercise
session for assessment of the affective response. Figure 1
summarizes the study’s design. All measurements were
undertaken between 8:00AM and 11:00AM, interictally. All
women were assessed within the follicular period of the
menstrual cycle for the affective response.
After the acute exercise session, researcher ABO
randomly assigned participants (simple randomization,
1:1 assignment rate) to receive a 12-week aerobic exercise-
training program or enter a waitlist. An online software
generated random numbers, previously attributed as
follows: odd numbers = exercise-training program, even
numbers = waitlist.
Cardiorespiratory Fitness Assessment
Participants underwent a maximal cardiopulmonary
exercise test on a treadmill (Centurion 300, MICROMED,
Brasília, DF, Brazil) with ramp protocol for determination
of peak oxygen uptake (VO
), a gold-standard
measure of cardiorespiratory tness, and the ventilatory
threshold, an amply used cardiometabolic parameter of
submaximal exercise intensity. The ventilatory threshold
consist of a ventilatory indicator reecting the skeletal
muscle energy metabolism, which set the turning point
of exercise intensity above which the metabolic acidosis
from anaerobic metabolism supplementation cannot
be buffered (25). Determination criteria for VO
consisted of meeting at least two of the following
criteria: 1) to reach the maximal age-predicted heart rate
(220-age); 2) respiratory exchange ratio > 1.1; 3) rate of
perceived exertion (RPE) 18. The ventilatory threshold
was determined adopting the ventilatory equivalents
method, dened as the stage where the rst rise in the
ventilatory equivalent of O2 (VE/VO2) occurs without
concurrent rise in the ventilatory equivalent of CO2 (VE/
VCO2) (25). Tests were conducted by a cardiologist and
exercise physiologist, not informed about participants
assignment and independent of the study.
Affective Response and Perceived Exertion
Participants were informed that they would perform
a moderate aerobic exercise session according to the
current guidelines for exercise prescription. They were
also aware that the main goal at this visit was to assess
psychological aspects of exercise.
The exercise session consisted of 40 minutes of
moderate walking/jogging on treadmill (depending on
participant’s initial tness level), composed by 5 minutes
of warm-up, 30 minutes inside the aimed intensity, and
5 minutes of cool down period. Intensity was set at the
work rate (m.min
), rate of perceived exertion (RPE),
and heart rate (HR) corresponding to the ventilatory
threshold. The HR was monitored by a heart rate
monitor(Polar® Electro, model F5, Finland) and the RPE
was assessed by the 20-point Borg’s scale (26) . The
RPE score measured at the last minute of the exercise
session was used in the analyses.
Feeling Scale (FS) was used as a measure of affect.
FS is a bipolar, Likert-type scale amply used as a broad
dimension of pleasure/displeasure (basic affect) during
exercise (27). It is composed by 11 points ranging from
+5 to -5, with anchors at zero (“Neutral”) and at each
odd integer, from “Very Good” (+5) to “Very Bad” (-5).
The affective response was assessed by two experienced
exercise physiologists (ABO, DLG), randomly assigned
(coin ipping) to conduct each experiment. FS was
employed at three time points: at rest, just before the
exercise initiates (FSREST), at the 15th minute of exercise
(FSEXE), and immediately after the exercise cessation
(FSPOST). Conversation was limited to answering
participants’ questions regarding the protocol, and
participants were not allowed to listen to music, or to
use any portable electronics. Participants experiencing
migraine attacks during the exercise sessions were
excluded from the analysis.
Aerobic Exercise-Training Protocol
Exercise sessions reproduced the acute exercise
session protocol with regard duration and intensity, and
were delivered 3 times per week. All exercise sessions
were supervised by exercise physiologists (ABO, DLG,
and MTM).
Statistical Analyses
Differences between migraine and control groups for
anthropometric variables, cardiopulmonary tness, and
adherence for the exercise-training groups were analyzed
by independent t-test. Comparisons between groups for
affective response were analyzed by repeated-measures
ANOVA,with 2 groups x 3 time points (FSREST, FSEXE, and
FSPOST); Bonferroni’s adjustments were computed for the
condence intervals of multiple pairwise comparisons. If
Figure 1. Study´s design.
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Affect and Adherence to Exercise in Migraine Patients
Oliveira AB, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.43-50, 2019
the assumption of sphericity was violated in the repeated-
measures ANOVAs, the degrees of freedom were adjusted
by Greeenhouse-Geisser´s correction.
A multiple linear regression model was applied to
test the predictors of adherence to exercise (dependent
variable). Adherence was dened as the percentage of
attendance to the exercise protocol sessions. Predictors
variables were, body mass index (BMI), VO
, RPE,
FSREST, FSEXE, and FSPOST. A stepwise method for
variables selection was employed in the regression
model. Analyses were computed by the SPSS software
(IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 20.0. Armonk,
NY), and graphs were designed by GraphPad Prism®
software (GraphPad Software Inc., Version 5.0, San Diego,
CA). A p < 0.05 was considered statistically signicant.
Participants’ ow in the study is shown in
Figure 2. Fifty-four participants (Male: N = 10, Female: N
= 44; mean±SD age: 37.37±11.5 and BMI: 26.7±4.5) were
included in the analyses. Migraine (n = 28) and control
(n = 26) groups were homogenous regarding sex, age,
BMI, cardiorespiratory tness, as well as there were no
difference between groups for the cardiorespiratory data
and work rate elicited at the ventilatory threshold (both
~ 55 % of maximal cardiorespiratory tness, and ~70 % of
maximal heart rate) (Table 1).
Figure 2. Participants’ ow in the study.
Table 1. Participants` anthropometrical, clinical, and
cardiorespiratory data.
Anthropometric Data
Sex (%)
Male 5(17.9) 5(19.2)
Female 23(82.1) 21(80.8)
Age (years) 38.6±12.4 35.9±10.5
Body Weight (kg) 72.1±16.0 69.7±11.7
Height (m) 1.62±0.08 1.63±0.08
BMI (kg/m
) 26.9±5.0 26.4±3.9
Clinical Data
Living w/ Disease (yrs) 17.6±11.1 0
Days with Headaches (/month) 9.5±6.0 0
Migraine Frequency (/month) 8.6±6.0 0
Pain Intensity (0-3) 1.58±0.3 0
Cardiopulmonary Data
At Peak
) 31.8±6.7 32.5±7.5
HR (b.p.m) 181.7±15.1 182.8±9.5
HR (% age predicted) 100.3±6.6 99.5±4.8
WR (watts) 110.0±32.5 116.2±34.5
RPE 19.4±0.9 19.3±0.9
At the Ventilatory Threshold
(% VO
) 55.2±9.4 55.4±7.3
HR (b.p.m) 127.7±17.7 125.1±15.6
WR (watts) 66.1±20.2 64.2±16.6
RPE 10.3±
2.5 10.1±2.3
: Peak oxygen uptake. HR: Heart rate. WR: Work rate.
RPE: Rate of perceived effort.
For the affective response to acute exercise,
repeated-measures ANOVA of FS showed a main
effect of time [F(1, 52) = 37.5; p < 0.001; η
= 0.64], a
main effect of group [F(1, 52) = 10.6; p < 0.002; η
0.41], and interaction [F(2, 104) = 5.9; p < 0.048; η
0.2] (Fig. 3a). Multiple pairwise comparisons showed
no differences between migraine and control groups
for FSREST (mean±SD = 3.5±1.9 vs 4±1.1, respectively,
p = 0.262), while there was a signicant progressive
decline from FSREST to FSPOST for both groups (Fig.
3a). The migraine group had a steeper decline, which
was signicantly lower than control group for FSEXE
(mean±SD = 2.0±1.3 vs 2.9±1.3, p < 0.031, respectively)
and FSPOST (mean±SD = 1.4±1.4 vs 2.7±1.3, p = 0.001,
respectively) (Fig. 2a). The RPE at the end of the
exercise session was not different between control and
migraine groups (mean±SD = 11.6±1.4 vs 12.4±1.4, p >
0.05, d = 0.1, respectively) (Fig. 3b).
For the adherence data, twenty-ve (migraine: n
= 13; control: n = 12) completed the exercise-training
program and were analyzed in the regression model.
There was no difference between groups for adherence
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Affect and Adherence to Exercise in Migraine Patients
Oliveira AB, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.43-50, 2019
Although physical activity behavior is determined
by a myriad of social, cultural, and affective-cognitive
factors, the affective response to exercise is a relevant
and well-established topic in behavioral research, since it
is associated with physical activity participation, and its
public health implications in terms of management and
prevention of mental and cardiovascular diseases (14-
17). Indeed, in recognition of the relevance of affective
response on future exercise participation, current exercise
prescription guidelines have included the feeling scale as
a complementary parameter of exercise intensity (28).
We recognize that physical activity behavior is
complex, and in migraine patients, attack-related pain per
se can hinder physical activity participation and contribute
to fear-avoidance behavior/kinesiophobia (11-13). In fact,
anxiety-related processes seem to play a relevant role in
physical activity behavior in this population. For example,
in a cohort of 100 patients, Farris et al (2019) showed
that intentional avoidance of physical activity is prevalent
in up to 78 % of patients, and it positively correlates with
migraine frequency (11). Still in this study, over 70 % of
patients reported avoiding both moderate and vigorous
exercise on average 3 times per week in the previous
month, indicating that intentional avoidance constitutes
a relevant factor contributing to lower physical activity in
this population (11). In another analysis, the same group
found that physical activity avoidance is inuenced
by anxiety sensitivity, and higher anxiety score were
associated with a signicant increase in the odds of PA
avoidance at both moderate and vigorous intensities,
with stronger associations between the domains
physical concerns and vigorous exercise avoidance (up
to 7.5-fold increase) (12). Although we did not inquire our
patients about their believes/perceptions of exercise as a
trigger, or anxiety sensitivity scores, migraine frequency
or days with migraine had no correlation with adherence
Figure 3. Affective response (a) and perceived effort (b) of a 40-min. aerobic exercise session; Data are expressed as
mean±SE. *: p < 0.05 vs REST; **: p < 0.01 vs REST; #: p < 0.05 vs Control; ##: p < 0.01 vs Control; Multiple pairwise
comparisons of repeated-measure ANOVA.
to the exercise program [55.9±18.4 % vs 66.4±13.0 %,
respectively; t(23) = 1.6, p = 0.1, d = 0.64], although a large
effect size was observed.
In the whole exercise-training cohort, multiple linear
regression analysis showed FSPOST the only predictor
variable of adherence to subsequent exercise-training
program (β = 0.405, p = 0.04). Based on the adjusted R
data of our model, 12.9 % of variance in adherence was
explained by FSPOST. Also, the coefcients of this model
showed that, if all the other variables were kept constant,
every 1-point drop in the FS score resulted in 4.2 % drop
in adherence.
In order to further explore whether adherence could
be affected by migraine attacks frequency, we used
Pearson’s correlations test (as these variables presented
normal distribution) for analyses between clinical
variables and adherence in the exercise-training migraine
cohort. There were no signicant correlations between
adherence and changes in pre-post values (Δ values)
for days with migraine (r = -0.01, p = 0.981), or migraine
frequency (r = -0.18, p = 0.544) (Table 2). Neither there
were correlations between clinical and affective variables.
Our study shows for the rst time a reduced
affective response to aerobic exercise, both during
and after an acute exercise session, in individuals with
migraine compared to non-headache individuals. Also,
we provided further evidence to the idea considering the
affective response to exercise captured by the feeling
scale as a potential determinant factor of physical
activity behavior (14-17), by showing a predictive value
of post-exercise affect on future adherence to an
exercise program.
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Affect and Adherence to Exercise in Migraine Patients
Oliveira AB, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.43-50, 2019
to the training program or affective response, and our
sample was composed by patients voluntarily interested
in exercise who did not report any attack attributed
to physical exercise (based on headache diaries data).
As such, the results found here add a new perspective
in understanding the negative relationship between
migraine and physical activity levels, which to date has
been unanimously ascribed to fear-avoidance/anxiety
mechanisms. The affect-based process contemplates the
hedonic, self-reinforcing properties of physical activity
(14-18), which are thought to be mediated by common
neurophysiological mechanisms disrupted in migraine
pathophysiology, such as monoaminergic, opioidergic,
and endocannabinoidergic signaling (2,4). Therefore, it
is likely that altered affective processes occurring during
the physical exercise session could also inuence this
negative relationship between migraine and physical
activity. This merits further investigation.
Lastly, but not least, anxiety-related processes
may eventually underlie the negative affect-exercise
adherence relationship, as anxiety sensitivity has shown
to moderate the affective response to exercise in other
clinical populations (29). Farris’s group showed that
in low-active smokers seeking treatment for smoking
cessation, anxiety sensitivity negatively associated with
physical activity enjoyment scale (PACES) and correlated
with anxiety and mood in the 1-mile walk test (29). The
authors ponder that anxiety sensitivity may attenuate
positive physical feelings (enjoyable feelings) elicited by
physical activity, exacerbate the forcasting of negative
affective and physical outcomes, resulting in affective
states that contribute to avoidance behavior (29).
With regard the exercise intensity and its implication
on the affect-adherence relationship, a consistent line
of evidence suggests a negative association between
vigorous exercise and long-term adherence to physical
activity (14-18). These authors criticize the “no pain, no
gain” pop culture, arguing that in terms of public health,
pursuing higher exercise intensity may be detrimental
for assuring long-term adherence to physical activity
participation. Exercise performed at the ventilatory
threshold, as used here, prevents the build-up of by-
products and metabolites from anaerobic metabolism,
and hence hyperventilation, limb pain, and early fatigue
(19). It also promotes cardiorespiratory tness and is
a standardized cardiometabolic parameter of exercise
intensity. Nonetheless, affective response at this intensity
largely varies in the population (19). On the other hand, as
vigorous exercise may also promote specic therapeutic
effects, recent work has aimed at manipulating exercise
prescription in order to conceive vigorous exercise with
positive affect, and hence, promote long-term adherence
to high intensity exercise (30). These authors have
employed repeated, short high-intensity bouts of exercise
(also known as high intensity interval training, or “HIIT”)
(30). In the context of migraine, data from clinical trials
have shown preventive effects with either moderate (i.e.,
at the ventilatory threshold) (2-4), or vigorous exercise
performed as HIIT ( 90% of maximal HR) (31). In the later
study, vigorous exercise performed with the HIIT approach
promoted superior clinical effects on migraine frequency,
cardiorespiratory tness, and retinal blood vessels dilation,
suggesting greater clinical and cardiovascular effects
compared to moderate exercise (31). Because to date
there is no study comparing long-term adherence between
vigorous vs moderate exercise in migraine patients, these
data underscore the need for further studies aiming at
investigating psychological and physiological outcomes
from different exercise prescriptions in migraine trials,
and developing new strategies to increase the affective
component of physical activity.
The affective response and adherence to exercise
should be further investigated in people with migraine.
As outlined by Farris et al (2019), clinicians should aim at
managing the subjective appraisal of bodily sensations
by incorporating psychoeducation strategies to reinforce
the clinical benets of regular physical activity (2-3),
adjusting current exercise prescriptions frames to t
gradual exposure approaches (i.e., desensitization),
and by comparing beliefs of migraine trigger effects of
physical activity with objective data (12). We propose
for the newbie patient that is physically inactive or low-
active (i.e., those not meeting the minimum amount
of physical activity recommended by health and
exercise guidelines), practitioners should preconize a
reduced session time for aerobic exercise (e.g., up to
Table 2. Correlations between adherence and migraine clinical data.
Adherence to
Migraine Days
Δ Migraine Days
Δ Migraine
- -
Migraine Days
r -.35 -
p .23
Migraine Frequency
r -.37 .86 -
p .20 <.001
Δ Migraine Days
r -.00 .36 .30 -
p .98 .22 .31
Δ Migraine Frequency
r -.18 .17 .20 .88 -
p .54 .57 .49 <.001
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Affect and Adherence to Exercise in Migraine Patients
Oliveira AB, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.43-50, 2019
20 minutes), with gradual, progressive load increment
until targeted perceptual (e.g., keep between 11 and 13
on 20-point Borg´s scale, the verbal anchors “Light” and
“Somewhat hard”, respectively), affective (e.g., no lower
than +1 on feeling scale, the verbal anchor “Good”), and
cardiovascular parameters (e.g., not above ventilatory
threshold, or ~70 % of maximal age-predicted HR). Other
exercise prescription approaches (e.g., HIIT) should be
also tested in this population to establish safe, enjoyable,
and realistic exercise routines that assure adherence.
One should be aware of several limitations in this
study while interpreting these ndings. This study found
a large effect size for the affect variables outcome, but
the small sample size yielded underpowered data (β =
0.73), and limit extrapolation from the regression model.
From clinical practice, we perceive that migraine patients
interested in participating in studies with physical exercise
represent a minority of this population, and this may
constitute selection bias. Additionally, based on headache
diaries checking, physical activity was not a trigger
among the patients of this study, most participants were
women, and there were some restrictive inclusion criteria.
All these factors limit the generalizability of our results.
Importantly, the expectation towards improvement in
headaches through exercise training might have rendered
patients more motivated than control individuals. Yet,
if this was true, our results would be underestimated.
Another limitation concerns to performance bias, as
the experimenters that conducted the exercise sessions
were not blinded to participants’ conditions. This could
have resulted in unequal attention delivered by the
experimenters to the participants, inuencing the affect
scores. Lastly, although the exercise protocol tried to
reproduce a regular aerobic exercise session, it is not
possible to exclude the inuence of factors related to the
laboratory/experimental settings.
The strengths of this study are the prospective design,
the use of gold-standard measure of cardiorespiratory
tness, and standardized exercise testing and prescription
based on ventilatory threshold, which allowed us to
compare subjective psychological parameters in response
to an objective, physiologic stimulus.
In conclusion, the affective response to an aerobic
exercise of equivalent physiological intensity is reduced in
migraine patients compared to non-headache individuals,
and predicted adherence to future participation in an
exercise-training program. Interventions with physical
activity/exercise should adopt the feeling scale as a
complementary parameter of exercise intensity and
exploit activities that elicit higher affective responses.
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10(2).indb 50 21/10/2019 18:25:25
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.51-55, 2019
Descritores: Enxaqueca com aura; Enxaqueca sem aura; Vertigem; Distúrbios
vestibulares; Tontura.
Accompanying Symptoms in Vestibular Migraine
Sintomas Acompanhantes na Enxaqueca Vestibular
Aline Turbino Neves Martins da Costa
Daniel Guedes Tomedi
Camila Naegeli Caverni
Larissa Mendonça Agessi
Rosemeire Rocha Fukue
Henrique Ballalai Ferraz
Thais Rodrigues Villa
Universidade Federal de São Paulo
Aline Turbino Neves Martins da Costa
E-mail: alineturbino@gmail.com
Received: May 6, 2019.
Accepted: May 17, 2019.
Creative Commons (CC BY) Attribution 4.0
Objective: The aim of this study was to classify the patients with vestibular
migraine into the subgroups with and without aura, and to evaluate the occurrence
of the accompanying symptoms of migraine in each subgroup. Methods: A
prospective study performed at a tertiary center of vestibular migraine, with
patients fullling denitive diagnostic criteria for vestibular migraine through
International Classication of Headache Disorders ICHD-3 β. Patients were
stratied in the subtypes with and without aura, and the accompanying symptoms
were veried in each subgroup. Results: A total of 143 patients were included,
124 women and 19 men (86% and 13%, respectively). The mean age of onset of
migraine in the patients ranged from 4 to 71 years (SD: 16.0) with a mean of 23
years, and an average headache frequency of 17 days per month (SD: 19.6), with a
visual analog scale mean of 7.45 (SD: 1.88). Of the 143 patients evaluated, 101 (70%)
had ICHD-3 β criteria for the diagnosis of migraine with aura. In patients with the
migraine subgroup with aura, we found a higher relative risk for nausea 2,78 (CI:
0.15-1.0; p0.04), vomiting, 2.65 (CI: 1.26-5.55; p0.009), phonophobia 3,546 (1,647-
7,637, p0,001), osmophobia 3,016 (1,219-7,462, p0,014), kinesiophobia, 2,391 (1,128-
5,071, p, 021), tinnitus 2,275 (1,062-4,873, 032), aural fullness 3,934 (1,519 - 10,192,
p0,003), motion sickness associated with dizziness 3,924 (1,415 - 10,881, p0,006).
Conclusion: In our center, migraine with aura was the most frequent subtype
of migraine in patients with vestibular migraine. During the head attacks, some
associated symptoms were more likely to occur in the aura subgroup, among them:
nausea, vomiting, phonophobia, osmophobia, kinesiophobia, tinnitus, aural fullness
and motion sickness accompanied by dizziness. In our sample, vestibular migraine
associated with migraine with aura showed a higher risk of associated symptoms,
suggesting that this subgroup is more severe, and with a more disabling disease.
Keywords: Migraine with aura; Migraine without aura; Vertigo; Vestibular
disorders; Dizziness.
Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi classicar os pacientes com enxaqueca
vestibular nos subgrupos com e sem aura e avaliar a ocorrência dos sintomas
associados à enxaqueca em cada subgrupo. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo
realizado em um centro terciário de enxaqueca vestibular, com pacientes
preenchendo critérios diagnósticos denitivos para enxaqueca vestibular por
meio da Classicação Internacional de Distúrbios da Dor de Cabeça ICHD-3 β.
Os pacientes foram estraticados nos subtipos com e sem aura, e os sintomas
associados foram vericados em cada subgrupo. Resultados: Foram incluídos 143
pacientes, 124 mulheres e 19 homens (86% e 13%, respectivamente). A idade média
de início da enxaqueca nos pacientes variou de 4 a 71 anos (DP: 16,0), com média
de 23 anos e frequência média de cefaleia de 17 dias por mês (DP: 19,6), com média
da escala visual analógica de 7,45 (DP: 1,88). Dos 143 pacientes avaliados, 101 (70%)
apresentavam critérios ICHD-3 β para o diagnóstico de enxaqueca com aura. Nos
pacientes com subgrupo de enxaqueca com aura, encontramos maior risco relativo
de náusea 2,78 (IC: 0,15-1,0; p0,04), vômitos 2,65 (IC: 1,26-5,55; p0,009), fonofobia
3.546 ( 1.647-7.637, p0.001), osmofobia 3.016 (1.219-7.462, p0.014), cinesiofobia,
2.391 (1.128-5.071, p, 021), zumbido 2.275 (1.062-4.873, 032), plenitude auricular
3.934 (1.519 - 10.192, p0.003), enjoo de movimento associado a tontura 3.924
(1.415 - 10.881, p0.006). Conclusão: Em nosso centro, a enxaqueca com aura foi
o subtipo mais frequente de enxaqueca em pacientes com enxaqueca vestibular.
Durante os ataques na cabeça, alguns sintomas associados apresentaram maior
probabilidade de ocorrer no subgrupo aura, entre eles: náusea, vômito, fonofobia,
osmofobia, cinesiofobia, zumbido, plenitude aural e enjoo acompanhados de
tontura. Em nossa amostra, a enxaqueca vestibular associada à enxaqueca com
aura apresentou maior risco de sintomas associados, sugerindo que esse subgrupo
é mais grave e com uma doença mais incapacitante.
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Accompanying Symptoms in Vestibular Migraine
Costa ATNM, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.51-55, 2019
Vestibular migraine (VM) is one of the variants of
migraine, with vestibular symptoms (VS) beyond the
typical disease model, with a lifetime prevalence of 1%.
It is the most common cause of episodic vertigo and the
second most frequent cause of vertigo in general.
Studies on vertigo and dizziness showed a
prevalence of 4% to 51.7% among patients with migraine.
A tertiary neuro-otology center studied the epidemiology
of vestibular disorders and their clinical form and found
28.2% of patients with VM.
Many authors have already demonstrated the
association between migraine and vestibular symptoms,
which are three times more common in the migraine
The International Headache Society (IHS) has
included in an appendix, in 2013, the third edition of the
International Classication of Headache Disorders a rst
step towards the identication of new entities.
(Table 1)
The accompanying symptoms are part of the
diagnostic criteria for both migraine and vestibular
migraine and may be responsible together with
vestibular symptoms for the signicant impact on
patients’ quality of life.
A prospective study carried out in a tertiary VM
outpatient clinic at the Federal University of São
Paulo, from Jan 2014 to July 2016, by a neurologist
specialized in headache, where demographic data
was collected, as diagnosis of the migraine subtypes
and accompanying symptoms.
We evaluated 198 patients with vestibular symptoms
and headache, and 55 patients were excluded. All
patients included had diagnostic criteria for denitive VM
by ICHD-3β, and the neurological and otoneurological
examination of these patients was normal.
We excluded 55 patients, where dizziness could
be attributed to systemic causes, or to patients with
neurological diseases (epilepsy, stroke) and vestibular,
as well as those who used ototoxic medications, chronic
alcoholics, patients with a history of drug addiction,
previous history of otologic diseases (antecedent of
repeated ear infections, ear trauma) and cranial injuries.
Audiometric examination and computerized cranial
tomography were performed, before inclusion of the
patients. Patients with low-frequency sensorineural
hearing loss were excluded, as well as patients with
ischemic lesions in neuroimaging
Regarding statistics, we rst characterized the
sample collected by calculating frequencies and
percentages or means and standard deviations. Patients
were then divided into migraine without aura and
migraine with aura and the rates and the percentages
were obtained for each group.
The groups were compared with respect to the
follow-up symptoms, using the chi-square test
if necessary, the Fisher’s exact test.
. Odds ratios (OR)
and respective 95% condence intervals (95% CI) were
also calculated.
The statistical package used was Minitab, version 18.
This research was approved by the Ethics
Committee of the University and the patients completed
the Informed Consent Term.
Of the 198 patients evaluated, 55 were excluded with
a denitive diagnosis of VM. Thus, the group consisted of
124 women and 19 men (86% and 13%, respectively). The
mean age of onset of migraine in patients ranged from 4
to 71 years, with a mean of 23 years (SD16), with a mean
frequency of 17 days of headache per month (SD10.8). Of
the 143 patients with VM, 101 (70%) had ICHD-3 β criteria
for migraine with aura (MA) and 29% (42) for migraine
without aura (MWO) (Table 2).
As for the type of aura, 87 (86%) patients presented
visual aura, 31 (30%), sensory aura and 3 (2.9%), motor
aura (Table 3).
Concerning pain intensity assessed by visual analog
scale (VAS), a mean of 7.45 (SD1.88) was obtained.
During VM crises, we evaluated some accompanying
symptoms in the subgroups of migraine with and without
aura. The symptoms were more frequent in VM with aura.
Definite V
At least ve episodes with vestibular symptoms of a
moderate or severe intensity, lasting 5 minutes to 72
Current or previous history of migraine with or without
aura according to the International Classication of
Headache Disorders (ICHD).
One or more migraine features with at least 50% of the
vestibular episodes:
- Headache with at least two of the following
characteristics: one-sided location, pulsating quality,
moderate or severe pain intensity, aggravation by
routine physical activity;
- Photophobia and phonophobia;
- Visual aura.
Not better accounted for by another vestibular or ICHD
Table 1. VM diagnostic criteria - ICHD-B β diagnosis
Photophobia, phonophobia, nausea, and vomiting
are present in the diagnostic criteria of VM and should
accompany at least 50% of the episodes of dizziness.
The association of VM with subtypes of migraine,
migraine with and without aura, and its association with
accompanying symptoms has not been consistently
analyzed in the literature.
To classify the patients with denitive diagnosis of
VM in the subtypes of migraine with and without aura
and to evaluate the accompanying symptoms of each
10(2).indb 52 21/10/2019 18:25:25
Accompanying Symptoms in Vestibular Migraine
Costa ATNM, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.51-55, 2019
In the MA subgroup we found a higher relative risk
for: nausea 2,788 (1,020 - 7,623, p0,040); vomiting 2,655
(1,269-5,557, p0.009); phonophobia 3,546 (1,647 - 7,637,
p = 0.001), osmophobia 3,016 (1,219 - 7,462, p = 0,014),
kinesiophobia 2,391 (1,128 - 5,071, p = 0,021), tinnitus
4,273 (1,215 - 15,049, p = 3,934 (1,519-10,192, p = 0.003),
motion sickness associated with dizziness 3,924 (1,415-
10,881, p = 0.006) (Table 4).
Table 3. Frequency distribution of the variable Type of
Type of aura
Yes No
n % n %
Visual aura 87 86,14 14 13,86
Sensory Aura 31 30,69 70 69,31
Motor aura 3 2,97 98 97,03
Others 2 1,98 99 98,02
n: number of patients.
Variable N Mean SD
Age (years) 143 37.83 17.66
Age at headache onset
143 23.13 16.08
Pain duration (hours) 143 15.43 9.92
Pain frequency (days/
143 17.52 10.82
Daily headache (months) 143 13.53 19.68
Pain intensity (VAS) 143 7.45 1.88
Female Male
86.71% 13.29%
with aura without aura
70.63% 29.37%
Table 2. Demographic and clinical characteristics of
patients with migraine
SD: standard deviation, VAS: visual analog scale.
Table 4. Joint frequency distribution between patient characteristics and VM and migraine groups with aura and
without aura, p-value of the chi-square test, odds ratio and respective 95% condence interval.
Without aura With aura
P Value Odds ratio
n % n %
Nausea 33 78,57 92 91,02 0,040 2,788 1,020 7,623
Vomiting 17 40,48 65 64,36 0,009 2,655 1,269 5,557
Phonophobia 13 30,95 101 61,39 0,001 3,546 1,647 7,637
Photophobia 14 33,33 51 50,50 0,060 2,040 0,963 4,322
Osmophobia 7 16,67 38 37,62 0,014 3,016 1,219 7,462
Kinesiophobia 14 33,33 55 54,46 0,021 2,391 1,128 5,071
Tinnitus 3 7,14 25 24,75 0,016 4,273 1,215 15,049
Headache 25 59,52 75 74,26 0,080 1,962 0,917 4,197
Aural fullness 6 14,29 40 39,60 0,003 3,934 1,519 10,192
Hearing loss 5 11,90 18 17,82 0,380 1,605 0,554 4,650
Motion sickness + headache 6 14,29 30 29,70 0,053 2,535 0,967 6,647
Motion sickness + dizziness 5 11,90 35 34,65 0,006 3,924 1,415 10,881
Motion sickness 6 14,29 29 28,71 0,068 2,417 0,920 6,348
Source: the author
The migraine association with aura and MV remains
controversial. In the study by Calhoun et al.
, which
aimed to determine and characterize the prevalence
of dizziness in migraine, 425 patients were evaluated,
of which 28% had MA. The prevalence of dizziness was
twice as high (24.5% vs 12.1%) in migraine with aura
compared to migraine without aura (P <0.01). Prevalence
also increased with age (P <0.05).
Another study
evaluated the prevalence of vertigo,
dizziness, and VM over the years in patients diagnosed
with migraine, comparing them with a control group.
Both groups were assessed for symptoms of dizziness
and vertigo.
The study included 327 patients diagnosed with
migraine with and without aura and 324 controls with no
history of a frequent headache. 199 (60.9%) patients had
migraine with aura (MA), 128 (39.1%) migraine without
aura (MWA).
Patients of the MA subgroup had, more frequently,
vertigo symptoms/dizziness than those with MWA. Of
the 199 patients in the MA subgroup, 19 (14.84%) always
reported vertigo symptoms/dizziness associated with
headache, than those of the MWA 19 subgroup (9.55%)
reported. Patients in the MA subgroup had a higher
association with dizziness and vertigo (P <0001).
In Neuhausers study
, 4869 patients were evaluated
on the epidemiology of MV in the general population. In
this sample 33 patients had VM, being 36% MA and 64%
MWA, and after regression analysis of migraine with aura,
it was not a risk factor for VM.
In the study by Cohen et al,(12), they identied
predictive factors of the VM of the 147 individuals, 100
(68%) were women and 47 (32%) men aged 15 to 92
years (mean age 45 years). Of the 147 evaluated, 57
(39%) had migraine with aura and 90 (61%) had no aura;
10(2).indb 53 21/10/2019 18:25:25
Accompanying Symptoms in Vestibular Migraine
Costa ATNM, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.51-55, 2019
of the subgroup with aura 21 (37%) were male and 36
(63%) female. A signicant difference was observed
in the subgroups of migraine patients with vestibular
symptoms: sensitivity to bright lights occurred in 74% of
the subgroup with aura and 43% in the subgroup without
aura (p <0001), motion sickness (51% with aura and 39%
without aura) and climate changes (54% with aura and
31% without aura), the differences approached but did
not reach signicance (P = 0.08 and .07, respectively).
To investigate the clinical features of multiple
diseases that involved vertigo/dizziness, Esch et al.
investigated 122 patients, and only 16 were diagnosed
with VM, where the accompanying symptoms were
evaluated. Of the patients, 7 (44%) had aura, 16 (100%)
reported nausea, 7 (44%) vomiting, 11 (69%) photophobia
and 11 (69%) phonophobia, as well as asymmetric hearing
loss in 12 (75%) and tinnitus in 2 (13%).
A study published in the Neurology Journal
VM, its clinical evolution and cochlear dysfunctions in a
9-year follow-up, followed 61 patients with the diagnosis.
The accompanying symptoms were assessed at baseline
and followed-up after nine years.
The most frequent accompanying symptoms at the
initial evaluation were photophobia in 59% of the patients
and phonophobia in 54%, during the 9-year follow-up,
these symptoms were 80% and 77%, respectively.
During VM crises, cochlear symptoms appeared
in 49% of the patients, tinnitus in 33%, auditory
symptoms (tinnitus symmetrical, aural fullness) in
26% and hearing difculty in 26%. Initially, 18% of the
patients reported aura and, during follow-up, 44% of
the patients reported symptoms.
This study followed patients with a denitive
diagnosis of VM for nine years, their accompanying and
cochlear symptoms both at admission and during follow-
up, showed worsening of symptoms also in the interictal
period. It was possible to observe the appearance of aura
during the patients’ follow-up of the patients. The author
of the publication suggests that the worsening of the
evolution of symptoms, including in the interictal period,
may be associated with a progressive deterioration of
the vestibular system caused by the disease.
In our sample, patients with VM diagnosis of the
aura subgroup had a higher chance of presenting nausea,
vomiting, phonophobia, osmophobia, kinesiophobia,
tinnitus, auricular fullness and motion sickness associated
with dizziness. Photophobia, headache, hearing loss,
headache-associated kinesis, and isolated kinesis were
not associated with the MA subgroup.
There are, to date, no other studies correlating the
odds ratio of the accompanying symptoms between the
VM and the subgroups of migraine.
We must emphasize the signicant size of this
sample, and that this is a tertiary research center of VM.
All patients were diagnosed by a neurologist specialized
in headache and vestibular symptoms and met the
criteria of VM according to ICHD-3 β.
Although there was no statistical difference
between the groups (migraine with or without aura
regarding vestibular symptoms), they appeared three
times more in the subgroup with aura. However, because
of the size of our sample, it may not be possible to state
that having aura is a risk factor for developing vestibular
symptoms. Thus, studies with larger populations should
be carried out.
It is still relevant to note that, in the aura subgroup,
the accompanying symptoms had a higher relative
risk ratio for several accompanying symptoms, which
demonstrates the greater severity and a more debilitating
condition for this association of diagnoses.
Leão’s cortical spreading depression
in migraine
with aura and neuronal hyperexcitability exacerbate the
trigeminal activation process, thus causing neurogenic
inammation. This could contribute to the activation and
sustained sensitization of this process, as well as cause
reversible vasospasm of the internal auditory artery,
responsible for vestibular symptoms, both during VM
crises, and could also be responsible for damages in this
pathway, which could justify vestibular symptoms, even
during the interictal period.
Patients with vestibular migraine and migraine
with aura, when compared to patients with VM and
migraine without aura, present a higher relative risk
of having accompanying symptoms such as nausea,
vomiting, phonophobia, osmophobia, kinesiophobia,
tinnitus, auricular fullness, and motion sickness
associated with dizziness.
Detailed anamnesis and the active search for the
presence of aura, during the initial assessment and
also during the evolution of the patient with VM, are
necessary, in order to diagnose vestibular symptoms.
Diagnosing this subgroup with aura, where the
accompanying symptoms are more frequent, makes
them a group of patients with a more severe disease
and with a worse prognosis.
1. Stolte B, Holle D, Naegel S, Diener HC, Obermann M.
Vestibular migraine. Cephalalgia. 2015 Mar;35(3):262-70.
doi: 10.1177/0333102414535113.
2. Dieterich M, Obermann M, Celebisoy N. Vestibular migraine:
the most frequent entity of episodic vertigo. J Neurol.
2016;263: 82-9. doi: 10.1007/s00415-015-7905-2
3. Cho SJ, Kim BK, Kim BS et al. Vestibular migraine in
multicenter neurology clinics to the appendix criteria in
the third beta edition of the International Classication of
headache disorders. Cephalalgia. 2016;36(5):454-462. doi:
4. Guerra-Jiménez G, Arenas Rodríguez A, Falcón González
JC, Pérez Plasencia D, Ramos Macías Á. Epidemiología de
los trastornos vestibulares en la consulta de otoneurología.
Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2017;68(6):317-22. doi 10.1016/j.
5. Headache Classication Committee of the International
Headache Society (IHS).The International Classication of
Headache Disorders, 3rd edition (beta version). Cephalalgia.
2013 Jul;33(9):629-808. doi: 10.1177/0333102413485658.
6. Lempert T, Olesen J, Furman J, Waterston J, Seemungal
B, Carey J, et al. Vestibular migraine: diagnostic criteria. J
Vestib Res. 2012;22(4):167-72. doi: 10.3233/VES-2012-0453.
7. Bussab WO, Morettin PA. Estatística Básica. 8. ed. São
Paulo: Editora Saraiva, 2013.
10(2).indb 54 21/10/2019 18:25:25
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Costa ATNM, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.51-55, 2019
8. Pagano M, Gauvreau K. Princípios de Bioestatística. São
Paulo. Editora Pioneira Thomson Learning, 2004.
9. Calhoun AH, Ford S, Pruitt AP, Fisher KG. The point
prevalence of dizziness or vertigo in migraine – and factors
that inuence presentation. Headache: The Journal of
Head and Face Pain. 2011;51(9):1388-1392. doi:10.1111/j.1526-
10. Vuković V, Plavec D, Galinović I, Lovrenčić-Huzjan A, Budišić M,
Demarin V. Prevalence of vertigo, dizziness, and migrainous
vertigo in patients with migraine. Headache: The Journal
of Head and Face Pain. 2007 Nov-Dec;47(10):1427-35. doi:
11. Neuhauser HK, Radtke A, von Brevern M, Feldmann M, Lezius
F, Ziese T, et al. Migrainous vertigo: prevalence and impact on
quality of life. Neurology. 2006;67(6):1028-1033. doi: 10.1212/01.
12. Cohen JM, Bigal ME, Newman LC. Migraine and vestibular
symptoms - identifying clinical features that predict
“Vestibular Migraine”. Headache: The Journal of Head
and Face Pain. 2008;51(9):1393-1397. doi: 10.1111/j.1526-
13. van Esch BF, van Wensen E, van der Zaag-Loonen HJ,
van Benthem PPG, van Leeuwen R. Clinical characteristics
of benign recurrent vestibulopathy: clearly distinctive
from vestibular migraine and Meniere’s disease?
Otol Neurotol. 2017;38(9):e357-e363. doi: 10.1097/
14. Andrea R, von Brevern M, Neuhause H, et al. Vestibular
migraine: long-term follow-up of clinical symptoms and
vestibulo-cochlear ndings. Neurology. 2012;79(15):1607-
14. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e31826e264f.
15. Noseda R, Burstein R. Migraine pathophysiology:
anatomy of the trigeminovascular pathway and
associated neurological symptoms, cortical spreading
depression, sensitization, and modulation of pain.
Pain. 2013 Dec;154 Suppl 1:S44-53. doi: 10.1016/j.
16. Vass Z, Steyger PS, Hordichok AJ, Trune DR, Jancsó
G, Nuttall AL. Capsaicin stimulation of the cochlea and
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17. Vass Z, Dai CF, Steyger PS, Jancsó G, Trune DR,
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Neuroscience. 2004;124(4):919-27. doi: 10.1016/j.
10(2).indb 55 21/10/2019 18:25:26
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.56-59, 2019
Keywords: Individual susceptibility, Motion sensitivity, Motion sickness,
Motion Sickness in Headache Patients
Cinetose em pacientes com cefaleias
Marina Olivier
Sol Cavanagh
Lucas Bonamico
Francisco Gualtieri
María Teresa Goicochea
cción Cefaleas. Sector Dolor.
de Neurología.
Sección Neurootología. Departamento de
rina Olivier
E-mail: marinaolivier@hotmail.com
Received: June 5, 2019. Accepted:
June 12, 2019.
Creative Commons (CC BY) Attribution 4.0
Introdução: Dor de cabeça é uma das razões mais frequentes de consultas
em neurologia. Alguns pacientes com dor de cabeça relatam intolerância à
mobilização passiva, associada a tontura, náusea, vômito, conhecida como
cinetose. Esses sintomas são causados por um conito entre os sistemas: visual,
vestibular e somatossensitivo. Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de cinetose
em pacientes consultados por dor de cabeça. Método: Estudo transversal,
retrospectivo e descritivo. Foram incluídos pacientes com idade superior
a 18 anos, consultados para dor de cabeça na Clínica de Dor de Cabeça, do
Hospital Fleni, Buenos Aires, Argentina, no período de 2 de janeiro a 30 de
junho de 2017, por meio de entrevista estruturada. Resultados: Do total de 266
pacientes: 62 (23,3%) apresentaram cinetose (idade média de 41,5 anos; 80,6%
eram mulheres), 14 descreveram-na apenas na infância e 48 persistiram com
sintomas até o momento da consulta. Entre os pacientes com dor de cabeça
e cinetose 52 (83,9%) apresentaram enxaqueca, 7 pacientes apresentaram
cefaléia tensional, 2 cefaleia em salvas. A prevalência de enxaqueca foi maior
naqueles que relataram cinetose apenas na infância em comparação aos que
continuaram com ela (85,7 vs. 56,2%, p = 0,045), 12,5% dos pacientes com
cinetose atual relataram isso como um gatilho para enxaqueca. 204 pacientes
não apresentaram cinetose (76,7%). Conclusão: Consideramos que em
pacientes com dor de cabeça é importante identicar a cinetose, pois pode ser
limitante e também desencadear uma enxaqueca. Seu diagnóstico e tratamento
melhorariam a qualidade de vida de nossos pacientes.
Descritores: Susceptibilidade individual, Sensibilidade a movimentos, Cinetose,
Introduction: Headache is one of the most frequent consultations in neurology.
Some patients with headache report intolerance to passive mobilization,
associated with dizziness, nausea, vomiting, known as motion sickness. These
symptoms are caused by a conict between the systems: visual, vestibular and
somatosensitive. Objective: To determine the prevalence of motion sickness in
patients who consult due to headache. Method: Cross-sectional, retrospective
and descriptive study. It included patients over 18 years of age, who consulted
for headache at the Headache Clinic, during the period from January 2 to June
30, 2017, through a structured interview. Results: Of a total of 266 patients:
62 (23.30%) presented motion sickness (mean age 41.5 years; 80.6% were
women). 14 described motion sickness only in childhood and 48 persisted with
symptoms until the time of consultation. Among the patients with headache
and motion sickness 52 (83.87%) presented migraine; 7 patients presented
tension headaches; 2 in salvos; 1 undetermined The prevalence of migraine was
higher in those who reported motion sickness only in childhood compared to
those who continued with motion sickness (85.7 vs. 56.25%, p = 0.045), 12.5%
of patients with current motion sickness reported it as a migraine trigger, 204
patients did not have motion sickness (76.7%). Conclusion: We consider that
in patients with headache it is important to identify motion sickness as it can
be limiting and also be a migraine trigger. Its diagnosis and treatment would
improve the quality of life of our patients.
10(2).indb 56 21/10/2019 18:25:26
Motion Sickness in Headache Patients
Olivier M, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.56-59, 2019
Headache is one of the most frequent causes for
consultations in neurology. Headache represents a broad
and heterogeneous group of clinical entities; being
tension-type headache the most prevalent in the general
population; followed by migraine.
Migraine prevalence varies between 10-16%, with
female predominance of 3/1; representing a signicant
socio-economic and personal impact (1). It is among
the ten most prevalent disorders and is classied as the
second cause of disability of all diseases worldwide (2).
Migraine is characterized by recurrent attacks of moderate
to severe pain, of pulsatile characteristic, associated
with photophobia or, phonophobia, nausea and / or
vomiting, which sometimes becomes incapacitating for
the individual’s daily life, in both social and labor aspects.
Some patients who consult for headache also report
intolerance to passive mobilization; known as motion
sickness. More than two thousand years ago Hippocrates
observed that “…. Sailing in the sea caused movement
disorder ... (Reason and Brand, 1975), The term “nausea”
derives from the Greek root “Naus” which means a ship
(3). Motion sickness is a syndrome present in healthy
subjects, triggered by passive movement (car trips,
trains, airplanes, ships) or by the illusion of movement
(environmental movement surrounding it; exposure to
3D movies, virtual reality). Active movement of the head
during a trip in a means of transport (passive movement)
can cause or worsen it (3).
This syndrome is characterized by a group of signs
and symptoms, among which are mentioned, dizziness,
nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, yawns, irritability, paleness,
bradycardia, palpitations, ataxic gait, arterial hypotension,
apathy, headache. (4). The severity of symptoms varies
according to individual susceptibility and the intensity of
the stimulus to which the subject is exposed. Increased
susceptibility has been suggested in women, the
menstrual cycle being implicated as a trigger; In addition
to some evidence of genetic contribution, variables such
as anxiety or fear and sleep deprivation may contribute;
reason why the prevalence described in the literature is
very variable (1-90%) (5). Susceptibility begins around 6
or 7 years of age; with a peak between 9 and 10 years;
which implies that hormonal changes per se would not
have a direct effect. These symptoms are caused by
incongruous sensory interactions; a conict between the
visual, vestibular and somatosensitive systems. Before
an acute trigger the symptoms last for hours to a day
after the stimulus is suspended; If the stimulus continues,
such as a boat trip, relief occurs by central adaptation
(habituation) in approximately 3 days.
The primary objectives of this study were to
determine the prevalence of motion sickness in patients
who consulted a neurology service due to headache;
and identify what type of headache is most frequently
associated with motion sickness. Secondary objectives,
to determine the severity of motion sickness and identify
motion sickness as a possible migraine trigger.
A cross-sectional, retrospective and descriptive
study was carried out; which included patients over 18
years of age, who consulted for headache as the primary
complaint in the Headache Section of Pain Clinic, Hospital
Fleni, Buenos Aires, Argentina, during the period from
January 2 to June 30, 2017. A structured questionnaire
was used for the interview and the data were analyzed.
Headache diagnoses were made applying the
criteria of the International Classication of Headache
Disorders, 2013. Motion sickness was classied using the
Motion sickness susceptibility questionnaire short-form
(MSSQ-Short) (6) according to the stimulus that triggers
the symptom in Mild: terrestrial trigger , Moderate:
acquatic trigger; Severe: aerial and visual trigger.
The STATA v13 program was used. Quantitative
data were expressed in means +/- SD or numbers and
their percentages. Normality was evaluated according to
asymmetry, kurtosis and Z test. For the comparison of
proportions, a non-parametric Wilcoxon rank-sum test
was used.
Study approved by the Research and Ethics
Committee, given the exception of taking informed
Of a total of 266 patients who consulted Fleni Hospital
due to headache, 62 (23.3%) presented motion sickness,
mean age was 41.5 years; 80.6% were women. Of which
14 patients described motion sickness exclusively during
childhood and 48 patients reported persisting with the
symptoms until the time of consultation (Graph 1). The
latter were classied according to the intensity of motion
sickness in: mild 64.5%; moderate 16.7% and severe 18.8%.
From the group of patients with headache and
motion sickness; 52 (83.9%) met diagnostic criteria
for migraine (62.9% episodic, 9.7% with aura and 11.3%
chronic); 11.3% of patients had tension headache; 3.2%
cluster headache and 1.6% headache of undetermined
characteristic (Graph 2).
The prevalence of migraine was higher in those
patients who reported motion sickness only in childhood
compared to those who continued with motion sickness
(85.7 vs. 56.2%, p = 0.045). 12.5% of patients with current
motion sickness reported it as a migraine trigger.
204 patients did not have motion sickness (76.7%);
the average age was 43.5 years; and 81.8% were women.
83.33% presented migraine (67.6% episodic; 17.6%
chronic; 14.7% with aura), 9.3% had tension headache,
2.9% cluster headache, 1.5% had undetermined headaches
and 2% cranial neuralgia (Graph 3).
Reports in the literature describes the association
between migraine and motion sickness may reache up
to 50%; also 20% of patients with tensión-type headache
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Motion Sickness in Headache Patients
Olivier M, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.56-59, 2019
also experience motion sickness (7). Our study revealed a
prevalence of motion sickness in patients with headache
of 23.3%; of these, 84% suffered some type of migraine;
and 11% had tension headache; 12.5% reported motion
sickness as a trigger for a migraine attacks.
Motion sickness not only interferes with long-
distance trips such as pleasure trips; but also in those of
short distance, such as daily transfers to work, activities
such as going to a shopping, supermarket or cinema.
It affects both adults and children. At present, the use
of mobile devices during the trips, possibly facilitates
the increase of this symptom; since performing active
movements during a passive movement favors its
Given that it is a frequent condition, which can
become disabling and even trigger a migraine attack, it
must be taken into account in the medical consultation,
in order to indicate the appropriate treatment, both non-
pharmacological and pharmacological (scopolamine,
promethazine, anti-histamines). Rizatriptan was studied
as a preventive treatment (prior to the exposure of stimuli)
of motion sickness (8) showing clinical improvement.
A group of patients identied motion sickness
as a trigger for a migraine attacks. This information
could be useful to evaluate the clinical behavior of the
migraine attacks, so recognizing it may be helpful in its
Motion sickness is an important issue in migraine
management, causing limitations in daily life activities.
In rst consultations, headache patients should be asked
about it, since proper diagnosis and timely treatment
would make it possible to improve patients’ quality of life.
Future research should be done to better clarify motion
sickness as a migraine trigger.
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21. Conforto A.B; Migraine and motion sickness independently
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22. Carvalho G.F; Presence of vestibular symptoms and related
disability in migraine with and without aura and chronic
migraine; Cephalalgia 2019, Vol. 39(1) 29–37.
23. Yates Bill J; Integration of Vestibular and Emetic
Gastrointestinal Signals that Produce Nausea and Vomiting:
Potential Contributions to Motion Sickness; Exp Brain Res.
2014 August ; 232(8): 2455–2469.
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10(2).indb 59 21/10/2019 18:25:26
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.60-62, 2019
Descritores: Mastócito; Dura-máter; Humano; Artéria meningeal; Enxaqueca.
Histomorphometric analysis of mast cells in different
regions of human intracranial dura mater
Análise histomorfométrica de mastócitos em diferentes
regiões da dura-máter intracraniana humana
Emanuela Paz Rosas
Silvania Tavares Paz
Ana Clara de Souza Neta
Raisa Ferreira Costa
Ana Paula Fernandes da Silva
Manuela Figueiroa Lyra de Freitas
Marcelo Moraes Valença
Programa de Pós-graduação em Biologia
Aplicada à Saúde-LIKA/UFPE;
Programa de Pós-graduação em Saúde
Translacional – CCS/UFPE;
Departamento de Nutrição – CCS/UFPE;
Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências
Biológicas – CB/UFPE.
Departamento de Anatomia – CB/UFPE,
Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
Emanuela Paz Rosas
E-mail: manu_pathy@hotmail.com
Received: April 2, 2019.
Accepted: May 4, 2019.
Creative Commons (CC BY) Attribution 4.0
Objective: To analyze mast cell histomorphometry in three different regions
of the human intracranial dura mater. Method: Three specimens of dura
mater were collected after approval by the Ethics Committee (CAAE No.
57692216.5.0000.5208). Each dura mater was obtained from human cadavers
between 7 and 24 hours after death. After collection, the samples were xed,
cut into two fragments and longitudinally placed in the following way: external
(periosteum) and internal (meningeal) sides. The fragments (1.5 cm
) were taken
from three different regions: proximity of the right middle meningeal artery, the
proximity of the left middle meningeal artery and superior sagittal sinus. These
fragments were submitted to microtomy (10 µm), stained with 0.1% toluidine
blue and analyzed by optical microscopy. The histomorphometric parameters
adopted were: the distance from the mast cells to the vessels, the number and
if the mast cells were degranulated. Five elds from each case were analyzed.
For this analysis, the Image J 1.52a 2019 software was used. Results: A higher
number of mast cells was observed in the periosteal layer when compared with
the meningeal layer (p=0.026). When the distribution of the mast cells was
evaluated, we observed that the cells were localized in the proximity of the
middle meningeal artery (p<0.05). Conclusion: In human dura mater, the mast
cells are localized in the proximity of dural arteries.
Keywords: Mast cell; Dura mater; Human; Meningeal artery; Migraine.
Objetivo: Analisar a histomorfometria dos mastócitos em três regiões
diferentes da dura-máter intracraniana humana. Método: Três amostras de
dura-máter foram coletadas após aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética (CAAE nº
57692216.5.0000.5208). Cada dura-máter foi obtida de cadáveres humanos
entre 7 e 24 horas após a morte. Após a coleta, as amostras foram xadas,
cortadas em dois fragmentos e dispostas longitudinalmente da seguinte
maneira: face externa (periósteo) e interna (meníngeo). Os fragmentos
(1,5 cm
) foram retirados de três regiões diferentes: proximidade da artéria
meníngea média direita, proximidade da artéria meníngea média esquerda e
seio sagital superior. Esses fragmentos foram submetidos à microtomia (10 µm),
corados com azul de toluidina a 0,1% e analisados por microscopia óptica. Os
parâmetros histomorfométricos adotados foram: distância dos mastócitos aos
vasos, número e se os mastócitos estavam desgranulados. Foram analisados
cinco campos de cada espécime. Para esta análise, foi utilizado o software
Image J 1.52a 2019. Resultados: Observou-se maior número de mastócitos
na camada periosteal quando comparada à camada meníngea (p = 0,026).
Quando avaliada a distribuição dos mastócitos, observamos que as células
estavam localizadas nas proximidades da artéria meníngea média (p <0,05).
Conclusão: Na dura-máter humana, os mastócitos estão localizados nas
proximidades das artérias durais.
10(2).indb 60 21/10/2019 18:25:26
Histomorphometric analysis of mast cells in different regions
Rosas EP, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.60-62, 2019
Recent evidence strongly suggests a vital role of
dura mater mast cell in the genesis of migraine.
Gupta and Harvima described the mast cells as
a “powerhouse” since they release “algogenic and
pruritogenic mediators, which initiate a reciprocal
communication with specic nociceptors on sensory
nerve bers.
Mast cells are cells found in abundance in the
dura mater and by local mechanism regulates vascular
and neural functions, releasing substances such as
histamine. Scientic evidence suggests that mast cells
participate in the pathophysiology of triggering a
migraine attack by inducing local sterile inammation
near the dura mater nociceptors.
Curiously, the mast cells are located in the proximity
of the arteries in the dura mater, in close association
with neurons. These cells appear to be activated
through the trigeminal nerve. It is postulated that many
neuropeptides, namely calcitonin gene-related peptide
(CGRP), hemokinin A, neurotensin (NT), pituitary
adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP), and
substance P may activate mast cells, resulting in the
release of vasoactive and pro-inammatory mediators,
involved in the pathophysiology of migraine.
Mast cells
can also release substances with pro-inammatory
and vasoactive actions (e.g., interleukin-6 and vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF).
The objective of the present study was to analyze
mast cell histomorphometry in three different regions of
the human intracranial dura mater.
Three specimens of dura mater were collected
after approval by the Ethics Committee (CAAE No.
Each dura mater was obtained from human cadavers
between 7 and 24 hours after death.
After collection, the samples were xed, cut into two
fragments and longitudinally placed in the following way:
external (periosteum) and internal (meningeal) sides.
The fragments (1.5 cm
) were taken from three
different regions: proximity of the right middle meningeal
artery, the proximity of the left middle meningeal artery
and superior sagittal sinus.
These fragments were submitted to microtomy
(10 µm), stained with 0.1% toluidine blue and analyzed
by optical microscopy. The histomorphometric
parameters adopted were: the distance from the mast
cells to the vessels, the number and if the mast cells
were degranulated. Five elds from each case were
analyzed. For this analysis, the Image J 1.52a 2019
software was used.
A higher number of mast cells was observed in the
periosteal layer when compared with the meningeal
layer (p=0.026).
When the distribution of the mast cells was evaluated,
we observed that the cells were localized in the proximity
of the middle meningeal artery (Figure 1), suggesting
that there is a signicant role played by the mast cells in
dura mater to regulate vascular function. Probably the
relationship between mast cells and meningeal arteries
is an essential component in the migraine pathogenesis.
Figure 1. Mast cell density per mm2 in relation to the
distance to the vessel. P versus 0-100 µm group, Kruskal-
Wallis test and Dunn´s multiple compatisons test.
The distance between the artery and the mast cell
was measured in 153 cells (57 65 m, min 0 - max 247;
median 33, 95%IC 46-67). No differences were observed
in the concentration of mast cells in convexity of the dura
mater versus the superior sagittal sinus.
In his study, with human dura mater postmortem,
60-70% of the mast cells were degranulated. Migraine is a
disorder with signicant autonomic dysfunction. Clinically,
long-lasting ushing suggests degranulation of mast cells.
In conclusion, in human dura mater, the mast cells
are localized in the proximity of dural arteries.
1. Okragly AJ, Morin SM, DeRosa D, Martin AP, Johnson KW,
Johnson MP, Benschop RJ. Human mast cells release the
10(2).indb 61 21/10/2019 18:25:27
Histomorphometric analysis of mast cells in different regions
Rosas EP, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.60-62, 2019
migraine-inducing factor pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating
polypeptide (PACAP). Cephalalgia. 2018 Aug;38(9):1564-1574.
doi: 10.1177/0333102417740563. Epub 2017 Nov 5.
2. Kilinc E, Dagistan Y, Kukner A, Yilmaz B, Agus S, Soyler G,
Tore F. Salmon calcitonin ameliorates migraine pain through
modulation of CGRP release and dural mast cell degranulation
in rats. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2018 Jun;45(6):536-546.
doi: 10.1111/1440-1681.12915. Epub 2018 Feb 13.
3. Baun M, Pedersen MH, Olesen J, Jansen-Olesen I. Dural mast
cell degranulation is a putative mechanism for headache
induced by PACAP-38. Cephalalgia. 2012 Mar;32(4):337-45.
doi: 10.1177/0333102412439354.
4. Theoharides TC, Donelan J, Kandere-Grzybowska K,
Konstantinidou A. The role of mast cells in migraine
pathophysiology. Brain Res Brain Res Rev. 2005
5. Jansen-Olesen I, Hougaard Pedersen S. PACAP and its
receptors in cranial arteries and mast cells. J Headache
Pain. 2018 Feb 20;19(1):16. doi: 10.1186/s10194-017-0822-2.
6. Kalpna Gupta, Ilkka T. Harvima. Mast cell-neural
interactions contribute to pain and itch Immunol Rev.
Author manuscript; available in PMC 2019 Mar 1. Published
in nal edited form as: Immunol Rev. 2018 Mar; 282(1): 168–
187. doi: 10.1111/imr.12622
10(2).indb 62 21/10/2019 18:25:27
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.63-64, 2019
Migraine with aura: MRI with perfusion aspects in the ictal
and interictal phases
Enxaqueca com aura: aspectos da ressonância magnética
com perfusão nas fases ictal e interictal
Paulo Sergio Faro Santos
Bruno Augusto Telles
Instituto de Neurologia de Curitiba,
Departamento de Neurologia -
Curitiba - PR - Brasil
Instituto de Neurologia de Curitiba,
CETAC - Diagnóstico por Imagens -
Curitiba - PR - Brasil
Paulo Sergio Faro Santos
E-mail: dr.paulo.faro@gmail.com
Received: October 4, 2019.
Accepted: October 4, 2019.
Creative Commons (CC BY) Attribution 4.0
We describe the case of a 16-year-old adolescent with diagnostic
previous of migraine without and with aura (only sensory), who presented
with aphasia of speech, associated with severe retroorbital pain and frontal
headache on the left, associated with nausea, photo and phonophobia.
He was admitted to the emergency room with suspected stroke and was
submitted to magnetic resonance perfusion imaging of the brain (Figure 1).
After ruling out suspected cerebral ischemia, treatment with symptomatic
medications was performed, progressing to improvement of symptoms
after about 2 hours.
Figure 1. A-D demonstrated fast protocol to exclude recent ischemia or bleeding,
with patency of large intracranial vessels and without signicant changes in structural
images (Diffusion, Gradient-Echo and FLAIR). E-H with the reconstructions of the
perfusion study and highlighting the important increase in time to the plateau (TTP
- gure G) and mean transit time (MTT - gure F), with no changes of the other
parameters. I-M with the perfusion control study and characterizing the regression of
the previously evidenced changes.
Approximately 1 month later, a new perfusion MRI was performed for
comparison, which revealed complete disappearance of the alterations
of the rst exam. In this interval, the patient presented only episodes of
migraine without aura.
Migraine with aura (MwA) accounts for about 30% of all cases of
migraine and predominates in females
. Its diagnosis was recently updated
by the third edition of the International Classication of Headache Disorders
. Visual aura accounts for 99% of auras, followed by sensory (54%) and
speech / language (32%)
10(2).indb 63 21/10/2019 18:25:28
Migraine with aura
Santos PSF, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.2, p.63-64, 2019
Usually at the rst manifestation or at the change in
the aura pattern, neuroimaging is necessary, considering
secondary headache, because one of the main
differential diagnoses is the stroke. The gradual onset of
neurological decits, the association with headache that
is typically migrainous, and the absence of ischemia on
neuroimaging exams are suggestive of MwA
. Perfusion
MRI in the ictal phase reveals decreased cerebral blood
ow, with no abnormalities in the DWI sequence, that is,
at sub-ischemic levels. Vascular alteration that is reversed
in the interictal period
1. DeLange JM, Cutrer FM. Our evolving understanding
of migraine with aura. Curr Pain Headache Rep.
2. Headache Classication Committee of the International
Headache Society. The International Classication of
Headache Disorders. Cephalalgia. 2018; 38 (3rd edition):
3. Russo A, Silvestro M, Tessitore A, Tedeschi G. Recent insights
in migraine with aura: a narrative review of advanced
neuroimaging. Headache. 2019 Apr;59(4):637-649.
10(2).indb 64 21/10/2019 18:25:28