Headache Medicine, v.2, n.2, p.73, Apr./May/Jun. 2011 73
Associated factors to the course of migraine during pregnancy
and the role of exclusive breast-feeding in the recurrence of
migraine in the postpartum period (Abstract)
Fatores associados ao curso da enxaqueca durante a gestação e o papel do
aleitamento materno exclusivo na sua recorrência no pós-parto (Resumo)
The course of migraine during the women's reproductive
life is influenced by cyclical fluctuations in sex hormones, with
attacks that occur predominantly during the menstrual period.
Changes in the frequency of migraine attacks can also occur
during pregnancy, lactation, oral contraceptive use and
The objective of the present study was to describe the
course of migraine with and without aura during pregnancy,
its classification and factors that could influence its course,
also to observe migraine recurrence at the first postpartum
week and follow it up prospectively at the fourth postpartum
week, among migraine sufferers before pregnancy and
compare migraine recurrence between women that were
exclusively breastfeeding with those that used other types of
infant feeding.
It is a follow up study with two components, retrospective
and prospective, undertaken at the Instituto de Medicina
Integral Professor Fernando Figueira (IMIP), Brazil, during a
period of six months. Out of 686 consecutively assisted women,
at the first postnatal week, 266 were identified as migraine
sufferers before pregnancy, then, the first part of a formulary
that responded questions related to pregnancy and the
immediate postpartum period was applied. Among those, one
in five women that were exclusively breastfeeding (53 women)
and all the ones consecutively using others forms of infant
feeding (40 women) were part of a subgroup, with a total of
93 women, for the prospective study. A new investigation was
performed at the fourth postpartum week to investigate migraine
recurrence. There was migraine remission in 35.4%, 76.8%
and 79.3% among migraine without aura sufferers and 20.7%,
58.6% and 65.5% among those with migraine with aura,
respectively in the first, second and third trimesters. Statistically
significant difference was found when the first trimester was
Waldmiro Antonio Diégues Serva
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Pós-graduação de Neuropsiquiatria e Ciências do Comportamento
(área de concentração: Neurologia). Ph.D. Thesis. Recife, 2011. Orientador: Marcelo Moraes Valença
Serva W. A. D. Associated factors to the course of migraine during pregnancy and the role of exclusive breast-
feeding in the recurrence of migraine in the postpartum period (Abstract). Headache Medicine. 2011;2(2):73
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aldmiro Antonio Diégues Servaaldmiro Antonio Diégues Serva
aldmiro Antonio Diégues Servaaldmiro Antonio Diégues Serva
aldmiro Antonio Diégues Serva
compared with the second and third trimesters. However, there
was no difference between the second and third trimesters.
The factors associated with the presence of migraine during
pregnancy were menstrually related migraine without aura prior
to pregnancy in the first trimester, multiparity in the first and
second trimesters and illness during pregnancy in the first and
third trimesters. There was migraine recurrence in 35.5% and
54.8%, respectively, on the first and fourth postpartum week.
After multivariable analysis, exclusive breastfeeding, no
breastfeeding problems and low income (less than half per
capita minimum national wage) were associated with a lower
chance of migraine recurrence at the first postpartum week.
At the fourth postnatal week, exclusive breastfeeding continued
to be a protective factor for migraine recurrence among
antenatal migraine sufferers.
The study contributed to elucidate the course of migraine
during pregnancy and to show that the less frequent postpartum
migraine recurrence in the first and fourth postpartum week,
among antenatal migraine sufferers, seems to be another
advantage of exclusive breastfeeding.