Cerebral energetic metabolism in migraine
David MCMM, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.1, p.16-23, 2019
studies in the area with higher quality and control of the
intervening variables like the medication, not only during
the imaging, but also in the routine of the individuals.
Likewise, it is important to carry out analyzes regarding
the relations of
P-MRS results with sociodemographic
and clinical variables such as differences between sexes
and age; duration of migraine history, pain intensity,
frequency of attacks and medication.
In addition, there has been a dearth of recent studies,
which are important, given socioeconomic and cultural
differences throughout the years, so that nowadays
greater knowledge of the disease, modication of the
eating and physical habits prole and greater exposure
to medicines may change the results.
From the results veried in the selected studies,
there are alterations in cerebral energetic metabolism
in individuals with migraine, revealing the importance of
considering mitochondrial dysfunction as a component
in the pathophysiology of this disease. More studies
in the area with higher quality, control of intervening
variables and analysis of the relationships with the
socio-demographic and clinical variables of the affected
individuals are necessary.
There was no conict of interest or funding for this
This research received no specic grant from any
funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-
prot sectors.
• There are alterations in cerebral energetic
metabolism in individuals with migraine;
• A mitochondrial dysfunction should be considered
as a component in the pathophysiology of
• Energetic metabolism alterations veried
in some individuals diagnosed with typical
or classical migraine could be signals to
a possible progression to a complicated
migraine in the future.
• Treatments acting on energetic metabolism, such
as magnesium, coenzyme Q10 or riboavine
might be benecial in the migraine prophylaxis.
• More studies in the area with higher quality,
control of intervening variables and analysis of
the relationships with the socio-demographic
and clinical variables of the affected individuals
are necessary.
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