Headache Medicine 2021, 12(4):300-308 p-ISSN 2178-7468, e-ISSN 2763-6178
DOI: 10.48208/HeadacheMed.2021.50
Headache Medicine
© Copyright 2021
Association between eating behavior and lifestyle habits and
increase in migraine attacks in university students during
Covid-19 pandemic
Hellen Maria Santos da Silva , Nathalia Herculano de Sousa , Ana Patrícia Pascoal Queiroz de Araujo ,
Maria da Glória Canto de Sousa , Alcylene Carla de Jesus dos Santos , Acássia Benjamim Leal Pires ,
Eduardo Souza Cardoso , Luana de Oliveira Leite
Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil.
The Covid-19 pandemic caused changes in the population's lifestyle and dietary patterns
which are important triggers for migraine crises.
Evaluating the association between eating behavior and lifestyle habits and the increase
of migraine attacks in university students during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study carried out with university students from
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, between December/2020 and June/2021. The university stu-
dents were invited by
® and institutional email and then directed to the free
and informed consent form and questionnaire, lled through the research management
application. This research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee under evalua-
tion report 4.351.573. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis.
A sample of 83 individuals, 89.2% women, 45.8% sedentary, 51.8% gained weight
recently, 73.4% had low water intake, 59.0% had difculty to conciliate and 50.6% had
difculty to maintain the sleep. Before the pandemic, 7.3% reported 7-14 days of migrai-
ne per month and, after, this gure increased to 24.1%. 36.1% of students associated
food with migraine attacks, the main triggers were: coffee (20.5%), chocolate (14.5%),
sausages (12.0%), alcohol (9.6%) and sugar (6.0%). The increase in migraine days was
associated with difculty in maintaining sleep (p<0.002).
Despite the statistically signicant result only between difculty to conciliate the sleep
and greater frequency of migraine, changes in lifestyle and eating behavior caused
by the Covid-19 pandemic also seem to imply in an increase in days with migraine in
university students.
Hellen Maria Santos da Silva
Edited by:
Marcelo Moraes Valença
Migraine disorders
Eating behavior
University student
Received: December 2, 2021
Accepted: December 15, 2021
Silva HMS, Sousa NH, Araujo APPQ, Sousa MGC, Santos ACJ, Pires ABL, Cardoso ES, Leite LO
Association between eating behavior and lifestyle habits and increase in migraine attacks in university students during Covid-19 pandemic
ith the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, caused by the
emergence of the Sars-CoV-2 virus and made ofcial
by the World Health Organization (WHO) in March 2020,
measures have been enacted to contain the spread of the
Thus, in face of the health crisis that was installed,
social isolation was required, which caused direct impacts
on the lifestyle of the population around the world. There-
fore, there were impacts on the health and quality of life
of the general public, including individuals with migraine.
Migraine is a type of primary headache, considered an
incapacitating disease. This clinical condition, recognized
by the International Classication of Diseases (ICD),
presents multifactorial etiology and, among its triggers
are stress, unhealthy eating habits, dehydration, physical
inactivity, hormonal changes, insomnia, and others. The
symptomatology generated by migraine may vary among
individuals, for instance nausea, vomiting, intolerance to
sensorial stimuli (such as light, noise and smell), tinnitus
and vertigo.
The pandemic caused changes in the lifestyle and eating
habits of the population, which are important triggers for
migraine crises. Therefore, in the pandemic period, some
changes could be observed in the onset of crises, driven
by changes in sleep patterns, physical exercise, changes
in diet and water intake, and a possible increase in
inammatory status with weight gain, which is associated
with the onset of migraine.
Therefore, it can be seen that
migraine patients were largely affected by these changes.
Considering the impact of the pandemic period, it is
imperative to study the relationship between Covid-19 and
eating behavior and lifestyle in the migraine population in
order to contribute to prevention and better treatment of
migraine attacks. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate
the association between eating behavior and lifestyle and
increased migraine attacks in university students during the
Covid-19 pandemic.
An observational, cross-sectional, retrospective study,
with descriptive approach, carried out with students from
the Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), Campus
I, located in Salvador, Brazil, whose data collection
occurred from December 2020 to June 2021. The students
were summoned through the
® app and an
institutional e-mail and, subsequently, directed via link to
access the informed consent form, with the need to ll it
out. After lling out the consent form, the university student
had access to the questionnaire through a research
management application.
We included only participants aged 18 years old or above,
from undergraduate courses in the health area belonging
to the Department of Life Sciences- Departamento de
Ciências da Vida (DCV) of the UNEB. Academics from
other areas not belonging to the DCV and from graduate
courses, as well as professors and employees, pregnant or
nursing women, were not included.
A structured questionnaire was used to collect demographic
information - sex and age (stratied as <20 years old, 20 to
59 years old); marital status (single, married/stable union,
and divorced); color/race (white, mixed black, black,
indigenous), socioeconomic - monthly family income (<1
minimum wage, between 1 and 2 minimum wages, or 3
minimum wages); and lifestyle - physical activity frequency,
smoking, alcohol consumption, and sleep pattern (difculty
in reconciling and maintaining sleep). Anthropometric
data were collected as weight in kilograms and height
in meters. The body mass index (BMI = weight/height²)
was calculated from the weight and height data. We
followed the criteria of the Ministry of Health (2014)
the World Health Organization (1998)
, for classication
of nutritional status of adolescents and adults, respectively.
In addition, they were asked about weight gain during the
pandemic period.
Regarding dietary habits, we asked about daily water
intake (0 - 500 ml, 500-1,000 ml, 1,000-1,500 ml, and
>2,000 ml), which was later recoded as up to 1.5 liters
and 2 liters; fasting time (up to 3 hours, between 4
and 6 hours, and >6 hours); and positive association
between specic foods and increased migraine attacks
(coffee, chocolate, tea, soft drinks, sausages, alcoholic
beverages, sugar, milk, and others). We also asked about
the frequency of coffee consumption (1 to 2 times a week,
3 to 4 times a week, 5 to 7 times a week, 1 to 2 times a
month, and rarely).
Clinical information regarding the diagnosis of migraine
was collected, using as a parameter the guidelines of the
International Headache Society3. In addition, results were
obtained on the monthly frequency of migraine attacks (1
to 7 days, 7 to 14 days, more than 15 days, and daily)
in the period before and after the start of the pandemic,
which broke out on March 17, 2020.
Silva HMS, Sousa NH, Araujo APPQ, Sousa MGC, Santos ACJ, Pires ABL, Cardoso ES, Leite LO
Association between eating behavior and lifestyle habits and increase in migraine attacks in university students during Covid-19 pandemic
For categorical variables, absolute frequencies (n) and
relative frequencies (%) were used. For quantitative
variables, the results were presented as means and
standard deviations, considering the normal distribution
of data. Pearson's chi-square test and Fisher's exact test
for categorical variables were used to detect signicant
differences with p-value <0.05. SPSS Statistics version
20.0.0 statistical software was used for data analysis.
This research was approved by the Research Ethics
Committee of UNEB, under opinion number 4.351.573.
The sample consisted of 83 individuals, 89.2% were
female, aged between 18 and 43, with a mean of 25.4 ±
6.9 (SD) years old. Regarding lifestyle habits 45.8% were
sedentary, 32.5% were alcoholics and 4.8% smokers,
59% and 50.6% stated, in respective order, difculty in
reconciling and maintaining sleep.
Table 1. Demographic, socioeconomic and life habit characterization of university students (n=83) with migraine in the
Covid-19 pandemic. Salvador-Bahia, 2020-2021.
Variable n %
Female 74 89.2
Male 9 10.8
<20 9 10.8
20 to 59 74 89.2
White 15 18.1
Mixed black 26 31.3
Black 34 41
Indigenous 6 7. 2
Prefer not to declare 2 2.4
Marital Status
Single 68 81.9
Married/Unmarried (stabile union) 12 14.5
Divorced 3 3.6
Family income (in minimum wage)
<1 14 16.9
1-3 55 66.3
4-5 8 9.6
7-10 3 3.6
>10 3 3.6
Physical activity
Yes 45 54.2
No 38 45.8
Alcohol Consumption
Yes 27 32.5
No 56 67. 5
Yes 4 4.8
No 79 95.2
Difficulty reconciling sleep
Yes 49 59
No 34 41
Difficulty maintaining sleep
Yes 42 50.6
No 41 49.4
Silva HMS, Sousa NH, Araujo APPQ, Sousa MGC, Santos ACJ, Pires ABL, Cardoso ES, Leite LO
Association between eating behavior and lifestyle habits and increase in migraine attacks in university students during Covid-19 pandemic
Regarding the nutritional status of the research participants,
although most of them were not overweight according to
the BMI, 50.6% of the respondents reported weight gain
in recent months, and among these the majority gained
between 5 and 10 kg (42.9%). Regarding the daily
hydric intake, 73.4% of the respondents reported a hydric
volume intake of 0-1,500 ml/day. About fasting periods,
74.7% of the college students with migraine reported
frequent fasting intervals of up to 3 hours (24.2%),4-6
hours (54.8%), and more than 6 hours (21%).
Regarding eating behavior, 38.6% responded positively
when asked about the increase in migraine attacks being
associated with some food. The most common food triggers
Table 2. Characterization of eating behavior and nutritional status of university students (n=83) with migraine in the
Covid-19 pandemic. Salvador-Bahia, 2020- 2021.
Variables n %
Not overweight (≤24.9 kg/m²) 56 67. 4
Overweight (≥25.0 kg/m²) 27 32.6
Weight gain in the last 3 months
Yes 42 50.6
No 41 49.4
Amount of weight gain in kg
0-4.9 15 35.7
5-9.9 18 42.9
10-15 7 16.7
>15 2 4.7
Water intake
0 – 1,500 mL/day 61 73.4
>1,500 mL/day 22 26.5
Yes 62 74.7
No 21 25.3
Fasting Frequency
Up to 3 hours 15 24.2
4-6 hours 34 54.8
>6 hours 13 21
Food is a trigger for crises
Yes 32 38.6
No 51 61.4
Frequency of trigger foods
Chocolate 17 20.5
Sausages 12 14.5
Alcoholic beverage 10 12
Sugar 8 9.6
Others* 5 6
Soda 5 6
Milk 4 4.8
Coffee consumption
Yes 67 80.7
No 16 19.3
Coffee intake frequency
1 to 2 times a week 10 14.9
3 to 4 times a week 8 12.0
5 to 7 times a week 39 58.2
1 to 2 times a month 1 1.5
Rarely 9 13.4
* Popcorn, avocado, orange, tangerine, and onion.
Silva HMS, Sousa NH, Araujo APPQ, Sousa MGC, Santos ACJ, Pires ABL, Cardoso ES, Leite LO
Association between eating behavior and lifestyle habits and increase in migraine attacks in university students during Covid-19 pandemic
were coffee (20.5%), chocolate (14.5%), sausages (12%),
alcoholic beverages (9.6%), sugar (6%), milk (4.8%), and
cola (4.8%). The other foods mentioned less frequently
were popcorn, avocado, and citric fruits. As for the intake
of coffee, 80.7% said they consumed the beverage with a
frequency of 5 to 7 times a week (58.2%), followed by 1
to 2 times a week (14.9%), 3 to 4 times a week (12%), 1
to 2 times a month (1.5%), and rarely (13.4%).
Regarding the number of days with migraine, before the
pandemic 84.3% of the undergraduates claimed to have
an average of 1-7 days with migraine crisis, 7.3% reported
7-14 days of crisis per month, and 8.4% reported more
than 15 days, also considering the period of one month.
After the beginning of the health crisis caused by Sars-
CoV-2, 65.1% of the students reported 1-7 days of migraine
headache per month, 24.1% and 8.4% reported on
average, 7-14 days, and more than 15 days per month of
migraine attacks, respectively, and the remaining, 24.4%
of the respondents, reported to have migraine headache
on a daily basis.
About the main symptoms cited, 91.56% of the
undergraduates reported vertigo (dizziness), 40.96%
*Others: Lateral eld loss, irritability, eye pain, smell irritability, and hearing loss
Figure 1. Monthly frequency of symptoms presented by university students (n=83) in Salvador,
Bahia, Brazil during 2020-2021.
Figure 2. Frequency of presentation symptoms (%) by university students in Salvador, Bahia,
Brazil during 2020-2021.
Silva HMS, Sousa NH, Araujo APPQ, Sousa MGC, Santos ACJ, Pires ABL, Cardoso ES, Leite LO
Association between eating behavior and lifestyle habits and increase in migraine attacks in university students during Covid-19 pandemic
"darkening" of vision, 22.89% hearing fullness, 22.89%
tinnitus, 20.48% imbalance, 19.27% oating sensation,
12.04% nausea, 10.84% sinking sensation, 6.02%
photophobia, 6.02% falling, 6.02% others, and 3.61%
hearing loss (Figure 1).
Most individuals, who had an increase in the days of
migraine attacks during the pandemic, consumed coffee
(78.3%), fasted (69.6%), gained weight (65.2%), consumed
less than 1,500ml of water per day (69.6%), had difculty
reconciling sleep (73.9%), difculty maintaining sleep
(78.3%), and did not practice physical activity (52.2%).
Nevertheless, we only identied statistical signicance for
the relationship between increased migraine attacks and
difculty in maintaining sleep during the pandemic (p=0.002).
In this study, the respondents reported an increase in the
number of days of monthly migraine attacks during the
pandemic, and behavioral changes were identied in
the research participants. In this period, college students
predominantly had difculty in reconciling and maintaining
sleep, reported weight gain in recent months, low water
intake, and an important number remained sedentary.
Regarding eating behavior, there was a prevalence of
participants who fasted and responded positively when
asked about the emergence of migraine attacks associated
with some food.
The Covid-19 pandemic brought signicant consequences
Table 3. Increased migraine attacks of university students (n=83) with migraine in the Covid-19 pandemic according to
nutritional and lifestyle variables.
Increased number of days with migraine
No Yes
Coffee consumption
Yes 81.7% (49) 78.3% (18) 0.760*
No 18.3% (11) 21.7% (5)
Yes 76.7% (46) 69.6% (16) 0.505**
No 23.3% (14) 30.4% (7)
Nutritional status
Not overweight 73.3% (44) 52.2% (12) 0.066**
Overweight 26.7% (16) 47.8% (11)
Weight gain in the last 3 months
Yes 45% (27) 65.2% (15) 0.099**
No 55% (33) 34.8% (8)
Water intake
≤1500 mL/day 75% (45) 69.6% (16) 0.616*
>1500 mL/day 25% (15) 30.4% (7)
Difficulty reconciling sleep
Yes 53.3% (32) 73.9% (17) 0.088**
No 46.7 % (28) 26.1% (6)
Difficulty maintaining sleep
Yes 40% (24) 78.3% (18) 0.002**
No 60% (36) 21.7% (5)
Physical exercise
Yes 56.7% (34) 47.8% (11) 0.469**
No 43.3% (26) 52.2% (12)
Alcohol Consumption
Yes 77.8% (21) 22.2% (6) 0.438**
No 65% (39) 73.9% (17)
*Fisher's exact test.
**Pearson's chi-square test.
Silva HMS, Sousa NH, Araujo APPQ, Sousa MGC, Santos ACJ, Pires ABL, Cardoso ES, Leite LO
Association between eating behavior and lifestyle habits and increase in migraine attacks in university students during Covid-19 pandemic
to the population, changing lifestyle, and eating habits.
The reduced activity level, imposed by the mandatory
lockdown, along with the large amount of information
and the uncertainties about the pandemic led to changes
in sleep patterns, increased stress and anxiety and,
concomitantly, increased consumption of more palatable
foods as a comforting strategy to mitigate the emotional
and psychological impact that the health crisis has caused,
which may consequently result in weight gain.
Still regarding food, during the pandemic period we
observed an increase in the consumption of foods commonly
considered triggers for migraine attacks, especially coffee,
chocolate, sausages, and alcoholic beverages. In addition,
it was noted that coffee was predominantly consumed by
respondents, with a high weekly frequency, i.e., coffee
consumption on a daily basis (7 days a week).
It is known that the eating behavior of each person is
inuenced by internal and external issues, such as food
preferences, cultural, physiological, emotional, social
factors, among others.
Thus, in face of the SARS-CoV-2
outbreak and the emotional impact it caused, there was an
expression of emotional eating, leading to the adoption
of food consumption in order to deal with negative
emotions. The food choices, therefore, are mostly for
high-fat, carbohydrate-rich, and sugary foods, giving the
consumption of these foods a greater sense of pleasure.
Despite the pleasurable sensation inherent to the
consumption of more palatable foods, in individuals with
migraine, such foods and their respective substances may
be responsible for triggering migraine attacks, such as
coffee (caffeine) chocolate (caffeine, tyramine, sucrose,
and sweeteners), alcoholic beverages (alcohol, histamine,
and tyramine), sugar (sucrose), sausages (nitrite and
nitrate, tyramine and sodium chloride, and excess fat),
soda (caffeine and monosodium glutamate), and milk
The cause-and-effect relationship between trigger foods
and migraine would be associated with the fact that, in
individuals with migraine, the substances present in such
foods act as proinammatory compounds that stimulate
the trigemino-vascular system, causing its activation, and
consequently a cascade of reactions that trigger migraine
It is noteworthy that the increase in migraine days per month
during the health crisis was related not only to college
students who consumed coffee, but also to those who fasted
for a long time, did not practice physical activity, and had
low water intake, as well as those who gained weight and
had difculty reconciling and maintaining sleep, although
with statistical signicance only for difculty maintaining
As for sleep, it is possible to associate its irregularity with
the increased level of anxiety caused by the pandemic
along with reduced physical activity and increased
consumption of palatable foods. The result obtained in this
study is in line with data presented by Di Stefano and
which showed an increase in the Insomnia
Severity Index (ISI) score due to the positive correlation
between sleep quality and frequency and intensity of
migraine during the coronavirus outbreak. In this study, it
was observed that patients with worsening migraine had
greater difculty falling asleep (p < 0.001), maintaining
sleep (p = 0.001), and a higher level of dissatisfaction
with their sleep pattern (p= 0.002).
Individuals who are anxious and less physically active
may develop a state of hyperexcitability of the sympathetic
system, generating fragmented sleep, frequent awakenings
during the night, and reduction of deep sleep. In the case
of foods, the substances found in them can increase the
secretion of serotonin, which reduces the secretion of
melatonin (which is also reduced because of the worsening
of sleep quality), inuencing migraine. In addition, the
neurotransmitter can lead to migraine attacks from the
direct activation of the trigeminovascular nerve.
Another factor related to decreased sleep is associated
with the irregular sleep pattern induced by increased
secretion of pro-inammatory cytokines due to excess
adipose tissue, commonly present in cases of overweight/
obesity, a nutritional state that has become more prevalent
in the pandemic due to, among other factors, altered
eating behavior and increased emotional eating.
Regarding nutritional status, in this sample, there was
a predominant report of weight gain and increase in
the number of days with migraine, which may favor the
emergence of overweight/obesity. According to the study,
there was a worsening of migraine attacks during the
pandemic related, amongst others, to the consumption
of food and/or beverages considered triggers for the
neurological disorder, thus highlighting the relationship
between the emotional state, and eating behavior with
a tendency to consume more caloric, fatty, and sugary
Considering the pandemic context, it is possible to
hypothesize that the increased consumption of more
Silva HMS, Sousa NH, Araujo APPQ, Sousa MGC, Santos ACJ, Pires ABL, Cardoso ES, Leite LO
Association between eating behavior and lifestyle habits and increase in migraine attacks in university students during Covid-19 pandemic
palatable foods, as a result of emotional eating, in
association with the reduction of physical activity, may
have corroborated to the higher weight gain, fact that
generates a predominantly inammatory state, inuencing
the emergence of migraine, considering that this feature is
common between both clinical conditions: migraine and
Regular exercise may be benecial in cases of migraine due
to improved vagal tone as well as heart rate variability.
Besides, it could be an ally to avoid weight gain by
balancing the proportion between energy expenditure and
daily caloric intake, which, if excessive, can favor weight
gain, mainly due to the foods that are usually consumed,
which could potentiate the inammatory state and inuence
the occurrence of migraines.
According to an Italian study
, migraine improvement was
more frequent among patients who increased the level
of physical exercise compared with those who reduced
the activity. Such result is convergent with the data found
from the sample evaluated, that 52.2% of non-exercising
individuals reported an increase in the number of days with
On the other hand, fasting, by increasing the number of
hours without eating, can also be a contributing factor to
trigger migraine crises, due to lower rates of brain glucose
that will be offered and the depolarization of neurons
The practice of fasting was reported by most of the students
who had an increase in the number of days with migraine
in this research.
As well as the importance of regular meals in association
with adequate quality and quantity, the correct hydric intake
is also necessary, especially to prevent migraine attacks. The
low intake, often cited by respondents, culminates in a state
of dehydration, which is also one of the factors responsible
for causing migraine attacks.
In the participants of this
research, most individuals with a daily water intake of less
than 1,500 ml reported an increase in the number of days
with migraine, thus emphasizing the association between
low water intake and migraine attacks.
This study has limitations since it is retrospective and
cross-sectional, which does not determine cause-and-effect
relationships. The number of participants in the research
can also be characterized as a limitation, and in addition,
the questionnaire applied was lled out by self-report,
which may inuence the results of the research. More robust
studies are needed to demonstrate the association between
the eating behavior and lifestyle habits of individuals with
migraine in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, but it
does not invalidate the observations reported here and
important ndings.
The changes in lifestyle and eating behavior caused by
the Covid-19 pandemic had repercussions in the increased
number of days with migraine per month in college
students. It was identied that individuals who consumed
coffee, fasted for a long time, did not practice physical
activity, had low water intake, as well as those who gained
weight and had difculty in reconciling and maintaining
sleep increased the days of monthly migraine attacks
during the pandemic. Thus, we highlight the importance
of conducting studies to understand the repercussions
of the Covid-19 pandemic on the lifestyle habits of the
migraine population and propose intervention measures
that encourage the recovery of healthy habits and assist in
the control of migraine attacks increased during this period
and, consequently, contribute to improve the quality of life
of this public.
Conflicts of interest: The authors deny.
Authors' contribution: LOL designed the study and
analyzed the data. HMSS, NHS, APPQA, MGCS, ACJS,
ABLP, ESC, and LOL tabulated the data, interpreted,
discussed, and wrote the results. All authors contributed to
the revision of the manuscript and LOL approved the nal
Funding: This study did not receive any funding.
We thank the Interdisciplinary Project of Health Care for
Migraine Patients of Bahia State University.
Hellen Maria Santos da Silva
Nathalia Herculano de Sousa
Ana Patrícia Pascoal Queiroz de Araujo
Maria da Glória Canto de Sousa
Alcylene Carla de Jesus dos Santos
Acássia Benjamim Leal Pires
Eduardo Souza Cardoso
Luana de Oliveira Leite
Silva HMS, Sousa NH, Araujo APPQ, Sousa MGC, Santos ACJ, Pires ABL, Cardoso ES, Leite LO
Association between eating behavior and lifestyle habits and increase in migraine attacks in university students during Covid-19 pandemic
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