Headache Medicine 2021, 12(4):338-342 p-ISSN 2178-7468, e-ISSN 2763-6178
DOI: 10.48208/HeadacheMed.2021.57
Headache Medicine
© Copyright 2021
Case report
Encephalitis associated with Covid-19 and thunderclap headache:
an unusual relationship
Emanuelle Bianchi da Silva Rocha , Camila Moraes Eberhardt , Luciana de Azevedo Tubero ,
Letícia Araújo Tassini Penatti , Andressa Regina de Mello Galego
Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP), São Paulo, Brazil
The Covid-19 is characterized mainly by respiratory symptoms, however this virus
frequently damages the nervous system, although the exact mechanism involved is still
unclear. Headache is the most common neurological symptom and has a great hete-
rogeneity, including thunderclap headache which should be considered a red ag on
emergency departments.
The case of a 51 years-old woman with thunderclap headache started seven days be-
fore, which progressed with mental confusion, inattention and language plus memory
disturbance on the day of admission, is reported. General physical examination was
normal except for the presence of borderline pyrexia (37.7 °C). Neurological examination
showed no particularities, except for mental and cognitive alterations. Computed angio-
tomography of the brain excluded bleeding but showed one aneurysm. Cerebrospinal
uid (CSF) had no xanthochromia, but evidenced a lymphomonocytic pleocytosis with
discrete hyperproteinorraquia. Due to hospital protocol the patient underwent computed
tomography of thorax and we found ground-glass opacities suggesting viral infection.
Then, RT-PCR for Sars-CoV-2 with nasopharyngeal swab and in CSF was performed with
both positives. Therefore, the diagnosis was encephalitis associated with Covid-19. We
opted for supportive care only. Patient evolved with many complications, need of ventila-
tory support and renal replacement therapy, but she was discharged after 35 days with no
symptoms and at follow-up, two months later, the only nding was mild inattention.
Emanuelle Bianchi da Silva Rocha
Edited by:
Marcelo Moraes Valença
Thunderclap headache
Hemorrhagic subarachnoid
Received: March 3, 2022
Accepted: March 18, 2022
Rocha EBS, Eberhardt CM, Tubero LA, Penatti LAT, Galego ARM
Encephalitis associated with Covid-19 and thunderclap headache: an unusual relationship
he disease caused by the novel coronavirus is classical-
ly characterized by the involvement of the respiratory
system however it has a wide spectrum of manifestations,
including damage to the nervous system (NS). Retrospective
study developed in Wuhan in 2019 with 214 patients, still
at the beginning of the pandemic, showed a prevalence
of neurologic manifestations of 37%.
The most common
neurological symptom reported was headache, with differ-
ent characteristics and great heterogeneity among those
Thunderclap headache, as the name says, is a sudden
severe pain usually caused by potentially serious disorders,
mainly vascular disturbances, therefore it consists of a
medical emergency, especially when associated with
altered mental state.
In a recent study with 262 patients
with Covid-19 and headache around 25% presented
severe or very severe pain.
Another publication with
2,194 participants evidenced that red ags for headache
were present in 61% of the cases, but confusion was the
warning sign only in 6.2% and sudden onset just in 5.8%.
Here we report a case of a patient admitted at a hospital
reference in neurology with a suspect of hemorrhagic stroke
with a history of thunderclap headache plus altered mental
state without systemic symptoms and after investigation,
surprisingly, diagnosed with encephalitis associated with
Case Report
Woman, 51 years-old, previous history positive just for
depression and systemic arterial hypertension, non-
smoker. Admitted at hospital reference to neurology
withsuspicion of hemorrhagic stroke, reporting seven days
of holocranial and sudden headache that has progressed
to severe intensity within minutes at onset. Associated with
evolution to mental confusion, inattention, inability to meet
family members and difculty of communicating at the day
of admission.
Admitted normotensive (130/70 mmHg), normocardic (96
bpm), saturating 97% without oxygen supplementation,
without respiratory distress and with a borderline pyrexia
of 37.7°C. General physical examination, including
respiratory auscultation, was normal. In the neurological
examination of admission, the patient was inattentive,
hypocontactant, drowsy but awake with verbal stimulus,
disoriented in time and space, unable to say her own
name or recognize her husband and with a language
disturbance, characterized by relative uent speech,
incapacity to name objects, repeat words or phrases and
to obey commands. The muscular thonus was normal and
the patient moved the four members without fall in decit
maneuvers. She had no signals of pyramidal liberation
or any other alteration at neurological examination,
including absence of neck stiffness.
General laboratory tests were normal. Brain and neck
computed angiotomography (CTA) excluded acute
bleeding, however showed one saccular aneurysm with
1.2 x 0.9 millimeters in the supraclinoid/paraophthalmic
segment of the left internal carotid artery (Figure 1).
We performed cerebrospinal uid (CSF) mainly with the
objective to rule out subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)
and the liquid was clear without xanthochromia, but
with slight lymphomonocytic pleocytosis (8 leukocytes),
discrete protein elevation (53 mg/dL) and 34 red blood
cells. Electroencephalogram (EEG) showed symmetrical
and disorganized brain electrical activity with poor
anteroposterior differentiation, theta rhythm diffuse
and presence of triphasic waves, suggestive of an
Due to the hospital protocol during the Covid-19 pandemic,
the patient underwent computed tomography of the thorax
and we found ground-glass opacities involving around
25% to 50% of the lungs, predominantly at peripheral
regions, suggesting viral infection (Figure 2). Therefore,
RT-PCR for Sars-CoV-2 with nasopharyngeal swab was
performed with a positive result. Family members denied
respiratory complaints or any other symptoms and denied
contacts prior to the admission with conrmed or suspected
cases of coronavirus disease. The patient had not traveled
recently. The patient did not perform magnetic resonance
imaging due to the institution’s isolation rules for cases of
coronavirus disease.
After that, added to the exclusion of hemorrhagic stroke
and SAH, our suspicion was viral encephalitis. We started
empirical treatment with acyclovir and solicited sorologies
at cerebrospinal uid for herpes simplex virus and for
Sars-CoV-2. The rst result was negative, so the acyclovir
was suspended and the last result was positive, conrming
the diagnosis of Covid-19 encephalitis.
We opted to maintain just supportive care, without
immunosuppressive treatments. During hospitalization, the
Rocha EBS, Eberhardt CM, Tubero LA, Penatti LAT, Galego ARM
Encephalitis associated with Covid-19 and thunderclap headache: an unusual relationship
neurosurgery team evaluated her because of the aneurysm
visualized on CTA and they opted for conservative
treatment. The level of consciousness of the patient worsened
progressively and she developed an aspiration pneumonia,
requiring orotracheal intubation. At the intensive care unit
(ICU), even under the inuence of sedatives, the patient
presented diffuse myoclonus, pyramidal signs and spasticity
diffuse, suggesting seizure and managed with phenytoin
and dose adjustment of sedatives. A new EEG evidenced
occasional epileptiform disorders in the left temporal region
with one electrographic seizure, but without alterations
compatible with status epilepticus.
For 30 days, she remained at ICU, requiring multiple cycles
of broad-spectrum antibiotics and renal replacement
therapy, progressing to the need for tracheostomy with
subsequent decannulation. She was discharged from
hospital 35 days after admission, alert, with no language
or memory disturbance, oriented in time and space. On
follow-up, two months later, the patient presented just mild
inattention, without impact on their usual activities.
Headache is a common complaint in emergency
departments/hospitals and one of the scariest etiologies
is SAH, with rates of mortality of up to 65% and
misdiagnosis of up to 51%.
Almost 70% of these cases
Figure 1. A: Head computed angiotomography - precontrast phase without acute bleeding; B: Head angiotomography -
axial section evidencing a saccular aneurysm with 1.2 x 0.9 millimeters in the supraclinoid/paraophthalmic segment of
the left internal carotid artery; C: Head angiotomography - coronal section evidencing the aneurysm described above;
D: Head angiotomography - sagittal section evidencing the aneurysm described above.
Rocha EBS, Eberhardt CM, Tubero LA, Penatti LAT, Galego ARM
Encephalitis associated with Covid-19 and thunderclap headache: an unusual relationship
will present headache as the rst symptom and, although
not well described in literature, around 50% of the patients
will experience the thunderclap headache.
all of the above, faced with a case as we describe here,
with thunderclap headache and neurological ndings,
investigating SAH is mandatory.
The rst step in the investigation is the head computed
tomography (CT).
Usually CTA is performed after
conrmed SAH for screening of aneurysms (the most
common cause of SAH) and/or program the therapeutic
or when the diagnosis is still a doubt.
In our case, we performed the CTA rst because in our
institution this exam can be realized as fast as the CT
without delaying the diagnosis and has a high sensitivity to
detect aneurysms.
This exam in our patient did not detect
bleeding, but identied one aneurysm. After three days of
the symptoms onset the sensitivity of CT starts to decrease
and almost half is negative for SAH after seven days, often
necessitating a lumbar puncture (LP) and the presence of
xanthochromia in the CSF is suggestive of SAH because of
heme metabolism.
Considering the symptoms reported
on admission, the time of evolution and the detection of
aneurysm on CTA we proceeded to the next step and
performed a LP that did not show xanthochromia. CSH is
also useful for differential diagnostics and in our case was
the key point.
According to the literature, infection can be the cause
behind a thunderclap headache.
The pathophysiological
mechanism involved in the neurological manifestations of
SARS-CoV-2 is still unclear, but invasion of the NS can
occur by transsynaptic transport or by hematogenous
dissemination, in addition, this virus can lead to an
exacerbated immune response that damages NS.
Recent review with 2,194 cases of Covid-19 identied
a prevalence of headache of 30%, however just around
6% had this as the rst symptom and more than 90% had
systemic symptoms.
Red ags around headache were
present in 264 participants but as we described at the
introduction, altered mental state and sudden onset occurred
in a few cases.
Contrasting with that here we present a
case characterized by intense and sudden headache that
evolved for altered mental state without systemic symptoms
and without any suggestion of respiratory infection, except
by the presence of borderline pyrexia.
Figure 2. Computed tomography of thorax evidencing ground-glass opacities and sparse bilateral foci of consolidation, predominantly in the
peripheral with pulmonary involvement around 25-50%.
Rocha EBS, Eberhardt CM, Tubero LA, Penatti LAT, Galego ARM
Encephalitis associated with Covid-19 and thunderclap headache: an unusual relationship
Encephalitis associated with Sars-CoV-2 is a rare
neurological manifestation and altered level of
consciousness and/or mental state, seizures, headache
and weakness are the most frequent presentations.
accordance with the literature, our patient had almost all
these symptoms. The detection of the virus at the CSF is
very uncommon
, in contrast to that the RT-PCR for Sars-
CoV-2 of our patient was positive.
Patients with Covid-19 and encephalitis have a poor
prognosis compared to others affected by such virus
unfortunately, until now we do not have a standardized
Here we report a case that presented serious
complications, but had an excellent recovery, even without
immunosuppressive treatments.
In conclusion, the authors want to point out that headache
is a common symptom in the emergency departments in
patients with Covid-19 or not. It can be the rst signal of
the novel coronavirus infection or of a complication of that,
like encephalitis. In addition, the pain has a very range of
phenotypes including thunderclap headache mimicking an
SAH, as we approach here. Therefore, in the context of a
contagious pandemic disease health professionals have to
be prepared for the prompt recognition of this infection.
Contribution’s of authors: EBSR, CME, LAT and LATP,
acquisition of data conception of the work, drafting the
work; ARMG, interpretation of data, revising intellectual
content, approval of the nal version and agreement to
be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that
questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part
of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Conflict of interest: the authors deny any conict of interest.
Funding: no support funding
Emanuelle Bianchi da Silva Rocha
Camila Moraes Eberhardt
Luciana de Azevedo Tubero
Letícia Araújo Tassini Penatti
Andressa Regina de Mello Galego
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