Headache Medicine 2021, 12(3):264-267 p-ISSN 2178-7468, e-ISSN 2763-6178
DOI: 10.48208/HeadacheMed.2021.39
Headache Medicine
© Copyright 2021
Case Report
Red Ear Syndrome and migraine:
case report and review of this peculiar association
Juliana Baleki Borri
, Hilton Mariano da Silva Junior
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil;
Hospital Municipal de Campinas Doutor Mário Gatti, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
The "Red Ear Syndrome" (RES) is a rare condition (about 100 cases were published in 25
years). It is characterized by episodes of hyperemia of the ear associated with burning pain.
Although the association of this syndrome and primary headaches is contemplated in literature,
its etiology and treatments are still poorly dened.
The aim of this paper is to report a case of RES related to migraine and possible pathophy-
siologic mechanisms.
Case Report
A 31-year-old woman presented with stabbing pain and marked erythema and edema of
the right ear accompanied by burning and local hyperhidrosis. These attacks lasted 2 hours
on average, and either occurred spontaneously or were associated with migraine without
aura. The only means of relief during the attacks was cooling the local with ice. Extensive
laboratory-chemical, microbiological, ear-nose-throat, clinical and neurological examinations,
magnetic resonance of the brain and cervical spine were unremarkable.
Uncertainty about the etiology of this syndrome is an obstacle to treatment. The frequent re-
lationship between RES and migraine suggests that is necessary to investigate the syndrome
in migraineurs. Furthermore, new reports about this disorder are important to increase the
knowledge of physicians, to reduce the delay in diagnosis and suffering of patients.
Juliana Baleki Borri
Edited by:
Marcelo Moraes Valença
migraine disorders
Red ear syndrome
Received: November 29, 2021
Accepted: December 6, 2021
Borri JB, Silva Junior HMS
Red Ear Syndrome and migraine: case report and review of this peculiar association
he "Red Ear Syndrome" (RES) is a rare condition. Its
etiology and treatments are still poorly dened. It is char-
acterized by episodes of hyperemia of the ear associated
with burning pain. RES can be associated with primary
headaches. This relationship was rst described in 1996,
when Lance published a series of cases on the syndrome,
and two patients had both RES and migraine.
From this,
other reports emerged and one of the hypotheses is that the
red ear phenomenon shares pathophysiological mechanisms
with migraine.
This syndrome can be classied into two forms. The
idiopathic form is often associated with primary headaches,
such as migraine and trigeminal autonomic headache.
Nevertheless, it may occur spontaneously and is more
frequent in young people. The secondary form, on the
other hand, is related to structural disorders, such as lesions
and irritations of C3 and C4 roots or temporomandibular
dysfunction and are more frequent in older patients.
Case Report
We report a 31-year-old female patient, who had been
presenting for 2 years with acute pain, edema and
accentuated erythema in the right ear pavilion (Figure
1), occasionally accompanied by hyperhidrosis, and
local burning. These attacks lasted 2 hours on average,
they occurred either spontaneously or were induced by
emotional stress or direct contact with heat. All crises were
associated with hyperemia and redness of the ear, which
started a few minutes after the pain, and normalized with
its resolution. During attacks, cooling was the only means
of relief.
Figure 1. Edema and accentuated erythema in the right ear pavilion.
The patient has also complained of migraine without
aura since adolescence, and reported a clear association
between the syndrome and some migraine attacks. The
patient used unarizine for both headache and red ear,
but treatment was interrupted due to side effects.
Extensive laboratory-chemical, microbiological, ear-nose-
throat, clinical and neurological examinations, as well as
magnetic resonance of the brain and cervical spine were
According to the description of signs and symptoms,
associated to normal exams and absence of structural
lesions, the patient ts into the classication of primary
RES. This syndrome appears to be more prevalent in
women, in the adult population, and is more prevalent
than imagined in the pediatric population, mostly male.
The median age of RES onset is 44 years old, ranging from
4 to 92 years.
Due to the scarcity of case reports, prevalence and
incidence of RES are unknown. Notwithstanding, Raieli et
, in a study with 92 participants aged 6 to 18 years,
reported that 24% of migraneurs patients had RES. That is a
relatively high number for such an unknown phenomenon.
This suggests that the syndrome should be investigated in
migraine patients. Furthermore, RES may be less rare than
expected, especially occurring during primary headache,
Borri JB, Silva Junior HMS
Red Ear Syndrome and migraine: case report and review of this peculiar association
and considered as a symptom.
Clinical presentation
Episodes may occur concomitantly with primary headache
attacks, more common with migraine, or occur isolated in
patients with both conditions. In children, the occurrence
of red ear during migraine episodes is more common.
However, the frequency of red ear associated with migraine
is rare, it does not occur in all headache episodes.
frequency of attacks also varies and is similar to the
frequency of migraine in migraine patients.
The attacks
may occur with a frequency ranging from several a day to
a few per year.
Duration may vary from minutes to hours,
most lasting between 30 minutes to 1 hour.
In idiopathic cases, the main triggering factors for attacks
are temperature changes and tactile stimuli, as touch or
friction, mostly. Nevertheless, episodes could also occur
Attacks may be bilateral, unilateral and
alternate sides. Ipsilaterality and duration are signicant
implications for the understanding that RES is directly
related with migraine. When red ear occurs alone, it has
been proposed that it may be an episode of an “acephalgic
The occurrence of bilateral attacks of red ear is
more common in children with migraine.
In most cases, pain accompanied by ear erythema are
the only symptoms. Other autonomic phenomena may be
present during the attacks, as in the case presented in this
investigation. The most common autonomic phenomena
are hyperhidrosis, edema and tearing. Such phenomena,
added to the short duration of episodes, suggest that RES
may be a form of Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgia.
Notwithstanding, the association between RES and
migraine is more common in literature than TAC´s.
review of literature including about 60 cases, showed that
55% of patients with primary RES suffer from migraine.
According to the proposed pathophysiological hypothesis
for the frequent association between migraine and RES, it
is plausible that both conditions share pathophysiological
mechanisms. It has been proposed that, during migraine
attacks, a trigemino vascular activation results in
vasodilation by direct release of vasodilator peptides such
as substance P, CGRP and others.
This activation would
explain the pain that may extend beyond the trigeminal
innervation territory due to the overlap between trigeminal
and upper cervical spinal nerves in the trigemino-cervical
complex. This anatomical relationship may explain the
occurrence of neck pain in patients with migraine.
Another mechanism that might account is the sensory
innervation promoted by the trigeminal nerve in the external
carotid artery. Ergo, an activation in its nucleus could
trigger an antidromic impulse and release of vasodilating
substances in this vessel responsible for the blood supply
to the ear.
In addition, some migraine episodes may result
in facial pallor due to an imbalance between sympathetic
and parasympathetic vasomotor innervation.
When the red ear phenomenon appears during migraine,
it is possible to observe facial vasoconstriction and ear
vasodilation, indicating the activation of different neuronal
The same authors showed that RES preceding
migraine attack, such as an aura phenomenon, may
indicate the syndrome has an isolated neuronal system
which can be activated during the migraine.
On the other hand, when RES occurs after migraine,
some authors believe that it is an atypical migraine with
characteristics of migraine and other primary headaches,
and they justify it by the modular theory.
This theory
proposes that a group of neurons called modules are
anatomically linked to one another and become activated
in a manner characteristic for the individual. The theory
could also explain why not all migraine attacks are
accompanied by RES (before, during or after) even in
patients suffering from both conditions.
Even when the
attacks are not time related, the history of migraine should
be investigated. Raieli et al.
showed that 50% of isolated
RES cases have also a history of migraine.
The association between RES and migraine
When both conditions are related, the red ear could be
considered a sign of hyper parasympathetic activation via
trigeminal-autonomic reex during migraine, which leads
to consider RES a phenomenon related to migraine.
activation is also consistent with the phenomenon of red
ear in primary headaches with autonomic involvement and
could explain the existence of autonomic features in patients
with migraine.
Furthermore, mechanisms in migraine are
not only capable of stimulating the trigemino-autonomic
reex, but can also stimulate a cervical autonomic reex
resulting in the RES.
In addition to the occurrence of both disorders in the same
patient, what supports the hypothesis that RES shares
pathophysiological mechanisms in common with primary
headaches is the resolution or a reduction in frequency
and severity of RES. It occurs when treatment is initiated for
the coexisting migraine. Beta-blocker and calcium channel
blocker (unarizine and nimodipine) showed a good
response in both disorders.
However, because there
are many potential causes, there is not a single treatment
suggested, and many patients are treatment resistant.
Borri JB, Silva Junior HMS
Red Ear Syndrome and migraine: case report and review of this peculiar association
The importance to know the pathophysiology is to
identify a therapeutic target and treatment. Several drugs
for headache and pain were used in patients with this
syndrome. Nonetheless, it is considered refractory to
several drugs and varies from person to person.
More studies with the adult population are needed to
identify the prevalence of RES. The relationship between
RES and primary headaches, mainly migraine, is strongly
suggested. Thus, RES should be investigated in all patients
with migraine.
Author contributions: The authors contributed equally in
the preparation of the manuscript.
Conflict of interest: There is no conict of interest.
Funding: The authors received no nancial support for the
research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Juliana Baleki Borri
Hilton Mariano da Silva Junior
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