Headache Medicine 2021, 12(2) p-ISSN 2178-7468, e-ISSN 2763-6178
DOI: 10.48208/HeadacheMed.2021.25
Headache Medicine
© Copyright 2021
Case Report
Cluster headache due to intranasal herpes simplex: a case report
Leonardo de Sousa Bernardes
, Renan Domingues Oliveira
, Mário Fernando Prieto Peres
Neurology Department, Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Neurology Department, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil
Cluster headache is characterized by pain in the trigeminal nerve's rst division and au-
tonomic features, with attacks lasting from 15 minutes to 180 minutes, up to eight times a
day. Although considered a primary headache, it may be mimicked by structural diseases
like infections, inammation, tumor, and vascular. Intranasal and sinus infectious were also
reported. Herpes simplex infections are quite common in the general population, and the
nerve ganglia are the natural reservoir of the virus. Intranasal herpes, on the other hand,
is exceedingly rare, with only a few cases reported in the literature. Our main objective is
to describe a case report of a 49-year-old man who was diagnosed with intranasal herpes
infection during a bout of cluster headache, evaluated by an otolaryngologist. He got free
of symptoms after using valacyclovir and melatonin. Thus, herpes simplex might be involved
in the mechanisms of secondary or primary cluster headache. Further research is necessary
to help elucidate this relationship.
Leonardo de Sousa Bernardes
Santa Casa de Misericórdia de
São Paulo
Edited by:
Marcelo Moraes Valença
Cluster headache
Intranasal herpes
Secondary cluster headache
Herpes simplex
Received: October 6, 2021
Accepted: October 10, 2021
Bernardes LS, Oliveira RD, Peres MFP
Cluster headache due to intranasal herpes simplex: a case report
luster headache is a rare kind of primary headache,
accounting for roughly 0.1% worldwide; it is considered
a trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia characterized by pain
in the distribution of the rst division of the trigeminal nerve
along with autonomic features. It has a male predominance
and seems to be more common during spring and autumn.
Cluster headache attacks are dened by severe pain,
orbital, supraorbital, temporal, or a combination of these,
unilateral, lasting from 15 minutes until 180, occurring
up to eight times a day. Headache attacks usually occur
with symptoms such as lacrimation, conjunctival injection,
rhinorrhea, forehead, miosis, ptosis, eyelid edema, and
Life habits such as smoking, and head trauma,
are considered risk factors for this illness. Structural diseases
may also cause cluster headache; in a recent systematic
review, the most common pathologies associated were
vascular, tumoral, inammatory and infection. Features
of the history such as late onset and altered neurologic
examination must be considered as red ags and one must
look for secondary causes for the headache. Intranasal
and sinus infectious such as sinusitis and mucocele were
also reported.
Labial and genital herpes are common diseases in the
general population, caused by herpes simplex 1 and 2.
Among people up to 49 years old, it is estimated that the
seroprevalence of herves simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) is as high
as 67% (3.7 billion individuals of the global population).
The nerve ganglia are the natural reservoir of this virus, and
it may be reactivated by trigger factors such as emotional
stress, fever, common cold, trauma, among others.
Intranasal herpes, on the other side, is quite an unusual
site of infection, with only a few cases so far reported in
the literature.
Our goal is to report a case of cluster headache secondary
to intranasal herpes simplex infection.
Case Report
We report a case of a 43-year-old right-handed man,
presented 2 years ago with a left-sided excruciating pain,
starting in the orbital region irradiating to the ear and nose,
lasting 15 minutes, associated with tearing and ipsilateral
rhinorrhea. He also complained of sleep deprivation and
anxiety; he thus was started on melatonin, subcutaneous
sumatriptan, and oxygen. The headache cycle ended soon
after melatonin, and he did not try sumatriptan or oxygen.
One year later, he presented another cluster headache
cycle with the same features, and he also felt paresthesia in
the left lateral nasal region. An otolaryngologist evaluated
the patient at the emergency department, and rhinoscopy
disclosed lesions in the internal vestibular region of the
nose, hyperemia, and scars suggestive of herpes simplex.
Antibodies IgM and IgG for herpes simplex were positive.
A diagnosis of nasal herpes was made. The patient started
on valacyclovir 500 mg
, and headaches had prompted
relief three days after starting the antiviral therapy. In a
follow-up visit, six months after the treatment, he still was
free of headache attacks.
Cluster headache has already been reported to be associated
with herpes simplex infection in a case of a 42-year-old man,
which presented with cluster headache in association with
ipsilateral herpes simplex in 1985.
This report suggested
that the vasodilation seen in cluster headache could be
active by the latent viral infection in the trigeminal system.
Our report seems to be the rst case linking cluster headache
to intranasal herpes simplex infection. IgM and IgG class
antibodies conrm a chronic infection with recent reactivation,
associating the cluster headache with the HSV reactivation
This report supports the role of viral infections as a putative
cause of secondary cluster headache. Herpesviruses or
other underlying infectious diseases might be related to the
mechanisms of triggering cluster headache bouts. It is a
biologically plausible theory because:
1. Neuronal tropism of certain infectious agents - Herpes
simplex virus type 1 can cause serious neurological disease,
such as encephalitis, albeit the precise pathophysiologic
mechanisms remains unclear so far; it is believed that the
infection of the oropharynx may reach the central nervous
system through the trigeminal via or olfactory tracts, and
axonal spread might likewise play a role.
2. It is common in the population - Herpes simplex type 1 is
one of the most common mucocutaneous infections worldwide,
which incidence in 2012 was estimated at 118 million.
Transmission of HSV-1 generally occurs with infected or genital
secretions during asymptomatic shedding. Viral shedding
is characterized as the detection of the herpes simplex virus
from orofacial sites. It is thought that viral shedding from nares
accounts only for 3% of the cases.
Nonetheless, precisely
Bernardes LS, Oliveira RD, Peres MFP
Cluster headache due to intranasal herpes simplex: a case report
intranasal herpes epidemiology remains little known.
3. It may cause pain, and if occurring in the intranasal cavity,
it could mimic cluster headache.
4. An Italian study found high titers of antibody anti-herpes
simplex 1 and 2 viruses in cluster headache patients.
5. HSV can lead to trigeminal ganglion inammation, a
structure known to be involved in the pathophysiology of
cluster headache.
However, there are some arguments against the thought that
herpes is a common or a general cause for cluster headache,
such as:
1. Seasonal variation and circadian rhythmicity Cluster
headache bouts are seasonal, occurring principally in autumn
and spring and during the transitions from winter to spring.
However, herpes simplex seasonality is controversial most
authors consider it not seasonal but rather an endemic disease.
In addition, a Korean multicenter study showed that only half
of the patients with active cluster headache had circadian
rhythmicity in the current bout.
2. Epidemiology of cluster headache and herpes simplex
infection While herpes simplex infection is quite common
worldwide, cluster headache prevalence is estimated at
Hence, it is unlikely that herpes simplex is one of the
main causes of cluster headache bouts.
Herpes simplex might be involved in secondary or primary
cluster headache mechanisms, and further research is necessary
to help elucidate this relationship. A careful history regarding
previous herpes simplex infections should be considered, and
an intranasal examination should be included in the suspected
cases, as well as laboratory workup for herpes simplex.
Methods to diagnose HSV include viral culture, Tzanck smear,
serology, and polymerase chain reaction.
Leonardo de Sousa Bernardes
Renan Domingues Oliveira
Mário Fernando Prieto Peres
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