Headache Medicine 2021, 12(2) p-ISSN 2178-7468, e-ISSN 2763-6178
DOI: 10.48208/HeadacheMed.2021.23
Headache Medicine
© Copyright 2021
Higher frequency of medication overuse headache in patients
attended by neurologists in Lima, Peru
María Elena Novoa
, Carlos A. Bordini
Department of Neurovascular Diseases, National Institute of Neurological Sciences, Lima, Peru
Neurologic Unit, FACEF Medical School, Brazil
Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
The type of medical care received (self-medication and/or medical care provided by a
general practitioner or a neurologist) may be associated with differences in the frequency of
medication overuse headaches.
This cross-sectional analytical study included 222 records of patients with chronic daily hea-
daches seen at the National Institute of Neurological Sciences Outpatient Unit in Lima, Peru.
A pre-designed questionnaire was used to assess and categorize patients with frequent and
chronic headaches.
Ninety-four patients (42.34% of those with chronic daily headaches) met the criteria for
medication overuse headache. Of these, 19 (28%) self-medicated, 22 (36%) consulted with
the general practitioner, and the highest proportion of subjects, 53 (58%), consulted with a
neurologist. On bivariate analysis, subjects who had received care from a general practitio-
ner and self-medicated were 38% and 51% less likely to have MOH than the subjects who
received medical care from the neurologist (p=0.012; 95% CI 0.42-0.90 and p=0.001; 95%
CI 0.32-0.74). On multivariate analysis adjusting by sociodemographic and clinical factors,
the association remained signicant in regards to self-medication, but became marginal
(p=0.055) in regard to being seen by a general practitioner.
In this study, the frequency of the headache due to overuse of medication was higher in pa-
tients attending a neurologist than those attending a general practitioner or self-medicated.
This cross-sectional design cannot assess whether this reects more severe cases looking
for specialized care or more medication overuse headaches as a result of inappropriate
Address all correspondence to Ma-
ría E. Novoa. National Institute of
Neurological Sciences, Jr. Ancash
1271 Lima-Perú, e-mail: maria.no-
Edited by:
Marcelo Moraes Valença
Medication overuse headache
Chronic daily headaches
General practitioners
Headache Disorders
Received: May 6, 2021
Accepted: September 5, 2021
Novoa ME, Bordini CA
Higher frequency of medication overuse headache in patients attended by neurologists in Lima, Peru
eadache is a symptom associated with many medical
conditions (ICHD-3), and migraine and tension-type
headache (TTH) are the most prevalent types of headaches.
When migraine or TTH are categorized as episodic migraine
(EM) and episodic TTH (ETTH) if attacks occur less than
15 days a month. If attacks occur for 15 or more days per
month, they are dened as chronic daily headaches (CDH;
chronic migraine [CM] or chronic TTH [CTTH])
; making
up both groups CM and CTTH, the majority of patients
with chronic daily headaches CDH.
Medication overuse
headache (MOH) is a CDH, mostly underlying a pre-exist-
ing primary headache, and adding to this, the overuse of
symptomatic medication (10 to 15 days/month, depending
on the overused drug, equal to or greater than three months)
for acute episodes.
The prevalence of MOH is 1% to 2% in
the general population, predominantly in women in industri-
alized countries.
The global burden of disease lists MOH
as the 18
cause of disability. In addition to disability due
to migraine (6
cause of disability); together, they represent
the 3
leading cause of disability in the world.
Currently, the global campaign to reduce the burden of
headache (Lifting the Burden) is assessing known and
potential risk factors associated with MOH. Several
studies have determined associations with polymorphic
variants related to the susceptibility of conversion to
, psychopathological comorbidities
, within these,
post-traumatic stress events
, depression, anxiety and
, and other sociodemographic factors, such as
low education, place of residence, limited medical contact
and type of medical care received in the development of
Factors that, in addition to transforming EM
and ETTH into CM and CTTH
, induce patients to
seek different types of medical attention and to overuse
medication in an effort to obtain relief from their pain.
There is no clear evidence regarding the association of
MOH with the type of medical care received. A 2012
Swedish publication suggested that limited medical
care, due to reduced neurological care in rural areas,
leads to self-medication with over-the-counter medication,
increasing the likelihood of MOH development.
similar to the reality of developing countries such as
Peru, where specialists are concentrated in metropolitan
areas. This study evaluated whether there is a relationship
between MOH and the type of medical care received (self-
medication, general practitioner or neurologist) in new
patients who attended a neurological referral center.
Clinical interview - In this cross-sectional analytical study,
we selected all records with CDH from a previous study
that evaluated 419 new patients with headaches in the
outpatient clinic of the National Instituto Nacional de
Ciencias Neurológicas (INCN), Lima, Peru (a reference
tertiary center). In the previous study, the participants
were interviewed and examined by an INCN headache
specialist, after the application of a complete clinical and
demographic questionnaire.
Questionnaire - A questionnaire allowed the diagnosis of
episodic and chronic headaches according to ICHD-III-Beta
version-2013 criteria.
For the study, we included from the
primary study, data records with the diagnosis of DCH,
excluding records with missing data. The questions: (1) Do
you usually take any medication to relieve headaches?, (2)
How many times a month do you take any medication?,
and (3) How long have you been using the drug? allowed
to generate the diagnosis of MOH; while the questions
(1) Has a doctor ever treated your headache in your life?
and (2) What specialty did the treating physician have?
allowed to categorize the type of medical care received.
Ethical aspects - The primary study protocol and informed
consent form, as well as this secondary data analysis,
were approved by the research and ethics committee of
the INCN (N0523-2018-CIEI-INCN).
Data processing - Analysis was performed using Stata
14 StataCorp, (Texas, United States). Descriptive
statistics are provided with measures of central tendency,
frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations
as appropriate. We consider signicance at p<0.05
with two-tailed test. We compared proportions using chi-
square (X
) test, after analysis of assumptions, to test the
alternative hypothesis, that lack of neurological attention
is associated with MOH. Simple and adjusted regressions
were performed using generalized linear models (GLM),
binomial family to measure prevalence ratios (PR) due to
our cross-sectional design. Due to the non-convergence of
the binomial GLM model, a robust Poisson generalized
linear model (GLM) was also run.
From the primary study consisting of 419 participants
(April 2016) (Figure 1), we selected 222 data records with
Novoa ME, Bordini CA
Higher frequency of medication overuse headache in patients attended by neurologists in Lima, Peru
CDH, the total population of this cross-sectional study.
Figure 1. Flowchart for the screening of medication overuse headache
patients. CEFAPERU data.
Sociodemographic and clinical variables are described in
Table 1. The average age was 46 (±17 SD) years. They were
146 (66%) women and 76 (36%) men. As in other studies,
CDH is more prevalent in women; and more patients lived in
urban areas, 124 (56%). Migraines (n=122, 55%) were the
most frequent type of headache. The order of frequency of
drug use was: drugs not remembered, (n=83, 38%), NSAIDs
(n=58, 26%), paracetamol (39, 18%), other drugs (24, 11%)
and ergotamine (18, 0.8%). Regarding the type of medical
care received, neurological care was more frequent, occurring
in 92 cases (41%), followed by self-medication in 68 (31%),
and care by a general practitioner in 62 (28%) (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Levels of type of care received by patients with chronic daily
headache who developed medication overuse headache (MOH).
While all drug categories were overused; regression adjustment
demonstrated that ergotamine were associated with a higher
proportion of MOH. Using neurological care as a category of
reference in the simple regression, we demonstrated a 38%
lower probability of MOH in patients seen by the general
practitioner (p=0.012, 95% CI 0.42-0.90), and a 51%
lower probability of developing MOH with self-medication
(p=0.001, 95% CI 0.32-0.74). Whereas, multiple regression
adjusted for other sociodemographic and clinical variables,
made the strength of association with general practitioner care
marginal (30% less probability, p = 0.053, 95% CI 0.48-
1.00), maintaining signicant for self-medication (37% less
probability, p=0.030, 95% CI 0.42-0.96) (Table 1).
In this study, MOH was more frequent in patients seen by
neurologists, compared to subjects seen by the general
practitioner or self-medicated. In our view, the most plausible
explanation is that individuals with MOH sought specialized
care, although we cannot rule out that the higher frequency
of MOH resulted from inadequate neurological management.
Jonsson et al.
, in Sweden, reported that the high proportion
of MOH in their study was due to limited access to medical
care. However, in this series the frequency of MOH among
those who received medical attention was non-signicantly
higher with neurological care than with care performed by
other physicians. Longitudinal studies are required to conrm
this hypothesis.
Most studies report that migraine is the most common underlying
headache in MOH, followed by TTH.
Our data have
this trend, although there was no signicant difference. On
the other hand, although psychiatric comorbidities such as
anxiety, depression, and others, plus altered hormone levels
associated with mood swings in women over 40 years of
, could lead to CDH and MOH, we found no signicant
differences for MOH in this subgroup.
Shand et al.
reported that the overused drugs that led to the
development of MOH in Argentina and Chile were combined
ergotamine (70%) and NSAIDs (33.8%). Johnson et al.
however, showed a higher proportion of MOH (66%) with
overuse of psychotropic drugs. While Find et al.
, in a multicenter
study on MOH, reported that ergotamine was greatly overused
in Latin America (72% compared with 4% in Europe, p<0.001).
Our ndings support these data, MOH was 2.5 times more
frequent in patients with ergotamine overuse compared to those
who overused drugs that they did not remember (reference
category). In Peru, as in other Latin America countries ergotamine
is extremely cheap and available over the counter.
Our study has several limitations. Self-report could create
inaccuracies in the estimation of the exposure to the studied
factors, affecting the reliability. However, a study on the
validity of the self-report on MOH dependency severity
Novoa ME, Bordini CA
Higher frequency of medication overuse headache in patients attended by neurologists in Lima, Peru
Table 1. Analysis of the association between medication overuse headache and (MOH) sociodemographic and clinical characteristics.
Variables N (%)
Without MOH
(n = 128)
With MOH
(n = 94)
Simple model PR
(95% CI)
Adjusted model PR
(95% CI)
Male 76 (34.2) 46 (60.5%) 30 (39.5%) Ref. Ref.
Female 146 (65.8) 82 (56.2%) 64 (43.8%) 1.11 (0.79-1.55) 0.539 1.01(0.72-1.38) 0.955
Age 45.7±17.0 - - - - -
Categorized age (years)
18-40 87 (39.19) 51(58.6%) 36(41.4%) Ref. Ref.
41-60 86 (38.74) 48(55.8%) 38(44.2%) 1.11 (0.79-1.57) 0.554 1.21(0.87-1.68) 0.251
61-93 49 (22.07) 29(59.2%) 20(40.8%) 1.00 (0.66-1.53) 0.986 1.31(0.87-1.97) 0.204
Rural 98 (44.14) 61 (62.2%) 37 (37.8%) Ref. Ref.
Urban 124 (55.9) 67 (54.0%) 57 (46.1%) 1.22 (0.89-1.67) 0.226 1.16(0.86-1.57) 0.324
Types of Headache
Tension-type headache 49 (22.1) 30 (61.2%) 19 (38.8%) Ref. Ref.
Indeterminate headache 51 (22.6) 34 (66.7%) 17 (33.3%) 0.86 (0.51-1.45) 0.572 0.79 (0.48-1.31) 0.355
Migraine 122 (55.0) 64 (52.5%) 58 (47.5%) 1.23 (0.82-1.83) 0.317 1.15 (0.79-1.67) 0.459
Overused drugs
Forgotten drug 83 (37.4) 67 (80.7%) 16 (19.3%) Ref. Ref.
Paracetamol 39 (17.6) 23 (59.1%) 16 (41.0%) 2.13 (1.19-3.80) 0.011 2.21 (1.21-4.03) 0.010
Other drugs 24 (10.8) 11 (45.8%) 13 (54.2%) 2.81 (1.58-4.99) <0.001 2.78(1.54-5.00) 0.001
NSAIDs 58 (26.1) 21 (36.2%) 37 (63.8%) 3.31 (2.04-5.36) <0.001 3.08(1.88-5.04) <0.001
Ergotamine 18 (8.1) 6 (33.3%) 12 (66.7%) 3.46 (1.99-5.99) <0.001 2.76(1.58-4.84) <0.001
Type medical care received
Neurologist 92 (41.4) 39 (42.4%) 53 (57.6%) Ref. Ref.
General practitioner 62 (27.9) 40 (64.5%) 22 (35.5%) 0.62 (0.42-0.90) 0.012 0.70 (0.48-1.00) 0.053
Self-medication 68 (30.6) 49 (72.1%) 19 (27.9%) 0.49 (0.32-0.74) 0.001 0.63 (0.42-0.96) 0.030
scales suggests that a self-reported version provides valuable
information as a screening tool after a headache consultation.
There are studies that provide greater security in this context,
reporting concordance between what is reported by patients
and medical prescription and diagnosis records, using
telephone lines or online platforms for interviews. The cross-
sectional design of this study limits the estimation of causality,
as well as the fact that this study was carried out in a tertiary
referral center, where the most serious cases arrive, limiting the
representativeness of MOH in the population.
We determined that subjects who arrived at this third-level
center, with a higher proportion of MOH, had already been
seen by neurologists. These results could reect that headaches
as severe as MOH, came in search of more specialized care
than they received and are the result of improper prior, non-
specialized management. However, we cannot prove this
from our data; longitudinal studies are required to clarify this
and complement our ndings. However, the high frequency
of occurrence of MOH attended by neurologists, should lead
to awareness regarding its diagnosis and management, as
well as the prompt and adequate training of specialists in its
diagnosis and management.
Conflict of interest: None
Author Contributions: MEN, Study conception and design,
Data acquisition and interpretation, Revised the manuscript
and nal approval; CAB, Critically revised the manuscript and
nal approval.
María Elena Novoa
Carlos A. Bordini
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