Headache Medicine 2021, 12(2) p-ISSN 2178-7468, e-ISSN 2763-6178
DOI: 10.48208/HeadacheMed.2021.20
Headache Medicine
© Copyright 2021
Most prevalent symptoms associated with headache in COVID-19
patients in the acute phase: a systematic review
Vitória Rodrigues Salomão
, Anna Júlia Romão Baccarin
, Thaís Yayoi Okido
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Campus Londrina (PUC-PR), Londrina, Brazil.
Considering the frequency of headache among the neurological symptoms of COVID-19,
there is a need to understand other manifestations associated with this complaint.
To review the literature regarding the most prevalent symptoms associated with headache in
patients diagnosed with COVID-19.
A systematic literature review was carried out on studies that evaluated published articles
about clinical characteristics and headache associated symptoms in patients diagnosed with
Among the 1,190 patients in the analyzed studies, the following signs and symptoms were
associated with headache: fever, hyposmia, anosmia, ageusia, phonophobia, dehydration,
prostration and symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract.
Headache was the main neurological symptom of COVID-19, among the main associated
symptoms are fever, hyposmia or anosmia, ageusia and phonophobia.
Vitória Rodrigues Salomão
Rua Anu Branco, 366,
Jardim Portal das Flores, CEP:
86701-530Arapongas, PR, Brasil
Edited by:
Marcelo Moraes Valença
Nervous system diseases
Received: September 1
, 2021
Accepted: September 29, 2021
Salomão VR, Baccarin AJR, Okido TY
Most prevalent symptoms associated with headache in COVID-19 patients in the acute phase: a systematic review
n December 2019, in Wuhan, Hubei province, China,
a new disease caused by the coronavirus was identi-
ed, named COVID-19, referring to “Coronavirus disease
2019”. With its high transmissibility, the WHO announced
COVID-19 as a pandemic in March 2020. The virus respon-
sible for severe acute respiratory syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
has a single RNA envelope and strand structure and belongs
to the ß-Coronaviruse Family.
The highly contagious disease has the horseshoe bat
) as its reservoir and the transmission is
through droplets that contain viral load, mainly airway
secretions such as coughing, sneezing and saliva, and/
or contaminated surfaces and subsequent contact with
mucous membranes.
According to Pan American Health Organization,
107,423,526 cases of COVID-19 and 2,360,280 deaths
have been conrmed worldwide up to February 12, 2021.
In Brazil, there were 10,195,160 conrmed cases and
555,460 deaths registered.
Among the most prevalent symptoms of COVID-19 are
fever, fatigue and dry cough. However, the patient may
be asymptomatic or even present myalgia, dyspnea,
rhinorrhea, headache, pharyngitis, diarrhea, hyporexia,
hyposmia, ageusia, among other symptoms that progress
As it is a complex pathogen, it can lead to complications
such as kidney or heart damage, secondary infections and
even shock. In addition, mortality rates are directly related
to age group, especially elderly people over 80 years
old, and the presence of comorbidities such as chronic
respiratory diseases, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
Although respiratory symptoms are the most commonly
associated with COVID-19, headache represents the
highest prevalence among neurological manifestations
related to the infection, which may or may not be associated
with the presence of fever
, often occurring in association
with other symptoms such as anosmia, diarrhea, among
Headache presents in approximately 11% to 34%
of hospitalized patients due to COVID-19 and is reported
by approximately 6% to 10% of symptomatic patients who
did not require hospitalization during the period of disease
Regarding the characteristics of headache resulting from
COVID-19, it is believed that it can have a rapid or
insidious onset, being generally unresponsive to simple
analgesics. In addition, it presents as a pulsatile pain, of
moderate intensity, bilateral and in the temporoparietal,
frontal or periorbital region.
However, as the clinical picture of the disease is varied,
headache can occur as an isolated symptom of COVID-19
and, being a common occurrence in everyday life, it ends
up being ignored by some patients, but in most cases, it
occurs in association with other symptoms.
Among them
are hyposmia/anosmia and with hypogeusia/ageusia,
and patients who reported olfactory and/or taste symptoms
had a higher frequency of headache than patients without
these symptoms.
Another study carried out in Zhejiang Province, China,
showed that patients with nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
experienced headache more frequently than patients
without gastrointestinal symptoms.
In addition, headache is also related to a better prognosis
for patients, as it has been shown that there is a decrease
in the duration of the disease in these individuals, in
addition to the serum levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6), a pro-
inammatory cytokine. smaller and more stable during
Therefore, due to the variety of possible symptoms of this
disease and the impact of headache on these patients,
this study will carry out a systematic review with the aim
of evaluating the clinical characteristics and symptoms
associated with headache in the acute phase of infection
by COVID-19.
A systematic literature review was performed based on
the identication of published articles on the clinical
characteristics and symptoms associated with headache
in patients diagnosed with acute infection by COVID-19.
The search for the materials was carried out from February
to August 2021, through a systematic review using the
databases PubMed, Biomed Central, Biblioteca Virtual em
Saúde (BVS), LILACS e Cochrane.
The keywords used in the search for the articles were
“COVID-19” AND “headache”. The selected publications
were read in full, and systematized based on their main
Salomão VR, Baccarin AJR, Okido TY
Most prevalent symptoms associated with headache in COVID-19 patients in the acute phase: a systematic review
Were included articles reporting the presentation of
headache and the acute symptoms associated with it in
patients diagnosed with COVID-19 during the period
from December 2019 to August 2021. Articles reporting
changes in headache patterns in post-infection patients by
coronavirus, or articles that reported only epidemiological
characteristics or therapeutic approach, as well as articles
that were published before December 2019 or case series
with less than 10 patients were exclude.
Thus, 14 articles were analyzed, of which 7 were selected
and briey described in Table 1. A tabulation of the data
found was formulated. Thus, the items were described: title,
authors; year; description of the sample and synthesis of
the results. From this, a descriptive and qualitative analysis
of the bibliographic sample was performed, following the
critical discussion of the content
Data and results are in table 1
After the appearance of several cases of atypical pneumonia
in China at the end of 2019, and from clinical and laboratory
investigations, it was discovered that the viral etiology of
the new disease called COVID-19 would be due to acute
respiratory coronavirus syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is
responsible for the current pandemic.
The pathology in question has a high potential for contagion
through mucous secretions and contaminated fomites, presents
with a wide range of clinical manifestations, which may involve
not only the respiratory system, but also the gastrointestinal,
hepatic and neurological systems.
Considering the frequency of headache as a symptom
reported in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2, there was a
need to understand other manifestations associated with this
complaint. Thus, the studies shown in Table 1 corroborate the
association of these symptoms.
The cross-sectional study of Madgy et al.
showed that
headache in the studied patients was characterized by diffuse
pressure pain (52.9%), with moderate intensity and frequency
of 7 days a week. It also suggested that the frequency of
this symptom was related to a previous history of headache,
severity of the infection (mild or moderate), dehydration and
comorbidity, with relevant statistical signicance (p<0.05). In
the female sex, the presence of fever and dehydration were
associated with predictors of pain intensity.
The cross-sectional study by Membrilla et al.
that among patients seen in the emergency room, with a
conrmed diagnosis of COVID-19 and who complained
of headache, 38.9% also had anosmia. Headache was
characterized as moderate intensity, bilateral, frontal or
holocranial. Also in this study, fever was identied as a
predictor in 39.4% of those patients who had headache and
a propensity for prostration, photophobia and phonophobia.
Other factors that showed statistical signicance (p<0.05)
associated with the presence of headache were a history of
migraine, odynophagia, myalgia, anosmia and comorbidities
such as systemic arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia and liver
The case study by Toptan et al.
had thirteen participants,
who had headache as the main complaint and who were
later diagnosed with COVID-19. The headache was mostly
described as holocranial with focus on the frontal and lateral
areas bilaterally, throbbing/pulsating and/or with moderate
to severe pressure sensation, more frequently associated with
photophobia and/or phonophobia in nine of the patients,
two of them had anosmia associated. Headache was also
accompanied by gastrointestinal tract symptoms in ve
participants. And only one had osmophobia associated with
the disease.
The cross-sectional study by Rocha-Filho and Magalhães
showed that 64.4% of the participants had headache, the
most common presentation being bilateral (94%), with severe
intensity (53%). Patients with previous migraine had a migraine
Salomão VR, Baccarin AJR, Okido TY
Most prevalent symptoms associated with headache in COVID-19 patients in the acute phase: a systematic review
phenotype more often (p<0.05). Headache was associated
with ageusia in 39.7% and with anosmia in 38.4% of cases.
Patients with hyposmia/anosmia and/or hypoageusia/
ageusia were approximately ve times more likely to have
headache than those who did not present these symptoms
(p=0.024). And when comparing the group with headache
with anosmia and ageusia and the group with headache
without these symptoms, it was shown that the association with
phonophobia was greater in the group with anosmia and
ageusia (p< 0.05).
The prospective study by Caronna et al.
described a
comparative analysis between the group of patients who
experienced headache during the infecction and those who did
not. Of the total group, 74.6% had headache, in comparison
these patients had more anosmia/ageusia (p<0.0001), had
a lower clinical course of disease (p =0.028), as well as had
lower levels of interleukin-6 in the emergency room (p=0.036)
and were more stable during hospitalization.
A multicenter retrospective study, carried out in the hospitals:
Hospital Universitário Walter Cantído (HUWC), General
Hospital of Fortaleza (HGF), and Hospital São José for
Infectious Diseases (HSJ), with 108 patients diagnosed with
COVID-19, reports that 27.7% of these patients presented
headache, therefore it was the second most prevalent
neurological symptom. 58.3% of these patients had
symptoms associated with headache, including anosmia
(33%), irritability (16.6%), nausea, vertigo, allodynia and
concentration changes (8.3%) and vomiting, photophobia
and adynamia (4.1%). There was also an association with
a greater presence of fever in these patients (p=0.0028). The
majority (70.8%) reported worsening of the headache with
physical activity or coughing.
The retrospective cohort study carried out in Spain with
576 patients, showed that headache was more frequently
associated with anosmia, arthralgia, cough, dizziness and
Regarding the presence of this set of symptoms,
they found a lower probability of death due to premature
search for the emergency room compared to those patients
without headache.
Table 1. Description of studies with characteristics and symptoms associated with headache in patients in the acute phase of infection by COVID-19.
Authors Local Study period Sample size Results
Magdy et al.
Cairo e Beni-Suef
April to
June of
52.9% had diffuse headache, with frequency and intensity
predictors of fever (69.8%), dehydration (64.5%) and
presence of comorbidities (19.8%).
March to
April of
68.3% of the patients reported headache. Among these, a
propensity to prostration (41.4%), photophobia (29.3%) and
phonophobia (27.3%) were identied. In addition, of 45
conrmed patients, 28 had anosmia. Fever was identied as a
precursor to headache in 39.4% of patients.
Caronna et al.
Barcelona (Hospital
Vall d’Hebro)
March to
April of
74.6% had headache, and this group with headache suffered
more anosmia/ageusia (54.6% vs 18.2%) when compared
to the group without headache. And the headache group
still had a shorter presentation of the disease (23.9±11.6 vs.
31.2±12.0 days).
Rocha-Filho and
Pernambuco (Hospital
Universitário Oswaldo
May to June
of 2020
47 of these (64.4%) had headache, which was associated
with anosmia in 28 patients (38.4%) and with ageusia in 29
patients (39.7%). Individuals with hyposmia/anosmia and/
or hypoageusia/ageusia had more headache than those
without these symptoms (OR: 5.39; 95%CI: 1.66–17.45
logistic regression). Headache accompanied by photophobia
was more prevalent in patients with anosmia and ageusia
(p < 0.05)
Toptan et al.
Hospital Universitário
de Gazi, Ankara,
April to
May of
The most frequent associated symptoms were photophobia
and/or phonophobia.
Headache was associated with gastrointestinal tract symptoms
(diarrhea, loss of appetite, or weight loss) in ve patients, and
patients had anosmia associated with phonophobia and/or
Anjos de Paula
Hospital Universitário
Walter Cantído
(HUWC), Hospital
Geral de Fortaleza
(HGF), e Hospital
São José de Doenças
Infecciosas (HSJ)
May to July
of 2020
27.7% had headache, and most suffered from associated
symptoms (58.3%) including anosmia (33%), irritability
(16.6%), nausea, dizziness, allodynia and changes in
concentration (8.3%) and vomiting, photophobia and
adynamia (4.1%).
Trigo et al.
Valladolid, Espanha
March to
April of
Main associated symptoms were anosmia (46.7%), arthralgia
(131%), cough (82.5%), dizziness (13.9%), myalgia (40.1%),
asthenia (51.1%), chest pain (24.1%) and fever (88.3%).
Salomão VR, Baccarin AJR, Okido TY
Most prevalent symptoms associated with headache in COVID-19 patients in the acute phase: a systematic review
The main limitation found in this study was the heterogeneity of
the studies and the low methodological quality of the studies
published so far, also in part, because it is a recently discovered
disease and there are still unknowns about COVID-19.
The systematic review carried out demonstrates that the
headache manifested in COVID-19 is, in most cases,
holocranial, with a moderate to severe pain intensity.
Furthermore, it is suggestive that it is associated with signs and
symptoms such as fever, hyposmia or anosmia, ageusia and
phonophobia. In addition, some conditions are predictors of
more intense headache attacks, such as a previous diagnosis of
migraine, the intensity of the coronavirus infection, dehydration
and the presence of comorbidities.
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no conict of interest.
Author contribution: The authors contributed equally to the
Vitória Rodrigues Salomão
Anna Júlia Romão Baccarin
Thaís Yayoi Okido
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