Headache Medicine 2021, 12(1) p-ISSN 2178-7468, e-ISSN 2763-6178
DOI: 10.48208/HeadacheMed.2021.11
Headache Medicine
© Copyright 2021
Case Report
Hydrocephaly and secondary intracranial hypertension to racemosa
Patrick Giordanni Gomes Sampaio Hiago Diniz Maracajá Túlio Carneiro Monteiro Temoteo Sara
Raquel Nóbrega Figueiredo Francielle Lopes de Araújo Batista
Unifacisa, Medicina, Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil
Case report
G.F.M, 71 years old, male, farmer, presented a history of holocranial headache of a pulsatile type,
more intense on waking, and associated with photophobia. The complaint lasted six months. He also
reported episodes of tinnitus and unilateral hearing loss on the left. After conducting screening tests in
the emergency department, communicating hydrocephalus and cystic lesions were found in the subara-
chnoid and intraparenchymal space. In the neurological examination, the positive data were bilateral
papilledema and hearing loss in the left boné conduction. Given these ndings, the racemous variant
of neurocysticercosis and secondary hydrocephalus was suspected, causing intracranial hypertension.
Thus, it was decided to start specic treatment with albendazole 15 mg/kg/day (two daily doses), as-
sociated with praziquantel 50 mg/kg/day (three daily doses), for 14 days. To reduce the inammatory
process of the lesions, it was proposed to keep the patient on dexamethasone 8 mg/day for 90 days. In
addition to this scheme, topiramate 100 mg/day associated with acetazolamide 1 g/day was started,
along with serial lumbar puncture to relieve intracranial pressure.
The combination of modern diagnostic tests, use of antiparasitic drugs, optimization of anti-inamma-
tory treatments and minimally invasive neurosurgical procedures have improved results in patients
with NCC. Even so, this is the helminth infection that most affects the CNS and represents a major
public health problem in most parts of the world, since it remains a neglected pathology, like so many
other parasites, given that it is susceptible to containment through simple preventive actions as well as
Hiago Diniz Maracajá
Edited by:
Marcelo Moraes Valença
Intracranial Hypertension
Received: June 6, 2021
Accepted: June 30, 2021
Sampaio PGG, Maracajá HD, Temoteo TC, Figueiredo SRN, Batista FLA
Hydrocephaly and secondary intracranial hypertension to racemosa neurocysticercosis
ysticercosis is an infection caused by the larvae of Tae-
nia solium, which is an intestinal parasite of animals
- like a pig - and has a secondary life cycle in humans. This
is the parasitic infection that mostly affects the brain, at
the time being called neurocysticercosis (NCC), and may
inltrate intra or extraparenchymal areas.
NCC is highly endemic in most low-income countries, in-
cluding areas such as Latin America, African Sahara, and
parts of Asia
, being considered an emerging condition in
developed countries in Europe, as well as in the USA and
Canada, due to the migratory movements. It is estimated
that between 1320 and 5050 new cases of NCC occur
per year in the USA.
In Latin America and the Caribbean,
an estimated 75 million people are at risk of infection. In
Brazil, the Southeast, South, and Midwest regions are con-
sidered endemic. A study presented in 2003 showed that
the frequency of NCC cases ranged from 0.12% to 9% in
autopsies and from 0.03% to 13.4% in clinical studies. The
lethality rate ranged from 4.8-25.9%, and asymptomatic
forms were detected in 48-55% of cases with a diagnosis
conrmed by autopsy.
Racemic neurocysticercosis is a variant of the subarachnoid
form of NCC. It is extremely rare and clinically more ag-
gressive than the intraparenchymal form, characterized by
the appearance of an image in the form of a grape cluster,
the result of an aberrant proliferation of the cysticercar
membrane with simultaneous degeneration of the scolex.
Clinical manifestations include hydrocephalus, mass effect,
chronic meningitis, seizure, stroke, reversible dementia, and
cranial neuropathy. This variant accounts for 10% of cases.
The diagnosis is established based on the clinical presenta-
tion and neuroimaging exams - computed tomography and
magnetic resonance.
Case report
G.F.M, 71 years old, male, farmer, presented a history of
holocranial headache of a pulsatile type, more intense on
waking, and associated with photophobia. The complaint
lasted six months. He also reported episodes of tinnitus
and unilateral hearing loss on the left. The case progres-
sively evolved to the point that the patient complained
of changes in visual acuity. After this new symptom, the
patient developed a generalized tonic-clonic seizure and
was then referred for hospital evaluation at a neurological
referral service.
After conducting screening tests in the emergency depart-
ment, communicating hydrocephalus and cystic lesions
were found in the subarachnoid and intraparenchymal
space. Laboratory tests showed no signicant changes.
In the neurological examination, the positive data were
bilateral papilledema and hearing loss in the left bone
conduction. Given these ndings, the racemous variant
of neurocysticercosis and secondary hydrocephalus was
suspected, causing intracranial hypertension. As there
were no signs of contraindication to lumbar puncture, this
test was carried out, which presented an opening pressure
of 38 cmH20, conrming the presence of ICH, cellularity
102 mm3, proteinorchia of 158 mg/dL, hypoglycorrhea
of 42 mg/dL, and test from chemiluminescence to positive
Thus, it was decided to start specic treatment with alben-
dazole 15 mg/kg/day (two daily doses), associated with
praziquantel 50 mg/kg/day (three daily doses), for 14
days. To reduce the inammatory process of the lesions,
it was proposed to keep the patient on dexamethasone 8
mg/day for 90 days. In addition to this scheme, topiramate
100 mg/day associated with acetazolamide 1 g/day
was started, along with serial lumbar puncture to relieve
intracranial pressure.
The patient evolved with a satisfactory improvement of
headache and low visual acuity and maintained the con-
dition of hearing loss even after the treatment performed.
Some factors predispose to contagion, among them the
underdevelopment and prevalence of the rural region
with the absence of basic sanitary measures.
cysticercosis is classied into extra and intraparenchymal
forms. In the intraparenchymal form, seizures are almost
pathognomonic for this condition.
And in general, in up
to 70% of patients, they represent the rst manifestation of
the disease and occur, mostly, due to the degeneration of
the parasite or the release of antigens from the calcied
Thus, it is justiable that the main stages of
cysticerci found by neuroimaging are the nal stages, the
granular stage, and the calcied stage.
In many cases,
there are recurrences of seizures, directly related to residual
calcications and, mainly, with hippocampal sclerosis.
The extraparenchymal form includes the presence of cysts
in the subarachnoid, intraventricular space, spinal cord, or
Sampaio PGG, Maracajá HD, Temoteo TC, Figueiredo SRN, Batista FLA
Hydrocephaly and secondary intracranial hypertension to racemosa neurocysticercosis
intraocular space. In subarachnoid involvement, cysticerci
may be present in the cortical grooves. However, if these
cysts are located in the basal cisterns, they have a great
chance of having the appearance of a “grape bunch”,
characterizing the racemic variant, whose main clinical
manifestation - ICH - is caused by the “mass effect” of the
cysts, obstructing CSF ow
and causing non-obstructive
hydrocephalus, with nocturnal worsening and morning
improvement, justied by the orthostatic position, which
favors the drainage of cerebrospinal uid (CSF).
According to the criteria of Del Brutto, it is possible to close
a diagnosis through a biopsy of the lesion with histopatho-
logical study, the visualization of subretinal parasites by fun-
doscopy or the visualization of the cystic of the cysticercus in
the neuroimaging. In the absence of these absolute criteria,
it is possible to associate the image with epidemiological,
clinical, and/or serological criteria. It is important to note
that the ELISA is not the most suitable immunological test,
due to the inconsistency in sensitivity and specicity, since
intraparenchymal lesions are usually not enough to cause
changes in the serology of the CSF sample.
NCC presents a wide variety of possible differential diag-
noses concerning its neuroimaging, the main ones being:
benign and malignant tumors. Simulating the intraparen-
chymal form, it is necessary to remember, especially in the
presence of single lesions, of brain tuberculomas, which,
in addition to sharing endemic zones with the NCC, also
present the “hole-in-dot” sign, previously considered to be
pathognomonic of the NCC. Regarding the extraparen-
chymal form, cystic hemangioblastomas and colloid cysts
should be excluded, which can also obstruct the CSF ow,
mimicking ICH and headache present in some cases of
About communicating hydrocephalus is initially indicated
to perform ventricular shunt due to ICH, and then to carry
out conservative drug treatment.
However, given the risk of
bleeding during the procedure, socioeconomic conditions,
and the not so exacerbated clinic, conservative treatment
may be the rst option. In the case in question, an assess-
ment was requested from the neurosurgery team, which
chose not to proceed with a peritoneal shunt, against what
the literature recommends.
It is worth mentioning that the proposed treatment for the
racemous form is not the typical treatment performed for
NCC with single and mild lesions, in which only one an-
tiparasitic can be prescribed, lasting an average of 10 to
14 days depending on the radiological resolution of the
cyst. Generally, the treatment of racemosa is carried out by
combining albendazole, 15 mg/kg/day, maximum dose
of 1200 mg, divided into two doses, with praziquantel,
50 mg/kg/day divided into 3 doses, until radiological
resolution of the condition, associated with the use of cor-
ticosteroids or methotrexate, as an alternative to prolonged
treatment.7 This, in turn, requires monitoring of the patient's
biochemical parameters, due to the potential hepatotoxic
and leukopenic effects of this treatment.
Corticosteroids (Prednisone 1 mg / day or dexamethasone
0.1 mg/day) are used before antiparasitic therapy has
been prescribed to reduce inammation/edema of brain
tissue caused mainly by cyst degeneration, resulting from
antiparasitic treatment.
In patients with subarachnoid
cysts, mainly in the racemous form, as well as in those with
multiple intraparenchymal, ventricular and medullary cysts,
the administration of corticosteroids before and during an-
tiparasitic therapy is mandatory, since, in addition to being
necessarily longer, the inammatory reaction caused by
the destruction of the cyst can be exacerbated to the point
of occluding vessels, causing cerebral infarctions, as well
as massive cerebral edema.
When there is calcication of cysticerci, antiparasitic ther-
apy is no longer necessary, as the cysts are no longer
viable. Also, the prescription of corticosteroids is not indi-
cated even in the presence of perilesional edema, to avoid
rebound effect at the end of this treatment.
From the report presented and the association between
the radiological images and the presented clinical picture,
the diagnosis of the racemic variant of neurocysticercosis
was reached.
This is the helminth infection that most affects the CNS and
represents a major public health problem in most parts
of the world, since it remains a neglected pathology, like
so many other parasites, given that it is susceptible to
containment through simple preventive actions, as well
as eradication. This, in turn, depends on individualized
clinical treatment, with increased time for subarachnoid
cysts (mainly in the racemous variant), use of corticosteroids
before and concomitant with the use of antiparasitic drugs
in most cases, and use of anticonvulsants when necessary.
For this, a diagnosis based on neuroimaging is essential
but supplemented by the individual's epidemiology, clinic,
and even serology.
Sampaio PGG, Maracajá HD, Temoteo TC, Figueiredo SRN, Batista FLA
Hydrocephaly and secondary intracranial hypertension to racemosa neurocysticercosis
Financing source: No
Conflict of interests: No
Authors' contribution: PGGS - Data Collection, Preparation and
Writing of the Original; HDM and FLAB Methodology, Prepa-
ration and Writing of the Original; TCMT and SRNF- Writing of
the Original
Patrick Giordanni Gomes Sampaio
Hiago Diniz Maracajá
Túlio Carneiro Monteiro Temoteo
Sara Raquel Nóbrega Figueiredo
Francielle Lopes de Araújo Batista
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