Cvetkovic VV, Icco RD, Do TP, Pellesi L, Ashina M, Hansen JM
Greater occipital nerve block with local anesthetics and corticosteroids in treatment-resistant chronic migraine
affected by several methodological limitations, including
pooling together different study designs. In our study, the
population was comprised of patients with CM with at least two
previous unsuccessful pharmacological preventive treatments,
who are typically excluded in randomized clinical trials. The
current ndings are consistent with trials with comparable
study designs. Two studies reported no difference between
patients who received local anesthetics plus triamcinolone
compared to patients who received only anesthetics.
one study found no diversity between GONb performed with
bupivacaine plus methylprednisolone or lidocaine alone.
Strengths and Limitations
The strength of this study includes the enrollment of a deeply
characterized cohort of patients with difcult-to-treat CM and
use of clinical outcomes as recommended by the International
Headache Society.
Furthermore, the cross-over design
reduced variability, as patients represented their own controls.
The use of blinding check revealed no masking issues during
the double-blind treatment phase. The major limitation was
the low number of recruited patients, which was lower than
expected. The primary reason was that ongoing competitive
clinical trials with the new anti-CGRP monoclonal antibodies
were offered to the same patient population. At the same time,
the recorded effect size for the primary outcome (GONb vs.
placebo: 1.5 days, 95% CI between -0.6 and 3.7 days),
was far from the clinically meaningful difference we assumed
for the sample size calculation. The small sample may have
limited statistical detection of signicant changes in endpoints,
but we emphasize that no clinical benet in individual patients
was observed. This is also reinforced by the low grade of
satisfaction expressed by patients after both GONb and
placebo. Regardless, our results should be interpreted with
This study expands data about the effective use of greater
occipital nerve block in the prevention of CM. Greater occipital
nerve block with lidocaine and betamethasone has no benet
in patients with CM, with a history of two or more previous
unsuccessful pharmacological preventive treatments.
Conflicts of Interest: VVC, RDI, TPD and LP declare no
competing interests. JMH reports personal fees from Eli Lilly,
Novartis and Teva. MA reports personal fees from Alder,
Allergan, Amgen, Eli Lilly, Lundbeck, Novartis and Teva. MA
participated in clinical trials as the principal investigator for
Alder, Amgen, ElectroCore, Eli Lilly, Novartis and Teva trials.
MA reports receiving consulting fees and advisory boards fees
from Alder, Allergan, Amgen, Eli Lilly, Lundbeck, Novartis, and
Teva, fees for serving as a principal investigator, paid to his
institution, from Alder, Allergan, Amgen, Electro-Core, Eli Lilly,
Lundbeck, Novartis, and Teva, and grant support, paid to
his institution, from Novo Nordisk Foundation, Novartis, and
Lundbeck Foundation.
Author Contributions: VVC: contributed to study conception
and design; contributed to data acquisition and interpretation;
critically revised the manuscript before nal approval.
RDI: performed statistical analysis; contributed to data
interpretation; contributed to rst draft of the manuscript;
critically revised the manuscript before nal approval.
TPD: contributed to data acquisition and interpretation;
contributed to rst draft of the manuscript; critically revised the
manuscript before nal approval.
LP: contributed to data interpretation; contributed to rst draft
of the manuscript; critically revised the manuscript before nal
MA: contributed to study conception and design; contributed
to data interpretation; critically revised the manuscript before
nal approval.
JMH: contributed to study conception and design; contributed
to data acquisition and interpretation; critically revised the
manuscript before nal approval.
All authors read and approved the nal manuscript.
Vlasta Vukovic Cvetkovic
Roberto De Icco
Thien Phu Do
Lanfranco Pellesi
Messoud Ashina
Jakob Møller Hansen
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