Headache Medicine 2021, 12(1) p-ISSN 2178-7468, e-ISSN 2763-6178
DOI: 10.48208/HeadacheMed.2021.8
Headache Medicine
© Copyright 2021
Headache diagnosis in an urgency and emergency unit: Public Health
Relevance and its relationship with cost
Lígia Barros de Oliveira
Jessica Guimarães
Danilo Jorge da Silva
Mauro Eduardo Jurno
Hospital Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais – FHEMIG, Barbacena, Brazil
University Hospital, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
Barbacena School of Medicine, Barbacena, Brazil
Headache is a common symptom that affects a signicant portion of the general population. It constitutes
a challenge for diagnosis in urgency and emergency care services, due to headaches clinical variability
and diverse possible etiologies, besides the limited time and resources of these facilities. Because of this
insufciency and the potential severity associated with the condition, headaches generate considerable
expenditures to health systems, related to both diagnostic discrimination and treatment.
Evaluating the diagnostic resources used on headache patients care, as well as its Public Health Rele-
vance and relation to cost in an Emergency and Urgency Care unit.
Cross-section study analyzing 450 medical records of patients with headache complaints in the time
frame from January 1, 2019, and December 31, 2019. Patients were categorized according to the
type of headache (primary and secondary), specialized evaluation, complementary exams used in the
diagnosis, hospital observation time, and the nal expenditure in each patients care.
The total estimated expenditures related to headache care equaled US$90,855.60 (average US$201.90
per patient). 38.9% of cases corresponded to primary headaches and 31.1% to secondary headaches.
30% of cases could not be classied. The resources utilized for secondary headaches diagnosis differed
signicantly from those used in primary headache diagnosis. However, the nal expenditures were
similar to both groups.
The socio-economic impact caused by headaches is unquestionable. It is a highly frequent symptom and
both its etiological distinction and adequate treatment require solid evaluation. Due to the resources spent
in its evaluation and monitoring, headaches can be considered a public health problem. Therefore, this
study suggests that resources should be allocated in the health education and professional training for
the proper conduction of these patients, so that they may benet from an optimized treatment of their
condition without overwhelming the health system.
Lígia Barros de Oliveira, R João
Pinheiro, 923, ap 502, 36201-
128, Barbacena-MG, Brazil.
Edited by:
Marcelo Moraes Valença
Health Expenditures
Emergency Medical Services
Public Health
Received: July 7, 2021
Accepted: August 22, 2021
Oliveira LB, Guimarães J, Silva DJ, Jurno ME
Headache diagnosis in an urgency and emergency unit: Public Health Relevance and its relationship with cost
eadache is a universally occurring symptom that affects a
signicant portion of the general population. In Brazil, the
estimated annual headache prevalence is 61.6% among men
and 77.8% among women.
It is also a frequent occurrence in
Emergency Care Units, prompting a high number of consultations.
In Urgency and Emergency Care Units, non-traumatic headache
complaints represent from 0.5% to 2.8% of medical care. Despite
the apparent low frequency, headaches pose a considerable
challenge to these facilities, due both to the high variability of
their clinical presentation and the wide range of possible diagno-
ses, which range from benign conditions to high morbimortality
causes, and the time and resources available for proper patient
A Canadian study conducted in the emergency department of a
tertiary hospital showed that in 37.5% of neurological cases, a
consensus was not reached between the initial emergency care
diagnosis and the eventual nal diagnosis given by a neurologist.
Among these neurological conditions, primary headaches present-
ed one of the highest dissent rates.
A systematic review carried out
in 2014 concluded that only 56% of migraine patients, a prevalent
type of primary headache, received the correct diagnosis when
they sought urgency and emergency services.
The principal function of an emergency physician when assessing
a patient with headache complaints is to identify life-threatening
causes and promptly treating them. Moreover, the physician should
provide safe and efcacious treatment for the pain.
In order to do
so, it is recommended to differentiate primary headaches (recurrent
headache crises are the main symptom) from secondary head-
aches (the headache is a symptom of an underlying systemic or
neurological disease).
The etiological denition of the secondary
headache generally requires a complementary test, which is not
the case for primary headaches.
In this scenario, it is expected
that patients presenting secondary headache clinical features
represent a higher expenditure of human and material resources
for the health system.
However, primary headaches generate high costs to the health
system. They are also one of the main causes of incapacity in
the world. The Brazilian public health system estimated annual
expenditures with migraine care equaled US$ 140 million.
evaluated indirect costs related to migraine-related absenteeism
and presenteeism equaled US$18.6 billion per year.
The Italian National Health System’s (NHS) average annual cost re-
lated to the handling of patients diagnosed with episodic migraine
or chronic migraine at a tertiary referral center for headache, in
terms of hospitalizations equaled €28 per patient.
This paper aimed at evaluating the diagnosis, the utilized resourc-
es, its Public Health Relevance and the associated costs in the
care of patients with headache complaints in the Emergency and
Urgency Unit of the Dr. José Américo Barbacena City Regional
Hospital, which belongs to the FHEMIG network.
A transversal retrospective cohort study was conducted through the
analysis of the medical records of patients treated with headache
complaints who were admitted to the emergency department of
the Regional Hospital of Barbacena, Minas Gerais, from January
1, 2019, to December 31, 2019.
Patients Selection
The study included all consultations conducted in the Emergency
and Urgency Unit of Barbacena City’s Dr. José Américo Regional
Hospital with an initial headache diagnosis whose registration in
the electronic records included the following International Classi-
cation of Diseases (ICD-10).
R51: Headache
G43: Migraine
G43.0: Migraine without aura (common migraine)
G43.1: Migraine with aura (classic migraine)
G43.3: Complicated Migraine
G43.8: Other migraine
G43.9: Migraine, unspecied
G44: Other headache syndromes
G44.0: Cluster headaches
G44.1: Vascular headache, not elsewhere classied
G44.2: Tension-type headache
G44.3: Chronic post-traumatic headache
G44.4: Drug-induced headache, not elsewhere classied
G44.8: Other specied headache syndromes
The study’s exclusion criteria were: patients under 18 years of
age and consultations in which headache was not part of the
patient's initial complaints.
Evaluated Variables
The selected patients were evaluated according to the following:
age; sex; initial headache diagnosis according to the ICD-10;
specialized evaluation (neurologist); lumbar puncture and CSF
analysis realization; head computed tomography (CT); registered
nal diagnosis; total cost of consultation, discriminating imaging
test costs and medication costs (based on documentation provided
Oliveira LB, Guimarães J, Silva DJ, Jurno ME
Headache diagnosis in an urgency and emergency unit: Public Health Relevance and its relationship with cost
by the hospitals billing department); hospitalization and hospital
observation time.
After medical records were analyzed, patients were reclassied
according to their nal diagnosis as either primary headache
or secondary headache, following the criteria provided by the
International Classication of Headache Disorders (ICHD-3).
Afterward, the aforementioned variables were analyzed according
to the primary headache and secondary headache diagnoses.
A comparison was drawn between the number of consultations
selected for this study (headache patients) and the total number of
consultations with patients above 18 years of age at the Barbacena
City Regional Hospital in 2019.
Data Analysis
The data collected through the analysis of medical records were
transcribed into an electronic spreadsheet and processed in the
statistical software SPSS Statistics 22.0.
Relative and absolute distributions were calculated for qualitative
variables. Continuous variables were veried under the Kolmog-
orov-Smirnov method normality percepts and listed as the measure
for central tendency and mean deviation, and standard deviation
for parametric or median distribution, and interquartile distance
for non-parametric distributions.
The existence of a relationship between variables was measured
through chi-square tests and Fisher’s exact test. The existence of
a relationship between qualitative and quantitative variables was
measured through Students
-test, ANOVA, Mann-Whitney, or
Kruskal-Wallis U tests, as indicated. The study considered as sta-
tistically signicant differences those with
value was under 0.05
A total of 460 patient medical records were analyzed, which
corresponded to 501 consultations due to headache complaints
in 2019. Sixteen consultations in which headache was not part of
the initial complaints were excluded. 35 consultations for under 18
years of age patients were also removed. Thus, 450 consultations
were included in the analysis (Figure 1).
The total number of consultations at Barbacena City Regional Hos-
pital emergency care in 2019 for above 18 years of age patients
equaled 24,809. Thus 1.8% of hospital visits were motivated by
headache complaints.
The total number of consultations at Barbacena City Regional Hos-
pital emergency care in 2019 for above 18 years of age patients
equaled 24,809. Thus 1.8% of hospital visits were motivated by
headache complaints
Figure 1. Selection of patients for the study.
Three hundred and twenty-one of the headache-motivated consul-
tations corresponded to female patients (71%) and 129 to male
patients. Interconsultation with neurology services was necessary
in 65 cases (14.4%) and 69 patients (15.3%) underwent head
CT. Lumbar puncture realization for CSF analysis was needed
in 11 (2.4%) of events and a total of 12 (2.6%) patients needed
hospitalization (Table 1).
Table 1. Distribution of assistance according to variables of interest.
n %
Age (years) 41 ± 15
F 322 71,6
M 128 28,4
with Neurologist
No 385 85,6
Yes 65 14,4
Head CT
No 381 84,7
Yes 69 15,3
CSF analysis
No 439 97, 6
Yes 11 2,4
No 438 97,3
12 2,7
CT: Computed Tomography; CSF: Cerebrospinal Fluid.
With respect to hospitalization time, 406 cases needed up to one
day of observation (90.2%) and the percentage of accumulated
cases that demanded up to two days of hospitalization repre-
sented 95.3% of the sample. Sporadic cases demanded over ve
days of hospitalization.
Total expenditure (TE) was dened as the sum of imaging exams
costs, medication costs, daily hospital stay costs, according to
the following:
Oliveira LB, Guimarães J, Silva DJ, Jurno ME
Headache diagnosis in an urgency and emergency unit: Public Health Relevance and its relationship with cost
TE: Imaging costs + Medication costs + (daily stay price + obser-
vation time).
According to documents obtained in the hospital’s billing sector,
daily stays in the emergency care were not charged. This caused
these patients' expenditures to be much lower when compared to
the rest of the consultations. To standardize costs calculation and
minimize systematic errors in this variable with minimal loss, the
formula mentioned above was deployed.
This resulted in estimated total expenditures with the headache
patients care in 2019 equaling US$ 90,855.60, with a median
of US$129.73 and an average of US$201.90 per patient. Out of
the total value, US$1,827.09 (2.0%) were spent on imaging tests
and US$4,735.21 (5.2%) were spent on medication.
Among all 450 consultations, 25% presented imaging-related
expenses, and 15.3% of the cases involved the performing of at
least one head CT. In these cases, the imaging-related expenses
median was US$4.39.
Regarding the expenditures with medication, expenses reached
the maximum values the equaled up to US$1,667.76 per hospi-
talization. Only 1.49% of consultations did not compute onus.
Values of up to US$2.57 represented an accumulated percentage
of 90.0% of the consultations under study. Among the cases in
which medication expenses were incurred, these presented a
median of US$0.52.
Most initial diagnoses were syndromic, and Headache (R51)
corresponded to 299 (66.4%) of consultations. Cases of Migraine
(G34), Migraine without Aura (G430), Migraine with Aura (G431),
and Other Migraine (G438) totalized 97 (21.6%) of consultations
and cases initially attributed to tension-type headache were the
third most common motivation for seeking treatment - Table 2.
Table 2. Initial Diagnostics.
Initial Diagnostics n %
R51 - Headache 299 66,4
Clustered cases of Migraine
G43 - Migraine 52 11,6
G430 - Migraine without aura [common migraine] 20 4,4
G431 - Migraine with aura [classic migraine] 17 3,8
G438 - Other forms of migraine 2 0,4
G439 - Migraine, unspecied 6 1,3
G44 - Other cephalic pain syndromes 5 1,1
G441 - Vascular headache, not elsewhere classied 3 0,7
G442 - Tension-type headache 38 8,4
G443 - Chronic post-traumatic headache 1 0,2
G444 - Drug-induced headache, not elsewhere classied 2 0,4
G448 - Other specied headache syndromes 5 1,1
Total 450 100,0
Thus, initial consultation, the number of cases with sufcient
elements for classifying the headache as primary, according
to the criteria established by the International ICHD-3
corresponded to 135 (30%). As for the classication of the
headache as secondary, this number equaled 6 cases (1.3%).
The remaining 309 cases (68.7%) did not satisfy the criteria
Regarding the nal diagnoses registered in medical records, 224
cases (49.8%) maintained the syndromic description of headache
with no additional elements for etiological classication.
Migraine variants were the principal etiological diagnostic in
emergency care visits, accounting for a total of 102 (22.6%)
registered events. Tension-type headache was the second most
prevalent etiology present in the discharge summaries, totalizing
26 cases (5.7%). In 30 consultations, there was no register in
the discharge summary clinical evolution in the patients nal
Table 3. Final Diagnostics.
Final Diagnostic n %
Infectious and parasitic diseases (A00 - B99) 2 0,4
Neoplasms (C00 - D48) 1 0,2
Mental and behavioral disorders (F00 - F99) 5 1,1
Nervous System Diseases (G00 - G99)
G00 – Bacterial meningitis 1 0,2
G009 – Unspecied bacterial meningitis 1 0,2
G039 – Unspecied meningitis 1 0,2
G43 – Migraine 52 11,6
G430 – Migraine without aura [common migraine] 24 5,3
G431 – Migraine with aura [classic migraine] 17 3,8
G438 – Other forms of migraine 2 0,4
G439 – Migraine, unspecied 5 1,1
G44 – Other cephalic pain syndromes 4 0 ,9
G441 – Vascular headache, not elsewhere classied 2 0,4
G442 – Tension-type headache 26 5,8
G444 Drug-induced headache, not elsewhere
1 0,2
G448 – Other specied headache syndromes 2 0,4
G510 – Bell's Palsy 2 0,4
Circulatory System Diseases (I00 - I99) 8 1,8
Respiratory System Diseases (J00 - J99) 4 0 ,9
Musculoskeletal System Diseases (M00 - M99) 5 1,1
Genitourinary System Diseases (N00 - N99) 2 0,4
Abnormal symptoms and signs from clinical and laboratory
examinations, not elsewhere classied (R00 - R99)
6 1,2
R51 – Headache 224 49,8
R51 – Headache + another ICD 19 4,2
External causes injuries (S00 - T98) 4 0 ,9
No discharge summary 30 6,7
Total 450 100
Oliveira LB, Guimarães J, Silva DJ, Jurno ME
Headache diagnosis in an urgency and emergency unit: Public Health Relevance and its relationship with cost
Table 3 shows the nal diagnoses organized according to disease
group, following the ICD-10.
Diagnoses under the “nervous sys-
tem diseasesgroup were differentiated according to the specic
ICD. In the case of the “Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical
and laboratory ndings, not elsewhere classied”, it became
evident that the headache ICD (R51) was employed in isolation
or in association to other codes.
After the individual medical records analysis, a reclassication of
primary and secondary headaches was performed following the
criteria established by ICHD-3.
Primary headache preserved a
similar proportion in nal diagnoses in relation to initial diagnoses
(38.9% and 30% respectively). Secondary headaches presented
a signicant increase in the nal evaluations (31.1% versus 1.3 %
in initial evaluations). For a signicant portion of patients, data
described in the medical records were still insufcient for such
classication (135 cases, which corresponds to 30% of consulta-
tions), although in a lower proportion in comparison to the initial
consultation (68.7%) - Figure 2.
Figure 2. Comparison of initial and nal diagnoses after analysis of medical records
regarding primary and secondary headaches.
Out of the 315 consultations in which the distinction between primary
and secondary headaches was achievable, interconsultation with
neurology services was requested in 23 primary headache cases
and in 38 secondary headache cases. Chances of interconsultation
with neurology were 2.46 times higher (95%CI 1.38 to 4.38) for
secondary headache than in primary headaches (X² p=0.002).
Chances of head CT were 4.55 times higher for secondary
headache cases (95%CI 2.44 to 8.52 - X² p<0.001). CSF analysis
was conducted in only one primary headache case compared to 9
punctures requested for secondary headaches. Only one primary
headache case resulted in hospitalization - Table 4.
Table 4. Proportion of cases of primary and secondary headache according to variables
of interest.
p *
with Neurologist
Yes 38 23
2,46 0,002
No 102 152
Head CT
Yes 44 16
4,55 <0,001
No 96 159
CSF analysis
Yes 9 1
No 131 174
Yes 11 1
No 129 174
N = 315. a Secondary / Primary. * Chi- square (x²) unless otherwise indicated. b
Fischer's exact.
CT: Computed Tomography; CSF: Cerebrospinal Fluid.
The median age was higher for the secondary headache group
(41 years of age, compared to 38 for primary), presenting a
signicantly distinct distribution (p = 0.019, Mann-Whitney test).
Similarly, higher costs related to imaging were attributed to
secondary headache, with values reaching up to US$336.92
(average US$10.35± 3.19), in comparison to a maximum cost of
US$18.54 (average US$1.01±0.24) for primary headaches, with
signicantly different cost distribution curves (p<0.001, Mann-
Whitney test). However, there were no signicant differences in
medication costs, hospital stay, or total costs for the two headache
groups (Mann-Whitney test, 0.951, p = 0.229 and 0.275
respectively) – Table 5.
Table 5. Age and costs according to secondary and primary headache.
Median 38 41
57 40
0,043Minimum 18 18 18 18
Maximum 85 89 89 92
related to
(US $)
Median 0,00 0,00
23,80 0,00
Minimum 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Maximum 18,54 336,92 336,92 126,25
(US $)
Median 0,56 0,50
74,04 0,51
<0,001Minimum 0,00 0,00 2,57 0,00
Maximum 155,32 1.667,76 1.667,76 155,54
stay costs
(US $)
Median 135,00 129,48
1.362,58 123,95
<0,001Minimum 88,51 88,51 311,47 88,51
Maximum 1.639,75 5.949,70 5.949,70 712,47
Total costs
(US $)
Median 136,14 135,24
1.438,57 127,26
<0,001Minimum 88,99 88,51 332,58 88,51
Maximum 1.644,23 6.606,18 6.606,18 736,63
a Mann Whitney U Test, n = 315. b Mann Whitney U Test, n = 450.
Oliveira LB, Guimarães J, Silva DJ, Jurno ME
Headache diagnosis in an urgency and emergency unit: Public Health Relevance and its relationship with cost
Total costs were higher among the group of patients who needed
hospitalization regardless of headache classication, with a median
of US$1,483.57. For patients who did not require hospitalization,
the median of total costs equaled US$127.26, with a signicantly
different distribution in comparison to those in in-patient care
(p<0.001, Mann-Whitney test). The median age equaled 57
years of age for in-patients (IQR 37) compared to 40 years of
age for patients who were not hospitalized (IQR 23), presenting a
signicantly different distribution – Table 5.
Total costs did not vary signicantly according to sex (p=0.495,
Mann-Whitney test). The same was observed for age and the other
cost categories (p>0.05, Mann-Whitney test).
Headache is one of the most frequent conditions reported in
medical practice.
It causes incapacitation and loss of life,
motivating a great part of patients suffering from this symptom
to search for urgency and emergency care. According to some
studies, headaches respond to 0.5% to 2.8% of consultations
in emergency care units.
Our study endorses these statistics,
showing that headache complaints corresponded to 1.8% of
consultations in the emergency care department of the Barbacena
City’s Regional Hospital in 2019.
Headaches etiological diagnosis was proven to be a challenge,
as described in previous accounts.
30% of patients were
discharged with no denitive diagnosis of the cause for their
symptoms, as observed in another study.
The nal IDC-10
attributed to 49.8% of the cases was solely Headache (R51). In
other words, almost half of the patients left the hospital having
received no explanation for their symptoms. It is known that
efcient headache treatment is directly connected to the diagnosis
according to the ICHD-3 criteria
, which cannot be determined
for an expressive portion of patients evaluated in our study.
Among the available methods for determining headache causes,
interconsultations with specialists were 2.46 times more used in
secondary headache cases than in primary headache cases. Head
CTs were performed 4.55 more times for secondary headaches;
CSF analysis and necessity of hospitalization also occurred in a
higher proportion than secondary headaches when compared to
primary headaches. The study identied signicant differences for
all parameters. Thus, imaging test costs were more prominent for
the secondary headache group (Average US$10.35±3.19) than for
the primary headache group (Average US$1.01±0.24). However,
no signicant differences in medication costs, hospital stay costs,
and total cost of consultation among the two headache groups.
The estimated expenditures with headache patients in Barbacena
City Regional Hospital equated US$90,855.60 (average
US$201.90 per patient) in 2019. This conrms the great nancial
impact generated by this condition.
Part of headache patient-related expenditures included the
performance of imagining tests. In this study, head CT costs
corresponded to 2% of the total value. Nonetheless, it has been
demonstrated that out of all head CTs performed in headache or
facial patients at urgency departments, 95% may be normal.
Therefore, identifying which cases actually require imaging tests
can be an important factor in expenditure control.
As a transversal retrospective cohort study based on medical
records analysis, this study presented some limitations. Since
patient follow-up after discharge is not available, the diagnostic
conrmation for suspected conditions reported in the medical
records could not be conrmed. Diagnoses were determined
based on the emergency care records, which may not have been
precise. Oftentimes, specic and important features of a patient's
history and physical exams were not available and, thus, the
etiology attributed to headache could not be accurately analyzed.
Additionally, the denition of hospital expenditures was based on
the Brazilian National Health System’s table, with standardized
values in which costs related to procedures performed during
hospital care are based.
However, these values represent only a portion of what is
actually spent in practice, since costs related to physical structure
maintenance, CT equipment maintenance, human resources
necessary for patient care, supplies used in laboratory exams,
among other costs, were not included in the estimations. Thus,
we can draw only limited conclusions about the rational use of
available resources for the diagnosis of headaches and the actual
expenditures related to patient care.
On the other hand, the strength of this study is allowing the
demonstration of the expressive nancial impact patients with
headache complaints entail to the hospital, even taking into
consideration that the displayed values correspond only to a
portion of actual expenditures. Therefore, this study emphasizes
the importance of accurate diagnosis and rational use of available
resources for better management of these patients.
The socio-economic impact caused by headaches is unquestionable.
It is a highly frequent symptom and both its etiological distinction
and adequate treatment require solid evaluation. Due to the
resources spent in its evaluation and monitoring, headaches can
be considered a public health problem. Therefore, this study
suggests that resources should be allocated in the health education
and professional training for the proper conduction of these
Oliveira LB, Guimarães J, Silva DJ, Jurno ME
Headache diagnosis in an urgency and emergency unit: Public Health Relevance and its relationship with cost
patients, so that they may benet from an optimized treatment of
their condition without overwhelming the health system.
Ethic Approval and Patient Consent
All procedures in this study were in accordance with the ethical
standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation
from Hospital Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais – FHEMIG
with approval number 4.127.307. Informed consent was obtained
from all patients for being included in the study.
Conict of interest: None
Financing: None
Lígia Barros de Oliveira: Conceptualization, Data curation,
Investigation, Project administration, Resources, Visualization,
Writing – original draft.
Jessica Guimarães: Data curation, Investigation, Resources,
Writing – original draft.
Danilo Jorge da Silva: Data curation, Formal analysis, Software,
Writing – original draft.
Mauro Eduardo Jurno: Conceptualization, Investigation,
Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Supervision,
Visualization, Writing – review & editing
Lígia Barros de Oliveira
https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-6715-6590
Jessica Guimarães
https://orcid.org/ 0000-0003-0640-0470
Danilo Jorge da Silva
https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-8086-1200
Mauro Eduardo Jurno
https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-8743-9395
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