Headache Medicine 2021, 12(1) p-ISSN 2178-7468, e-ISSN 2763-6178
DOI: 10.48208/HeadacheMed.2021.2
Headache Medicine
© Copyright 2021
Clinical and physiopathological aspects of the glossopharyngeal
Victor Souza Maria Passerini Bianca Sobral Vinicius Baiardi Hilton Mariano da Silva Junior
Department of Neurology, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia is a rare syndrome characterized by paroxysms of unilateral and
severe stabbing pain occurring in the 9th cranial nerve’s distribution. Although other neuralgias
are well described in the medical literature, glossopharyngeal neuralgia and its physiopathology
are scarcely contemplated. The vascular compression at the nerve root entry zone is the primary
explanation for the disease. The rst-line treatment is pharmacological, including carbamazepine,
oxcarbazepine, and gabapentin. Surgical treatment is offered to medication-refractory patients,
and microvascular decompression surgery has presented the best outcomes.
To investigate the pathophysiological and clinical aspects of the different presentations of glosso-
pharyngeal neuralgia.
A narrative review of literature including case reports and clinical trials were carried out. The
articles were systematically obtained and assessed by the authors.
A search of literature yielded 31 papers that regarded glossopharyngeal neuralgia or its variants.
Among them, eight considered vagoglossopharyngeal neuralgia; and seven focused on the glos-
sopharyngeal neuralgia followed or caused by another disease.
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia is a rare disease and requires further studies on its mechanism
and clinical assessment; the physician needs to know how to distinguish it from its variants and
underlying causes.
Hilton Mariano da Silva Junior
Edited by
Mario Fernando Prieto Peres
Marcelo Moraes Valença
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
Drug therapy
Glossopharyngeal nerve diseases
Microvascular decompression
Received: April 7, 2021
Accepted: July 4, 2021
Souza V, Passerini M, Sobral B, Baiardi V, Junior H
Clinical and physiopathological aspects of the glossopharyngeal neuralgia: a systematic review
lossopharyngeal neuralgia (GN) is an uncommon crani-
ofacial and pharyngeal pain syndrome characterized by
paroxysms of unilateral and severe stabbing pain occurring in
the 9th cranial nerve's distribution. According to the Interna-
tional Classication of Headache Disease
, glossopharyngeal
neuralgia is a disorder characterized by a severe, transient,
stabbing, unilateral pain experienced in the ear, base of the
tongue, tonsillar fossa and/or beneath the angle of the jaw. It
also involves the pharyngeal and auricular branches of CN X.
The pain may be spontaneous or precipitated by swallowing,
chewing, coughing, or talking. It arises from compression,
demyelination, or dysfunction of the IX or X nerves. Vasomotor,
trophic, or neurovegetative disorders may occur concomitantly
with GN, and central or peripheral nerve compromise may
be present. This neuralgia may be associated with bradycar-
dia, asystole, convulsions, and even life-threatening syncopal
episodes in some patients. GN prevalence is considerably
rare, and its diagnosis presents some challenges given the
diversity of its clinical picture. The rst-line therapy for GN
is pharmacologic, using neuromodulating agents, including
carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, gabapentin, pregabalin. For
patients with medication-refractory GN, surgical treatment is
an alternative, including microvascular decompression (MVD),
glossopharyngeal and vagal rhizotomy, gamma knife surgery
(GKS), alcohol or glycerol rhizolysis, and pulsed radiofrequen-
cy ablation. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia only represents 0.2-
1.3% of the facial pain syndromes, which requires a careful
investigation during for an accurate diagnosis.
Articles were obtained through Medline, Embase, and Web of
Science databases. The chosen search terms were “neuralgia
AND “glossopharyngeal” AND “physiopathology. These
terms were searched independently by the authors, and they
have found the same number of articles. These researches hap-
pened between 1
and 15
, November, 2020. Only articles
from 2000 to 2020 and written in English or Portuguese were
eligible. Articles reporting GN and associated syndromes
were selected; those that emphasized other diseases were
not included. Book chapters, incomplete articles, technical
reports, and other reviews were not included. The authors
assessed the risk of bias across studies, including trials whose
patients were randomly assigned to the study.
Results e discussion
The primary search identied 158 articles (Figure 1). After
removing 50 duplicates, title and abstract screening of 108
articles yielded 38 articles for full-text reading. A total of 7 full-
text assessed articles were excluded, 5 for addressing other
themes but adult GN, and two had their full-text not found.
The assessment included 31 articles at the nal inclusion.
Figure 1. Description of the systematic articles assessment.
Anatomy of the glossopharyngeal nerve
The glossopharyngeal nerve emerges from the medulla be-
tween the inferior olive and the inferior cerebellar peduncle,
close to the facial and vagus nerves. It exits the skull through
the jugular foramen, along with the vagus and accessory
nerves. Moreover, the internal jugular vein and the internal
carotid artery surround the IX nerve, which courses in front
of the carotid artery. At the jugular foramen, the IX nerve
divides into three branches: the tympanic nerve (Jacobsons
nerve), its only motor branch, supplying the stylopharyngeus
muscle, and the carotid sinus nerve.
Physiopathology and etiology
According to the ICHD-3
, GN is a disorder characterized
by paroxysms of unilateral severe stabbing pain, with abrupt
onset and termination, in the distributions of the glossopha-
ryngeal nerve and the auricular nerve and pharyngeal
branches of the vagus nerve. It is commonly provoked by
swallow-ing, talking, or coughing.
TThis neuralgia is classied as classical, secondary, or idio-
pathic. The classic GN diagnose relies on the association
of a suggestive clinical picture and the demonstration on
MRI or during surgery of neurovascular compression of the
glossopharyngeal nerve root. The secondary GN is caused
by an un-derlying disease, such as neck trauma, multiple
sclerosis, tonsillar or regional tumors, cerebello-pontine angle
tumors, and Arnold-Chiari malformation.
primary GN
mechanism is unclear, although there is a role in vascular
Souza V, Passerini M, Sobral B, Baiardi V, Junior H
Clinical and physiopathological aspects of the glossopharyngeal neuralgia: a systematic review
compression at the root entry zone (REZ) of the IX nerve.
Even though the posterior inferior cerebral artery (PICA)
rarely crosses the glossopharyngeal nerve, it may make an
upward loop and compress the supraolivary fossette. The
manipulation of a microcatheter and guidewire within the
cerebral arteries showed, for the rst time, that the PICA
compresses IX nerve.
It is known that not only PICA, but the
Anterior Inferior Cerebral Artery (AICA) and the Vertebral
Artery (VA) can be of-fending vessels, which makes the GN
diagnosis considerably challenging before surgery.
Ferroli et
identied, between 1990 and 2007, vascular compres-
sion of the IX nerve in 31 patients with GN. Ac-cordingly, the
compressing vessels are as follows: VA in 7, PICA in 22, AICA
in one, and a vein in one case. Kawashima et al.
also found
their majority offending vessel as arterials, although PICA was
the major vessel in just 10 cases, with the AICA accounting
for 2 cases. Concerning the causes of secondary GN, it is
possible to mention Eagle syndrome (ES), compression by a
tumor, aneurysms, parapharyngeal space lesion, multiple
sclerosis, trauma, malformations, hyperactive dysfunction
syndrome, or post-surgical damages. Many studies
ed GN with the presence of bradycardia, asystole, syncope,
or seizure. Most cases are due to vagoglossopharyngeal
neuralgia (VGN), which is a rare presentation that accounts
for only 2% of GN cases. The most accepted mechanism for
VGN is that the excessive painful stimuli from the IX nerve
are transmitted through the nucleus of the solitary tract, and
then activates the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve.
As a result, it will lead to parasympathetic hyperactivity,
inhib-iting sympathetic activity, explaining the bradycardia
and the asystole in VGN.
This vagal reex may also reduce cerebral perfusion, leading
to syncope and seizures in propor-tion to the duration of
Nonetheless, seizures are a rare presentation, as
they are a consequence of severe cerebral hypoxia induced
by bradycardia and asystole.
Similarly, the solitary tract nucleus may also activate the facial
nerve and result in a hemifacial spasm (HFS). Thiarawat et
reported a patient with abnormal sternocleidomastoid
muscle spasms, while turning his head to the opposite side of
the neck pain; according to them, the accessory nerve might
have caused the symptom, due to an abnormal synapse with
the glossopharyngeal nerve.
Electron microscopic observations have found that the glosso-
pharyngeal and vagus nerves have a short length and a small
volume of the central myelin portion. This may explain the
low incidence of VGN in the general population. This study
found a positive directly proportional correlation between the
dimension of the central myelin portion and the incidences
of these neuralgias.
Clinical presentation and symptoms
In most common clinical pictures, the onset of GN is subacute,
as patients experience unpleas-ant sensations on one side of
the jaw, inside the mouth, and in the ear. Pain distribution is
usually unilat-eral, shock-like, and with successive attacks of
pain, not only including the glossopharyngeal nerve, since
it may extend to the pharyngeal and auricular branches.
When these vagal branches are involved, vagal-damage
manifestations are more exacerbated, which may include
changes in the voice such as hoarseness and cough. In
uncommon cases, pain may be bilateral, since it is present
on the other side.
Pain may also be present in the middle ear, ear canal, pos-
terior portion of the oropharynx, retromolar region, throat,
posterior part of the tongue, larynx, and jaw or below the
angle of the jaw. This is generally paroxysmal, from 2 sec-
onds to 2 minutes (average duration is 8 to 50 seconds),
and can wake the patient up during the night. Thus, GN
is divided into two clinical types, based on the distribu-tion
of pain: the tympanic (affects the ear) and the oropharynx
(affects the oropharyngeal area).
In or-der to conrm the
diagnosis, local anesthesia is applied to the pharynx and
tonsils, which may pause paroxysms.
The intervals between attacks and exacerbation of the dis-
ease are from days to years, and they are irregular.
10% of patients with excessive GN have vagal effects during
an attack, which can trigger bradycardia, hypotension, syn-
cope, seizures, or even cardiac arrest.
In uncommon
cases, GN may present as syncope without associated
, making diagnosis considerably challenging. In addi-
tion, because of severe GN pain, patients may experience
pallor, followed by hypotension associat-ed with bradycar-
dia. Consequently, this might lead to loss of consciousness
and associated tonic-clonic seizure. Other less common
features are tinnitus, vomiting, dizziness, a feeling of swelling,
involuntary movements, sensory loss of the area innervated
by the glossopharyngeal nerve, sweating, salivation, and
unilateral mydriasis.
Pain attacks may occur spontaneously. Yet, they are usually
associated with a specic trigger-ing stimulus, such as chew-
ing, swallowing, coughing, yawning, sneezing, clearing your
throat, blowing your nose, rubbing your ear, speaking, or
. Some patients may experience pain triggered
by sweet, acidic, cold, or hot
, or even turning their heads
to the side.
Souza V, Passerini M, Sobral B, Baiardi V, Junior H
Clinical and physiopathological aspects of the glossopharyngeal neuralgia: a systematic review
Di󰀨erential diagnosis
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia may be confused with other
conditions, like TN, its main differen-tial diagnosis. Although
TN pain is more intense, the quality of pain in both may be
similar. Besides, trigger zones are more characteristic in TN
than in GN. These diseases prevalently occur unilaterally
and in weeks to months episodes.
GN normally affects the
left side (88%) and TN, the right (58%).
There may also be
similarities in motor and sensory decits associated with them.
Nevertheless, association with multiple sclerosis only occurs
in TN.
Finally, it should be noted that even if both occur
concom-itantly, it is possible to separate them by the distinc-
tion of pain and trigger factors. In TN, infranasal or cheek
pain added to cold or touching face triggers are common.
However, in GN, there is tonsillar fossa and pharynx pain,
added to swallowing triggers.
The superior laryngeal neuralgia diagnosis may be mis-
guiding and challenging, because of the throat pain with an
urge to swallow, talking, swallowing, yawning, or coughing
as triggers like in GN. The nervus intermedius neuralgia, a
further differential diagnosis, is not usually triggered, but
occurs spontaneously, and it is always unilateral.
Eagle syndrome is another differential diagnosis of idiopathic
GN. Both have a diffuse nature of symptoms, and the pain
characterization and location may be similar, but the pain
is more constant in ES, which does not manifest tic-like pain
attacks. Moreover, the physical exam is important to dif-
feren-tiate them
because the distance between the styloid
process tip and the tonsillar fossa is preserved in idiopathic
GN, but it is elongated in the ES.
joint disorders (TMDs) are an im-portant differential diagnosis
when manifested unilateral and intermittently similarly to GN.
There is temporomandibular joint noise in those diseases,
pain on palpation, and worsening pain with chewing.
Swallow syncope may be a differential diagnosis for reex
cardiac syncope by GN, as both oc-cur due to the vasovagal
reex and usually express arterial hypotension. But only in
swallow syncope occur structural and functional esophageal
and cardiac repercussions without pain or insensibility to
Finally, ear or sinus infections, dental pain, certain short-last-
ing headaches, and local affections are other possibilities
of GN misdiagnosis.
Pharmacological treatment
Pharmacotherapy is the rst line of treatment for glossopha
ryngeal neuralgia. Using common analgesics is inefcient.
Nevertheless, the most successful medications are anticon-
vulsants. Drug intoler-ance, inefcacy, allergy, or associated
side effects, such as sedation, dizziness, muscle weakness,
cogni-tive impairment, inhibition of bone marrow, and ap-
pearance of dermatological lesions could limit phar-maco-
therapy and may be an indication for surgical treatment.
Also, a nerve block may be used as a complement to phar-
macological treatment for acute pain, with the administration
of a local anesthetic agent, such as lidocaine (2%) and bupi-
vacaine (0.5%), with or without steroids, ketamine, phenol,
glycerol, and alcohol. Some undesirable effects deserve
attention, such as swallowing difculties and hoarseness.
Finally, it is important to highlight that a bilateral nerv-ous
block may cause vocal cord paralysis.
For vagoglossopharyngeal neuralgia, when syncope epi-
sodes are present, atropine should be used as a drug of
choice. Atropine ceases bradycardia
pain attacks tend to persist. Continued administration of
carbamazepine may decrease painful symptomatology, as
well as heart symptoms
. but it has been known to fail after
initial success.
Using a temporary pacemaker to manage reex cardiac
syncope until ideal therapeutic levels of carbamazepine
were reached was initially proposed in 1971 by Khero and
Regarding the use of a denitive pacemaker, the
literature is controversial. Kazemi et al.
stated that what led
his team to implant a permanent pacemaker in a patient
with syncopal storm caused by glossopharyngeal neuralgia
was based on the efcacy of this therapy in the treatment
of idiopathic carotid hypersensitivity syn-drome and on the
likelihood of future recurrence of GN.
However, it is be-
lieved that the pharmacolog-ical and surgical approaches
make the use of the pacemaker unnecessary.
Surgical Treatment
Surgical treatment is indicated for patients whose pharma-
cotherapy is unsuccessful, for patients with tumors, or those
whose interaction between nerves and vessels causes car-
diac syndrome.
This therapy has been described as better
successful than pharmacological treatment, but with higher
mortali-ty and morbidity rates.
Surgical therapies include MVD, glossopharyngeal and
vagal rhizotomy, GKS, alcohol or glycerol rhi-zolysis, and
pulsed radiofrequency ablation. Furthermore, recurrence
rates are shown to be lowered with the surgical approach.
It is important to highlight that the rhizotomy and the MVD
Souza V, Passerini M, Sobral B, Baiardi V, Junior H
Clinical and physiopathological aspects of the glossopharyngeal neuralgia: a systematic review
of the IX and the X nerves ensure higher pain relief rates
for GN. MVD has the highest initial and long-term success;
rhizot-omy is a safe and useful backup procedure if MVD is
technically difcult.
Microvascular decompression is very effective in decompress-
ing the REZ.
Immediate pain relief is found in up to 90% of
patients, persisting in 73% of them for 5 years.
et al.
report MVD through transcondylar fossa with positive
results. MVD is also the treatment of choice in the coexistence
of cranial nerve root compression diseases.
Liu et al.
ed to the rst case of the coexistence of HFS and GN. It is
believed that, in this case, MVD is the only option to relieve
the compression of the VII and IX nerves, without permanent
nerve damage, such as in the rhizotomy.
Other surgical techniques are options in the management of
GN. Notwithstanding, they are considered destructive
, such
as glycerol or alcohol rhizolysis, GKS, vagus nerve rhizotomy,
and radiof-requency thermocoagulation. In these procedures,
about 90% of the patients also attended the cessation of
symptoms. However, after 5 years, the pain returns in approx-
imately 50% of them.
Regarding GKS, the surgery is very
expensive, and initial pain relief can take 6 to 8 weeks. The
best results are obtained by special neural images.
For elderly patients, a peripheral glycerol injection is an
option due to the risk of invasive treat-ments in patients that
have some age-related underlying diseases. Yue et al.
shown in their study with 21 elderly patients that peripheral
glycerol injection can be applied for GN management in
patients with a trigger zone around the tonsil. The results
indicate that such a method is a safe and effective treatment
for the control of idiopathic glossopharyngeal neuropathy
in elderly patients since, at the last follow-up evaluation, 15
patients were classied as an excellent outcome. Four cases
had a recurrence of pain after 2 and 13 months, and there is
no evidence of glossopharyngeal nerve palsy. Complications
were not observed.
The therapeutic effect of this procedure
is attributed to the toxic effect (demye-lination and axonal
destruction) of glycerol on peripheral nerves. The mechanism
that leads to pain relief is not fully understood but is probably
related to a reduction in afferent entry.
or vagal rhizotomy is usually reserved for cases where vas-
cular effects are not evident.
Resection of the elongated
styloid process utilizing a minimally invasive approach can
successfully cure pain in swallow syncope.
An important caveat is that methods such as MVD do not
apply to secondary GN. It is in this context that pulsed ra-
diofrequency (PRF) falls. PRF comprises a non-destructive and
minimally invasive neuromodulatory method, which can be
used in the management of neuropathic pain. It can be per-
formed by an extraoral posteromedial styloid approach in
the presence of rigorous hemodynamic moni-toring. Short
radiofrequency energy pulses, supplied at a constant tem-
perature produce central and pe-ripheral neuromodulatory
The application of PRF to secondary glossopha-
ryngeal neuralgia had been previously described by Shah
et al., in 2003.
Still, like all methods, PRF has its limitations. Bradycardia and
hypotension may prevent com-plete nerve ablation due to
vagal stimulation. Besides, all destructive or ablative neural
procedures pre-sent the risk of neuritis and neurovascular
injury. Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of the glosso-
pha-ryngeal nerve carries the risk of potential damage to
the vagus nerve.
Kandan et al.
recommend in their study
that both PRF and GKS have shown benets in the treatment
of both primary and secondary GN.
This study aims to gather a sizable amount of information
about glossopharyngeal neuralgia, addressing its etiology
and physiopathology to its forms of clinical presentation and
treatment. Further studies over its specic physiopathology,
as well as other glossopharyngeal-related syndromes, are
re-quired. The possibilities of treatment vary from the use of
drugs to surgical intervention in cases of fail-ure in pharma-
cological treatment.
Contribution authors: all authors had the same contribution
Funding: No
Conflict of interests: The authors report no conict of interest
Victor Souza
Maria Passerini
Bianca Sobral
Vinicius Baiardi
Hilton Junior
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