Headache Medicine 2020, 11(3):68-71 ISSN 2178-7468, e-ISSN 2763-6178
DOI: 10.48208/HeadacheMed.2020.19
Headache Medicine
© Copyright 2020
Case Report
Pseudotumor cerebri secondary to hypoparathyroidism and
association to Fahr's Syndrome: a case report
Patrick Giordanni Gomes Sampaio
, Hiago Diniz Maracajá
, Francielle Lopes de Araújo Batista
Virgínia Gabriela Nóbrega Figueiredo
, Nátalia Meg Adijuto de Melo
Neuroconance, Neurologia, Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil
Unifacisa, Medicina, Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil
The authors present the case of a patient who presented an initial headache attack and seizure, who
developed intracranial hypertension secondary to hypoparathyroidism. Her complementary clinical
investigation was compatible with Fahr's syndrome.
Patrick Giordanni Gomes Sampaio
Edited by
Mario Fernando Prieto Peres
Received: September 20, 2020
Accepted: September 30, 2020
Pseudotumor Cerebri
Intracranial Hypertension
Headache Disorders
Sampaio PGG, Maracajá HD, Batista FLA, Figueiredo, VGN, Melo NMA
Pseudotumor cerebri secondary to secondary hypoparathyroidism and association to Fahr´s yndrome: a case report
eadaches are extremely common complications in emer-
gency departments, accounting for up to 16% of visits,
according to some studies
and are observed in almost all pa-
tients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), which is
characterized by signs and symptoms that include, in addition
to headache, nausea, vomiting, diplopia, decreased visual
acuity, pulsatile tinnitus, among other possible manifestations.
However, the clinical presentation is highly variable, which
can delay diagnosis.
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension is predominantly found
in obese women and of childbearing age, with a worldwide
incidence of around 12-20 cases per 100,000 people in
this most affected group, but only 0.5-2 cases per 100,000
people in the general population.
Systemic disorders and some drugs have been associated
with increased intracranial pressure, such as thyroid disorders,
hyper- or hypothyroidism
and hypervitaminosis A, as well as
isotretinoin and tetracyclines, being in this occasion dened
as a condition of secondary intracranial hypertension.
Regarding Fahr's disease, a rare neurological disorder with
a prevalence of 1/1.000.000, it is known that it is character-
ized by abnormal deposition of calcium, of idiopathic origin,
in brain areas that control movement.
Below, we present the case of a patient who presented an
initial headache attack and seizure, who developed intra-
cranial hypertension secondary to hypoparathyroidism. Her
complementary clinical investigation was compatible with
Fahr's syndrome.
Case report
A 33-year-old woman, BMI of 40.17 kg/m², with grade 3
obesity, Caucasian, single, with Down syndrome. Presents a
history of ostoperatory hypothyroidism, whose thyroidectomy
was performed 10 years ago, due to nodular goiter. This
patient presented subacute nausea, visual turbidity, diarrhea
and pulsatile holocranial headache, which worsened in the
horizontal position and presented slight relief in the orthostat-
ic position. This clinical picture lasted for about three days
and evolved with complaints of loss of visual acuity and the
occurrence of two generalized tonic-clonic seizures, which
led to the emergency care in her city. At the time, the patient
was referred to a tertiary service for specialized evaluation.
Upon neurological examination, the patient presented on
the campimetry of confrontation, loss of peripheral visual
eld and preservation of the central eld, and visual acuity
of 20/200 in the right eye - measured by the Rosenbaum
card - and counted ngers on the left eye. In the fundoscopy,
bilateral papilledema was noticed. In the other neurological
systems, no abnormalities were detected. This patient was then
submitted to complementary exams, where hypocalcemia and
hypomagnesemia were noted, thus being compatible with
secondary, postoperatory hypoparathyroidism. On computer-
ized tomography examination of the skull, calcications were
identied in the basal ganglia, bilaterally, and these ndings
are characteristic of Fahr's syndrome. Due to the clinical nd-
ing of visual changes and headache, the patient underwent
lumbar puncture with spinal manometry; it is important to note
that she had no contraindications to the procedure. Following
are the exam data: opening pressure (OP) = 84 cm H
O and
closing pressure (CP) = 15 cm H
O. Proteins, glycorrhachia
and lactate without changes. No evidence of pleocytosis.
With these ndings, the proposed diagnostic hypothesis was
intracranial hypertension secondary to hypoparathyroidism,
presenting visual impairment and symptomatic convulsive
crisis, secondary to hypocalcemia.
The patient was submitted to the correction of metabolism
disorders, with replacement of calcium, phosphate and mag-
nesium, and additional tests were requested to rule out other
clinical conditions that promote intracranial hypertension.
Five days after these measurements, the patient was again
submitted to a lumbar puncture with spinal manometry, for
control, being as follows: OP = 54 cm H
O and CP = 12
cm H
O. Thus, lumboperitoneal shunt was considered, due
to the refractoriness of intracranial hypertension, visual loss
and side effects of medications (topiramate, acetozolamide
and furosemide) in high doses in an attempt to control the
production of cerebrospinal uid (CSF) - that is, to reduce the
elevation of intracranial pressure. After these measures, the
patient started clinical treatment directed at obesity and the
surgical procedure was scheduled, which happened without
complications. The patient presented a satisfactory clinical re-
sponse, controlling for metabolic disorders with endocrinology
and there was adequate control of intracranial pressure. Even
so, the patient presented with loss of peripheral visual eld
as a sequel, but much less when compared to the admission
Sampaio PGG, Maracajá HD, Batista FLA, Figueiredo, VGN, Melo NMA
Pseudotumor cerebri secondary to secondary hypoparathyroidism and association to Fahr´s yndrome: a case report
Headaches in a general context are classied into primary
and secondary. Although primary headaches are the most
common, there are other serious and potentially fatal condi-
tions in 5-15% of cases, these being secondary. Therefore, the
priority is to establish an accurate diagnosis and distinguish
between them which can be benign and severe situations
(subarachnoid hemorrhage, meningitis, intracranial hyper-
In IIH, headache is progressively more severe and
In addition, it has a pulsatile characteristic, which
may be associated with photophobia and phonophobia, in
addition to worsening with decubitus and Valsalva maneuver.
Thus, according to the consensus of IHH
, the diagnostic
criteria are: papilledema, normal neurological examination
(except for VI cranial nerve palsy), imaging tests without struc-
tural lesions (without hydrocephalus, mass, structural lesion
or meningeal enhancement, cerebral and cervical venous
thrombosis). In the study of CSF, the biochemical assessment
and serology for fungi and tuberculosis are innocent. How-
ever, OP is 25 cm H
O. For cases in which papilledema
does not occur, the presence of high OP and another clinical
alteration are necessary, be it paralysis of the VI cranial nerve
(unilaterally or bilaterally) or alteration of the neuroimaging.
Assessing the case described here, we observed that the pa-
tient also meets diagnostic criteria for IIH, but with a known
underlying clinical cause-metabolic dysfunction-being thus
dened as a case of secondary intracranial hypertension.
Some patients with IIH complain of persistent headache after
normalization of CSF pressure, so it is necessary to evalu-
ate the possibilities of comorbidities, such as an underlying
primary headache.
In turn, it is possible to attribute the
appearance of this clinical condition to the hypofunction of
parathyroid glands, the latter resulting, in the vast majority,
from a surgical procedure, in the others, it arises due to ge-
netic, autoimmune or idiopathic etiologies.
As for hypothyroidism, some reports address patients who
met the criteria for the pseudotumor cerebri associated with
hypothyroidism. It was then assumed that hypothyroidism
primarily caused intracranial hypertension (IH) and with
the replacement of the thyroid hormone, without any other
measures to treat the pseudotumor, the condition would nor-
malize. However, the relationship between normalization of
thyroid function and improvement in neurological status was
not observed.
In addition, in another case study there
was a report of a female patient, with clinical hypothyroidism,
where persistent elevated CSF pressures were observed for
four months, even with the normalization of thyroid status.
Therefore, it is more consistent evidence with the assumption
that the two conditions have no causal relationship, with
obesity exacerbated by thyroid hormone deciency having
more importance, as a precipitating factor for pseudotumor.
It is likely that occasional reports of simultaneous hypothyroid-
ism and cerebri pseudotumor reect the incidence of these
diseases in a young female population.
Regarding obesity, it is one of the clinical contexts most often
associated with the development of pseudotumor cerebri,
affecting about 80% of patients, showing itself to be funda-
mental in the pathophysiology of this disorder.
Another important point is that hypocalcemia is a disorder
present, mostly, due to surgical hypoparathyroidism. The
rapid onset of hypocalcemia in the post-surgical setting can
be acute, a fact that requires immediate and aggressive
intervention. However, patients can evolve with chronic hy-
poparathyroidism, and are almost asymptomatic, even when
there is loss of metabolic compensation to trigger symptomatic
hypocalcemia. Despite this reality, patients with cerebral
calcications in the basal ganglia may evolve with IH, when
this condition is attributed to calcium metabolism.
So, in this context, Fahr's syndrome is dened by a triad:
association of symmetrical calcications of the central gray
nuclei, neuropsychiatric symptoms and hypofunction of the
parathyroid gland. In addition, hypocalcaemia caused by
hypoparathyroidism explains most of the clinical signs, which
may possibly arise as a result of this deciency, such as: cata-
racts, calcium malabsorption, neuromuscular hyperexcitability,
neurological and neuropsychic signs, psychiatric disorders
that can even lead to psychosis, in addition to several car-
diovascular disorders.
With all these ndings, and ruling out the possible differential
diagnoses, the diagnosis of pseudotumor cerebri secondary
to hypoparathyroidism due to total thyroidectomy, with a
radiological picture of Fahr's Syndrome, was closed.
Given the above, it appears that hypothyroidism itself had no
direct cause relationship with the development of the patient's
IH, which is a condition resulting from hypoparathyroidism,
which generated a metabolic dysfunction, reducing serum
calcium levels, and also calcications of the basal ganglia
bilaterally. This glandular dysfunction of parathyroid glands
was also responsible for neurological symptoms, resulting
in intracranial hypertension, manifested by progressive and
Sampaio PGG, Maracajá HD, Batista FLA, Figueiredo, VGN, Melo NMA
Pseudotumor cerebri secondary to secondary hypoparathyroidism and association to Fahr´s yndrome: a case report
pulsatile holocranial headache, accompanied by nausea
and visual changes.
The conduct of Fahr's syndrome, in this case, was focused on
the treatment of hypoparathyroidism and which consists of
correcting metabolism disorders of phosphorus and calcium,
which naturally resulted in clinical and radiological improve-
ment, however, without denitive resolution of the condition.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conicts of interest.
Author's contributions: PGGS- Data Collection, Project Management,
Research, Writing; HDM-Project Management, Writing, Reviewing
and Editing; FLAB- Writing, Proofreading and Editing; VGNF- Wri-
ting; NMAM- Writing
Hiago Diniz Maracajá
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