Headache Medicine, v.5, n.2, p.33-38, Apr./May/Jun. 2014 33
Migraine as a risk factor associated with hypertensive
disorders of pregnancy
Enxaqueca antes da gravidez como fator associado para distúrbios
hipertensivos da gestação
Objectives: Objectives:
Objectives: Objectives:
Objectives: To identify if the presence of migraine before
pregnancy predisposes to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
Methods: Observational study undertaken from a database
of a follow-up study, composed of women consecutively
assisted, at the first postnatal week, at IMIP. Its objective was
to evaluate the course of migraine during pregnancy and
postpartum in women with migraine before pregnancy. The
Fisher exact test was used considering the significance level of
less than 5%.
Results: Results:
Results: Results:
Results: Of the 686 women, 38.8% were
migraine sufferers before pregnancy. 14.3% referred
hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. The presence of migraine
before pregnancy and to have been submitted to a cesarean
section (p<0.001) were factors associated with the presence
of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy.
Conclusion: Conclusion:
Conclusion: Conclusion:
Conclusion: Migraine
before pregnancy is an associated factor to hypertensive
disorders of pregnancy. The diagnosis of migraine should
always be taken into consideration during antenatal care, for
the prevention of complications.
Keywords: Migraine with aura; Migraine without aura;
Pregnancy; Hypertension
Gabriel Braga Diégues Serva
, Leonardo Santos Calvacanti Guerra
, Vilneide Maria Santos Braga Diégues Serva
Waldmiro Antônio Diégues Serva
, Marcela Patrícia Macêdo Belo
Marcelo Moraes Valença
, Maria de Fátima Costa Caminha
Medical Doctor, Faculdade Pernambucana de Saúde (FPS). Recife, PE, Brazil
MsC in Mother and Child Heath at the University of London and Head of the Breast Milk Bank and Center of
Incentive of Breastfeeding at IMIP (BLH/CIAMA/IMIP). Recife, PE, Brazil
PhD in Neurophychiatry and Behavior Sciences of the UFPE, Mphill in Neuroradiology at the University of London,
Associate Professor of the Department of Neuropsychiatry of the UFPE. Recife, PE, Brazil
Nurse Resident in Pediatrics at the IMIP and MsC student in Pediatrics of the UFPE. Recife, PE, Brasil
PhD in Physiology (USP - Ribeirão Preto) and Associate Professor at the Department of Neuropsiquiatry of the
Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). Recife, PE, Brazil
PhD in Nutrition at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) and Researcher at the Research Department
the of the Instituto de Medicina Integral Professor Fernando Figueira (IMIP). Recife, PE, Brazil
GB, Guerra LS, Serva VM, Serva WA, Belo MP, Valença MM, Caminha MF. Migraine as a risk factor
associated with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Headache Medicine. 2014;5(2):33-38
Objetivos: Identificar se a enxaqueca antes da gravidez
predispõe aos distúrbios hipertensivos da gestação.
Método: Método:
Método: Método:
Estudo observacional, realizado a partir de banco de dados,
composto por mulheres consecutivamente assistidas na
primeira semana pós-parto em hospital de referência no
Nordeste do Brasil. Foi utilizado o teste exato de Fisher
considerando o nível de significância menor que 5%.
Resultados: Das 686 puérperas, 38,8% eram portadoras
de enxaqueca antes da gestação. 14,3% referiram distúrbios
hipertensivos na gestação. Ter enxaqueca antes da gravidez
e ser submetida à cesariana (p<0,001) mostraram-se como
fatores associados aos distúrbios hipertensivos na gestação.
Conclusão: Conclusão:
Conclusão: Conclusão:
Conclusão: Enxaqueca antes da gravidez é um fator
associado aos distúrbios hipertensivos da gestação. O
diagnóstico da enxaqueca deve ser sempre levado em
consideração no pré-natal para que haja prevenção de
: Enxaqueca sem aura; Enxaqueca com
aura; Gravidez; Hipertensão.
34 Headache Medicine, v.5, n.2, p.33-38, Apr./May/Jun. 2014
Migraine is a primary headache considered by the
World Health Organization in the nineteenth place among
all diseases causing incapacity.
In 1938, Graham and Wolff
were the first to develop
a consistent theory to explain migraine attacks. They
claimed that there was an initial intracranial vaso-
constriction followed by vasodilatation, causing aura and
pain, respectively. Currently, there is evidence that the pain
in migraine is mediated by the trigeminal nerve and that
this may be due to a form of neurogenic inflammation.
The vasodilatation caused by stimulation of the Gasserian
ganglion is accompanied by the mast cells degranulation
and increased vascular permeability with release of
Furchgott and Zawadzki
reported that
vasodilatation induced by acetylcholine depended on
an intact endothelium, but nitric oxide, the mediator of
this endothelium-dependent vasodilatation was
identified, also plays a role in hyperalgesia.
On the
other hand, gestational hypertension and preeclampsia
are disorders that arise during pregnancy, after the
twentieth week.
The physiopathology of hypertensive disorders of
pregnancy, especially preeclampsia, is not yet fully known,
but it is known that it is multifactorial, involving multiple
organs and even genetic and immunological factors.
During normal pregnancy, the uterine spiral arteries
are transformed from high-resistance vessels into low-
resistance ones, to meet the needs of the growing fetus.
This transformation is the result of trophoblastic invasion
of the arterial layers. In women with preeclampsia,
trophoblastic invasion ceases to occur, or occurs
inappropriately, resulting in high resistance vessels and
placental circulation with low flow. Placental ischemia and
hypoxia determine injury of the the vascular endothelium.
Then, a vicious circle follows up. Placental hypoxia
increases the production of free radicals which damage
the endothelium. Endothelial injury, in turn, triggers platelet
activation, the release of thromboxane (TXA2) and
serotonin and platelet aggregation, with obstruction of
placental blood flow. The placental hypoxia also increases
the production of lipid peroxides which damage the
synthesis of prostacyclin, a potent vasodilatator.
the vascular changes that occur in hypertensive disorders
of pregnancy are similar to those in migraine.
That is why, the etiological relationship between the
two conditions needs investigation because it remains
relatively obscure.
The literature reports a high risk for
pregnancy-induced hypertension or preeclampsia, among
women with migraine before pregnancy.
So, the present study investigated whether migraine
before pregnancy predisposes to hypertensive disorders
of pregnancy.
This is an observational study undertaken from the
database of a follow-up study with two components
(prospective and retrospective), whose main objective was
to evaluate the course of migraine with (MA) and without
aura (MO) during pregnancy and postpartum among
women identified as migraine sufferers before pregnancy,
classified according to International Classification of
Headache Disorders (ICHD-2004).
Data collection was
conducted from June to November 2009, at the Breast
Milk Bank of the Instituto de Medicina Integral Professor
Fernando Figueira (BMB/IMIP). For the present study,
variables related to socio-demographic, obstetric and
biological characteristics were selected, according to the
research objectives.
The sample used in the initial research that was part
of the follow-up study was composed of mothers who
had given birth at the IMIP. The data collection instrument
was applied in the first postnatal visit around the eighth
day after birth (between the seventh and tenth) at the Out-
patient Clinic of the BMB/IMIP, after signing the Consent
Form. Women with neurological diseases that characterized
secondary headache before pregnancy (epilepsy,
aneurysm, brain tumor, vascular malformation) were
excluded. There was no bias in the sample selection, given
the fact that all women were consecutively admitted in the
study. The sample for the current study consisted of 686
mothers, the same as the total sample of the original
database. There has been no refusal to participate.
The data collection form included questions related
to socio-demographic (education, per capita income,
maternal age, race/color of the skin, marital status,
occupation), obstetric (number of pregnancies and
hypertensive disorders of pregnancy) and biological
factors (MO and MA before pregnancy). All the possible
categories of hypertension during pregnancy
(preeclampsia/eclampsia, chronic hypertension,
preeclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension or
nephropathy and gestational hypertension) were grouped
under the nomination of hypertensive disorders in
Headache Medicine, v.5, n.2, p.33-38, Apr./May/Jun. 2014 35
For the processing of the data from the follow-up
study, Epi-info version 6.04.b was used with double data
entry. From this database, we selected the variables of
interest that allowed to identify and compare the frequency
of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in patients with or
without migraine before pregnancy, thus, an "ad hoc"
database was undertaken. The comparative analysis was
performed using Fisher's exact test. The significance level
of <5% was used to reject the null hypothesis. Data were
processed with SPSS for Windows, version 13.1 (SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, IL, USA). To describe the sample categorical
variables were expressed in terms of absolute and relative
frequencies. For continuous data, according to its
distribution, the result was described by a measure of central
tendency and its associated dispersion.
The present study is in accordance with Resolution
196/96 of the National Ethics Committee. It was approved
in a regular meeting of the Ethics Committee of the IMIP
on December 12
, 2011, under the number 2747-11.
The authors asked the Ethics Committee on Human
Research of IMIP to liberate the Consent Form, since the
article had, as source of information, a database
approved by the same Committee at a Regular Meeting
of April 16
, 2009, under the number 1389.
The sample consisted of 686 postpartum women who
corresponded to the total sample of the original study.
266 (38.8%) were identified as having migraine before
pregnancy, where 237 (34.5%) had MO and 29 (4.3%)
MA, respectively.
The mean age was 25 years, varying from 13 to 46
years old. 71.7% had nine or more years of schooling,
74.8% per capita income less than half of the minimum
wage, and 55.0% reported themselves as brown [most of
them were married or had a consensual union (79.7%),
primigravids (57.1%) and did not work (59.9%)]. The
majority of them had vaginal deliveries (66.5%).
Of the 686 women, 98 (14.3%) reported that they
had suffered hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Of these
60 (22.6%) occurred in women with MO and MA before
pregnancy and 38 (9.0%) among the other women.
Table 1 shows analyzes the factors associated with
hypertensive disorders during pregnancy. The presence
of migraine before pregnancy and to have been
submitted to a cesarean section (p<0.001) were factors
associated with the presence of hypertensive disorders
in pregnancy.
During childhood, girls and boys have similar
prevalence of migraine, however, after puberty there is a
clear predominance among women.
Lipton et al.,
a prospective and community based study, showed a
prevalence of migraine during the women's reproductive
life of 25%. In the study by Maggioni et al.
where the
interviews were conducted after delivery, asking
retrospectively about the presence of MA and MO before
pregnancy, the prevalence was 29%. The frequency was
higher in the present study where 38.8% of the women
suffered from MA and MO before pregnancy. This
difference can be justified because it was a hospital
centered sample, with data collection performed
retrospectively, although consecutively, which reduced the
possibility of bias. However, a prospective study of 720
pregnant women followed from the 11
week of
gestation until postpartum showed a prevalence of 38.5%.
25.5% of these women were MO sufferers, 5% had MA
and 6.9% were probable migraine sufferers.
The present
study did not show different results, showing frequencies
of 34.5% and 4.3% for MO and MA, respectively.
Facchinetti et al.
concluded that the prevalence of
migraine in their study, greater than other studies in the
was not due to selection bias, since the
subjects were recruited from the general population. They
believed that their finding were consistent with the age
range studied and also because it was a population of
white women who have a higher prevalence of migraine.
That was not true in the present study, where the sample
was mostly composed of women who referred themselves
as brown or black (74.5%).
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy were present in
14.3% of the pregnant women. This finding did not differ
with those of the literature that shows a prevalence of 10
to 22% of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, being the
most common complication of the gestational period.
Another observational and retrospective study in a referral
hospital in Recife, evaluating medical records of 12,272
pregnant women, showed that 10.26% of them met the
inclusion criteria for hypertension, both gestational and
chronic hypertension
and again reporting similar
frequency of that of the present study.
Women with migraine before pregnancy suffer a
significant and progressive decrease of their seizures
during the gestational period.
However, these
women are at greater risk for developing gestational
hypertension, preeclampsia and eclampsia.
36 Headache Medicine, v.5, n.2, p.33-38, Apr./May/Jun. 2014
the primary mechanisms of migraine and preeclampsia
are not completely understood, both diseases are
characterized by having an altered vasoreactivity and
platelet abnormal behavior,
and can therefore share
a common etiology.
It is believed that migraine as well
as gestational hypertension, preeclampsia and eclampsia
have some characteristics that may increase the risk of
ischemic disorders
due to vascular alterations that occur
in such conditions, as platelet hyperaggregation,
reduced magnesium availability
and decreased
production of prostacyclines.
Although the latest
physiological findings suggest that migraine is more a
disorder of the nervous system, rather than of the vascular
Kruit et al.
showed that patients with migraine
have an increased risk of developing subclinical brain
The risk of developing hypertensive disorders of
pregnancy was higher in patients with migraine before
pregnancy (9.1%) compared with those without the disease
(3.1%), adjusted for age, family history of hypertension
and smoking with the OR of 2.85 (95% IC 1.40-5.81).
In that study, hypertension was defined as the onset of
gestational hypertension and preeclampsia. They
excluded women with chronic hypertension before
pregnancy and those who had suffered from hypertensive
disorders of pregnancy in previous gestational periods.
Both women with MO and MA before pregnancy showed
gestational hypertension and preeclampsia during
Headache Medicine, v.5, n.2, p.33-38, Apr./May/Jun. 2014 37
pregnancy in a similar frequency, 10.3% and 11.1%,
Adeney et al.
showed that a history of
migraines before pregnancy increased by 1.8 times the
risk of preeclampsia (95% CI 1.1-2.7). That study also
highlighted the importance of age, women who were
diagnosed as being migraine sufferers with 30 years or
more had a higher risk of developing preeclampsia during
pregnancy (OR 2.8, 95% CI 0.8-9,0).
The association
of migraine and preeclampsia in overweight women
compared to controls without migraine and without
overweight was even greater, with a 12 fold greater risk
of preeclampsia (95% CI 5.9-25.7).
The present study
showed a statistically significant difference p<0.001 in
relation to the association among women with MO and
MA before pregnancy and a higher frequency of
hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. All possible causes
of hypertension during pregnancy were grouped under
the scope of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Age,
however, was not a statistically significant variable,
probably because the age at onset of the migraine attacks
was not investigated.
In the present study there was a significant higher
chance of hypertensive disorders among the women with
migraine versus the ones without migraine [60/266
(22.6%) vs. 38/420 (9.1%), OR 2.928 95%CI 1.885-
4.548] (Figure 1).
obstetric and not solely due to the hypertensive disorders
of pregnancy.
Although it was not possible in the present study to
classify the type of hypertension disorder of pregnancy,
once the study was realized from the database collected
from postpartum women, the association between
migraine before pregnancy and hypertensive disorders
of pregnancy may indicate that certain women are
predisposed to placental ischemia and brain, and are
thus at high risk for stroke and severe brain damage.
There is no absolute agreement among the authors to
explain the pathophysiology of migraine and
hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, especially
preeclampsia, however, the hemodynamics of migraine
is similar to that of pre-eclampsia, with reduced perfusion,
possibly mediated by endothelial dysfunction oxidative
In conclusion, women with migraine before
pregnancy are more likely to have hypertensive disorders
during the pregnancy.
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38 Headache Medicine, v.5, n.2, p.33-38, Apr./May/Jun. 2014
aldmiro Antônio Diégues Servaaldmiro Antônio Diégues Serva
aldmiro Antônio Diégues Servaaldmiro Antônio Diégues Serva
aldmiro Antônio Diégues Serva
Rua Astronauta Neil Armstrong, 120/1302. Casa Amarela, CEP:
52060-170 – Recife, PE, Brasil
Telephone: 55 (81) 3268-4638 / Fax: 55 (81) 2126-8523
e-mail: wserva@hotmail.com
e-mail: amanda-aas@hotmail.com
Received: June 3,2014
Accepted: June 20, 2014
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