Headache Medicine, v.3, n.4, p.198-235, Oct./Nov./Dec. 2012 231
Figure 1 – Imunohistochemical preparations on sequential sections of
masseter muscle of 3rd decade male with the antibodies against MyHC
slow (A) and fast (B), showing the double staining. C: single muscle
fiber manually teased from the masseter muscle of 4th decade male
prepared with antibody agaist MyHC slow demonstrating the presence
of a portion of the fiber stained and other without reactio, proving the
presence of hybrid fiber. D: temporalis muscle from 2nd decade male
prepared with antibody againt MyHCneonatal showing the presence
of neonatal fibers stained (in brown)
Successful performance of daily oral activities, such
as biting, swallowing, chewing, and talking require a
synchronized function of jaw muscles. Precise position
control of the mandible combined with a change of jaw
muscle strength is feasible due to the complex architecture
of the involved muscles. The speed of muscle contraction
depends on the composition of the myosin heavy chain
(MyHC) isoform composition.
Muscle fibers have been classified according to the
differences in contraction speed, and propensity to
fatigability based on immunohistochemical findings.
Contraction velocity increases progressively from type I,
type IIA, type IIX to type IIB. The fiber-type composition
differs within different muscle groups (jaw-closers and jaw-
openers), different regions of the same muscle. It is likely
that specific function is reflected in specific fiber-type
Jaw-muscles notably present more hybrid fibers,
containing more than one MyHC isoform, than limb or
trunk muscles. These hybrid fibers have contractile
properties that differ from the pure fiber, and present
intermediate characteristics from each of the MyHC
isoforms they express. Thus, hybrid fiber expressing both
MyHC-I and IIA, for instance, will be faster than pure
MyHC-I fiber but slower than pure MyHC-IIA fiber.
During muscle maturation, developmental MyHC
isoforms (embryonic and neonatal) are replaced by adult
slow and fast MyHC isoforms in normal adult limb and
trunk muscle fibers. However, developmental MyHC
isoforms persist in some adult cranial muscles, including
the masseter and they may even increase in relative amount
with aging.
There are several differences between jaw muscles
and limb and trunk muscles. For example, the jaw muscles
contain many hybrid fibers, in contrast to limb and trunk
muscles. Many of these fibers co-express MyHC-neonatal.
Also, there is a difference in the fiber diameter between
the two fiber types. Type II fibers are larger than type I
fibers in limb and trunk muscles, while in jaw muscles the
opposite is observed. Another difference is the jaw muscle
fibers are 50% smaller than limb and trunk muscle fibers.
The aims of the present study were to determine: 1)
the fiber-type and fiber cross sectional area distribution in
masseter and temporal muscles through the aging process,
in both genders, 2) the proportion of hybrid and neonatal
fibers, and their capillary density along the nine decades
of life.
We studied the differences of the fiber types in
masseter and temporalis muscles along the first to ninth
decades in both genders. Seventy-four (74) samples
were obtained from the Pathology Department of School
of Medicine of University of São Paulo, according to the
rules of the necropsy service, within an 8-18 hours post
mortem interval, of both genders, and from subjects in
the first to ninth decade of life. It included at least two
samples per decade per gender. Fragments of 2x2x1cm
were collected from deep and posterior portions of
masseter by extraoral access, and from medium and
superficial temporalis by superior access.
For statistical analysis, the samples were grouped into
three subgroups: young (0 to 25 years of age), adult (26
to 59 years of age) and old (60 and above years of
age). Comparisons between two groups was used the t
student test or the Mann-Whitney, and for three groups
used the ANOVA or the Kruskal-Wallis test. The significance
level was set at p<0.05.
The muscle specimens were mounted for transverse
sectioning and snap frozen in liquid nitrogen. Serial 6µm
thick cross-sections were prepared in a cryostat microtome
(MICROM HM 505E) at -25°C, and were kept stored in