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Migraine and probable migraine in childhood has
prevalence rates that range between 3.76% and 17.1%
in Brazil.
Children with migraine have attention deficits,
and experience negative consequences with regard to
school performance as well as familial and social
A possible role for the neurotransmitters was
suggested, as was a close link between migraine and visual
attention deficits.
In continuation of our line of research,
we herein aimed to evaluate the visual attention
performance of children undergoing migraine prophylaxis
in comparison with children with untreated migraine and
a healthy control group.
Eighty-two children were enrolled and divided into
three groups: untreated migraine (n = 30), migraine
prophylaxis (n = 22), and control (n = 30). Participants
in the untreated migraine group had been newly admitted
to the outpatient childhood headache service at the
Division of Investigation and Treatment of Headaches
(DITH) of the Federal University of São Paulo; all were
diagnosed with migraine with (n = 5) or without aura
(n = 25) according to the International Headache Society
criteria (ICDH-II, 2004).
They were aged 8-12 years
(mean age, 10.8 ± 1.5 years); 15 were boys. On
average, they experienced 5.8 ± 3.2 days of headache
per month, confirmed by a 30-day headache diary, without
previous or current use of migraine prophylaxis. However,
all children were free of pain and migraine symptoms in
the two days preceding the assessment.
Participants in the migraine prophylaxis group were
regular patients at DITH; all were diagnosed with migraine
with (n = 6) or without aura (n = 16). They were aged
8-12 years (mean age, 10.8 ± 1.5 years); 10 were
boys. They had experienced an average of 6.3 ± 2.0
days of headache per month prior to treatment.
Prophylactic treatment started 3-6 months before
evaluation, and children were free of pain and migraine
symptoms in the two months preceding the assessment.
Eight of them were taking sodium valproate (500-1000
mg/day), six of them propranolol (40-80 mg/day), five
amitriptyline (25-50 mg/day), and three flunarizine (5 mg-
10 mg/day). All of these prophylactic drugs have been
shown to be well tolerated and efficient in the treatment
of migraine in this age group. The control group
comprised children without headache aged 9.9 ± 1.3
years; 16 were boys. Children were selected through
questionnaires completed by parents in two public
schools in the city of São Paulo.
All children were subjected to medical and
psychological evaluations. They were also evaluated using
the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children, 3
(WISC-III) which was applied by a DITH psychologist.
Exclusion criteria were as follows: any other concomitant
systemic illness; abnormalities revealed on neurological
examination; intelligence quotient (IQ) less than 80;
psychiatric disturbances; learning disabilities; history of
epilepsy; head trauma or use of other drugs acting on the
central nervous system, including alcohol consumption,
smoking, and illicit drugs abuse; prior use of migraine
prophylaxis (in the untreated migraine group) and a history
of episodes of primary headache (in the control group).
Each child was subjected to the following visual
attention tests, between July 2010 and January 2012
under the direction of a DITH psychologist: Trail Making
Tests (TMT) parts A and B), the Letter – Cancellation Test
and the Test of Visual Attention 3
edition, a computerized
test, standardized for the Brazilian population.
Visual attention in children with migraine: the
importance of prophylaxis
Thaís Rodrigues Villa, Andréa Regina Correa Moutran, Alberto Alain Gabbai, Deusvenir de Souza Carvalho
Division of Investigation and Treatment of Headaches (DITH), Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery
Federal University of São Paulo – Unifesp, São Paulo,SP, Brazil
Villa TR, Moutran AR, Gabbai AA, Carvalho DS. Visual attention in children with migraine:
the importance of prophylaxis. Headache Medicine. 2012;3(4):215-7
221 Headache Medicine, v.3, n.4, p.198-235, Oct./Nov./Dec. 2012
All children were students of public schools in São
Paulo city and had similar socio economic backgrounds.
None of them had a prior history of frequent school
absences. Informed consent was obtained from the
parents, and the study was approved by our Local
Research Ethics Committee. For statistical analysis, the
Student t-test and Mann-Whitney test were used. The
significance level was set at p < 0.05.
Children with untreated migraine performed
significantly worse in TMT parts A and B (p < 0.001) and
had a greater number of action errors in tasks 1 (p = 0.032)
and 2 (p = 0.015) of the Visual Attention Test when
compared with control group (Table 1). Children with
untreated migraine performed significantly worse in TMT
part B (p = 0.004) and had a greater number of
omission errors in task 1 (p = 0.019) of the Visual
Attention Test when compared to the migraine prophylaxis
group (Table 2). The migraine prophylaxis and control
group showed similar results. The only variable that was
significantly different between these two groups was the
reaction time in task 1 of the Visual Attention Test (p =
0.038) (Table 3).
Children with untreated migraine performed
significantly worse in all tests applied in comparison to
control children or children undergoing migraine
prophylaxis. Nonetheless, the performance in attention
tasks was within the normal range in all groups.
Compared to the other groups, the untreated migraine
group presented deficits in selective and alternate
In this study, we were unable to evaluate
differences between prophylactic treatments due to
small number of children taking each type of
medication. However, clinical observation revealed no
performance differences between children taking
different prophylactic drugs. Importantly, all the children
who underwent migraine prophylaxis experienced an
improvement in their symptoms, regardless of the drug
being administered.
Attention is the capacity to respond to significant
stimuli, irrespective of other stimuli. This is an important
Headache Medicine, v.3, n.4, p.198-235, Oct./Nov./Dec. 2012 222
cognitive function, highly dependent on a set of
anatomical structures such as the brain stem, the cerebral
cortex, and the limbic system, as well as on a combination
of neurotransmitters, chiefly noradrenaline and
Disturbances of these neurotransmitters can cause
attention deficits. In addition, they play a role in the
physiopathology of migraine, including pain and other
symptoms in the crisis and intercrisis periods.
With an effective prophylactic treatment, it is possible
that the equilibrium of neurotransmitters is re-established,
consequently restoring attention. This hypothesis being
proposed, could attention deficit be considered a migraine
symptom in some patients? Further large-scale studies are
needed to address this question. It is necessary to
investigate cognitive dysfunction in children with migraine,
and to administer effective prophylactic treatment when
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