Headache Medicine: a new star is appearing on the horizon
Figure 1. Number of articles published per year encountered in PubMed with the words "Brazil and/or
headache". Ist BHC, First Brazilian Headache Congress; M&C, Migrâneas & Cefaléias; IHS, International
Headache Society; ICHD, The International Classification of Headache Disorders.
Marcelo M. VMarcelo M. V
Marcelo M. VMarcelo M. V
Marcelo M. V
alença, Falença, F
alença, Falença, F
alença, F
ernando Kernando K
ernando Kernando K
ernando K
Dear friends,
Headache Medicine is a medical specialty that is attracting neurologist, neurosurgeons,
pain specialists and basic researchers. The United Council of Neurologic Subspecialist (UCNS)
considered Headache Medicine as a subspecialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment
of headache and face pain. A great expansion has been occurring in the field of Headache
Medicine during the recent years, manifesting in a substantial increase in scientific publication
in this area (Figure 1). We could enumerate several different facts related with this mentioned
booming success, among then surely the creation of both the American Headache Society
(1959) and the International Headache Society (1981) were very important. A similar
phenomenon occurred in our country with the foundation of the Brazilian Headache Society
(1978, see Figure 1). Another point of importance is the existence of good scientific journals
in the field of Headache Medicine (e.g. Cephalalgia, Headache, Journal of Headache
and Pain, among others). In the past, a great number of Brazilian articles in the area of
headache were published in Neurobiologia (1938), Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (1943)
and Migrâneas & Cefaléias (1994-2009). We wish that the publication of this new Brazilian
Headache Journal - Headache Medicine - will further stimulate the growth and development
of our Brazilian Headache Society and spread new understanding and ideas in the magnificent
branch of learning of Headache and Pain Medicine.
4 Headache Medicine, v. 1, n.1, p.4, jan/fev/mar. 2010