96 Headache Medicine, v. 3, n.3, p. 96, Jul./Aug./Sep. 2012
Immortalized by science and friendship
t is now almost 35 years since the Brazilian Headache Society was founded
(1978) and naturally several of its founders have passed away. Among these we
should remember in particular Edgard Raffaelli Júnior, Wilson Farias da Silva and
José Martônio Ferreira de Almeida, who are all deeply missed. Some depart
prematurely, as in the recent case of Marco Antonio Minchola Robles. All of them
became immortalized during our congresses, and we always remember them for
their outstanding contributions to our specialty and fondly recall the festive moments
shared with them between the formal sessions.
In this issue of Headache Medicine you will find the program of our XXVI
Brazilian Headache Congress, which we are sure will be of great interest to all of
you. In addition, you will be able to read the abstracts on the most recent
developments in the field of Headache Medicine from different centers in Brazil.
Marcelo Moraes Valença, MD, PhD and Fernando Kowacs, MD, PhD