Headache Medicine, v.7, n.4, p.133-136, Oct./Nov./Dec. 2016 133
Secondary nummular headache: a literature review
Cefaleia numular secundária: Revisão de literatura
Arthur C. Holanda
, Marília A. Batista
, Raiza R. B. Oliveira
, Maria Carolina M. de Oliveira
, Carolina A. Asfora
Aída C. S. do Nascimento
, Eric C. Arraes
, Rafael G. Costa
, Marcelo M. Valença
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brasil
Universidade de Pernambuco, Recife, Brasil
Serviço de Neurocirurgia, Hospital Esperança, Recife, Brasil
Holanda AC, Batista MA, Oliveira RRB, Oliveira MCM, Asfora CA, Nascimento ACS, Arraes EC, Costa RG, Valença MM.
Secondary nummular headache: a literature review. Headache Medicine. 2016;7(4):133-6
Introduction: Despite being recognized only as a primary
headache, some studies in the literature suggest the existence
of nummular headache secondary to structural lesions and
other diseases. The aim of this literature review is to compile
the cases of probable secondary nummular headache
reported in the literature. Methods: The terms "nummular
headache" and "coin-shaped headache" were searched in
five databases (MEDLINE, Scopus, SciELO, LILACS and
Cochrane Library). Only articles that described cases of
patients diagnosed with nummular headache were included.
The cases were considered as secondary when a cause for
the headache was suggested by the authors. Results: After
excluding reviews and non-related or duplicated studies, 50
articles were included. A total of 343 cases of nummular
headache were, at least, mentioned by these studies, and 30
of them were considered as secondary. Conclusion: there
are few reports of secondary nummular headache in the
literature; still, they represent a considerable percentage of
the reported cases of nummular headache. They support that
structural lesions and other diseases should be considered in
the differential diagnosis of primary nummular headache.
Keywords: Nummular headache, Headache
Introdução: Apesar de ser reconhecida apenas como uma
cefaleia primária, alguns estudos na literatura sugerem a
existência de cefaleia numular secundária a lesões estrutu-
rais e outras doenças. O objetivo dessa revisão de literatura
é compilar os casos de provável cefaleia numular secundá-
ria reportados na literatura. Métodos: Os termos "nummular
headache" e "coin-shaped headache" foram pesquisados em
cinco bases (MEDLINE, Scopus, SciELO, LILACS e Cochrane
Library). Apenas artigos que descrevem casos de pacientes
diagnosticados com cefaleia numular foram incluídos. Os
casos foram considerados secundários quando uma causa
para a cefaleia foi sugerida pelos autores. Resultados: Após
excluir artigos de revisão e artigos não relacionados ou du-
plicados, 50 artigos foram incluídos. Um total de 343 casos
de cefaleia numular foram, ao menos, citados por esses
estudos, e 30 deles foram considerados secundários. Con-
clusão: Existem poucos relatos de cefaleia numular secun-
dária na literatura; ainda assim, representam uma porcen-
tagem considerável dos casos reportados de cefaleia numular.
Eles apoiam a ideia de que lesões estruturais e outras doen-
ças devem ser consideradas no diagnóstico diferencial de
cefaleia numular primária.
Palavras-chave: Cefaleia numular, Cefaleia
Nummular headache is described in the International
Classification of Headache Disorders 3
edition (beta
version) (ICDH 3-β),
as a frequently chronic pain located
in a small circumscribed area of the scalp, not caused by
structural lesions. It can be continuous or intermittent, being
sharply contoured, fixed in size and shape, round or elliptical
and between 1 and 6 cm of diameter.
Despite being recognized only as a primary headache,
some studies in the literature suggest the existence of
nummular headache secondary to structural lesions and
other diseases. In this context, the aim of this literature
review is to compile the cases of probable secondary
nummular headache reported in the literature.
134 Headache Medicine, v.7, n.4, p.133-136, Oct./Nov./Dec. 2016
The terms "nummular headache" and "coin-shaped
headache" were searched in five databases (MEDLINE,
Scopus, SciELO, LILACS and Cochrane Library). The review
was performed up to 2015. Only articles that described
cases of patients diagnosed with nummular headache were
included. The cases were considered as secondary when a
cause for the headache was suggested by the authors.
The search in MEDLINE, Scopus, SciELO, LILACS and
Cochrane Library yielded 68, 89, one, one and no articles,
respectively. After excluding reviews and non-related or
duplicated studies, 50 articles were included. A total of 343
cases of nummular headache were, at least, mentioned by
these studies, and 30 of them were considered as secondary.
Table 1 describes all the 30 cases and their suggested
etiologies. Half of them were related to autoimmune
diseases. Other possible causes associated with the onset
of the headache were superficial masses (3 cases), tumors
in the sellar region (3 cases), head trauma (3 cases),
aneurysms (2 cases), insect bite (1 case), varicella-zoster
infection (1 case), craniosynostosis (1 case) and a
protruding bone lesion (1 case).
The distribution of characteristics (Table 2) was similar
to those of the two previous literature reviews.
headache was more common in women (73.3%), being
restricted to a circular area (73.3%) in the parietal region
Table 1 - Cases of nummular headache with suggested etiologies
Study Age (sex) Site (side) Size
Quality (intensity) Suggested etiology Effective treatment
Dash, 2006 27 (M) P (L) 2.5 Burning (mod) Head trauma None
Guillem, 2007 60 (F) T (L) - - (mild) Subtentorial meningioma Surgery
Pareja, 2008 65 (F) P (R) 4.5 Stabbing (sev) Head trauma -
60 (M) P (L) 4 Pressing (mild) Insect bite -
Alvaro, 2009 67 (M) P (L) 5 Pressing (mild) Protruding lesion Nerve block
72 (F) V 4 - (mod) Post-op. (pit. adenoma) None
Guillem, 2009 52 (F) PO (R) 2.5 - Arachnoid cyst None
36 (F) PT (R) 5 Pressing (mod) Arachnoid cyst Pregabaline
Moon, 2010 77 (M) P (L) 10 - Head trauma -
Chen, 2012a 62 (F) P (L) 4 Electric (mod) VZ infection Fanciclo vir, gabapentin
Chen, 2012b 75 (F) P (R) - - Prim. SjS -
52 (F) P (B) - - Prim. SjS -
38 (F) PT (R) - - RA, APS -
48 (F) P (R) - - SS -
74 (F) P (L) - - Prim. SjS, RA, AS -
73 (F) P (L) - - APS -
64 (F) P (L) - - APS -
72 (F) P (R) - - SS -
66 (F) P (R) - - SjS -
51 (F) P (B) - - SS -
68 (F) P (R) - - SS, prim. SjS -
61 (F) P (L) - - Prim. SjS -
57 (F) P (R) - - Prim. SjS -
47 (M) P (R) - - RA -
Chui, 2013 54 (F) V 3 Electric (mod) Pit. oncocytoma Surgery
Irimia, 2013 33 (F) O (R) 3 Boring (mod) Alopecia areata Botulinum toxin A
Yin, 2013 58 (F) V 4.5 Electric (-) Post-op. (pit. prolactinoma) Gabapentin
Mesonero, 2014 41 (F) P (L) 3 Pressing (-) Craniosynostosis No treatment
Ruiz, 2014 67 (M) T (R) 4 Pressing (sev) TA fusiform aneurysm (R) Surgery
60 (M) O (R) 5 Boring (mod) OA fusiform aneurysm (R) Triptans
M - male; F - female; P - parietal; T - temporal; O - occipital; PT - Parieto-temporal; PO - Parieto-occipital; V - vertex; L - left;
R - Right; mod - moderate; sev - severe; post-op. - postoperative; pit - pituitary; VZ - Varicella-zoster; Prim. SjS - primary Sjogren
syndrome; RA - rheumatoid arthritis; APS - antiphospholipid syndrome; SS - sicca syndrome; AS - ankylosing spondylitis;
TA - temporal artery; OA - occipital artery. a - in cm, representing the wider diameter; b - treatment with the best results.
Headache Medicine, v.7, n.4, p.133-136, Oct./Nov./Dec. 2016 135
(66.7%). It presented more frequently as a mild to moderate
(83.3%) pressing (41.7%) pain in a continuous pattern
(85.7%), with exacerbations (58.3%), sensory disturbances
(46.7%) and tenderness to palpation (56.3%).
The pain was, diminished in half of the cases in which
anticonvulsants, as gabapentin, were used, while antidepressants,
as amitriptyline, were not useful in any patient. The headache
disappeared only in two patients treated with gabapentin
and in the three who underwent surgical procedure.
The current study reviewed the cases of nummular
headache in the literature and described the information
from studies that associated this headache to other
conditions. While case reports and observational studies
have been increasing in number, only few articles have
suggested a cause for the reported cases,
and a
secondary entity for nummular headache is still not
The most common characteristics of these cases were
similar to those found by Dai et al.
and Schwartz et al.,
as well as to those described in the ICDH 3-β
for primary
nummular headache. In fact, according to the ICDH 3-
diagnosis of nummular headache is made after
exclusion of structural causes. Furthermore, a correlation
between the headache and other diseases does not mean
that the former is caused by the latter, and it is also possible
that some of the cases were not related to the patient's
history nor their concurrent conditions. However, some of
the reports are highly suggestive of a causation relationship.
The three most compelling examples are described by
Guillem et al.,
Chui et al.
and López-Ruiz et al.
patients were diagnosed with, respectively, a subtentorial
meningioma, a pituitary oncocytoma and a fusiform
aneurysm in the right temporal artery, after presenting
nummular headache as the only or major symptom. The
headache characteristics were different between the cases,
but its location was related to the site of the pathology in
all of them. The pain disappeared rapidly after the surgery
and did not recur in the three patients.
Head trauma was suggested as the cause of nummular
headache in only three cases reported in the
while it was not considered as a probable
cause in other cases with history of trauma.
relationship between trauma and nummular headache is
very difficult to establish; however, of the two cases with
information available, one
had a headache starting
immediately after the event, and both
had the location
of pain restricted to the site of the trauma.
The difficulty in distinguishing primary from a possible
secondary nummular headache has implications regarding
its clinical assessment. As the headache is commonly mild
and the possibility of an underlying cause is not often
recognized, secondary conditions may be underdiagnosed,
at least until the presentation of other symptoms. Despite of
their rarity in the literature, secondary nummular headaches
should be considered, and imaging evaluation can be a
helpful tool for an early diagnosis.
Table 2 - Characteristics of possible secondary cases described in
the literature.
Gender, % (M/F, 30 cases)
Age when reported (30 cases), y
Duration of NH (22 cases), y
Prior or concurrent headache (24 cases), %
57.9 (29-77)
3 (0-22)
Side of the headache (30 cases)
Left, %
Right, %
Midline, %
Bilateral, %
Localization (30 cases)
Parietal, %
Vertex, %
Temporal, %
Occipital, %
Parieto-temporal, %
Parieto-occipital, %
Morphology (15 cases)
Mean diameter (range), cm
Circular, %
Oval, %
4.5 (2.5-10)
Pain quality (12 cases)
Pressing, %
Electric, %
Boring, %
Stabbing, %
Burning, %
Pain intensity
(12 cases)
Mild to moderate, %
Severe, %
Exacerbations (12 cases), %
Sensory disturbances (15 cases), %
Tenderness (16 cases), %
Trophic changes (14 cases), %
Temporal pattern
(14 cases)
Chronic-continuous, %
Episodic, %
Treatment responsiveness
(13 cases)
Analgesics (8 cases), %
Anticonvulsants (8 cases), %
Antidepressants (5 cases), %
Nerve block (4 cases), %
Botulinum toxin (1 case), %
Surgery (3 cases), %
Triptans (2 cases), %
M - male; F - female; NH - nummular headache. a - based on the visual
analogue scale; b - based on presence or absence of remissions;
c - considered when resulted in any improvement of the pain.
136 Headache Medicine, v.7, n.4, p.133-136, Oct./Nov./Dec. 2016
The described cases also provide information to the
debate regarding the pathogenesis of nummular headache.
As the patient with the pituitary oncocytoma,
two patients
developed the headache in the vertex after surgery in the
sellar region.
The location in the midline and the possible
referred aspect of the pain support a central mechanism
for nummular headache.
Meanwhile, the cases of
subtentorial meningioma(6) and arachnoid cysts,
example, suggest a peripheral mechanism by traction of
dural nerve branches due to expansion of such lesions.
It is important to emphasize that the results of the
present review should be analyzed carefully, as the cases
and studies are scarce, and some details are lacking in
many reports. These factors influenced the frequencies found
for the headache features, especially the rate of suggested
causes. One example is the high amount of autoimmune
diseases, only described by two articles.
the information is useful in order to provide more attention
to the existence of secondary nummular headaches.
In conclusion, there are few reports of secondary
nummular headache in the literature; still, they represent a
considerable percentage of the reported cases of nummular
headache. They support that structural lesions and other
diseases should be considered in the differential diagnosis
of primary nummular headache. Only by recognizing it as
an actual entity and by reporting new cases is that a better
understanding about its clinical characteristics can be
promoted, improving the diagnostic evaluation and the
use of complementary exams.
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Arthur C. Holanda
Curso de Medicine, Universidade Federal
de Pernambuco, Recife, Brasil
Recebido: 23 de agosto de 2016
Aceito: 2 de outubro de 2016