32 Headache Medicine, v.7, n.2, p.32, Apr./May/Jun. 2016
he use of medicinal plants to treat headache is a common form of therapeutic
option in all parts of the World. There are several plants that the population use for
centuries in the abortive or preventive treatment of headache attacks. Mendonça Santos
and coworkers
is publishing in this issue of Headache Medicine a very interesting article
showing the plants that herbalists indicate to treat headache in one of the most popular
public open-air market in Brazil, Feira de Caruaru.
In an extensive review article on physiotherapy for headaches, Wanderley et al.
make a comprehensive analysis of the literature to conclude that the low methodological
quality of the studies reviewed and failures in the description of the protocols is necessary
caution in interpreting the results. Reading threir article is in order to have a clear idea
about what is well defined regarding physiotherapy and headaches, also showing us
how to analyze the research protocols.
In another line of research, Matos Macêdo et al.
study the prevalence and impact
of headaches during the pre-employment assessment. Their article shows us the difficultie
sin carrying out a survey of this kind in Brazil. In cross-sectional observational study,
despite the small sample, as the authors are keen to point out, Santana Rodrigues et al.
demonstrate the discrepancy between subjective and objective measures in evaluating
the functional capacity and physical activity level of the studied patients.
Finally, this is an intriguing issue of our Journal, that brings new and intringuing
information. We think it deserves the attention of our readers.
Enjoy it !
1. Mendonça Santos KAL, Barros FA, Cavalcanti AMO, Silva LC, Martins HAL, Valença MM. Plantas medi-
cinais usadas para tratamento de cefaleia: inquérito de herbolários na Feira de Caruaru. Headache
Medicine. 2016;7(2):43-9.
2. Wanderley D, Costa Neto JJS, Valença MM, Oliveira DA. O papel da fisioterapia no tratamento das
cefaleias: revisão de literatura. Headache Medicine. 2016;7(2):33-42.
3. Macêdo MCM, Santos PSF, Jesus ACF. Admissive evaluation and the headache diagnosis.
Headache Medicine. 2016;7(2):50-3.
4. Santana RR, Barros MMMB, Barros AOF, Wanderley D, Tenório AS, Costa Neto JJS, et al. Relação entre
funcionalidade e nível de atividade física em mulheres com fibromialgia e migrânea. Headache Medicine.
From medicinal plants to the impact of Migraine - intriguing
issues on Headache Medicine
De plantas medicinais ao impacto da enxaqueca - questões
intrigantes na Headache Medicine
Marcelo Valença
Editor da Headache Medicine
Pedro André Kowacs
President of the Brazilian Headache Society