Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.205-207, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
Descritores: Martelo; Neurologia; História; Reexos.
The neurologist’s hammer
O martelo do neurologista
duardo Nogueira
Yara Dadalti Fragoso
Neurologist’s hammer
Yara Dadalti Fragoso
E-mail: yara@bsnet.com.br
Received: December 12, 2019.
Accepted: December 20, 2019.
From the obscurity of 18
century wineries to the hands of the greatest
neurologists in history, the percussion hammer has a fascinating history. The
rst famous percussion hammer was created in 1841 by the German physician
Max Wintrich and was initially used for thoracic percussion. In 1875, Erb and
Westphal both published simultaneous articles with the results from research
that they had conducted separately, from which they conrmed that percussive
objects were useful for stimulating deep tendon reexes, especially patellar
reexes. The percussion hammer, however, was not yet ideal. It was designed to
strike the thorax rather than the tendons, so it did not have the right weight or
ideal length, and even its shape was not practical. New modied versions of the
instrument subsequently emerged, and the hammer became the characteristic
symbol of the neurologist.
Keywords: Hammer; Neurology; History; Reexes.
Da obscuridade das adegas do século XVIII às mãos dos maiores neurologistas
da história, o martelo de percussão tem uma história fascinante. O primeiro
martelo de percussão a ganhar notoriedade foi criado em 1841 pelo médico
alemão Max Wintrich, sendo inicialmente usado para percussão torácica. Em
1875 Erb e Westphal publicaram em conjunto um artigo com os resultados de
suas pesquisas, que foram realizadas separadamente, conrmando o uso dos
objetos de percussão para o estímulo dos reexos tendíneos profundos, em
especial o patelar. O martelo de percussão, contudo, ainda não era o ideal.
Por ter sido desenvolvido para percutir o tórax e não os tendões, ele não tinha
o peso certo, o comprimento ideal e nem mesmo um formato prático. Novas
versões modicadas do instrumento foram surgindo até que o martelo se
tornasse o símbolo característico do médico neurologista.
Headache is one of the
neurological complaints that leads
a patient to seek urgent care more
often. Although it seems a common
issue the patient should be submitted
through a very careful and detailed
physical examination (including
neurological examination) so redag
symptoms and secondary causes of
headache can be excluded.
For that matter the percussion
hammer is an indispensable tool
for the neurologist and general
Percussion is an aid to medical
diagnosis. The delicate percussion
hammer neurologists use daily has
its origins in the dark wine cellars
of 18
century Austria, where young
Leopold Auenbrugger routinely
struck casks of wine in order to
check the level of uid
. As a music
admirer, he had sensitive ears and
wrote the axiom “the thorax of
a healthy person sounds, when
struck”. Auenbrugger favored
thumping his patients’ chest directly
with his own ngers, as most doctors
still do today
The rst percussion hammer
for medical use was created by
Max Wintrich, in 1841. This German
doctor presented the scientic
world with his gadget made of
steel and rubber, for use in thoracic
percussion (Fig 1)
. However, it was
only in 1875, when Carl Westphal was
the Editor of Archiv für Psychiatrie