Telemedicine in the Management of Primary Headaches
Domingues RB, et al.
Headache Medicine, v.10, n.4, p.198-202, Out/Nov/Dez. 2019
rules were published in 2002; however, they do not
address technological developments and telemedicine
advances over the last 17 years. There is a new and more
detailed regulation under discussion and it is expected
that this regulation with more specic rules, detailing
of technological requirements, and better specication
procedures will be available until 2020.
In conclusion, the existing evidence favors
telemedicine as an alternative in the treatment of primary
headache disorders. This modality of delivering medical
care may be an option for patients with difculty in
accessing in-ofce consultations. It is possible that, as in
other areas of medicine, telemedicine may increase the
access to available headache treatments. The current
available treatments are not yet widely available because,
among other factors, there are no headache experts in
many regions. The use of telemedicine within ethical and
compliance parameters by qualied professionals may
be incorporated into the treatment of primary headache
disorders. Not as a new treatment, but as an agile and
scalable way to deliver currently available headache
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