Headache Medicine, v.9, n.2, p.61-67, Apr./May/Jun. 2018 67
7. Frequent acute medication intake may occur in five
different situations: a) increase in intake is just because
headaches are frequente (non-causality), b) acute
medication is causing side effects, c) rebound, d) psychiatric
is predisposing acute medication intake, and e) there is a
substance abuse disorder.
8. Consider also other anxiety diagnosis in migraineus
including PTSD, OCD, panic, and phobias.
9. An algorythm (proposed in this paper) may be followed
in psychiatric comorbidity management in migraine.
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Mario Fernando Prieto Peres, MD, PhD
R Joaquim Eugenio de Lima, 881 cj 709
01403-001, São Paulo, Brazil
+55 11 3285-5726
Received: June 22, 2018
Accepted: June 24, 2018