194 Headache Medicine, v.2, n.4, p.194-199, Oct/ Nov/Dec. 2011
Hospital management of intractable headaches.
The Instituto de Neurologia de Curitiba approach
Manejo hospitalar das dores de cabeça intratáveis. Abordagem do
Instituto de Neurologia de Curitiba
Intractable headaches, also called refractory headaches, are
usually unresponsive to standard therapies and comprise
clinical conditions that represent a clinical management
problem regarding therapy. Thereby, many approaches to
manage "intractable headaches" have been proposed;
meanwhile many aspects remain unclear and open to debate.
Accordingly, these patients often require special care and
customized management, such as inpatient treatment.
Hospitalization aims to enhance management of the patients
as a whole and thus improve their quality of life. This paper
summarizes the Instituto de Neurologia de Curitiba (INC)
approach, which comprises withdrawal of the overused
medication, management of abstinence symptoms,
management of rebound headache, introduction of effective
prophylactic therapy, general counseling and education of
the patient, and other aspects of management. The inpatient
approach used at the INC is presented and a small sample of
patients treated according to this approach is described and
Keywords: Intractable headaches; Refractory headaches;
Inpatient treatment.
As dores de cabeça intratáveis, também chamadas de
"cefaleias refratárias", geralmente não respondem aos trata-
mentos habituais e compreendem diversas clínicas as quais
representam um problema de manejo terapêutico. Muitos
esquemas para abordar as "dores de cabeça intratáveis" têm
sido propostos, porém diversos aspectos referentes ao seu
manejo permanecem obscuros e abertos ao debate. Frequen-
temente, estes pacientes necessitam de cuidados especiais e
personalizados de tratamento, tais como o manejo hospitalar.
A hospitalização visa propiciar o manejo destes pacientes de
uma forma abrangente, e, assim, melhorar sua qualidade de
vida. Este artigo resume a abordagem do Instituto de Neuro-
logia de Curitiba (INC), a qual compreende a retirada da
medicação em demasia, o manejo de sintomas de abstinência,
o tratamento da dor de cabeça rebote, a introdução de terapia
profilática eficaz, o aconselhamento geral e a educação do
paciente, assim como outros aspectos envolvidos. A abor-
dagem de internação usada no INC é apresentada e uma
pequena casuística de pacientes tratados de acordo com esta
abordagem é descrita e discutida.
chave: Dores de cabeça intratáveis; Dores de
cabeça refratárias; Tratamento hospitalar.
Rowe A, Iachinski R, Rizelio V, Sato HK, Nascimento MT, Souza RK, Kowacs PA
Hospital management of intractable headaches. The Instituto de Neurologia de Curitiba approach.
Headache Medicine. 2011;2(4):194-9
Adriel Rowe
, Renato Iachinski
, Vanessa Rizelio
, Henry Koiti Sato
, Maria Tereza de Moraes Souza Nascimento
Ricardo Krause Martinez de Souza
, Pedro André Kowacs
Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau, PR
Serviço de Neurologia do Instituto de Neurologia de Curitiba, PR
Headache Medicine, v.2, n.4, p.194-199, Oct/ Nov/Dec. 2011 195
Intractable headaches
(also called "refractory
headaches") represent a clinical management problem
regarding therapy. The problem stems from its definition:
previous treatments in adequate doses have failed to control
the symptoms. Table 1 summarizes a proposed classification
for refractoriness of a headache to prophylactic therapy.
Most patients presenting "intractable headaches" have
probable chronic migraine and probable headache
secondary to the overuse of excessive symptomatic
medication. There are several approaches to managing
"intractable headaches", some of them not tested with
adequate methods. In this paper, the inpatient approach
used at the Instituto de Neurologia de Curitiba (INC) for
treating chronic headaches intractable to prophylactic
therapy is presented and a small sample of patients treated
according to this approach is described and discussed.
Withdrawal of the medication overusedWithdrawal of the medication overused
Withdrawal of the medication overusedWithdrawal of the medication overused
Withdrawal of the medication overused
Medication previously overused is withdrawn
and is never administered again during
Management of the abstinence symptomsManagement of the abstinence symptoms
Management of the abstinence symptomsManagement of the abstinence symptoms
Management of the abstinence symptoms
Abstinence symptoms are managed accordingly to
their occurrence. Nausea is managed either with
metoclopramide or with bromopride. Previously to their
prescription, the staff performs a detailed anamnesis
directed towards detecting previous adverse events to
these compounds such as somnolence, akathisia and/
or other extrapyramidal reactions.
If some of these
symptoms are detected, preference is given for
domperidone, trimebutine, ondasentron or similar
Insomnia is usually managed with a
benzodiazepine such as midazolam. Anxiety might be
treated with other benzodiazepines such as alprazolam,
cloxazolam, and bromazepam. Risperidone or
quetiapine might be prescribed instead, in case of
extreme anxiety or in case bipolar disorder is associated
or suspected.
A sensitive point is hydration.
It is
important to remind that these patients may present with
vomiting, become drowsy and lessen their water intake.
In this setting, if drugs that may lead to hypotension such
as chlorpromazine are needed, vigorous hydration with
saline is desired, unless in the case of a clear
contraindication such as heart failure or uncontrolled
Management of rebound headacheManagement of rebound headache
Management of rebound headacheManagement of rebound headache
Management of rebound headache
Although rebound headache is considered to be an
abstinence symptom, it will be considered separately due
to its complexity. The first step used in the INC is to place
the patient on an intravenous NSAID, usually ketoprofen
100 mg t.i.d.
– an approach avoided if the overused
medication was ketoprofen or another NSAID. Besides
ketoprofen, intravenous chlorpromazine is given,
except for patients bearing a low systolic blood pressure
or bringing a history of intolerance to chlorpromazine or
to other dopamine receptor antagonist. Chlorpromazine
may be given at doses ranging from 0.2 mg/kg up to
0.7 mg/kg.
Although some authors advocate it to be
given in bolus, we prefer to dilute it in 100 ml of saline
The INC approach combines several lines of therapy,
to know: a) withdrawal of the overused medication, b)
management of the abstinence symptoms, c) management
of rebound headache, d) introduction of effective
prophylactic therapy, e) general counseling and education
of the patient, d) other aspects of management. All these
aspects of management are not new and will be discussed
below. Although the items a, b and c are usually coined
as "bridge therapy", we prefer the expression "transitional
therapy", akin to its use for the treatment of cluster
Headache Medicine, v.2, n.4, p.19
4-199, Oct/ Nov/Dec. 2011
and infuse it in about 30-60 minutes. We start with a fixed
dose of 25 mg + 100 ml of saline, stopping infusion
whenever headache is controlled. The dose is gradually
increased if this does not happen. It is important to
remember that adverse effects like nasal congestion, mild
akathisia and severe hypotension may occur.
nasal congestion and mild akathisia may be cumbersome,
orthostatic hypotension may be severe, thus both the nursing
staff and the patient must be warned that he should avoid
standing and walking unattended. As reported by Monzillo
et al., haloperidol may be given as well.
(dipyrone) is not used frequently at the INC emergency
room, but 1 gram intravenously is reported to be
Metamizole potential to cause hypotension
must be also kept in mind, and respective care should be
taken. Until the year of 2010 we used intravenous
dihydroergotamine (DHE),
except for those patients
overusing ergots or with cardiovascular disorders or risk
factors. About 30 minutes prior to the administration of
DHE, we used to prescribe an intravenous antiemetic. DHE
was given in the dose of 0.5 mg diluted in 50 ml of isotonic
saline, given in 30 minutes or until the resolution of pain.
Unfortunately, the lack of registration on the local
regulatory board (ANVISA) halted the administration of
DHE. Resort to the use of propofol is our last therapeutic
Propofol is quite easy to administer, but great
attention must be paid in case of previous administration
of chlorpromazine or another sedating drug. Before starting
propofol infusion, even the most experienced physician
should take care to have the resuscitating material close
Administration should start with a bolus injection of
3 mg, followed by sequential injections of 2 mg, always
letting the patient to regain consciousness before the
administration of the next dose. If there is any improvement,
doses are given repeatedly up to a total dose of 300 mg.
However, if the patient headache fails to improve in the first
three doses, the procedure is stopped.
Several trials have
failed to show steroids as an effective transitional therapy
or in solving rebound headache.
However, in selected
cases especially those in which other approaches have
failed, the administration of steroids should be considered
as an option.
Responders must be warned about the
dangers of prolonged use of steroids, since steroid
dependence may occur.
Introduction of effective prophylactic therapyIntroduction of effective prophylactic therapy
Introduction of effective prophylactic therapyIntroduction of effective prophylactic therapy
Introduction of effective prophylactic therapy
Patients that seek for hospital management of their
chronic and refractory headaches usually have been
submitted previously to several prophylactic therapies.
That is why a detailed past medication history is a key
point in choosing the prophylactic drug to be introduced.
Not only the kind of medication previously used, but also
its dosage, efficacy and tolerability must be surveyed to
draw a clear picture of the patient's background. The
prophylactic drug usually introduced is methysergide, a
drug with a strong effect on 5HT2A, 5HT2B and 5HT2C
Methysergide has a clear-cut advantage of
an early prophylactic effect, and has also been strongly
recommended in the literature for the treatment of resistant
cases of migraine with a high attack frequency.
But it
is never enough to remind that, as methysergide has some
vasoconstrictive effect, the prescriber must exert great
caution – or even avoid – recommending other vaso-
constrictive drugs such as ergotics or triptans. Another
key point is that methysergide prescription should follow
the rule "start low, go slow", usually beginning at 1 mg
at bedtime and increasing the dose at 1 mg a day until
1 mg tid or 2 mg bid. Among other traditional migraine
prophylactic drugs, one most formally tested for chronic
migraine is topiramate. However, topiramate prophylactic
effect may take longer to ensue.
Valproate is
another useful prophylactic drug, especially for patients
with concomitant bipolar disorder, in whom the daily
dose must be raised above the usual 1 g/day.
As beta-
blockers, amitriptyline is a useful migraine prophylactic
and was also shown to be effective for chronic
tension-type headache.
Patients responding to
intravenous chlorpromazine may be switched to oral
chlorpromazine. Chlorpromazine may be useful in
anxious patients, in those presenting with manic
symptoms or with a family history of psychiatric
Most chronic headache patients have used
several prophylactic drugs and associations of them.
Choice of the prophylactics to be introduced during
hospitalization and at the time of hospital discharge
involve several, factors, such as efficacy, tolerability,
previous response, and the combination of different
mechanisms of action.
General counseling and education of the patientGeneral counseling and education of the patient
General counseling and education of the patientGeneral counseling and education of the patient
General counseling and education of the patient
Further than just giving medicines to the refractory
headache patient, the hospitalization is an excellent
opportunity for counseling the patient against medication
overuse behavior and to detect and treat anticipatory
Patients are advised for aerobic physical
Patients are also advised to promote changes
Headache Medicine, v.2, n.4, p.194-199, Oct/ Nov/Dec. 2011 197
in their lifestyle, if deemed necessary, and taught to have
realistic expectations regarding their headache control,
which may not be absolute.
Other aspects of managementOther aspects of management
Other aspects of managementOther aspects of management
Other aspects of management
Other therapeutic approaches can be undertaken
according to the patients needs. Rheumatologic,
psychiatric or psychological consultations are asked for
when needed.
If deemed appropriate, biofeedback
sessions are prescribed.
We retrospectively gathered data from the INC
hospital files dated from 2006 to 2007. Nineteen records
were retrieved. Of these, 18 were female and one male.
Fifteen suffered from chronic migraine or probable chronic
migraine – since associated medication-overuse headache
was not ruled out –, one from post craniotomy headache
and one from sustained hydrocephalus-related headache.
Most patients had associated probable medication-
overuse headache and all had a class II or a class III
intractability to prophylactic therapy.
comorbidities and associated conditions, one suffered from
somatoform disorder, two from major depression, four
from bipolar mood disorder and two from generalized
anxiety, as diagnosed either by the consulting psychiatrist
or by the neurologist in charge based in the DSM-IV
criteria. Most of the patients were using multiple
prophylactic drugs. As an example, 17 of the patients
were using two or more preventive drugs. Intravenous
dihydroergotamine was given for 17 of the 19 patients,
usually in a tid. dose regimen or as needed, for periods
ranging from one to 12 days. Thirteen of the patients
responded completely to dihydroergotamine, one had a
partial response and three did not respond at all. Four
patients needed intravenous propofol, and all of them
were responders. Methysergide was given for eight of the
19 patients.
Headache Medicine, v.2, n.4, p.194-199, Oct/ Nov/Dec. 2011
Hospitalization aims to control or to reduce the
intractable headache, to restore functionality to the patients
by reducing the incapacity, and to treat the associated
comorbidities, thus improving the patients' quality of life.
While abrupt withdrawal of the medication overused is
perhaps the greater unanimity in the management of
refractory chronic headaches associated with medication
overuse, all the other aspects are open to challenge and
debate. Aspects regarding management of analgesics
abstinence symptoms and rebound headache, transitional
(bridge) therapy, timing and type of prophylaxis are all
less clear and amenable to be challenged.
aggressive analgesic/antimigraine approach that we have
described probably would not be enough without the
concomitant changes in prophylactic therapy. Even the
issue of hospitalization is not a consensus.
Although it is
still possible in Brazil, in many countries it has been
substituted by day-hospital approaches, because of lack
of acceptance by the insurers. From the scientific
standpoint, hospitalization is not associated with better
outcomes in the management of chronic headaches
regarding withdrawal of the overused drug or adherence
to prophylactic therapy.
As advantages we list a better
monitoring of the drug withdrawal at its first days, earlier
rescue therapy for rebound headache and optimal facilities
for continuous medication and/or procedures needing to
be monitored.
Besides, taking the patient away from its
environment is an excellent opportunity for reviewing all
the aspects exposed above, and it allows a comprehensive
approach. Since patients to be hospitalized usually belong
to a more complex group of patients, they frequently have
associated fibromyalgia, psychiatric symptoms and/or
sleep disorders.
As posed before, psychiatric
consultation, or rheumatologic consultation as well, may
enhance patient care as a whole. Saper et al
and Freitag
et al
also share this view in favor of using hospitalization
to treat these patients. As there are no rules that fit all
patients, each patient must be individually evaluated and
his/her physician must weight the decision about how and
where to treat him/her. Although the series presented in
this paper is merely illustrative and did not aimed to justify
the approach, it gives an idea of the profile of the patients
that were submitted to this approach at our neurology
service. Based in the arguments above-mentioned, the
INC staff feels quite well acquainted in using the inpatient
approach for treating complex chronic headache and/or
intractable headache patients. However, unexpected
pitfalls may impair the INC's approach such as the recent
repetitive shortages on the supply of methysergide and
the comments about the supplier's discontinuation of the
sale of this prophylactic medication.
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Received: 9/ 8/ 2011
Accepted: 12/ 3/ 2011