eadache Medicine, v.2, n.4, p.182-186, Oct/ Nov/Dec. 2011
Pain and the endogenous antinociceptive
neuronal system: physiologic role of oxytocin
Dor e sistema neuronal antinociceptível endógeno: papel fisiológico
da ocitocina
The unpleasant pain sensation is a sub-modality of somatic
sensation that exerts fundamental warning and protective
functions. Pain is the more frequent complain in a neurological
outpatient clinic. In a series of 200 consecutive patients in a
neurological outpatient clinic, 51% of them complained of
some type of pain, the more frequents were headache and
carpal tunnel syndrome. The role of oxytocin in pain regulation
was reviewed. It seems that oxytocin may play a major role in
the mechanism of pain regulation, particularly through the
endogenous antinociceptive neuronal system.
eywords: eywords:
eywords: eywords:
eywords: Pain; Headache; Oxytocin; Carpal tunnel syndrome
A sensação desagradável de dor é uma modalidade sensitivo-
somática que serve como alarme e exerce funções de proteção.
A dor foi a queixa mais frequente em um ambulatório neuro-
lógico. Em uma série de 200 pacientes consecutivos em um
ambulatório de neurologia, 51% deles se queixaram de algum
tipo de dor, mais frequentemente cefaleia e síndrome do túnel
do carpo. O papel da ocitocina na regulação da dor foi
revisado. Parece que a oxitocina pode desempenhar uma
função importante no mecanismo de regulação da dor,
particularmente através do sistema neuronal antinociceptivo.
chave: Dor; Cefaleia; Ocitocina; Síndrome do
túnel do carpo
Marcelo Moraes Valença
, Luciana Patrízia A. Andrade-Valença
, José Antunes-Rodrigues
Neurology and Neurosurgery Unit, Department of Neuropsychiatry, CCS,
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil
Division of Neurology, Universidade de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
Department of Physiology, School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo,
Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil
Valença MM, Andrade-Valença LP, Antunes-Rodrigues J
Pain and the endogenous antinociceptive neuronal system: physiologic role of oxytocin.
Headache Medicine. 2011;2(4):182-6
The unpleasant pain sensation (pricking, aching,
burning, stinging, or soreness) is a sub-modality of somatic
sensation that exerts fundamental warning and protective
Under physiologic conditions, pain sensation are
mediated by two primary afferent neurons: 1) the small-
diameter nonmyelinated C-fibers and 2) thinly myelinated
Aδ-fibers, both referred to as nociceptors. Nociceptors
respond to mechanical, thermal, and chemical forms of
energy. Polymodal nociceptors are activated by thermal,
chemical and high-intensity mechanical stimuli. The Aδ
fibers are glutamatergic neurons that transmitter the fast
sharp pain (5-30 m/s). The C-fibers transmitter the slow
dull pain. Substance P is released from C fibers, and may
enhance and prolong the actions of glutamate.
In human, rapid immersion of a finger in a hot water
bath (57° C) causes at onset a stinging pain after a time
interval of 0.84 s on average. This is followed by a second
wave of a burning pain after 2.1 s. The latency between
the two forms of pain waves decrease as the stimulus moves
up the limbs toward the trunk, and at the trunk level it is
not feasible to obtain a double pain sequence. This double
pain experience is triggered by fast rising stimulus (electric
Headache Medicine, v.2, n.4, p.182-186, Oct/ Nov/Dec. 2011 183
shock, pinprick, or heating pulse). Interestingly, opioid
substances appear to affect the second pain component
more than the first one.
On the other hand, the first
pain is differentially blocked by compression-ischemia.
Pain is the more frequent complain in a neurological
outpatient clinic. Table 1 illustrates the principal diagnoses
identified in a series of 200 consecutive patients in a
neurological outpatient clinic of one of the authors (MMV,
Hospital Santa Helena, 1993).
the latency, although it reduced the analgesia induced by
OT (1 mg kg
On the contrary, Xu and Wiesenfeld
interpreted the
increase in the latency response in the hot-plate test in rats
as a result of sedative and vasoconstrictive effects of OT,
rather that an analgesic phenomenon. Additionally, they
also reported that OT-ANT (1 mg/kg, i.p.) did not influence
response latency to heat pain sensitivity in rats.
investigated the actions of OT on the analgesia
in both rat and human being. In humans, acute and
chronic low back pain causes significant change of OT
concentration within CSF and plasma. Oxytocin
administration alleviated low back pain. In rats, OT had
a dose-related analgesic effect. The use of the OT-ANT
[d(CH2)5, Tyr(Me)2, Orn8]-vasotocin and naloxone both
reversed the analgesia induced by OT. Oxytocin also
increased the levels of endogenous opioide peptides
(EOP) (endorphin, encephalin, and dynorphin) in the
spinal cord, whereas OT-ANT caused a decline.
As clinical use, OT, vasopressin and somatostatin were
injected into the cerebral ventricle of a ill cancer patient a
diffuse mesothelioma suffering intractable continuous and
incapacitating thoracic pain. Oxytocin induced a strong
analgesia (by 88%) lasting 77 minutes. Somatostatin-14
reduced pain by 90% for 48 min and arginine vasopressin
reduced pain by 95% for 75 min.
Furthermore, acupuncture caused changes in OT
content in many regions of rat brain, suggesting that OT
might modulate acupuncture-induced analgesia.
studied the effects of intracerebroventricular (icv)
injections of OT, naloxone, or CCK-8 on electro-
acupuncture (EA) analgesia in rats. They concluded that
the role of OT in EA was not entirely dependent upon the
Song and coworkers
studied the possible
involvement of EOP on OT analgesic actions, by using
icv injection of anti-opioid peptide sera in rats which OT
induced an increase of EA analgesia. Injection of anti-
beta-endorphin serum alone attenuated EA analgesia.
Although, the same antiserum treatment, prior to
intraventricular injection of OT, could not block the
enhancement of EA analgesia by OT. The antidynorphin
A1-13 serum alone could also reduce the EA analgesia
and when the antiserum was given prior to injection of OT
a potentiation of the EA analgesia induced by OT was
found. No effect was observed with the administration of
either anti-methionine enkephalin serum or the anti-leucine
enkephalin. They concluded that the enhancement of EA
analgesia by OT does not depend upon the brain EOP.
In 1982, Berkowitz and Sherman
reported that
peripheral injection of oxytocin (OT) does not have any
analgesic effects. On the other hand, Caldwell et al.
demonstrated that intracisternal injection of OT in mice
induced analgesia. Kordower and Bodnar
showed in
rats that injection of OT into the lateral ventricle also
caused analgesia. Besides, OT levels in plasma and
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) increased after 30-min exposition
to different non-noxious sensory stimulation, which were
concomitant with the development of analgesia.
The OT
antagonist 1-deamino-2-D-Tyr-(OEt)-4-Thr-8-Orn-
oxytocin (1 mg kg
) reversed the prolongation of the
latency observed in the TFT after exposition to such stimuli.
The OT-ANT treatment by itself did not change significantly
Headache Medicine, v.2, n.4, p.182-186, Oct/ Nov/Dec. 2011
In a review Richard and colleagues
concluded that
"in no case does OT-induced analgesia appear to be
opiate dependent". Interestingly, they also described that
fragment of the OT molecule, oxytocin-,
can under
certain circumstances act as an opioid antagonist.
Urnäs-Moberg and coworkers
postulated that low
doses of ethanol could cause anti-nociceptive effects via
an oxytocinergic mechanism. Administration of ethanol
also stimulated the elevation in plasma OT levels and the
use of OT-ANT reduced the increased pain threshold
produced by ethanol. However, Urnäs-Moberg and
made a statement that "opioid mechanisms
do not seem to be involved in the oxytocin induced effects
on pain threshold, since the effects are not blocked by
naloxone (Lundeberg, personal communication)." The
results of the mentioned experiment was not published
neither the doses or the study design, as far as we know.
Looking back the results published by Urnäs-Moberg and
the latency in the tail flick test in the presence
of OT-ANT was higher with OT, suggesting some degree
of analgesia exerted by OT throw some other receptor
subtype not blocked by the OT-ANT used.
Lundeberg and colleagues
suggested a central
action of OT since after intrathecal injection of this
neuropeptide (1 µg kg
) induced a delay in the reaction
time in the paw pressure test.
Parturition and vaginal dilatation both cause
enhancement in plasma OT concentration and increase
of the pain threshold, and since during the labour is of
paramount importance the action of OT over the uterus,
provoking increment in muscle contraction, an event which
would trigger pain sensation, it would be logical that the
same peptide would exert a dual physiological function:
analgesia and uterus contraction during labor.
Under physiologic conditions OT is released from
nerve terminals of the neurophypophisis and median
eminence into the blood, into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
or into specific regions of the CNS. The half-life of plasma
OT is 1-2 min. At CSF OT is present with concentrations
raging from 10 to 50 fmol/ml, which half-life is 28 min.
At a physiologic level the OT present in the sytemic blood
does not penetrete into the CSF or into the brain. The OT
perikarya are presented largely in the magnocellular nuclei,
although fibers are widely distributed in CNS (dorso medial
hypothalamic nucleus, thalamic nuclei, limbic system,
mesencefalic central nucleus, substancia nigra, locus
coeruleus, raphe nucleus, nucleus of the solitary tract, dorsal
motor nucleus of the vagus nerve, and at the spinal cord
ending particularly in layers I, II, and X of the gray matter).
In guinea pigs only 2%-3% of the ip administrated
OT were detected in brain. Hence, the necessity of high
doses of OT, if injected systemically, to induce analgesia,
in the case of considering a central site of action.
It was
reported that the neurohypophyseal hormones or their
fragments are transported under normal conditions from
blood to brain.
Lesions of the PVN had no effect on nociception. In
the spinal cord the OT fibers may originate from PVN
and C-fibers of the dorsal root ganglia.
Modification of the response latencies to the jump
test (hot plate) and TFT at different temperatures were
encountered with OT anti-serum icv injections: no
changes at high temperatures, decrease in the latencies
at moderate temperature, and increase the latencies at
low temperature (analgesia). Similar results were
observed with other antisera, such as against
vasopressin, met-enkephalin, and beta-endorphin.
Naloxone does not cause pain, but may enhance the
perception of pain.
Thermal nociceptores are activated by extreme
temperatures (>45º C or <5º C). The mechano- and
heat-responsive C-fibers present heat thresholds raging
from 40º and 50º C in the glabrous and hairy skin of
In human heat pain thresholds range from
41º to 49º C.
In addition, chronic treatment with OT had no effect
on analgesia.
Analgesia may be caused by different type of stress,
in some of them the analgesia is mediated by EOP,
other are unaffected by previous opioid receptor blockade
or through a nonopioid mechanism.
Recent evidence from our Laboratory suggests that
OT leads to an analgesic state, an effect that was
abolished with the blockade of opioid receptor by
naloxone, in mice. This indicated that OT might cause
analgesia throw the involvement of EOP.
Administration of OT (icv) or antioxytocin serum in
rats modified the pain threshold to electroacupuncture
analgesia, evaluated by potassium iontophoresis induced
tail flick. The OT when injected icv elevated both the pain
threshold and electroacupuncture analgesia. On contrary,
the antiserum reduced the analgesia induced by
The concentration of OT in CSF of dog with spinal
cord compression was higher than what found in control
dogs, suggesting that during painful conditions OT is
released into CSF or other CNS sites to attenuate the animal
unpleasant, hurtful situation.
Headache Medicine, v.2, n.4, p.182-186, Oct/ Nov/Dec. 2011 185
In humans, intrathecal injection of oxytocin is effective
in treating low back pain for up to 5 hours.
it was described an enhanced hind paw withdrawal latency
in response to nociceptive heat after OT subcutaneous
administration in rat, an effect also found in the untreated
cage mates of an OT-treated animal. This analgesic action
of OT was canceled in OT-ANT-injected cage mates.
Suggesting that cage mates develop anti-nociception
mediated via olfactory tract, which is induced throw, an
oxytocinergic mechanism.
Phillips and colleagues
reported that acute
migraine headache attack can be relieved by intravenous
oxytocin. On the other hand, a few authors reported that
there is a lactational headache in the literature attributed
to OT surges in association with the milk-ejection
A case of a 26-year-old woman suffering from
brief attacks of headache that happened on every
occasion of nursing was reported by Askmark and
However, a case was described when the
apparent headache trigger was breast overfulness, and
not the oxytocin surge, occurring when the infant was
sleeping through the night or after a missed, delayed, or
partial feed. In this case, interestingly, the headaches were
alleviated by putting the baby to the breast (activation of
the milk-ejection reflex).
In conclusion, pain is a frequent complain observed
in a neurological outpatient clinic. In this report, 51% of
the patients complained of some type of pain, the more
frequents were headache and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Oxytocin plays a major role in the mechanism of pain
regulation, particularly through the endogenous
antinociceptive neuronal system.
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Marcelo M. VMarcelo M. V
Marcelo M. VMarcelo M. V
Marcelo M. V
alença, MDalença, MD
alença, MDalença, MD
alença, MD
Neurology and Neurosurgery Unit,
Department of Neuropsychiatry,
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – Cidade Universitária
50670-420 – Recife, PE, Brazil.
Phone: +55 81 99229394; +55 81 34263501;
Fax: +55 81 21268539
Received: 5/9/2011
Accepted: 4/12/2011