Headache Medicine, v.2, n.4, p. 165-172, Oct/Nov/Dec. 2011 165
Functional anatomy of headache: hypothalamus
Anatomia funcional da cefaleia: hipotálamo
There is now compelling evidence that the hypothalamus exerts
a major role in the mechanism of headache triggering. Pain
and concomitant changes in the hormonal secretory pattern
occur during an attack of headache when hypothalamic
structures are involved. During spontaneous migraine or cluster
headache attacks activation of the hypothalamus is shown by
positron emission tomography. Over the past 10 years a
number of patients with refractory chronic cluster headache
have received neurostimulation of the posteroinferior
hypothalamus as a form of treatment. The clinical use of deep
brain stimulation (DBS) is based on the theory of posterior
hypothalamic nucleus dysfunction as the cause of cluster
headache attacks. In this article the authors review the
functional anatomy of the hypothalamic region and its
neighborhood, using silicone-injected cadaveric head and
MRI. In conclusion, a better understanding of the functional
anatomy of the hypothalamus and its neighborhood is
imperative for understanding the pathophysiology of several
of the primary headaches, particularly migraine and the
trigemino-autonomic headaches. Direct stimulation of the
posterior hypothalamic region using DBS devices is now the
"state of the art" form of treatment indicated for refractory chronic
cluster headache. The exact mechanism and the actual region
where the DBS may act are still unknown, and studies on the
functional anatomy of the hypothalamus are crucial to the
progress in this marvelous field of functional neurosurgery.
Keywords: Anatomy; Hypothalamus; Cluster headache;
Migraine; DBS; MRI
Marcelo Moraes Valença
, Luciana P. A. Andrade-Valença
, Carolina Martins
Neurology and Neurosurgery Unit, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil and
Hospital Esperança, Recife, PE, Brazil
Medical School of Pernambuco IMIP, Recife, PE, Brazil
Valença MM, Andrade-Valença LP, Martins C
Functional anatomy of headache: hypothalamus. Headache Medicine. 2011;2(4):165-72
Há agora evidência suficiente indicando exercer o hipotálamo
um importante papel no mecanismo de deflagração de uma
crise de cefaleia. Dor e alterações concomitantes no padrão
secretório hormonal ocorrem durante uma crise de cefaleia
quando o hipotálamo é envolvido. Ativação do hipotálamo
foi mostrada na tomografia por emissão de pósitrons durante
crises espontâneas de migrânea ou de cefaleia em salvas.
Durante a última década, um número de pacientes com
cefaleia em salvas crônica refratária recebeu neuroestimulação
no hipotálamo posterior como forma de tratamento. O uso
clínico de estimulação cerebral profunda foi baseado na teoria
de haver uma disfunção no núcleo hipotalâmico posterior
como causa das crises de salvas. Neste artigo, os autores
estão revisando a anatomia funcional da região hipotalâmica
e sua vizinhança, utilizando cabeça cadavérica injetada com
silicone e imagens de ressonância magnética. Concluindo,
um melhor entendimento da anatomia funcional do hipo-
tálamo e sua vizinhança é imperativo para compreender a
patofisiologia de várias das cefaleias primárias, em particular
da migrânea e das cefaleias trigêmino-autonômicas. Estimu-
lação direta da região hipotalâmica posterior é agora o "estado
da arte" no tratamento da cefaleia em salvas crônica refratária.
O mecanismo exato e a região onde a estimulação atuaria
ainda são desconhecidos; estudos no campo da anatomia
funcional do hipotálamo são críticos para que haja progresso
neste novo e encantador setor da neurocirurgia funcional.
chave: Anatomia; Hipotálamo; Cefaleia em
salvas; Migrânea; Ressonância magnética; Estimulação
cerebral profunda
Headache Medicine, v.2, n.4, p. 165-1
72, Oct/Nov/Dec. 2011
There is now compelling evidence that the
hypothalamus exerts a major role in the mechanism of
headache triggering.
Pain and concomitant changes
in the hormonal secretory pattern occur during an attack
of headache when hypothalamic structures are involved.
For instance, the hypothalamus, especially in the posterior
region, is activated during attacks of trigeminal autonomic
headaches, such as cluster headache, paroxysmal
hemicrania and short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform
headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing
(SUNCT), while during migraine attacks the activation
occurs preponderantly in the brainstem (e.g., dorsal
pontine region), but hypothalamic activation also
The hypothalamus and the adjacent brainstem form
a complex interconnected structure responsible for the
chronobiological features of some types of primary
headache, especially sleep-related attacks, a characteristic
feature of trigeminal autonomic headaches, hypnic
headache and migraine.
The hypothalamus, through hormonal and autonomic
regulation, controls a number of physiological functions,
such as blood pressure, fluid and electrolyte balance, body
temperature, and body weight, maintaining a fairly
constant value known as the "set point".
The hypothalamic nuclei constitute part of the
corticodiencephalic circuitry activating, controlling, and
integrating the peripheral autonomic mechanisms,
endocrine activity, and many somatic functions, e.g.,
regulation of water balance, body temperature, sleep,
food intake, and the development of secondary sexual
The hypothalamus is wired in the brainstem to the
periaqueductal gray substance, the locus coeruleus, and
the median raphe nuclei, all of which are involved in
autonomic, sleep, and in the descending control of pain
perception mechanisms. The hypothalamus also receives
input from different locations of the central nervous
system, obtaining information on the state of the body,
thereby initiating compensatory physiological changes.
These inputs come from: (1) nucleus of the solitary
tract, with information on blood pressure and gut
distension; (2) reticular formation, receiving information
on skin temperature; (3) retina and optic nerve, whose
fibers go directly to the suprachiasmatic nucleus and are
involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms; (4)
circumventricular organs, nuclei located along the
ventricles, which lack a blood-brain barrier, allowing them
to monitor substances in the blood (e.g., organum
vasculosum of the lamina terminalis, which is sensitive to
changes in osmolarity, and the area postrema, which is
sensitive to toxins in the blood and can induce vomiting);
the limbic and olfactory systems. Structures such as
the amygdala, the hippocampus, and the olfactory cortex,
all of which are connected with the hypothalamus, regulate
a broad range of psychological and physiological
functions, including anger, fear, reproduction, learning
and memory, drinking, eating, autonomic activity and
The hypothalamus is continually informed of the
physiological changes occurring in the organism, and
immediate adjustments take place to maintain homeostasis
by means of two major outputs: first, neural signals to the
autonomic nervous system; and second, endocrine signals
working through the hypothalamic-pituitary axis.
The lateral hypothalamus projects onto cells that
control the autonomic systems located in the medulla.
These include the parasympathetic vagal nuclei and a
group of cells that descend to the sympathetic system in
the spinal cord. Thus the physiological functions of heart
rate and force of contraction; constriction and dilation of
blood vessels; contraction and relaxation of smooth
muscles in various organs; visual accommodation and
pupil size; and secretions from exocrine and endocrine
glands (i.e., digestion, lacrimation, sweating) are all also
influenced by the hypothalamus.
The master coordinator of hormonal endocrine activity
in mammals is the hypothalamus. Large hypothalamic
neurons positioned around the third ventricle send their
axons directly to the neurohypophysis, where the nerve
terminals release oxytocin and vasopressin into the
bloodstream. Smaller neurons located all over the
hypothalamus send their axons to the median eminence
in the medial basal hypothalamus, where they discharge
releasing factors [corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH),
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), growth
hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), thyrotropin-
releasing hormone (TRH)] and inhibiting factors
(dopamine, somatostatin) into the hypophyseal portal
capillary. This specialized system of vessels connects the
base of the hypothalamus with the anterior pituitary gland
in order to regulate the secretion of hormones such as
ACTH, TSH, LH, FSH, and GH. In contrast, inhibiting
factors, such as dopamine and somatostatin, cause a
strong inhibition of prolactin (PRL) and GH secretions,
Headache Medicine, v.2, n.4, p. 165-172, Oct/Nov/Dec. 2011 167
The hormonal effects vary widely, including stimulation
or inhibition of growth; regulation of the metabolism;
preparation for a new activity (e.g. fighting, fleeing, or
mating); preparation for a new phase of life (e.g. puberty,
caring for offspring, menopause); controlling the
reproductive cycle; induction or suppression of apoptosis;
activation or inhibition of the immune system, among
The hypothalamus (from the Greek hypo, meaning
"below" and thalamus, meaning "bed") is located at the
base of the brain, in the diencephalon, in an
anteroventral position in relation to the thalamus and
above the sella turcica and pituitary. The dimensions of
the hypothalamus are 1.5 cm in height, 1.5 cm in the
antero-posterior length and 1.3 cm in width. Its weight
varies from 2.5 to 5 g, considering a human brain of
1,200-1,300 g.
It also forms the roof, lateral walls and floor of the
third ventricle. The anatomical limits of the hypothalamus
are: anteriorly, the rostral border of the optic chiasm and
lamina terminalis; caudally, the posterior border of
mamillary nuclei; and rostrally and posteriorly, the
thalamus and the hypothalamic sulcus. The lateral
boundaries are less clear, varying with the level studied,
including the optic tract, internal capsule, pes pedunculi,
globus pallidus, ansa lenticularis and the subthalamic
Because the boundaries between these areas
are disputable, in anatomy, it has been conventioned to
use a coronal plane at the level of mammillary bodies to
separate the hypothalamus, anteriorly, from the
subthalamic region, just behind.
The hypothalamic region includes the tuber
cinereum, the infundibulum, the optic chiasm,
mammillary bodies and the neurohypophysis. There are
two major tracts in the hypothalamus: (1) the
mamillothalamic tract (bundle of Vicq d'Azyr), which
emerges from the medial and lateral mamillary nuclei,
passing dorsally, and terminates at the anterior thalamic
nuclei. At the beginning, it forms a well-defined bundle
Figure 1. The hypothalamus and its neighborhood. Dissection of a silicone-injected cadaveric head has been performed at George Colter
International Microsurgical Lab - University of Florida, Gainesville. A sagittal cut through the head has been made and dissection with
preservation of the retrocomissural fornix has been undertaken. The path of the left column of fornix can be followed down to the mammillary
body. From the mammillary body, a fiber tract passes up along the lateral wall of the ventricle to the anterior nuclei of thalamus: the mammilothalamic
tract - involved in the circuitry of recent memory acquisition. The septum has been removed to expose the right lateral ventricle cavity. The
topographic limits of the hypothalamus are arbitrary. Anatomically, the hypothalamus is defined as the area including the lateral walls of the third
ventricle in front of a coronal plane passing posterior to the mammillary bodies. The anterior limit of this area is the anterior limit of the third
ventricle and is formed by the lamina terminalis. The hypothalamic sulcus can be seen as a groove on the lateral wall of the third ventricle,
between the foramen of Monro and the cerebral aqueduct. The hypothalamic sulcus is used as a landmark to divide the diencephalon. Posterior
to the sulcus is the pars dorsalis (dorsal thalamus and epithalamus), while anterior to the hypothalamic sulcus is the pars ventralis (hypothalamus
and subthalamus). Above the hypothalamic sulcus the walls of the third ventricle are united in 2/3 of the human brains by the interthalamic
adhesion, a portion of gray matter that signals the location of the medial nuclei of thalamus.
A.: Artery, Ant.: Anterior, I. A.: Interthalamic Adhesion, C.: Corpus, Car.: Carotid, Cav.: Cavernous, Cer.: Cerebral, Chor.: Choroid, Com.: Commissure,,
C.N.: Cranial Nerve, For.: Foramen, Int.: Internal, Lam.: Lamina, Lat.: Lateral, Pit.: Pituitary, Segm.: Segment, V.: Vein, Venous, Vent.: Ventricle.