Headache Medicine, v.2, n.3, p.96-98, Jul./Aug./Sep. 2011 97
if initiated during sleep, would override their dreams,
and the pathways possibly involved in visual aura and in
dreams are discussed. This study was approved by the
Committee for Ethics in Research involving Human Beings
of the Neurology Institute of Curitiba (CEP 077/11-0).
Case 1Case 1
Case 1Case 1
Case 1
A 30 year-old caucasian female presented with the
complaint of migraine with aura attacks that had started
at the age of eight. Her aura always started with blurring
of her right hemifield followed by a right hemianopsia
lasting two minutes. After the hemianopsia a bright
fortification spectra would start in her right inferior quadrant,
marching counterclockwise. After a complete turn, its
frequency reduced progressively, and it would became
dysmorphic and occurring at random. The complete aura
used to last 45 minutes. A bilateral throbbing headache,
fulfilling all the criteria for migraine, used to follow the
aura. Sometimes, while asleep and dreaming, her usual
aura would override her dreams imagery. Although she
was not able to tell how long her aura lasted before waking
up, she would wake up having the same type of migraine
attack she used to have while awake. The rest of her
medical and family history was unremarkable. Her physical
and neurological examinations were normal. She was
submitted to a MRI of the head and to an EEG investigation
which did not disclosed abnormalities.
Case 2Case 2
Case 2Case 2
Case 2
A 33 year-old caucasian female was seen because
of a migraine with visual aura which started at the age of
30 years. Her visual aura consisted of cintillating scotomata
at her left visual hemifield, lasting 15 minutes. Her visual
aura was followed by a migrainous throbbing headache.
Since the beginning, episodes would occur at a frequency
of 3-4 a month. Episodes could be triggered by physical
efforts and by dreams while asleep linked to specific dream
content. Her mother had migraine with aura of the chiro-
oral paresthesias. Her MRI of the head was unremarkable.
The anatomic pathways of migraine visualThe anatomic pathways of migraine visual
The anatomic pathways of migraine visualThe anatomic pathways of migraine visual
The anatomic pathways of migraine visual
As mentioned before, aura seems to reflect the
process of CSD, despite the fact that subcortical structures
such as the thalamus seem to be involved. The visual cortex
is known to be the starting zone of most of the migraine
auras. Aura-related CSD is known to involve not only the
primary visual cortex (V1), at the peristriated areas, but
also their closely associated visual unimodal association
areas (V2, V3, V4) and other extrastriated areas (V3/VP,
V3A, V4v).
The anatomic pathways of visual dreams.The anatomic pathways of visual dreams.
The anatomic pathways of visual dreams.The anatomic pathways of visual dreams.
The anatomic pathways of visual dreams.
The anatomic pathways of dreams are not well
understood, but there is an agreement that dreams
originate in the memory banks at the hippocampal and
parahippocampal areas. Some studies using functional
neuroimaging showed that during rapid-eye movement
sleep, significant activations were found in the pontine
tegmentum, thalamic nuclei, limbic areas (amygdaloid
complexes, hippocampal formation, anterior cingulate
cortex) and in the posterior cortices (temporo-occipital
areas in extrastriate areas).
In 1980, Meyer and
colleagues, by using Xenon 133 inhalation, have shown
an increase in gray matter blood flow in the parieto-
occipital zones during dreaming and during hipnagogic
The cases described above illustrate puzzling situations
involving the processing of stored visual imagery and visual
Hypothesis derived from the above mentionedHypothesis derived from the above mentioned
Hypothesis derived from the above mentionedHypothesis derived from the above mentioned
Hypothesis derived from the above mentioned
1) Visual aura projects over hippocampal and
parahippocampal image templates where they may
fuse with dreaming imagery in an unique image; 2)
memory banks use the extrastriatal occipital cortex to
form the image templates and the fusion with visual
aura imagery may occur during this process; c) both
process may occur independently but fuse within visual
association areas.
The phenomenological analysis of the cases above
give us clues for understanding the migraine visual aura
phenomenon and to reinforce the cortical role for this
important manifestation in these patients.
The authors express their appreciation to Ms. Marisa
Avelar de Morais for the review of style.