Bastos SNMAN, Sousa DACM, Melo SSS, Barbosa BLF, Cruz LGB, Silva-Néto RP
Headache in patients with coronavirus disease (Covid-19): An integrative literature review
that can also appear at the beginning of the disease should not be
neglected, but contribute to the diagnosis, especially in those patients
with a positive epidemiological history.
This review had some limitations. All patients were from China,
so some articles found were written in Chinese and needed to
be translated
10 -13
. In addition, as it is pandemic, new studies were
published almost daily and described the headache incompletely.
However, we believe that these ndings are consistent with the
clinical manifestations of this disease.
Concl usion
COVID-19 patients have several clinical manifestations, including
headache that is nonspecic with a prevalence of 7.7%.
This research received no specic grant from any funding
agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-prot sectors.
Conflict of Interest:
There is no conict of interest.
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